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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1550451 No.1550451 [Reply] [Original]

>be NEET for over 3 years, never earn a single cent
>inherit $50,000
keep working, cucks.

>> No.1550550

Damn, that must be awesome!
same here
minus, you know, the inherit part
can't force myself to work in a 9-5 again
3 years being a NEET nervous wreck
this life must be a sick joke or some universal-level reality show laughing on our misery
>inb4 kys, try /r9k/

>> No.1550557

>achieving nothing in life

Work is good for the soul.

>> No.1550577

>Work is good for the soul.
I bet you believe in that life is fair and everyone gets what they deserve too
I'd love to be that naive

>> No.1550582

Kek that must suck balls. I make more in 2-3 months from home. Do you plan to live on 2 bucks a month or smth?

>> No.1550584
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I'm really glad I'm not as miserable and hopless as this.

>> No.1550586

Wow you inherited 1 year, maybe 2 years of a liveable wage, impressive

>> No.1550589

And how come you inherit 50k only? My wife got more on her 20th bday from grandma.

>> No.1550593

And what do you do from home?

>> No.1550594

It wasn't even really an inheritance, more of just getting money from some family related shit, even though I had almost no part in it at all. my actual inheritance is going to be huge.

>> No.1550602

Family owns a factory I sell the product. Manage several portfolios for family members >>1550594
Hope you're the only child cause my brother in law expected to get the family hospital but got kicked out at 25 for being a neet.

>> No.1550603

>Self-admitted Nervous wreck, probably depressed with little to no friends or sex

>Lol neet master race!

>> No.1550604

I wasn't until a few days ago
Don't know what happened, maybe I just got tired
But now I understand criminals
I can almost forgive those assholes that robbed me
I was scared for my life thinking I'm gonna die, but now I'm starting to feel that hopelessness that they could feel to do that

>> No.1550624

Kek, are tou even trying

>be neet
>get college fund with 50,000

And my family isn't even dead yet

>> No.1550644

neither is mine

also, i didn't fall for the college meme kek bye bye future wagie.

>> No.1550645

Okay then what are you going to do when your parents die

>> No.1550651

I'll be inheriting from my grandparents when they croak within the next ten years. Then, my parents will croak within two decades after that.

I'll inherit enough to not have to work in my entire life, if I chose to do so. I already have more invested than most of /biz/ so I don't have to do anything. I'll never be a wageslave.

>> No.1550659

I hate my father for getting a divorce and having 2 other child
I'm pretty sure that those 2 fuckers will inherit everything

>> No.1550670


It's actually true though. I was in the same situation as you, was forced to take a job as insurance salesma of all things and I really wondered when starting how long I would be able to do it before I'd kill myself. Now I realize that work, or Eustress, has a very good effect on your mental condition and I feel like I can do anything now. And since I'm sales I feel even confident enough to start a business once I have enough funding capital.

Gotta eat shit before you can eat the caviar

>> No.1550687

try /r9k/

>> No.1550693

Any more relatives you could kill, op?

>> No.1550695

try sucking these nuts, wagie.

>> No.1550730
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You honestly sound insufferable and that's only through text. It's a good thing women will still select the dead beat alpha over faggots like you or we would have went extinct a long time ago.

Have fun raising my children.

>> No.1550736

so what? gonna live off the dollar menu for the next 50 years? cardboard box in the park can get you free housing

>> No.1550749

That doesn't sound like you gargling my nuts in your mouth, wagie. Have fun raising my children when your "girlfriend" gets pounded by me because i'm not some beta male that works under other males like you.

Money long. Stacks high.

Literally stay mad.

>> No.1550753

Are you really bragging about inheriting less than one year's wages or is this a bait thread?

>> No.1550761

50k will last for a long time NEETing, I live with 2k a year

>> No.1550762

I have more than anyone here.

>> No.1550766
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>That doesn't sound like you gargling my nuts in your mouth, wagie.
>it's another episode of a NEET sharing his gay, ""alpha"" fantasies

>> No.1550771

>I live with 2k a year

how much is your rent

>> No.1550774

That's because you live in your mom's house rent-free and your only hobby is jerking off.
What are you going to do when she dies?

And yet your potential for growth is lower than even the average NEET here.

>> No.1550780



when my grandmother died I got the house

>> No.1550790

I'll inherit my grandmothers home on several acres so what you say is irrelevant. Stay poor and stupid, wagie.

>> No.1550801
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>slow-in-the-minds NEET who apparently has no siblings or cousins and will ruin his family's land is calling someone else poor and stupid
Okay, you got me, I fell for the bait.

>> No.1550803

stop replying idiot

why do people get b8ed by neets so hard.

This is the NEETs only form of social interaction every day, don't give him the attention he craves

>> No.1550809

How jealous could you possibly be? I don't want you gargling my nuts anymore. You're not even worthy of that. Run along now before Mr. Schlomo fires you for screaming at your monitor too much.

Don't get too jealous kid.

>> No.1550828

work is soul crushing
t. wagie

>> No.1550866

>implying inheriting $50,000 is even worth mentioning

$50k is what a low-income wage earner makes in a year, it's hardly a life changing amount.

>> No.1551640

How dare he be happy.

If you were my kid I'd cut you out. You're a little shit.

>> No.1551641

So sales tax?

And you must be hungry skellington too. Are you like 5'2?

What's your caloric intake/food budget look like?

>> No.1551642

property tax****

>> No.1551720

Hi, OP. You're still a fucking faggot.

>> No.1551742

yeah be a NEET and invest your money and drink wagecuck tears.. its the only way to live life. Live your dreams, dont let anyone tell you how to get cucked

>> No.1551753

That's not me and you're an insecure faggot wageslave.

>> No.1551780
