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File: 701 KB, 887x728, Mattel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15504344 No.15504344 [Reply] [Original]

What's your answer to this?

>> No.15504360

small pool of talent to choose from.

>> No.15504369

>What's your answer to this?
Get hired as the CEO. Start your own massive corporation. Or shut the fuck up.

>> No.15504372

Become CEO

>> No.15504398

Only disgusting commies would complain about this.

>> No.15504400
File: 191 KB, 791x504, 1474039481886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me exactly, and i mean exactly, why a CEO could (should?) earn that much more.
i do not currently believe they bring that type of value.
why should i think differently, if all it takes is proper talent acquisition?

>> No.15504406

Get rid of Jews

>> No.15504408


>> No.15504426
File: 68 KB, 546x550, 1419900170725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice argument, retard.
im not anti-capitalist, im anti-thief.

>> No.15504439
File: 29 KB, 720x724, E4D091FF-C4BD-47C9-9A3A-F8AB764F0475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about it?

>> No.15504531

so do it yourself, open a company and be the ceo, give yourself millions

>> No.15504559

Capitalism is theft though.

>> No.15504605
File: 494 KB, 500x281, 1567748457479.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tell me exactly, and i mean exactly, why a CEO could (should?) earn that much more.
Anon I...

>i do not currently believe they bring that type of value.
you don't know what you don't know. do yourself a favor and observe more, and remember, what you currently believe doesn't matter.. at all, to anyone

>why should i think differently, if all it takes is proper talent acquisition?
pic related

>> No.15504611
File: 530 KB, 598x558, 1562124494311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if he's that good securing money for himself, imagine how good he is securing money for the company

>> No.15504614

>Capitalism is theft though.
TIL consensual equal exchange of goods between individuals is theft.

>> No.15504653

>pay rent or starve goy
What did he mean by this?

>> No.15504666

A mugger robbing old ladies is excellent at aquiring money for himself, let's make him ceo!

>> No.15504683

go live in the woods.

>> No.15504700

...because companies are willing to pay them that much? Do you believe the government is forcing them to pay their CEO that much or sometbing?
> I don't think they bring that kind of value
Then don't pay your CEO that much, problem solved!

>> No.15504724

You keep on looking at the distractions. The CEO's salary is a drop in the bucket compared to what the shareholders make, and his salary would amount to only a pittance if spread among all employees. Part of why they do this is misdirection. You're expending your ammunition on a fight with a puppet where your prize is crumbs.

>> No.15504728
File: 72 KB, 500x750, Wizard Burning Money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CEOs run companies and therefore should reap their harvest. Most employees do such simplistic tasks they could be replaced by machines or trained monkeys, it's just cheaper to use humans at the moment. If humans outprice themselves, there's plenty of machines and monkeys waiting to take their jobs.

>> No.15505422

the CEO is 5,000X more valuable than the average wagecuck

>> No.15505441
File: 217 KB, 1337x1289, v62lFbx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*gulp* *gulp* *gulp* *gulp*
Hear that? It's the sound of you guys chugging down cum. Fucking homos.

>> No.15505496

>just become a multi-million CEO rather than a low wage worker.

Yes, let me just scrap together a PPT pitch deck where Peter thiel will literally blow me and hand me a blank check for my genius idea. It's so easy anyone can do it. I mean you did it right? Oh you didn't? Well you're so clever and smart and handsome, it's just a matter of time when you'll put in the minimum effort it requires to become an over night success.

To all those who suggest this I know it's a hard concept to grasp, but please realize you're absolutely retarded and you should stfu and stop voting Trump.

>> No.15505531

Exactly. Bootlickers are literal retards that can't grasp the simplest of concepts.

>> No.15505537

Because a CEO has to make the good choices.
They end up deciding if the company is/remains prosperous or not and companies are ready to pay them a lot for that.

To give you some food for thought: most people fail to manage themselves and their ressources properly so imagine if they had to manage thousands of other people and hundreds of millions in budget.

>> No.15505568

muggers aren't good at aquiring money at all, which is why they are muggers

>> No.15505729

>Years of studying, financial sacrifices and intellicence to be where he is
>Just be phisically capable to do a simple factory job (or don't who cares)

>> No.15505792

The ceo salary vs employee salary is a false argument. Their job is to increase shareholder value. If they increase profit and value for shareholders, their pay should increase.

CEO salary’s should be viewed in relation to total revenue and ebitda margins

>> No.15505799

>CEOs run companies
No they fucking don't

>> No.15505813

So what do you think CEOs do? Just sit in their office and let the employees make all the critical decisions on their own?

>> No.15505819

Majority of employees are in China so it's not a true comparison.

>> No.15505824

It's usually the board of directory that takes decisions, most CEOs are just frontmen

>> No.15505832

this board doesn’t deserve thoughtful and logical comments. We are only suppose to lurk here

>> No.15505860

Yeah, they pay them the big bucks just to put on a face for the crowd.

>> No.15505870

Try to be the CEO?

>> No.15505880

>imagine sucking the cock of meritocracy this hard
did you know that kings were traditionally ordained by god, and when hardship swept the country is was a sign that god no longer looked favorably on the king.
meritocracy is your new god, the truth is else where.

>> No.15505887

It's a risk-reward interaction. At the fringes this creates some goofy results, but hey, why do you care? It provides something to aim for, right?

Or are you one of these bitter Facebook moms who spends all day passive aggressive posting about how "nobody NEEDS a gas guzzling superstar that can do 200mph, therefore they shouldn't be allowed" or "our service men and women should get pro football player wages, like if you agree". Not everything in life is exactly equitable. Some people win the lottery. Some people are huge celebrities. Some people are royalty or the kids of presidents or CEOs. It's rare enough that it doesn't really unbalance the system, and more than that your desire to tear down the tall poppies isn't healthy.

>> No.15505891

>lmao man, people should all just get stuff just because

>> No.15505892


>> No.15505898

>green texting this poorly

>> No.15505913

>I don't know what you're talking about, anon.

>> No.15505931

at least you can admit it.

>> No.15506021

>It's usually the board of directory that takes decisions, most CEOs are just frontmen

Are you underrage or something?
The board is in vast majority of the case consulted only when there is something to discuss about the structure/ressources of the company (typically loans, merging, sells, profits, losses, etc...) or if there is a big strategic shift in the company but that's it.
Having a board running a company "hands on" would be a shitshow.

>> No.15506206
File: 540 KB, 1080x1084, 1535155978913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it ironic that a board full of basement dwelling autistic NEETs who shudder at the idea of a 40 hour work week think that a CEO has it easy. They're literally never not working, 20+ hours a day with no free time. The massive salary is the only incentive to do that job. A CEO needs to be not only the most qualified person for that position, but they have to have the work ethic of an absolute sociopath in order to keep the company running and shareholders happy.

I'd literally rather be a Janitor making $8 an hour than a CEO, all things considered

>> No.15507097

If the ceo didn't exist neither would the job for the 88 iq wagecuck. Your pay is proportional to the value you add, but this fact gets distorted because the government steals from you in the form of taxes. Next time ask why the government deserves 50% of what you earn.

>> No.15507127

What do you mean answer? What is the question?

>> No.15507130
File: 53 KB, 908x790, 403049830968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your answer to this?
not owning shares in mattel if I think that this particular fact when combined with all the others will push the expected return below my required level

>> No.15507227
File: 54 KB, 824x960, 1480939987328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take UGGGEE Loan, gamble basically everything and live like rat.
>Make it or Brake it.
>Brake it
HAHAHAHAHA Loser nobody forced him to take a Loan and start shitty company
>Make it
Wahhhhh Wahhhh wahhh he makes too much money and employs 100+ people and feeding their families ITS NOT FAIR WE NEED DA REVALUTION VIVA LA COMMUNISM NIGGER

Get fucked in ass you stupid Nigger Communist

>> No.15507250

7 0 0 k
k 0 0 7

>> No.15507587

name 1 ceo that invests in his company after he makes bank.

and yes it is his company because she is only along for the ride/divorce settlement.

>> No.15507828
File: 22 KB, 488x463, 3D6AE588-4465-4615-8933-CBFC2E25CDD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i do not currently believe

>> No.15507839

>name one CEO
elon musk. now get the fuck off this board

>> No.15507842

None of my business, or yours either.