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15503130 No.15503130 [Reply] [Original]

Are you guys preparing for the greatest depression in history? It has already begun. However, I predict it will go into full swing around 2021, which will give Trump a very narrow window to getting a second term win. It's going to be a global depression. Oh, and thanks to Quantitative Easing by the central banks, it will also be inflationary.

>> No.15503150


>> No.15503153

I hope it happens soon. I'm bored as fuck over here

>> No.15503161

I too, have noticed all the MSM shilling a great depression. They want to put it into our subconsciousness, nothing on the news is there by chance or whim.

>> No.15503165

Does this mean ma silver price goes up?

>> No.15503182

Wow they let any moron write articles confirmed. I cant even imagine being so low IQ you would fall for this

>> No.15503190

i got 35k debt i dont give a fuck.

>> No.15503201

The headline is a lie; pure FUD. They even put the national debt below to frighten you, LMAO! The only thing going to take a hit with the eventual recession are businesses and traditional investments. Good time to get into blockchains.

>> No.15503203

It tanked a dollar so I am buying more

>> No.15503205


Next time your mom goes down on me will be "worse than the Great Gaping":my dick

>> No.15503208

Traditional investments will be fine, actually, more or less. Don't even listen to me. Just realize you're being had with articles like these.

>> No.15503212


Nice source

>> No.15503226
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How can I prepare???

>> No.15503235


Stop clowning around

>> No.15503239
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>> No.15503285
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>> No.15503294

nothing will crash retard

they can just print more money

>> No.15503335

Depressions are usually caused by too little money in the economy; inflation by too much. If you look at the previous round of QE, it didn't cause much inflation.

It is theoretically possible to have both if there's a huge supply shock, but do you have a candidate for what that could be? The economy is not as dependant on oil as it was in the 1970s.

>> No.15503341

Hair of the dog.
Hopefully cirrhosis sets in at least after Trump's reelecton

>> No.15503359

not enough gold

>> No.15503405

no enough beecoin

>> No.15503428
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The dollar is up 21% since mid-2011.

>> No.15503432
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>> No.15503437

Sept. 22, 2018.......

>> No.15503445

>If you look at the previous round of QE, it didn't cause much inflation.

It didn't cause much inflation because milenials got rekt and are not buying shit , it did cause inflation in things like housing that have low supply.

Now they worried they can't even get inflation even with low interest rates and qe , basically milenials are not buying shit even tough they keep pumping the economy and soon boomers won't be buying shit neither due to them retiring.

When you don't have inflation and you are pumping the economy non stop you know things are terribly weird kek.

By the time they realize that inflation is impacting generations differently it will be too late.

>> No.15503459

things like housing, where they measure the rental rate rather than a market rate for a house? Or the gauge that leaves things like gas energy and food off? Where do you think all this qe went? not to consumers.

>> No.15503460

Same. I'm DCAing into short positions on all indexes.

>> No.15503482
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>Where do you think all this qe went? not to consumers.

Keynsians retards caused this mess , the ultimate goal was probably a cashless society , it probably still is but if they have at least 100 iq they would realize that cryptos destroyed that goal.
Probably the only reason they are not pushing for that is unironically cryptos.

The pump of the economy went to the boomers mostly since they had houses and less monthly spendings plus good jobs so they did well.

But the youth is not buying cars , houses or investing in shit , worldwide in the western world the youth is broken as it's never been.

Shit's going to get ugly.

>> No.15503484

guns and ammo

>> No.15503494

Up 21% compared to what exactly?

>> No.15503535

a broad basket of trading partners currencies, dxy. Pretty stunning admission desu

>> No.15503570
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Start preparing with /fit/ and /k/.

>> No.15503572

>They want to put it into our subconsciousness, nothing on the news is there by chance or whim.
Newspapers: there's probably going to be a depression
(You): The newspapers are trying to subconsciously condition us to expect a depression!
Have you considered that they might just be reporting on the prevailing economic conditions?

>> No.15503579

they have been trying to hide it. Just look at the facts. You will realize the whole economy is clown world tier.

>> No.15503586

all that means is countries are fleeing to the safe haven asset: the usd.
Once they realize the USD is also fucked where will they go?

>> No.15503592

>didn't cause much inflation because milenials got rekt and are not buying shit , it did cause inflation in things like housing that have low supply.

The QE exponentially went to people, usually much older, who already had assets, the more assets they had the more they got. There’s been incredible ridiculous inflation in things like retard artist Damian Hirsts modern art shite pieces, ridiculous inflation in high end housing and cars. Overall though it’s went to a group (or class) of people who don’t spend as much of their liquidity as the vast majority. The State has ironically gave the wealth to the 1% who would rather sit on it then invest it. Which is why inflation has barely moved in-spite of CE pumping trillions of paper currencies globally. 2030 is the tipping point when those with assets begin to rapidly decline and that’s when it’ll pop with no chance of a recovery.

>> No.15503620

I like to put the word experts in quotes on these.

"Scientists" say climate change is real.

"Doctors" say trans women aren't mentally ill.

Depression imminent, say "experts".

Also works when you replace it with urine soaked homeless drunk.

>> No.15503634

The national debt doesn't actually mean anything.

>> No.15503638

quantum computing is going to rek crypto

mark carney and now lagarde has called for an alternative to the $
its a liquidity crisis also.
you are a stupid fool if you havent made a pile during the biggest bull market in history.

>> No.15503657

Are you really this brainwashed? Every major economist in the entire world, people who do nothing all day but study economies and economic history, all predict the US and really most of the world is/are essentially fucked.... and yet you have taken it in the ass so hard by right wing propaganda that your best thought is "MSM is shilling lululululzzzzzz". Definition of brainlet. Seek news and information from multiple sources, educate yourself and come to your own conclusions, and stay the fuck out of /sheep/... I mean, /pol/.

>> No.15503665

I'm already poor and unemployed, I just want to watch this shit system melt TF down. If I weren't completely surrounded by mindless consuming fucking idiots I might feel differently but the uncurious deserve whatever shit is coming down the barrel.

>> No.15503683

Made some but i’m too young to have had a large enough hand in it to begin with.

>> No.15503691

It does when you’re no longer the world’s reserve currency which the US is heading towards. Why would the Saudi’s or Chinese keep buying their IOU’s?

>> No.15503714
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ray dialio doesn't think so. you are shilling an establishment narrative right now. it would suit the globohomos well for a economic hardship

>> No.15503734
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yeah, yeah, yeah
Ron Paul has been non stop about this fud since the 70's.
It's something I'm prepared for, but I'm not going to worry about it. Just gonna have fun.

>> No.15503744


Along with everything else relative to the USD.

>> No.15503770

>I trust hedge fund managers hurrrduurrr
Ray dialio isn’t an economist he’s a fucking scam artist. He literally makes money being a salesman for shit he has no idea will be good for his clients or not. Scum of earth tier shit, he will only ever plug what he thinks will make him money. Keep taking advice from that.

>> No.15503787
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Puts and a van to live in.

>> No.15503800

Ayo dis nigga be woke!!

Kill yourself

>> No.15503802

the mainstream media and global banking institutions have two goals in informing the public about recession right now, they are seeking to cover their own asses when the next shoe drops so they can say they "tried to warn us", and, they are conditioning a majority of the public to automatically blame conservatives and sovereignty proponents when the consequences hit them without mercy. As the truth of a recession smacks the public in the face, the media will likely pull back slightly, justas they did in 2008, and suggest that the downturn is "temporary". They will claim it's "not a repeat of the credit crisis", or that it will "subside after Trump is out of office". These will all be lies designed to keep the public complacent even as the house of cards collapses around them. The fact is, the hard data shows that economic conditions in the USa and in most of the world are far more unstable than they were in 2008.we are not looking at the crash of a credit bubble, we are looking at the crash of the 'Everything Bubble'. To be clear, Trump is not the cause of the Everything Bubble, nor is he the cause of its current implosion. No president has the power to trigger a collapse of this magnitude, only central banks have that power. When Trump argues that the Fed is causing a downturn, he is telling the truth, but when he claims that recession fears are exaggerated, or "inappropriate", he is lying.

>> No.15503846

Admissions of crisis in the media are coinciding directly with Trump's policy actions. In other words, Trump is providing perfect cover for the central banks to crash the economy without receiving any of the blame. Trump's insistence on taking full credit for the bubble in stock markets as well as fraudulent GDP and employment numbers, after specifically warning about all of these things during his election campaign, has now tied the economy like a noose around the necks of conservatives. The tone of warning in the media indicates to me that the banking elites are about to tighten that noose. With Germany on the verge of admitting recession, Deutsche Bank on the edge of insolvency, Italy nearing political and financial crisis, etc., it is only a matter of months before Europe sees its own "Lehman moment". The Brexit will be a marker for a timeline on when the crash will hit its stride. Ask yourself, when has any MSM pundit told you to sell your bags?

>> No.15503895
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anti-Trump lefties are so desperate now that the only sliver of a chance they have to win in 2020 would be to summon a recession by constantly talking about it

there is no recession and the economy is doing great. if it happens it only happens because left wing media constantly talk about it.

>> No.15503924

Bill Dudley did an op-ed in bloomberg in which he advocated the Fed to prevent Trump's 2020 re-election by sending the economy in a recession. dudley is a goldmanite that works at the nyfed. As the president. Its fact the fed is going to fuck us all.

>> No.15503939

and the new york fed is not any fed, its the international bank fed, the real power broker, along with boe and bis.

>> No.15504122

Your conspiracy theory seems plausible. Seriously. In your estimate, how much time do we have before we see impacts? What will the impacts be on the economy (depression, inflation, etc.)?

Basically, what I to know is how do you profit during this?

>> No.15504191

>Your conspiracy theory seems plausible.
Come on man. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that the media will spin the depression to make it seem like Trump caused it.

And this very board has been posting signs of the upcoming recession which is bound to be much worse than ever.

>> No.15504197


This. Humanity needs some excitement and suffering or most will turn into Ready Player One phone people even moreso than now.

>> No.15504229


When was that op-ed? Trump, at this point, has completely capitulated to global moneyed interests.

>> No.15504308

>Every major economist in the entire world, people who do nothing all day but study economies and economic history, all predict the US and really most of the world is/are essentially fucked

>i didnt totally pull this statement out of my ass

silence you retard. what are the qualifications to be an economist? a degree? a licenese? no its literally random people guessing at price fluctuations in the markets.

explain why our economy is fucked. muh national debt that the US is the primary holder of anyways? a tradewar with china so we have to pay more for our crap at wallmart? a link to a releastate listing of a house in NYC or LA that is 5million dollars for 1k square feet? a picture of a retard who owes more on their student loan than the intially borrowed?

>> No.15504311

No matter how "major" economists are, predictions that rely on false assumptions are worthless. Garbage in, garbage out.

The biggest false assumption they make is that the government will ever have to eliminate its debt.

>> No.15504363

>Every major economist in the entire world
how many can you name that aren't jews?

>> No.15504459

Reread my post. I agree. You do understand what a conspiracy is, right?

>> No.15504464
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>> No.15504477

Not against bitcoin

>> No.15504483

RSR will replace the longstanding USD shitcoin. Have no fear

>> No.15504513

Can /depression/pilled anons rate my position.

>5% Silver
>5% Gold
>10% Gold and Silver Mining Stocks
>40% Cash (AUD)
>30% Bitcoin
>5% Leveraged Short position on Australian Property Funds.
>5% Leveraged Short position on S&P 500

>Medicine at Uni
>Own company that manages crypto assets and products for rich boomers. Heavy focus on DeFi, getting them 10% interest using USDT lending.

If economy crashes, go full time and expand company.
If economy pumps, be wage slave doctor until it crashes.

>> No.15504550
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>EVERYONE and their mother know about the yield curve
>don't even know that all the studies refer to the 10-2 being inverted for over a quarter
>Don't know that the treasury has been BUYING longdated bonds and driving the interest rate down.
>every small spec pleb in the world thinks a recession is imminent.

That's how I know it won't happen. The masses rarely get what they want or expect. The poor get poorer, it's the law of the land.

>> No.15504553


And how will they increase the human productivity that creates the value of that money?

>> No.15504567


When that money does start moving, it's all fucked. Watch the pension funds especially.

>> No.15504577

>are you preparing
Yes, I am all in Bitcoin

>> No.15504589

>quantum computing
you don't know anything about quantum computing, otherwise you wouldn't even mention it
not only that, satoshi already talked quantum computing in 2009
your quantum water computer is
>not gonna break SHA-256 like you think it will
>even if it did, it would not break SHA-3
>you don't even need to go to SHA-3: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Quantum_computing_and_Bitcoin#Mitigations

TL DR: quantum coping

>> No.15504609

>5% Leveraged Short position on S&P 500

>> No.15504610


Cash is trash, the rest is pretty good. Take a look at Orion Protocol if you're looking for new opportunities to make good money.

>> No.15504618

They're trying to create a self-fulfilling prophecy

>> No.15504641

or they're trying to get dummies to sell their stocks, so the big boys can buy them for cheap and make the big moneys.

>> No.15504682

this guy fucks

>> No.15504705

My stock shorts are the only things bleeding me.

Could it all be FUD? My dad laughs at my gold and silver and the fact I wont go into (((debt))) Every time I ask for advise he tells me to sell it all and buy investment properties.

If the economy crashes my thinking is that I will be able to scoop up all the bankrupt boomers properties and stocks for cheap.

>> No.15504717

it means the stock market will crash and your money will be worthless because of printing money to save stuff like banks and neetbux.

>> No.15504722

To make money you need to stand out from the herd and be right. If everyone had gold it would be priced accordingly so. It’s a good thing that nobody owns PMs. They can keep laughing. I will be the hand that chooses to feed.

Wrong, they’re trying to get the public to vote trump out. They think it will be his fault.

>> No.15504726

OK, short the stock market then. I'll long it, let's see who profits?

>> No.15504736

Why not cash?

The big crashes happen very quickly right? Stocks and property will drop faster than AUD, and I will be able to buy the bottom of the property market.

>> No.15504775

>gets shilled on a shitcoin
>doesn't know why he's being told not to hold cash
Are all bears this retarded?

>> No.15504826

Im profiting with silver.

>> No.15504880


99% of everyone on this board won't last a week if it came to what the image says

>> No.15504888

Funny how consumer cucks are always fucked over. Banks are also indebted, just like you, yet they are never compelled to disband and die when they refuse to pay. Why is that so, /biz/?

>> No.15504911

I may buy back in to some paper silver if it continues to dump tomorrow, but PM's aren't so much a bet on a recession as they are a bet on interest rate cuts and hyperinflation.

>> No.15504913


china borrowed a crap ton of US IOUS

and now it's biting them in the ass because they own a x amount mark up

>> No.15504922

>every pleb thinks recession is imminent
USA plebs:Record high stock market, low unemployment. MAGA!
Australia Plebs:Buying 7th investment property using unrealized equity on interest only loan. Everyone thinks our economy is immune because we voted in a liberal government.

>Big bois buying stocks for cheap
Warren Buffet in highest cash position ever. Gold and silver being bought at institutional and government levels.
Bezos and other billionaires selling massive amounts of shares to MAGA boomers at the top.

>Treasury buying bonds to lower interest rates
Lower interest rates are financial stimulus. Why would a treasury stimulate an economy if it its organically growing?

>> No.15504923

They're institutions that have a time horizon of hundreds of years. It's why, even if JPM was manipulating silver to accumulate at a low price, I'm not exactly bullish on it, because they could continue doing it and not really care as they accumulate for another 200 years.

>> No.15504927

Dumping all my money into crypto, hopefully the plebs don't notice my riches before I can raise a private army.

>> No.15504929

China and other countries are not acquiring rocks to have a nice closet. They know the USD will run it’s course and a metal standard will have to be implemented.
>bet on interest rate cuts and hyperinflation
Paper vs physical . Yes I agree

>> No.15504935

>hey wait what the fuck do you mean? this 150 iq white guy has a jewish surname? oh shit thanks bro wouldn’t wanna listen to anything he has to say lmao

>> No.15504940

trump winning a second term is what will START the collapse. The man is terrible for business and everyone really.

>> No.15504947

The thing with PMs is there’s a fixed supply. They own +50% of the silver on COMEX. They increased their silver position by 20% in like 2018 iirc.

>> No.15504963
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>a broad basket of trading partners currencies
yeah, all of which are losing value when priced against gold

>> No.15504974

This is unironically the thought process of the world's major central bankers

nothing but a bunch of technocrats and their shitty one-good, one-wage, one-firm and one-price keynesian macro computer models.

>> No.15504980

>Why would an organization, appointed by a politician, want to stimulate an economy that politician is in charge of?
I don't know man, can you think of a reason?

He's very based for private prisons...

>Bezos and other billionaires selling massive amounts of shares
You make some good points but this is one I think people make too much out of. Dude just got half his shit taken away by his ex, and his stock price was at an all-time high. And he announced ahead of time that he was going to be selling stock to fund his private space force. That doesn't sound to me like it means everything's going to implode.

Physical is nice, but I'd lose so much money having to buy a big safe and a gun. I like how liquid paper is, but maybe one day when I'm a big time rock hoarder, I'll make the jump. Aww what the hell, probably not, I really like stocks because of DRiP and compounding returns.

That sounds like a too-big-to-fail scenario... If all the worlds richest people have an interest in something, I don't think I'd want to take the opposite side of that trade.

>> No.15504991

Exactly which is why for example car production is stuck since 2008 the recovery is a pure larp.

>2030 is the tipping point when those with assets begin to rapidly decline and that’s when it’ll pop with no chance of a recovery.

I would say 2021-2023 the fact that many cryptos will have inflation bellow fiat currencies will accelerate the decay of the central banking retardation happening.

>> No.15505099

>Bezo announcing sale
Yes in July, his sell off at start of august was unannounced and he gave no reason afterwards.

Correct me if I am wrong but your main point seems to be that the rich always get richer and recession talk is FUD to manipulate normal people into positions that the rich will benefit from.

You realize a recession/depression is a huge money maker for the rich. As they have the cash to buy cheap assets that the Middle class is forced to sell because they lose their job and are in debt so cannot wait out the market.

>> No.15505108

>recessions are just FUD to flush weak hands out of the market
huh. well sign me up for the recession too then.

>> No.15505378

A metal standard will NEVER have to be implemented, and spells economic catastrophe for anyone stupid enough to try implementing it.
Haven't you noticed how China's recently felt the need to devalue its currency?

>> No.15505397
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Jeez bro, it's just text on a screen, why are you so flustered?

>> No.15505445
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Relevant from yesterday's thread

>> No.15505483

>I predict it