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File: 1.58 MB, 479x273, 197854.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15502571 No.15502571 [Reply] [Original]

I dont even spend money on other girls now. it goes straight to her.
I even try to give her money for free cause i want to be her provider.

What is wrong with me?

>> No.15502656

Funny thing about sex workers of all stripes. Cam girls. Strippers. Escorts. Once they've decided that you're a trick they never perceive you as anything else. Remember that to her, at this point, you're just a wallet that she extracts money from.

>> No.15502687

then why wont she take more money from me? i want to give her all of it ;_;

>> No.15502700

Have you tried asking her out?

>> No.15502748

Why should he? She's a whore, that won't go well for him.

If she was a decent catch, she wouldn't be a whore in the first place.

>> No.15502770

the absolute fucking state

>> No.15502792
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>It's only for you now, Anon

>> No.15502802

>not convincing her that you love her, and have her pay for your living expenses

>> No.15502809

Can you at least cream her pie?

>> No.15502813

Chances are it goes the other way.

>> No.15502819

>implying that doesn't apply more so to non-hookers
Look at this bluepilled faggot and laugh.

>> No.15502828
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>giving a literal whore money for free
Sorry to hear that, anon, but I think you might just be the biggest cuck on the board atm.

>> No.15502831

>implying that doesn't apply more so to non-hookers
a thot can have 200 sex partners in her entire life.
A whore can have 200 sex partners in a month.

>> No.15502835

Only if he has no self control.

>> No.15502849

Your posting style is so obvious Mr.V, I've told you before its not going to work out. She lives overseas and works as a whore it doesnt matrer if she said you were good. No money you spend on her will make you happy you marry a whore she goes out and cucks you for cash.

Use your head kid and just hold LINK get yourself sorted out mentally gym properly and watch motivational videos thats it.

>> No.15502882

You're a fucking cuck if this isn't bait, which it is.

>> No.15502891
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> Only if he has no self control.

Well, let's have a look at this paragon of self-control:
> fucks hookers
> give said hooker money FOR FREE
> whines about it on a Mongolian basketweaving forum

>> No.15502893

>hooker will be in her line of work for only a few years
>mostly sees repeat customers
>uses condoms
>roastie uses birthcontrol
>will literally fuck whoever and whenever instead of only to make money
>spends her whole 20s doing it

>> No.15502910
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She wants to. And offered date.
but were countries apart rn.
But. i want to be one marroes her when she retires. Shes way older than me. haha.
And. i fear shes going to lose interest in me and marry other faggot.
but we still chat to this day. i got to return to her asap. im in college

But. i admit. she doesnt reply much. just read. but she is only thing keeping me together.
i literally break down like car amd stay in bed all day when i think shes gonna be gone for good

stop insulting me. its true love

>> No.15502931
File: 44 KB, 560x463, full retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop insulting me. its true love

No, it isn't. And you're just going to hurt yourself because you went full retard.

>> No.15502933

Your love is one sided.
I can sympathize but you're being exploited.

>> No.15502935

i dont think so

the hookers id be tempted to hire if link moons charge like $7000 for a night

$40k for a month

somehow i dont think they're fucking 200 guys in a month

>> No.15502941

Brah you're just deluded by your hormones into thinking it's love. Fuck any girl enough times and it happens, it's an addiction. Been there, done that

>> No.15502943

her vagina better smell like roses if she's charging $7k a night.

>> No.15502950

>somehow i dont think they're fucking 200 guys in a month
if they did then id forget about link mooning and try to marry one of them right now because 200 * 7000 is $1.4M/mo

i'll let her be my sugar momma

>> No.15502971
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>it's true love
That's your dick talking, not your brain you fucking retard. Grow up and stop lusting after washed up hookers, you fucking child

>> No.15502976
File: 340 KB, 606x456, 296B73D8-E2DF-4E44-A61A-826B27E43077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’ve paid $7000 for a hooker?

>> No.15502980
File: 186 KB, 150x150, d38ioqj-909c65ec-828a-4b20-86a1-ff94bfa8cee2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop calling me a cuck and tell me how to marry her!

>> No.15502987

kys you genetic dead end

>> No.15502996

maybe not roses

the one thing that makes me look at her weird is shes had so much work done that i almost wonder if she might have been a man once

look up escort with first name gloria last name azusa

if she was a man at any point that would be a big turnoff

she is supposedly 5'9'' which is suspiciously tall

>> No.15503005

>5'9'' which is suspiciously tall
what? what manlet country do you call from?

>> No.15503008

i refuse to believe this

>> No.15503009

fuck no

bu i would gladly offer 7 linkies when singularity hits

>> No.15503018

Saged, keep this shit on r9k fucking faggot

>> No.15503024

r9k are perma virgins

>> No.15503029

Just where do you think you are?

>> No.15503047
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Her name is Gloria Azusa. Clearly he's in the US.

>> No.15503053

fuck you biz

>> No.15503059

ok I see she's supposedly half asian
also, are you fucking kidding me?
she's at best worth 1/10 that. Maybe fake exclusivity works on some schmucks.
She has an enormous amount of makeup on her, flat, nearly no ass, doesn't even care enough about her site to fix typos

>> No.15503072

>also, are you fucking kidding me?
skinny, pale, asian with boobs

what more could you want

an ass would be great but i dont think that's even possible in combination with all the above

>> No.15503080

>im in college
Whose money are you spending again?

>> No.15503094
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"asian" is not a good physical quality in a whore. Even 6/10 white women absolutely destroy 10/10 east asians, not to mention sea. If you pay at least pay for quality, unless you just want something exotic once.

>> No.15503105
File: 152 KB, 1080x1508, Screenshot_20190905-220632_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you can have some if you win over hooker wife for me

>> No.15503113
File: 12 KB, 270x186, 2Q==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hooker wife is best whore in whole world. Why do you think i give her money over white girls in my country?

>> No.15503133

why did you pay for her in the first place?
the harsh truth is that guys with asian fever have an inferiority complex and feel insecure in the presence of white female, but they feel superior to asians in general.
That's why so many white nationalists have asian wives.

>> No.15503134

you should get out more
also kek at her description
> Natural 34D
uh huh, just like that naturally shaved pointy chin and that naturally reconfigured nose that she uses to say she's half white (l.m.a.o)

you guys should just get one of those sex dolls from the youtube documentaries. made of the same material, will save you money and won't give you an STD and make you post cringey shit on 4channel.

>> No.15503136

this is not r9k dipshits, i just double saged this trash thread.
I dont even blame you newfags
Kike jannies letting this retarded thread stay up need the rope

>> No.15503151

oh. i dont believe in that shit. hey, i would get ehite whore too, i like blondes. im not intimidated. im just in love with jap girl

>> No.15503156

shut up virgin

>> No.15503159

>insecure chink
It all makes sense now.

>> No.15503237
File: 525 KB, 919x983, d9zccce-b1905e66-90e7-4f01-841b-368a1629dfe5(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So whats the game plan, biz?

>> No.15503310
File: 119 KB, 929x1175, 1567116420720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Varrapi you can stop posting now.

>> No.15503320

i am not this namefag you speak of

>> No.15503342

make here pay you for the next time tell here you want to be more than a customer but dont go full retard see what she says
>you are probably going to find out what you know is true already >>15503156

>> No.15503344
File: 6 KB, 159x316, 1567561160153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much are you willing to lose?
Because in your situation you will lose lots.

>> No.15503350
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>> No.15503358


>> No.15503368

Now I declare both of you married.

>> No.15503388

>i literally break down like car amd stay in bed all day when i think shes gonna be gone for good

>> No.15503397

>stop insulting me. its true love
Was I ever this blind when I was young?

>> No.15503422

make here pay for food not sex and then fuck here for free
>she might just love being a whore annon
>get woke let here fuck all your friends family coworkers and just date here

>> No.15503442

>6/10 white women absolutely destroy 10/10 east asians

>> No.15503464

Why, it is just basic risk aversion and rationality.

A safe pussy with no strings attached.

>> No.15503505


This is retarded and a moronic stereotype. I am genuinely not attracted to.white women...dick wont even get gard...but a beautiful feminime petitie Asian woman makes me crazy. White women are NOT attractive with a few exceptions here and there.

>> No.15503522
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>> No.15503751

Yeah boobs seemed fake too but I wasn't sure

Again, the only thing I'm wondering is if she used to be a man, since she has had so much work done

>> No.15503870

most people don't have to pay hookers when they're young

>> No.15503883

pretty sure this was just an elaborate link shill thread, well done op

>> No.15503885

kek. She looks like a cold bitch that wouldn't be worth$500

>> No.15503989

triple sage cocksucker

>> No.15504056

Find me a hotter Asian woman in NYC for cheaper

>> No.15504232
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>> No.15504395
File: 69 KB, 812x720, stupid cunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's $7k Guyanese dollars anon.

>> No.15505178

woah! i didnt know afro-mexicans were so attractive.

>> No.15505190

pussy is pussy. why for fucks sake would you spend $1000+/night for some cold rich bitch when you have a cool relaxed dtf 19 year old?

>> No.15505236
File: 2 KB, 160x29, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell her that you identify as a woman. Bam, I just saved you $1750 on your overpriced dyke prostitute.

>> No.15505292

best post
>everybody in this thread its time to start thinking like the fuckups the world needs you to be to "make it" if you want cash its time to gitgood #metoo

>> No.15506229
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I have fantasies about her giving me aids

>> No.15506315

Geez dude get some vitamins

>> No.15506343

>78 replies to a bait

>> No.15506898

Guess you can't

>> No.15506904
File: 24 KB, 640x439, Pathetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15507008

>alita discord trannie calling someone a cuck
now thats hilarious

>> No.15507117

How am I supposed to trust anything on biz if you fucks are such tards with women? Falling in love with a hooker? Shit investment to make. Will never make it.

>> No.15507137
File: 140 KB, 626x417, bathposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish this was bait...i know the guy irl...

>> No.15508067

is this satan?

>> No.15508086

you need to supplement yourself with super male vitality brother, then go meet a real women at the church.