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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15502495 No.15502495 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody here doing anything with their life - career, job, business - that isn't cryptoshit or cuckdonalds, it would be fun to hear from you, not gonna life

>> No.15502543

I've done a lot of thinking about this stuff lately. Currently making like 40k as an accountant. Looking for a higher paying job.

Have like 18k in the stock market and lots of debt. Most of it is student loan debt of around 40k. Hoping the democrats will pay it off! The rest is just basic consumer debt to be paid off in about 2 years slowly.

Real estate is not profitable at these price levels.

Thinking about starting my own business, but worried if I can find clients. Also I only need an office for myself, so I'm leaning towards one of those cooperative office spaces.

>> No.15502563

Currently an investment banker at one of the largest banks on the street. No joke have about $20k left in student loans that I essentially stopped paying in case one of these democrats actually forgives the loans.

I’m thinking they might add a clause like “only for people under x income” so I might be fucking myself on interest...

>> No.15502626
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Project manager for union construction company. 34K in the bank, no debt, just bought a house for a historically low rate with help from the senpai, no gf, no pets, and I'm in my late 20's. Almost every day I think about killing myself.

>> No.15502639

Married, 9/10 wife, net worth 1million+, everyday I think about shooting myself

>> No.15502647
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>> No.15502669


>> No.15502679

Starving writer who has done other things. Always on the cusp of making it big but never do.

>> No.15502712

Let me know if youre ever in Texas fren

>> No.15502713
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I work with guns and teach people to shoot so they can protect themselves and their loved ones. Not the best money wise but beats waging at an office and I get satisfaction from doing something that matters and makes a difference in people's lives. Broke as fuck because ammo is expensive so I need Link to unironically hit 1k EOY

>> No.15502759

brisket and $2 lone star. a magical place

>> No.15502766

I'm a livestreamer

>> No.15502781
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Starting school for psychiatric nurse practitioner in the spring. Been talking around wit some folks and it looks like 150k/yr is not hard for people in their first year, especially with the connections I've made. Still hoping to make it from my stinkers tho, I'm tired of working.

>> No.15502801

im 21 making 45k as a bartender

lol no school, no debt.

>> No.15502823

So your job is going to be force feeding psychiatric drugs to lunatics in the psych ward?

>> No.15502909

I'd rather do acute inpatient at non-psych hospitals. The physician group I'm talking to pays on a per patient consulted. Just peek my head in, restart their home meds or adjust dosage, add/remove some things, move on to next. Maybe have my own outpatient office too. As weird as it sounds, the people working like you described in a psych hospital don't make as much as people who do outpatient or consults. But I still have two more years of school left. The program is neat how it allows me to keep my fulltime job in critical care. Gonna be comfii, it's hard to imagine going a whole day without someone yelling at me, getting blood on me, shitting/pissing everywhere, etc.. That nonsense gets old really fast. 90% of my patients are retards, assholes, or both, so psych just makes sense. Especially since there is such a ridiculous shortage of people going into the field. Haldol for all.

>> No.15502917
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3rd year of uni in economist career, working at deloitte, they don't even pay good salaries, Im just farming rep, after the year is over im quitting so I can get the (2018-2019) in my CV. I have friends who get called on the regular 6 years after quitting just because they have the word "deloitte" spelled out on their resumes.

gf left me after 9 months, broke up in good terms, she told me I should give my next girl her phone number so she could tell her how great I am.
Im beyond blackpilled on women (thanks patrice) so I didnt even feel much at all. She broke down crying like 6 times and after it all she asked me why I didnt cry, I told her that if I didn't cry during my grandmother's funeral , she wasnt gonna get it either. "maybe if you'd make it to a full year"- I added.

>> No.15502944

Yes I'm currently an operations manager of a logistics facility. I just took a new job as a logistics operations supervisor with a large publicly traded company to help integrate new logistics operations and fix inefficiencies in existing ones.

>> No.15502954
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Manager for a family food stall business. 50K a year. I really want to shoot myself. I can't handle not being able to enjoy life compared to my wage slave friends. I really want to shoot myself.

>> No.15502955

I make 23 bux an hour driving a forklift in a factory that makes duct tape. Not an exciting line of work but it’s easy as fuck and my rent is only 600 a month. I have a gf that’s as kinky as I am and a DnD group that meets every two weeks. I also have zero student loan debt because I didn’t fall for the college meme.

I’m actually really happy with my life.

>> No.15503004
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I run the day to day operations of my family's small construction business. We specialize in fabric acoustical ceiling panels. It's a relatively niche market, but we dominate it. We're the top installer in the western half of the US for the products that we use and we have the best reputation by far.

Our jobs are mainly in SF and the surrounding Bay Area. Most of our clients are tech headquarters, high end lawyers offices, colleges, and occasionally high end residential. I've worked in the boardrooms and CEO offices of nearly every tech company that has an office in the Bay Area. we sometimes get jobs at airports, hospitals, theaters, government buildings, banks, that sort of thing.

It's pretty neat work, and there are a lot of jobs where we do crazy architectural stuff, like floating clouds suspended on cables, or waves, or luminescence panels.
Pic is of a relatively simple job that we did


>> No.15503017

finished school in 2017 and landed a gig as a buyside analyst at a real-estate PE firm. Spent the last year or so grinding out levels 1 and 2 of the CFA, getting better at my job and being dedicated at the gym

2019 has been probably one of the better years of my entire life, bonus points for buying the bitcoin dip and just sitting on it

>> No.15503036

Well I do sit on my ass at a desk all day.

>> No.15503067

nice larp
>DnD group
kys incel

>> No.15503069

Third world country. 24 year old, neet for 5 years.
Online job making $1k a month on average now, going to uni next year.


>> No.15503137

I've been doing various levels of code monkey work ever since graduating. I like what I'm doing now and everything is more or less good, but my friends are starting to get married while I'm still a KHV and it's making me feel like complete shit, so I'll probably an hero sometime after next year (I wanna stick around for next year because I wanna watch the next btc bull run and the next recession start)

>> No.15504228

>make 23 bux an hour driving a forklift in a factory that makes duct tape. Not an exciting line of work but it’s easy as fuck and my rent is only 600 a month. I have a gf that’s as kinky as I am and a DnD group that meets every two weeks. I also have zero student loan debt because I didn’t fall for the college meme.

23yo here forkilifter driver here. If you had fallen for the college meme you'd have an easier time getting into management there. I work at a warehouse too and got a promotion soon after graduating, and am kn track to get another within the month. College pays off long term even it's just a meme degree. The problem is millennials/zoomers expected to be making 80k right off the bat instead of working their up from the ground.

>> No.15504649

Already worked in management at another facility, I actually quit because it was too stressful. I’m happier just puttering around on my truck and not talking to anybody.

>> No.15504658

>kys incel
You’re just mad because you don’t have a table to play with.
Stay mad while I get drunk and fuck my goth gf in the ass.

>> No.15504680

>anal sex
you might as well just be gay anon

>> No.15504824
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I'm a 27 year old machinist making roughly $25 an hour.
My more interesting job however is that I've made my way to the executive board of my local union. This job pays virtually no money.... but it provides me with an exciting opportunity. I get to buttfuck company management. Seeing the face of some mid forties supervisor loose his job because he didn't come to me with the right paperwork was truly more valuable than cash money. I also have won 2 arbitration suits and a labor board charge against management causing them hundreds of thousands of dollars and endless headaches. I do this purely out of spite, at this point I no longer really know what made me such a hateful person (if I was born this way or was just twisted around by the sheer misery of the working world) but what I do know is that this unpaid job that mainly consist of dealing with bullshit highschool level drama between salty middle aged men provides me with a greater sense of fulfillment than shaping expensive metal ever did.

>> No.15504843

What did you think of the new live action "ghost in the shell" movie. I'm hesitant to see it but you seem like a guy who has his shit together so I trust your opinion.

>> No.15504847

Sold my crypto during 2017-2018

Bought a NNN property that returns me 3500 a month after taxes and note

Work as a protection power engineer at a decent sized public utility making a little over 100k working 4/10s and the job is chill as fuck with good work life balance

I think I am gonna make it

>> No.15504850

How do I get a job like yours

>> No.15504853

Get a hobby nerd.

>> No.15504864

Why do so many accountants make a shit wage?
You guys are supposed to make bank.

>> No.15504865

Do you hire neets?

>> No.15504867

Best way into Machinist?
Apprenticeships or machining school?

>> No.15504870


>> No.15504889

Based coked-out depressed pepe poster!

>> No.15504899

Very cool, unironically.

>> No.15504910

I don’t have any hang ups over sex acts, I’m degenerate asf. Only thing I don’t get into is poly.

>> No.15504912

21, last year of school, have a job locked in, will be making 85k starting. Got a job writing software that flies airliners. Gf got similar job too. Ive put away 30k from internships and invested like a fucking boomer for now. Feels alright I guess.

>> No.15504924

Apprenticeship is the way to go unless you are in or just getting out of highschool. Don't be afraid to move shop to shop till you find a good fit. It is amazing how many machine shops operate on highly skilled labor that is paid a shit wage and treated with little to no respect. Add an extra hour to your work schedule, by this I mean study your craft for an hour every night after you get home.

>> No.15504931

You degenerate. You belong in debater prison

>> No.15504939

Debter *

>> No.15504941
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I've been an EMT for 2 years and working on my paramedic degree, no debt so far. I make about 40k a year. No gf, live by myself and after dealing with another dead kid who got into mommies feel good meds I'm thinking about looking for a second job to help me more money. Any recommendations? Selling lizards and snakes only get me so much $$$

>> No.15504944
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data scientist, making over $200k, but I work 10+ hours a day and my husband of 2.5 years has been a NEET for most of the time that we've been married and it's been 9 months since his last job

>> No.15504987

Just go out and start fucking dude.
It's a good salve.

>> No.15505004

Find a way to get more time off, then go to a seedy bar and find a way to get involved with coke. I don't mean go and get your stupid ass addicted to it, I mean become a middleman to various people who are on that path. It's a fucking time and a half dude.

>> No.15505057

I do some housesitting sometimes, take care of pets.

It's a little bit of cash for a little bit of effort, and means I get a change of scenery every now and again. Could use a better sidehuistle/mainhustle though

>> No.15505134
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I literally JUST signed the offer for a new job as a software engineer at a medium-sized company near the DC area. (after a year+ of job searching while pathetically unemployed)
>(about to be) $65k salary
>$500 in bank
>$3k in crypto
>$12k credit card debt
>$25k student loans debt

And I just moved to a new place with my girlfriend and had a baby. $2000/mo rent. Fuck my shit up senpai, but I’m amazing at living off basically nothing so I’m not worried about paying everything off & getting into the black eventually.

Unironically considering getting a $35k loan from SoFi, and putting it into BTC mostly/paying down the high-interest credit cards. I’m almost definitely going to do it actually. Just need to sketch out a solid plan for myself for how I’ll manage that in the future.

>> No.15505144
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I know 2 guys that got hooked up with 2 Great accounting jobs from their pastor. If you are connected it doesn't matter what industry you work in, you'll be given cool shit. Is that fair or shady ? I dont know, but its life...

>> No.15505684

Considering joining the army or at least a militia cus i wanna be apart of something big that isn't a company

>> No.15505699
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Also it could be fun

>> No.15505794

you fucks need to pay $200 for bartending class and get a job making a couple $100 a night doing shit

>> No.15505866

i live in third world country too, how the hell did u started online business here, isn't suppose to be really hard for third world countries to do that?

>> No.15505879
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Working as a pharmacy tech at a hospital.

Hoping the link will take me to places where I can afford pharmacy school then I'm taking the blue pill and I'm out.

>> No.15505946
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At age 31 I returned to university to study computer science majoring in AI and Machine Learning. This would be degree number 5.

On the side I create martial arts training videos which I sell online and I'm also working on a video game for PC (pic related). I do a lot of programs in the start-up space (hackathons, training meets, networking, etc.) and I know a lot of high net worth individuals, just raising capital for games is incredibly difficult in Australia. Doesn't help that 4 of my start-ups have failed.

My cousin-in-law is a multi-billionaire and founder of one of the largest tech companies on the planet. I asked for a job and he said go through HR like everyone else. Needless to say minimum requirement is a degree in Computer Science, so I didn't get in.

>> No.15505971
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I graduated with a bachelor of IT (computer science really) but became a NEET immediately. It's been 3 years. I don't really like programming but it's all I'm even remotely good at. I don't even know if I'm good at it because I've never actually made anything. I wish I had some direction or motivation because nothing really interests me. I don't know which to make a thread on asking for help, /biz/ with nothing my coin shit or /adv/ with nothing but tfw no gf.

>> No.15506034

Go on /g/ u tard, that’s where your people are. Also if you haven’t made anything, don’t worry, you’re not good at programming. But you should try to get good as you at least have the raw skills to do so

>> No.15506050

>you should try to get good
That's the problem. To get good I need to make something but I don't have anything I want to make.

>> No.15506070

yeeeeah I had the same problem. I eventually buckled down and learned the fuck out of python so I could make a margin trading app for myself for Deribit. Now I use it every day. And actually haven’t come up with another good enough project for myself kek, but it got me this job (see my previous post). Just do something, anything, even if it’s hard as fuck and you think you can’t do it. But again this is all what /g/ is for

>> No.15506100

>Just do something, anything
That's the hardest part. I've also tried /g/ with mixed results.

>> No.15506130

Well what I mean is think of something you think would be REALLY cool, and then stick the fuck with it, no matter what. Do whatever it takes to get it done. I know what you mean when it’s like “I could do anything!” and that might as well be everything which ends up being nothing.

>> No.15506342

i work in sales for a big company. i make about 95-100k/year. i'm very social but i really like hanging out with neets and i enjoy this place. i like thrill and crypto trading is thrill

>> No.15506345

>full of anger and spite
>enjoys destroying other people's lives
>union leader

Makes perfect sense. Please kys

>> No.15506353

>that isn't cryptoshit or cuckdonalds,
Loading up on rocks since 2016
Doing nicely

>> No.15506922

Currently in sales working for a fortune 500 company. Was making over six figures in last sales job. Decided to go into outside sales and try it out. It has been different yet satisfying. Sometimes I wonder if I should go back to school for a masters degree in some tech field. I'm debt free at the moment so life isn't to bad.

Any anons ever in my situation?

>> No.15507464


how much time did it take u? did u start learning from scratch??

>> No.15507519

you're supposed to hangout with your cousin-in-law and become best friends and leech his advice.

>> No.15507574

No. So you could really trace it back to 6th grade, I was always a computer geek and so there was this Python beginner class being offered at my middle school, but it was only for the upperclassmen; my mom pulled some strings and got me in it lol so I was the youngest kid there. But honestly, from that point on, all the way through high school into the end of college, I took multiple programming courses at all different levels, but never did anything more than screw around in them.

I did the projects assigned me, but it was always half-assed and my ADHD got the better of me each time so my buddies & I would just eventually copy off the whiz kid in the corner and steal his code. We used java in both the high school & most of the college courses, and I was just not crazy about it. They really pushed the “do everything in a basic text editor first” shit and even when we finally could use an IDE, the only ones installed on the school computers were Eclipse, which sucked balls. And forget about GUI’s, none of my courses covered ui shit at all, which was practically the only thing I would’ve given a shred of a fuck about anyway.

Other than that though we also used a lot of matlab (my degrees are in engineering), some C, we even did some assembly...so I definitely had the basics of computer science & programming down I guess.

Fast forward to early this year though, I was unemployed (see my first post in the thread) and had been trying to get a programming job using only my meager school experience as my qualification, and companies saw right through it. I realized just because I got the piece of paper did not mean I knew what the fuck I was doing. So if I wanted to get a coding career going, I knew I had to get down and start learning this shit proper.

So I basically decided I’d make a trading bot for myself, which I’d been wanting to do since 2017 when I first got into crypto. I downloaded pycharm, I fucking love that IDE, (cont.)

>> No.15507621
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opened up a ton of google & stackoverflow tabs in my monitors, and just struggled my way through creating this fucking app. It was hard and I didn’t know what I was doing at first(at all) but the lovely thing about python is it’s very forgiving to beginners. I’d say it took me a good 2-3 months to start getting a very solid grasp of all the coding principles that I KNEW I’d been missing out on. But I can tell you I was having fun doing it, at least once I picked up a bit of steam, so it wasn’t like if you pictured me sitting there sweating for 2 months straight hating my life until I finally had an a-ha moment and everything fell into place. It happened slowly & surely, and also, when you start to see progress on even the little things that you put a lot of work into understanding, it really gives you a burst of confidence and lets you keep going with a ton of renewed vigor.

Pic related is my trading interface, I use it to margin trade btc on deribit. I love it, super proud of it, and myself. Think it turned out pretty goddamn good

AMA cuz programmingfags never told me this stuff when I first started

>> No.15507851
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I'm training at BestBuy and they offer a 401k to part timers so that's actually nice. I think the low unemployment is finally forcing companies to offer better benefits, since there's not enough people for the job openings (at least here in the Midwest).

>> No.15508141

Keep on crashing boomers out my man, doing gods work.

>> No.15508155

not worth taking that $20k bet, dems are inefficient and gop will block any/all attempts at social benefits, wipe the debt

>> No.15508175

why? you made it

>> No.15508192
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Dude, we all aspire to be in your shoes. Why you gotta make it sound so horrible? Why aren't you happy?

>> No.15508211

i'm also in the midwest, i would agree with you - target and walmart start at almost double the minimum wage here. every store and restaurant is still criminally understaffed too

>> No.15508466
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I fell for the meme and became a welder. Got my first job late past month after 10 months of training for my certificate.

Not saying it isn't well paid but the bottom tier jobs (MIG/MAG pleb entry shit on regular steel, structural, etc) are backbreaking and filthy as fuck. Normalfags will always comment when they know about your job "oh, those people earn a lot!" but the pay isn't really that good compared to service sector for the amount of physical effort you have to put in. I did it mainly because in the shithole country I live in it's the only thing that could get me a decent pay so I could save up money to fund a business. Otherwise it's living paycheck to paycheck.

People I know talk to me assuming I'm going to spend the rest of my life in that industry and they're crazy if they really think I'm going to. I'm trying to find jobs on stainless steel, TIG, and finer work to earn more with less physical exertion. Only the dumb and desperate stay in the lower rungs for years on end. Eventually I'll be getting out in a couple years or so at most.

Hey, at least I am not a Neet anymore!

>> No.15509148

Stay cucked company man.

>> No.15509268

It's truly glorious since cost of living isn't retarded.