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15499395 No.15499395 [Reply] [Original]

How do guys like Elon Musk work 12 hours a day and not want to kill themselves?

>> No.15499411

because they have tons of money and enjoy the hustle and bustle of a stressful lifestyle. he gets to fuck girls like Amber Heard and Grimes

>> No.15499421

They turn it into a lifestyle rather than "work."

>> No.15499426

Conscientiousness. Some people are born that way. They cant stand doing nothing

>> No.15499443

If I could work on something that I like, I would probably work on it a lot as well. Once you like it it doesn't count as work anymore. Unless you have to do some repetitive boring shit once in a while, but he probably gives that to other workers.

>> No.15499450

He probably wanted to kill himself already so working all day doesn't matter

>> No.15499451

You're either born that way or you're not. You can discipline yourself to some extent but a lot of it is genetic. On top of very high IQ he's one of those guys that only needs 4 hours sleep per night. If I sleep less than 8 I can't function.

>> No.15499468

Their work is meaningful and fulfilling to the point where it becomes more than just a job and is integrated into their lifestyle. Additionally they have a shitload of comforts that poorfags can't have.

>> No.15499474

They enjoy their work

>> No.15499491

don't CEO's just do busy work and sit in meetings all day? at most he reads presentations. how is that enjoyable?

>> No.15499510

Were there video games you could play for 16 hours straight? My mother had to force me to quit playing because I forgot to eat and sleep back in the day. That's how working feels for these people I guess, it's an addiction.

>> No.15499622

I'm currently working around 14 hours a day. You just get up and work and go back to bed. It's pretty brutal but I've made almost $3000 in 3 days so it can be worth it sometimes. Physically though you can feel yourself just dying the whole time. I can only do it in short bursts before needing a couple days off because I'm ruined. The shortest working day I have is 10 hours so you do some-what get used to it.

>> No.15499635

IQ is probably over 200

>> No.15499741

He literally says yrs and no to a bumch of propositions and call it work. Sometimes when he gets in the shower, he gets a crazy idea and tells his assistent about it.

>> No.15499747

>have cool idea
>tell engineers and scientists to make it real for you
>repeat for 12 hours
You to can do that like Elon if you were passionate enough about science and capable enough to convince investors to fund your sci-fi projects.

>> No.15499803

there harmonic and compulsive passion for work
harmonic is when you feel good working, the other is when you feel bad not working

guess which one those CEO's are

>> No.15499901

Easy answer:

There is a HUGE difference between working because you NEED to and working because you WANT to.

Contrary to what most of these “muh its genetics” cucks here think... The EXACT same task is infinitely more engaging, and even fun, when you know you have no obligation to do it. That you can stop at any moment, for any reason, and you’ll be totally fine.

The moment I tell you your livelihood, ability to provide for your family, etc... depend on a task, it becomes leagues worse.

I could tell you to eat ice cream for 12 hours a day, but the knowledge that if you fail to eat it fast enough means you’ll lose everything you worked for completely destroys the almost child-like excitement and eagerness.

Beyond that, the ability to do things other than that which is done out of necessity, allows one to cherry pick exactly what they like most.

It’s not complicated. I guarantee Musk was beyond burnt out at points before he /made it/.

Once you /make it/ there’s really no excuse not to want to maximize your daily output and experiences freely.

>> No.15499925

Oh, and he's a simulation.

>> No.15500429

Some people have been serfs or slaves so long that its in their DNA.

>> No.15500643

Elon Musk is a Reptilian.

>> No.15500687

when you have tons of money you become obsessed with managing your time down to the minute and maximizing every second you are alive because you know one day not so far away it will all be gone.

>> No.15500692

>Elon musk
Dudes a legit scammer who just collects government checks. Most of his time is spent on Twitter or beating off

>> No.15500759
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by earning money, investing in good projects like UOS

>> No.15500771



>> No.15500776

In some interview he mentioned that he does more engineering work than business work. Also even tedious work becomes more enjoyable when you think it has an important purpose that you support.

>> No.15500817

Get up to Day 100 NoFap + Daily Ashwaganda + 300+ Pushups a day + Lifting = Limitless Energy.

>> No.15500839

I'm finally getting this. Before, I couldn't stand work, because it was some trivial shit I didn't care about other than as a means to put food on the table. Now, I have been making a game, and it is all I can think about. I spend 12 hours a day just working on it, and in my sleep, I dream about working on it.

>> No.15500874

>Amber Heard and Grimes
Literally who cares about getting to fuck those two when there’s plenty of women off the street way hotter than either one of them.

>> No.15500884

Ashwaghanda always makes me feel super spaced out and kind of tired. Tried a few different brands/formulas. Not sure what's supposed to be so great about it.

>> No.15500909

Because they believe what their doing is of greater importance than their own lives

>> No.15500948

I work 6 13.5s a week STFU pussy

>> No.15500989


>> No.15501006

they don't it's all bullshit

>> No.15501035

What a pathetic life you live. Well, I shouldn't really call it a life.

>> No.15501106

Being the boss is not soul draining like wagecucking is. It's relatively easy to do it 24/7. Plus Elon is rich as fuck, he already travelled everywhere he wants and fucked 10/10 models so these things are boring to him cause he's done it.

If I was 50 and had spent 10 years partying and fucking 10/10 hookers I would also be rather running my own company trying to change the world than sitting on a beach banging 10/10 hookers. That shit gets boring.

Also Elon is very high IQ, which means he'd get bored of sitting on a beach banging hookers even faster than I would.

>> No.15501299

You need to redefine the idea of work. In reality they're following the path of least resistance for them because they're doing what they enjoy doing. It might seem like work, but it's really more like play. Happiness and personal fulfillment is the priority over money, making the actions taken not a chore. They're done for the actions themselves, not as a means to an end. You do the same thing in a way when smoking weed, or playing video games. Everything is a game. There are important games and unimportant games in the eyes of society, but they're all just games.

Why force yourself to do something you don't actually enjoy?

Get into zen and stoicism

>> No.15501328

came here to post this. you're all fucking retarded if you think your boss is working harder than you.

>> No.15501329

good goy

>> No.15501335

think of like looking at charts 24/7

>> No.15501818

>can't hack 12hrs
Not gonna make it bra. Have fun with mediocrity, bet when you get home you just veg out on netflix or the internet instead of having several ongoing projects things you're working on outside of work.

>> No.15501846

He spends most of his day telling a small army of trained experts what he wants them to do while being catered to by another small army of personal assistants and professional gofers. He occasionally gets reports from yes-men and a few sheets of heavily cooked numbers to look over for approval.

12 hours a day of that is very doable.

>> No.15502385

I feel like I could work longer if I knew I didn't have to and was the big fish, everything else is wageslaving and cuckoldry

>> No.15502594

That's not what conscientiousness is you retards. More importantly, high IQ people have LOW levels of conscientiousness.


>> No.15503227
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spacex is his suicide mission.
he just doesn't want to die on this stupid planet.

>> No.15503355

He has enough successes to prevent him from becoming disheartened.

>> No.15503414

how will they cope

>> No.15503538


me too

this is called genetic inferiority, by the way.

>> No.15503545



fucking idiots.

>> No.15503575


Fuck off, Ivan.

The rockets are flying and the cars are zooming. Demand is strong.

Just. Fuck. Off.

>> No.15503741
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Beach bumming and fucking 10/10 hookers never gets old.

>> No.15503775

Cocaine is a helluva drug

>> No.15503783

yes it does if you have high IQ and do it for 10 years in a row.

Elon has so much money, he could literally fuck a 10/10 hookers 5 times a day and still have time to work.

You beta males need to realize that at some point, being on vacation and fucking 10/10 women loses its appeal. Most people will NEVER get enough for it to lose its appeal, but when you have 1bil+ net worth and high IQ, it 100% does after a few years.

>> No.15504490


another thought is that he has all that money BECAUSE he is the type that would autistically 24/7 pursue insane shit whether he has the money or not.

he probably learned the "all that glitters isnt gold" reality long time ago with paypal.

>> No.15504654

They dont actually "work". Or rather its not what a wageslave would call work.
Most of their time is spent kissing someones ass or getting others to kiss their ass, and thinking about what theyre gonna do next to get more ass kisses. Ceos are sort of like politicians.

>> No.15505012

The work of managing businesses is different to the work of a wageslave. Especially if your businesses are successful.

Think of it this way, outside of 'work' you are just a normal person. At work you are literally treated like a god if you are Elon Musk tier in your industry. The feeling of power over people is incredibly intoxicating.

Also alot are probably on adderall.