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File: 13 KB, 299x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15499880 No.15499880 [Reply] [Original]

>supports crypto (literally said hes a fan of crypto and thinks eventually voting will be on blockchain)
>wants more young people to be enterpreneuers and fight jew monopol
>wants to implement 22.century living standard in 21. century (UBI)
>understands technology and has clear futuristic (almost autistic) vision
>IQ 150+ confirmed
>is chink so most likely hates niggers and shitskins too
What else do you want from a presidential candidate? If you dont like Andrew, you have to go back, nigger

>> No.15499909

People who dont support him have not listened to him for more than 5 mins. The podcast he did with joe rogan is pretty good. You cant deny the fact that UBI is necessary for society

>> No.15499942

I was excited about Trump but this guy gives me chills!

>> No.15499946
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UBI will incentivize laziness even further which will slow down entrepreneurship which will decrease tax revenue and grow our endless debt exponentially.

Also in the future when Universal Income becomes large enough and many people depend on it to survive, the government will have full control over your livelihood, so if you say one thing the government doesn't like it can and will cut off income and starve you to death/submission.

Orwell blushes over how devilish UBI is in the control of people.

>> No.15499950

even elon musk is an advocate for UBI


>> No.15499968

Cant wait to see you China-loving commitards suffer when Trump wins

>> No.15499971
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Basically UBI is Yang's strategy of buying votes from the poor, and you the taxpayers have to pay for Yang's bribe money in taxes.

>> No.15500004


>> No.15500017
File: 3.23 MB, 4000x2856, 87930d_EdittaShermanSubway_Cunningham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, Yang is just another Chinese agent that infiltrated a country's political system. Yang's rhetoric and promises will make America's politics devolve into low-IQ "which candidate will give me more monies dur durr" and destory American politics forever into gibsmedat.

>> No.15500038

>implying there are no lazy niggers in the world
>implying the debt isnt already growing exponentially
>implying people dont already depend on the government
>implying you dont have to follow strict rules established by the jews; going to school, owning a home, working until youre 50, in order to have a life

A UBI is inevitable because of automation and millions unemployed. We need a way to transfer wealth downwards

>> No.15500046

>let's just adopt communism, what could go wrong?

>> No.15500049
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>> No.15500064


>> No.15500071

>you the taxpayers
But I'm unemployed and live my parents anon

>> No.15500080

This faggot gook is the chainlink of politicians. Another gay viral marketing campaign with gay forced memes

>> No.15500085
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>We need a way to transfer wealth downwards
It won't transfer downwards. When a powerful state controls the distribution of wealth, the state and its elite society will horde it and share less and less over time because they have power and because they can.

That's how every Communist nation ended up. People are naturally greedy and corruption grows when there are no checks and balances in power. UBI is basically Communism 2.0 with a different name. If you thought the current "1%" was bad, this will be worse.

>> No.15500102

XXD Yang gang!!! Le big Mac Le baste Sergey;!!;!!! Gang gang xDd MIGA DRNS !!!! 1000 EOY and EOM get that bag xDXDD looolllzzzzzzzxx Le plaid shirt Le pink hat!!! Teeheeeeeeeeeee baste Yang marines TU tu ruuuuuu

>> No.15500105

Who cares? More debt is better for me, it'll drown out my student loans. Plus it's gonna increase the value of all fixed assets so BTC pops off too. Don't even give a fuck about inflation, this country is already unequal as fuck. And at least I'd finally be benefiting from tax dollars instead of seeing it all fly past me into wasteful spending.

>> No.15500106

Well I don't want to subsidize your daily 4chan sessions. Nothing personal.

>> No.15500110

Yang is by far the most pro-business, pro-crypto candidate. What happens when everyone gets $1k/month to pump bitcoin?

>> No.15500121

Damn. You're probably right. But theres no other way to do it. He has strong arguments with the emergence of job loss and AI. The $1000 a month just wins every vote from the young generation

>> No.15500129

>What happens when everyone gets $1k/month to pump bitcoin?

This concept already exists and it's called tether.

>> No.15500134

If America stopped wasting so much money on stupid shit and just gave us a check on the surplus instead then I would support Yangbucks but the way it looks right now Yang will add yangbuck program on top of our current stupid spending

>> No.15500140

Wow stupid opinion as always

>> No.15500157
File: 77 KB, 730x780, 1567369443561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You cant deny the fact that UBI is necessary for society

>> No.15500169


fuck off NEET, I earned my shit, i'm not paying for yours too. we need to end welfare and return to survival of the fittest

>> No.15500174

Yeah the mass unemployment problem will be inevitable. The only way to survive it is if your family saved up enough money to buy robots/AI to work for you. It's going to be hard.

However the problems of UBI is there. How do we get out of this mess? Is there a sound solution?

>> No.15500179


>> No.15500181

XXD Yang gang!!! Le big Mac Le baste Sergey;!!;!!! Gang gang xDd MIGA DRNS !!!! 1000 EOY and EOM get that bag xDXDD looolllzzzzzzzxx Le plaid shirt Le pink hat!!! Teeheeeeeeeeeee baste Yang marines TU tu ruuuuuu UBI swift xDXD my yangy stays stinky xDXdDXd when u get ur how many 1000 monthly links to fug girl xDXD

>> No.15500185

The degeneracy level of Yang haters reminds me of Trump 2015. Well, except it was mostly outside of 4chan because this board is now infested by plebbit faggots who came here after buying link at 4$. Yang is Trump 2020. It only requires 3 digit Iq to see it.

>> No.15500192
File: 288 KB, 1152x1536, 1559069074050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The irony here is that your comment is the most worthless contribution-free comment in this thread.

>> No.15500201

Idk. I guess in the end the future will be as bad as we foreseen. Just total control over the masses.

>> No.15500204

The absolute state of lumpens. Whats funny is that Commies/Marxists actually all absolutely hate Yang with a passion.

>> No.15500205
File: 25 KB, 400x300, (m=eqglHgaaaa)(mh=Kg6ohxU6swEjCreq)16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Andrew Yang and I'm a Marxist chink that hires indians to force memes on 4chan because American politics has to be a constant focus on every board

>> No.15500207

>>is chink so most likely hates niggers and shitskins too

>> No.15500208

this world is a fucking joke

>> No.15500211
File: 16 KB, 640x360, preview.mp4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Yang shill, how much are you getting paid to look at a shit filled prolapsed asshole?

>> No.15500214
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>> No.15500220
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Based gun grabbing Marxist gook

>> No.15500224

>What happens when everyone gets $1k/month to pump bitcoin?
This implies everyone has jobs and their bills paid off.

>> No.15500232
File: 344 KB, 1400x933, 1487617392760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whats funny is that Commies/Marxists actually all absolutely hate Yang with a passion.
I know that. Just like how Nazis/Far right people hate Trump with a passion. Trump and Yang to both far-right and left are babby liberals that won't bring actual meaningful change and are all part of the establishment's plan.

>> No.15500838

After Obama got presidency it's going to be purely identity politics from now on. If only Yang was white dude he would instantly win with his platform but >muh gook >muh chinese puppet

>> No.15501917
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>people are greedy
>but somehow $12k/year is enough for people to not want more

>> No.15502141

What is his stance on that one specific nation? You know the one I mean.

>> No.15502159

>Voting on blockchain
>What could possibly go wrong

>> No.15502187
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Not that guy, but it's probably necessary in any highly automated society. Unless you're willing to genocide all uneducated surplus workers which you might be but keep in mind that deatcamps are costly to operate also. You can't just leave millions of umpleyoable people to roam the streets, just look what happened to France (though they didn't have an automation problem).

>> No.15502226
File: 47 KB, 680x515, c6c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when the shills got to me and I bought 10k Jebcoin (JEB) so I lost half my net worth in February of 2016 when he suspended the development.

>> No.15502353
File: 522 KB, 638x532, C3C2F87E-9ACD-4F40-9F1F-238547CFF5B3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yang is cool. Just vote for him. Everyone else sucks even worse

>> No.15502376

Literally 96% of people will be better off when you factor in the $1000/mo against the extra taxes you have to pay. This is simple math that cannot be argued against. Oh, and you're not in the top 4%

>> No.15502411

He’s a gun grabber so fuck him

>> No.15502436
File: 7 KB, 231x219, DF36D082-4EE2-472B-A688-2AA91DF0296E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh guns

>> No.15502476
File: 298 KB, 1516x810, D7DB8D58-584D-411C-8040-F3583A74A7FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was a yang supporter too. Early Yang gang but then he decided he was going to cause a civil war by taking guns away so I am out. Sorry faggot

>> No.15502492

People dropping out of workforce will cause shortages in essential resources. Enjoy your postapocalyptic america. See how valuable your dollars are when you can buy nothing.

T. Eyröpoor

>> No.15502535
File: 82 KB, 233x533, 1566186138824 (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Natural selection is a good thing.

>> No.15502541

Most people are more lazy than greedy.

>> No.15502566

No one will be dropping out of the workforce, they will be replaced for cheaper robots; essential resources will be made even more efficiently but no one will have the money to buy them. You have it completely backwards.

>> No.15502570
File: 57 KB, 600x600, 1543047151968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to cause a civil war by taking guns away
From day fucking one is what we wanted to happen when supporting yang you dumb low iQ faggot. Seriously it wont even cause a civil war because basic bitch conservative or tradcath or whatever the fuck wont do jack shit. Boomers talking about COME AND TAKE IT! Will not risk there families. They are all take with nothing to back it up ever.

>> No.15502620

> When a powerful state controls the distribution of wealth, the state and its elite society will horde it and share less and less over time because they have power and because they can.

So the worst case scenario is the state will control the wealth and not give any to the people? Wow, its almost like exactly what's going on right now, retard. The difference between UBI and communism is that to lower or eliminate it you will have to go through the American Government, not Authoritarian China/Russia. Your worst case scenario is literally what we have now.

>but the guhbment is controlled by the wealthy.

Tue, Yang has a policy for this. Give every American $100 they can only donate to political campaigns. This money would wash out lobbyist money by a factor of 8:1. Its called Democracy Dollars.

Now don't get butthurt that you lost an internet argument, instead feel relieved that the idea of giving you $1,000 a month is sustainable and think about how you will be spending it.

>> No.15502638
File: 64 KB, 500x693, oldles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh poor Amazon, Google, and any other corporation with a tax department to offshore themselves and pay zero in income tax. You pay more taxes than they do if you pay any at all. How will they ever survive?

>> No.15502675

Stop larping as a mega corporation, because that's the only significant portion of the economy who will notice an increase. You will surely make more with the monthly check unless you constantly and superfluously consume products.

>> No.15502701

Why do I get the feeling you two aren't high enough IQ to be making less when you get your extra $1k/month. Most likely because you don't have any idea the tax plan behind The Freedom Dividend. Did you know that Amazon payed zero in income taxes last year? This is common practice for all corporations.

>> No.15502751
File: 66 KB, 675x601, silverboomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the dollar will be in the dust bin of history by the time that happens
i'm not worried

>> No.15503052

Or they should just offer it to people within the workforce driving more people to work

>> No.15503292

This "robots will do everything" fantasy exists only in your stupid head, not reality.

>> No.15503334

He is the one.

>> No.15503338

UBI and crypto are incompatible. Anyone with an iq over 90 realizes this

Yang is for basedboy brainlets and accelerationists


>> No.15503372
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This free gibs shit is the moral decay that causes great civilizations to die. At least I will always rember hpy day.

>> No.15503385

>The podcast he did with joe rogan
How embarrassing. I instantly discard the opinion of anyone who appears on that show with that clown.
>DUDE just do psychadelics and weed lmao

>> No.15503390


>> No.15503486

this. get rekt, yang haters

>> No.15503645

>government will have full control over your livelihood, so if you say one thing the government doesn't like it can and will cut off income
We already have this system but it's muh private corporations instead of the government. What would happen if your company found out that you were racist? For 99% of White men, that would mean losing your job and being blacklisted.

>> No.15503747


wants to give people that literally do nothing 12k a year for doing nothing


>> No.15503810

Yangfags eternally BTFO

>> No.15505085

At zero we live in mud huts.

>> No.15505334
File: 232 KB, 1024x683, 125332434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmaoing @ all the seething migakike shills

>> No.15505358

hes just lying

>> No.15505375

He is literally 150+ IQ
>has one of the highest SAT scores ever
>has one of the highest LSAT scores ever
>got into a top law school/company without even trying

>> No.15505391

Great the yang gang shills are back
>vote for a socialist chink that will crash the economy

>> No.15505394

UBI is capitalism that doesn't start at zero.

>> No.15505400

I suggest a no mercy policy for the election circus
anything slightly smelling like /pol/ ---> RANGEBAN for 6 months

>> No.15505405

Shill more JIDF you aren’t convincing any anons . Take your nonsense to R3ddit and nigger Twitter

>> No.15505406

because they'd rather have full on establishment dogs like warren,bernie sanders or biden who'll give them garuteended victory in the long run then a wild card like yang?(he said its very likely he'd have ran as a third party if he could)
the thing is yang might share some beliefs with them but we still don't know if they 100% true or not.
as yangs not a career politcian.
he's a wildcard.

>> No.15505411

i don't have any strict opinions myself about UBI.
but regardless of whether you hate or love it.
its going to eventually happen the more advanced and more automation enters our lives.

>> No.15505417

you know i was in all of those trump threads.(and many o
yang really reminds me of trump in many ways.

>> No.15505418

How low IQ do there commies have to be to not realize if the US dollar loses its value people won’t work and the country won’t have food. God damnit all UBI commies need to be killed they are such a threat to humanity

>> No.15505423

You god damned jews will soon perish from this earth

>> No.15505424

btw to all the shills trying different techniques to shill yang. There is ONE thing that makes him absolutely unvotable, he is with the DNC, period.

>> No.15505428
File: 177 KB, 1280x831, fuck my life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucked up my post goddamn put it auto while i was editting.

>> No.15505432

>miga kike shills

>> No.15505443
File: 974 KB, 1080x720, 1232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe harder kike shill

>> No.15505447

Is that your rhetoric given to you by your discord moderator ?
>guys yang feels like trump did in 2016
You realize not even trump supporters thought trump was going to win in 2016? You fucking commies will be outed one day and the cops will genocide you on the street. Also I guarantee these threads are being made to infuriate anons so that the tranny jannies can hand out 30 day bans so that they then can subvert this board for the next month without anon intervening in their shilling campaigns

>> No.15505451

Holy shit that’s a stock image that actual kike shills use.
You god damned shills will one day be justed by God

>> No.15505452

I see you never change your script kike
May I ask you ONE question, who should I vote for if I don't want the USSC to become 100% globalist anti constitutionalist progressive for the next 60 years?

>> No.15505457
File: 164 KB, 626x835, 4124234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

work for your shekels kikes. its hilarious how butthurt and emotional you dumb kike shills get

>> No.15505468

Your subversion glows leftie. I’ve seen this same shit on every PTG thread.
>failed to infiltrate /pol/ AND /biz/
Tell your boss

>> No.15505469

>u mad
as said you never change script.
Just answer the question
Who should I vote for, in your opinion, if I don't want the USSC to become progressive anti constitutionalist for the next 60 years? It is an easy question, just give me your opinion and show that you are not a bot.

>> No.15505477

i am voting for Andrew Yang both ironically and unironically - similar to how i voted for trump last election

>> No.15505482
File: 563 KB, 740x743, 1225415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you kike shills really are terrified lmao. whats the matter little kikes, are you butthurt that your little zionist stooge boi is getting the boot? your low tier kike shilling isn't working but keep seething

>> No.15505487

i agree only people with very low iq must like the idea to give the state control over them how naive you must be to give people you hate more power to control your life?

>> No.15505489

looks like you don't know how the US election system works, else you would know that the chink has 0 chance to be elected presidential nominee by the DNC
Just answer the question shill and for one second drop the script, because it makes all your other posts worthless if you fail to answer the question.

Who should I vote for, in your opinion, if I don't want the USSC to become progressive anti constitutionalist for the next 60 years?

>> No.15505490
File: 90 KB, 640x559, DED32965-96CB-4FFF-998E-BBCF1A1798B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unbelievable how your bosses think this rhetoric convinces any anons to not vote for trump.
Face it shills. You can’t change the future. Only anons can do so. You lost your power to manipulate the timeline. If I were you i’d Stop and let things calm down because you are pushing every white and Mexican to accepting nazism into their hearts. We will kill you jews one day you leave us no choice

>> No.15505498
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If it results in more BUYING POWER, it's an auto-win, retard. THINK, dumbass. Automation is going to take away most jobs in the future. There is no "displaced truck drivers becoming cs guys". That's not gonna happen. It's retarded to think that's how it works.

Yang is literally the only candidate even paying attention to automation. He's the ONLY real solition to this INCOMPETENT government.
But sure... let's fucking pretend automation isn't real like down syndrome jackasses.

>> No.15505500

they don't care, they get paid per reply unironically, just use the report function

>> No.15505502
File: 173 KB, 1160x629, 323423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how you still ignore all questions about Zionism. You little retarded kike shills keep deflecting and changing the subject, your low tier shilling is so obvious it hurts. Tell your handler to change strategy this is just embarrassing

>> No.15505504

It is the US you idiot. One has the choice between globalist kikery and national focused kikery.
and now answer the question

Who should I vote for, in your opinion, if I don't want the USSC to become progressive anti constitutionalist for the next 60 years?

>> No.15505514
File: 94 KB, 569x856, A868D8F7-B6C4-453A-B3AF-BC89CC46EB22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize anti Zionists don’t talk like don’t you, shill? We don’t resort to your Jewish feminine methods of avoiding and ignoring questions, answers/ possible solutions, and constantly using this passive aggressive rhetoric of projection. YOU GLOW

>> No.15505521
File: 122 KB, 980x551, 1291980551no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah I don't like zionism, but its our only choice!!
holy fuck you dumb kike shills are just outing yourselves. Answer the question dumb kike shills, who should I vote for if I don't want USA to become a Zionist puppet state? you still can't answer

>> No.15505524

Let’s settle this. I’ll show my nose if you show yours kike. Prove your identity Jew.

>> No.15505534

show us your unmutilated penis kike and we will believe you

>> No.15505536

If I remember your script correctly the original answer to my question was don't vote, but the focus groups showed that that answer was not well received by the subjects so you dropped it.

Thanks for confirming what I already knew, that you haven't yet managed to change the scripts. The DNC stands without a chance. Mitt Romney style defeat will happen 2020, and you will be unemployed

>> No.15505542

TRUMP YOU FUCKING IDIOT. You realize 911 happened in his own town? You think trump doesn’t know mossad/ Israel isn’t responsible for 911? Melania was in the modeling industry . You think she was never exposed to the pedophike predators that own the business and allow young girls to become successful ? YOU GOD DAMNED JEWS WILL SOON BE PUNISHED BY GOD. Israel will be exposed and the entire world will be having thoughts and fantasies of the destruction or israel which will manifest itself into reality via Muslim hordes will will not spare the lives of any of you miserable kike parasites. WE WILL KILL YOU ALL WHEN GIVEN THE GREEN LIGHT AND WE WILL NOT LOSE SLEEP OVER YOUR DEAD JEWS

>> No.15505548

Unbelievable you fucking Jews. My boomer parents circumcised me against my will you god damned kike. You deserve death . Your women deserve to be beheaded. JUDAISM AND ITS FOLLOWERS ARE DOOMED.

>> No.15505554

anon chill, if you want to vent go to /pol/ and if you like to take action, register as democrat and go for a Tarrant in DC

>> No.15505562
File: 138 KB, 1280x960, 1213236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are getting a bit emotional there kike, am I hitting a nerve? lmao. mossad really needs to stop hiring you sub 30 IQ tards to shill for them
if you didn't want a mutilated dick maybe you shouldn't have been a kike
keep deflecting and coping kike, nobody falls for your dumb subversion tactics anymore

>> No.15505565

Go Yang! I'm voting for Yang.

>> No.15505567

Mark these words kike. One day we will be granted permission to hunt you Neanderthals into extinction. Along side the Muslims, we will exterminate your kind from this good Earth.

>> No.15505574

the only one who is deflecting is (you) but that is what your script tells you on how to react to the USSC question because your script writers have no answer to it yet. I'm hunting your kind all over the internet and are sitting on 50 doxes of fiverr and afterwork pajeets like yourself. Interestingly the majority of your kind are located in California in college towns.

What you do isn't illegal, but come September 2020 it will make a nice dumpster fire when your addresses and names are released together with the log files

>> No.15505577
File: 150 KB, 1280x720, 21089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you lost kikes. people are waking up to your dumb kike lies, your little kike zionist stooge is getting the boot and you better deal with that and start coping

>> No.15505579

A lot of jews reside in valley village, CA.

>> No.15505605

You are right. Netanyahu is fucked.

>> No.15505631
File: 161 KB, 899x899, 129325677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when Trump loses bibi will be fucked too. The only reason they let him in power is because he is one of the most pro-Trumpers

>> No.15505636

You would be amazed how many of those shills are Trump voters. This is just a job, they don't care a single bit about what they write, they just follow a script. Nevertheless there is going to be a doxing campaign to fen the flames and fuck the industry behind.

>> No.15505717

Yup. Lazy people want easy solutions too, even if they had a little int.

>> No.15505722
File: 866 KB, 200x242, 1545703052984.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Automation is going to take away most jobs in the future.
>Implement UBI now, not in the far, far future


>> No.15505727

>Vote CCP goyim!

>> No.15505734

It's NOT in the "far far future" stupid dumbfuck. It's ALREADY here AND it's getting worse i.e. within 10 years, all truck driving jobs will be automated. Retail jobs are already getting automated at this point in time. 50% of all jobs could actually currently be automated at this point in time.

You are an absolute mother fucking brainlet.

>> No.15505760
File: 132 KB, 850x756, 1564896456327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And new jobs are being created at the same time. Ask your local twitch thot.

>> No.15505777

>And new jobs are being created at the same time.
Okay, retard. For every job eliminated, how many are created? THINK.
ALSO, good job IGNORING how displaced workers leave the workforce, dipshit. A displaced truck driver or retail worker for instance won't become some cs person, idiot. Holy shit, go to sleep. You have school tomorrow, dumbass.

>> No.15505781
File: 95 KB, 620x453, 1545715791108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if you starve a little you will look good enough to sell your bthole. No need for UBI.

>> No.15505790

>shitposts because they have no counter to the btfo
Pathetic. I guess this is your way of admitting defeat.

>> No.15505822

No. Parasites will always be parasites no matter what I say. I cant make you want to grow up. The desire to become an adult must come from within yourself.

There is no shame in selling your body. Women have been doing it for millennia.

>> No.15505848

>no matter what I say
Aaaand that has no data so why the fuck do I care what you say?
>I cant make you want to grow up.
>The desire to become an adult must come from within yourself.
Filler bullshit words that add nothing. Not an argument, retard.

>There is no shame in selling your body. Women have been doing it for millennia.
Not an argument, retard.

Lmao, this fucker can't even create coherent arguments. Ya, fuck buying power, huh? Fuck fixing this shitty country, huh? Seriously, people under 30 IQ points need to get gassed. Make a real argument or shut the fuck up.

>> No.15505862

Bernie/Yang 2020

>> No.15505869

Let me EDUCATE you.
1. Discouraged workers (someone that wants a job, but gave up and hasn't applied in over 4 weeks) are NOT counted as unemployed.

2. People who make HARDSHIP wages ARE counted as employed.

Putting those 2 together = makes the unemployment stat look better/lower than it actually is. It is a lie that fools without critical thinking believe.

44% of 22-27 yr old college grads are underemployed (inb4 just do computer science as if everyone is capable of that. Even they have like a 24ish% underemployment rate for 22-27 yr olds: https://www.newyorkfed.org/research/college-labor-market/college-labor-market_compare-majors.html
Think about that. NEARLY 1/4 cs graduates aged 22-27 will be underemployed (don't know how it evens out over time. Still not amazing though. It's around 34% when including all ages and all majors).

78% of full time workers live paycheck to paycheck ( *LITERALLY one paycheck away from homelessness and that is basically poverty* ). *42% of americans will retire broke* (so you give up the best years of your life being someone's bitch just to retire with nothing), 57% of americans can't afford an unexpected 500 dollar bill, 50% of renters are cost burdened (spend over 30% of their income on rent. Half of those spend over 50% of their income on rent), 30% of metropolis city jobs (where most jobs are created) pay hardship wages (not enough to move out with) and 32% pay livable wages (basically poverty) which leaves 38% that are decent (I say decent because you also have to take into consideration the toxicity of work culture. Also, some jobs ONLY pay livable or up BECAUSE of the hours put in. For instance, the average american works 47 hours a week. 49% work 50 hours or more a week. Both of which inflate the wage stats into looking better than it actually is), etc.

Welcome to the "land of opportunity" (load of bullshit).

But FUCK more buying power. More disposable income. More small businesses. Less financial strain.Lol

>> No.15505878
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It is good for the health of the gene pool if those people who cannot adapt to change get cut out by natural selection.

>> No.15505896
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Retard logic. So let's accept a shit system instead of improve it for the sake of "breeding only the best".
What a fucking edge lord.

>> No.15505907

Seriously. What kind of IDIOT doesn't want to improve a system?
Let me ask you something, narcissist. If 99% of people got selected out and you were one of the one's selected out, would you be happy? Of course not, but I know to save face you will say "ya".

>> No.15505914
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Remember to look out for your blood pressure. Wouldn't want you to pop a vein now, would we?

>> No.15505942
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I never said I don't want to improve things. I want freedom and personal responsibility for myself. You want someone else to take care of you and control you (like a child). Our ways of improving the system just do not mix together.

>> No.15506000

>low-iq, opioid-munching whites vs. Jews and high-iq whites
So it seems, West Virginian cumbrain

>> No.15506048

>support crypto
He is retarded then

>> No.15506115
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Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.15506128


>> No.15506151

>understands technology
Literally you morons are on the verge of electing a full on socialist Chinese as your president!!!
You Americans really are far dumber than we all thought. ( and it was a fucking low bar too). From Reagan to this asshole in just 30 years.
Incredible really. When the dollar inevitably crashes because you keep voting in these corrupt socialist trash you all going to see what’s it like to live in 1950s communism. I’ll be sitting back with my popcorn oh and my rocks.

>> No.15506176

His parents are Taiwanese immigrants, Taiwan is not the People's Republic of China. Yang was born in the US.

>> No.15506177
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How stupid can you possibly be? I don't like jews more then anyone on this fucking board. Jews will never perish because pieces of shit like you do not understand what it will take to remove them. You are fucking idiots that are unwilling to sacrifice there livelihoods to stand up and say the things that need to be said. You are a cancerous little jew rat.

>> No.15506239

No, dumbfuck. What you fail to understand is that we need to change this system as soon it's going to implode and not work for people anymore. What a fucking retard.
My ASS you want to improve anything. How, huh? Idiot. You say you want to improve things yet have not even listed one way how. Retard alert. A bunch of fluff words. Typical of down syndrome people.

The whole POINT of ubi is to offset the changes that will occur due to automation. Automation is going to change the way the u.s. operates, you mother fucking dumb bitch. You can't even comprehend that. It's like you can't think more than one step ahead. I really do wonder if you're even over 18 and are employed.

>> No.15506261
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You are wrong...?

>> No.15506264
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Retard. Anyone with half a brain can see I utterly btfod you. I actually pity you for being so stupid. Luckily for you, you can have the last word as I'm going to sleep. You can have the small "victory" of having the last word thus feeling like you "won" even though you've spouted nothing but horseshit this whole time. All you've done is ignore stats I've posted along with saying "dur hur ubi is for leeches" and "I want to improve this country!!!" Without even stating ONE way how you would combat automation. You also ignored how displaced workers leave the workforce and don't just magically become cs guys. You also ignored how more jobs will be eliminated than created.

Seriously. I mother fucking destroyed you. Rest in peace, retard brainlet.

>> No.15506269

>dur hur another shitpost
Lol. Bye, loser. Man, the burns I gave you must sting. I'm sleepy so you lucked out.

>> No.15506272
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Congratulations on your glorious victory, sir.

>> No.15506280

Not an argument, dipshit. Nice job ignoring this post: >>15505869

Lmao at you retard republicans. Well, luckily for you, I'm going to sleep. Enjoy the btfo

>> No.15506283

Seems like you are learning. Didn't even samefag today.

>> No.15506288
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>another shitpost
>that'll show em!
>hehe gottem
You are dangerously retarded. I'm off to bed. Stay away from sharp objects.

>> No.15506293
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>> No.15506294

That.... doesn't even make any sense. That's not even a shitpost. This is worse. This straight up just doesn't make sense. How in the FUCK could you think I was samefagging when I didn't even attempt to change my ID???

>> No.15506301

>I was just pretending to be retarded

>> No.15506308


>being autistic
>not realizing "the system" is architected by a few wealthy families with aristocratic roots to ensure their continued supremacy over the proles
>not realizing they're slowly eliminating proles as they automate their luxury
>courtesy of Purdue Pharmaceuticals

You're of miniscule intelligence coping with the fact that your cult of personality president has done nothing but shore up Israeli interests while further destabilizing the US.

>> No.15506317

I have mentioned Trump 0 times. You have a wild imagination I see.

>> No.15506341


>/pol/ in denial their poor, heroin addled white brains were fooled into voting for an Israeli asset

You can pretend you didn't, but we all know anyone posting /pol/ memes is a knuckledragger voting for their huwhite savior.

>> No.15506362
File: 82 KB, 842x792, 1545893657739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump is the best of the worst. We have no-one better stepping up and gaining large support. So it has to be him.

>da joooooos

>> No.15507060

such obvious glowposting. le based asian man will save us all with welfare. I'm sure disincentivizing work will lead us to prosperity, just like those inner city communities the scheme has been trialed on.

>> No.15507111 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 552x462, 1550279590951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread has attracted the attention of PC Vixen.

Anon, please do not use racist language in your opening post! Even if you have to quote it, make sure to change it to something like 'n word' or 'n****r' before posting.
Thank you!

>> No.15507126
