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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15497408 No.15497408 [Reply] [Original]


Luckily, this is the economy you've been waiting for. Trade tensions in Asia over American agriculture have never been more tense. But I know what you're saying:

"How does this affect me?"

Lentils. The lentil market is showing volatility like we've never seen. Forget gold. Forget baitcoin. What you need is beans. But I know what you're thinking. You're thinking:

"How can I make money with beans?" Great question. Sure, some will tell you to risk it on futures. Others will tell you the money is in production/distribution of bean-based goods. Still, its all a bit overwhelming for the beginning investor. You're thinking:

"How can I possibly get a break with beans?!"

Answer: Promotion. Pure sales. You're gonna make a fortune off these beans. Now maybe you buy these beans, and maybe you don't. It wont really matter unless you know what you're doing, and you have every reason to piss yourself in terror at the idea of plunking down a lot of money on beans without knowing what you're doing. Someone should smack some sense into you if you were even thinking about it. You don't just enter the bean market with a can of Del Monte succotash and expect anything but instant financial ruin. Which is why you need information. But I know what you're thinking:

"Where the hell could I possibly learn about promoting beans?"

What you need is a six week course complete with newsletter and ebook. Sign up right now for "Anon's Guide to Magic Monetizing with Beans" and you can start planning your retirement at age 26 today!


>> No.15497429

you literally want us to buy your bags of $BEANS go fuck yourself OP, better luck on reddit

>> No.15497463

I'm thinking about those beans

>> No.15497553
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Clearly you haven't read the testimonials:

Let me just share some feedback from Josh E. from Pizwatter South Dakota:

"If I didn't know growing up in a trailer park was a bad omen for my future already, I discovered it after the second or third time I had to sell my body for sexual favors to some out-of-town Syrian businessmen to support my cigarette habit. Finally, one Saturday morning after waking up without pants behind the dumpster between the YMCA and 7-11, I noticed a stack of empty boxes behind the grocer marked "Bush's" and realized beans were selling like hotcakes. Thats when I found some pants, went to a local wifi and began googling until I found your ebook on how to make money on beans.

"Now its seven weeks later and I own my own island 10 miles northwest of St. Kitts and haven't looked back. My bean website grosses around $1100 dollars an hour while I sit on my alabaster white patio by the pool overlooking the crystal blue waters of the Caribbean and, as I write this, two women in see thru bikinis are arguing over who gets to blow me first in the middle of my second garden soiree today. Thanks Anon, your book really changed my life."

Now I ask you, would I get reviews like that if everything I have said wasn't perfectly true?

>> No.15497578
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Lentils are good, but they're a niche market. What Americans are really into is fast food.

>> No.15497581


is this the new meme flavor of the week

>> No.15497598

no, its pure shit

>> No.15497605

>not going on the carnivore diet

>> No.15497626
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As well you should. Just imagine the sales you have lost while waiting to make a decision. Its as if an evil spirit of doubt has reached in your pockets and ripped out up to $800 in the last 10 minutes, forcibly butt-raped you, took photos and is posting it to his FB and IG as we speak. You may not feel the shame now, but trust me, even without the photos, its coming, and you'll decide never to be a victim of thieving doubts and their metaphorical ass-rapist demons ever again.

You're already on the path to success. Just dont forget to act!

>> No.15497628
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Yesu american round eye. Buy those beans... get rich. Hawhawhawhaw

>> No.15498350

About to pull the plug on a suicide bag of beans.

>> No.15498787

Honestly I just miss the shrimp farming threads from 2017... this shit is depressing

Kinda less depressing, but it still ain't no shrimp thread with nice little shrimp pictures

>> No.15498922
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The Communist arrives.


It will be the best decision you have made since taking a piss. You already had the sense to avoid that disastrous dilemma; keep the winning streak going!


I must disagree.

Chapter 7 of "Anon's Guide to Magic Monetizing with Beans" explores the bean/shrimp link as was discovered in professor Werner Hornblatt's study "Emerging Protein Sources in Southeast Asian Economies" where he clearly illustrates the intersectionality of legume distribution in perishables shipping overlapping with the prawn demand in the same locus.

It is for that very reason the end of the chapter is rife with a gallery of professionally modeled photogenic shrimp, as seen here.

>> No.15498962

Checked. Keep going. Your shitposting keeps me entertained

>> No.15498971

Just bought 10kg

>> No.15499374

I thought you beaners learned your lesson with bitbean and beenz.com

>> No.15499432
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>$10 for a pound of seed
>1 pound of seeds will yield 7 pounds of sprouts on average

/fit/ here, I buy picrelateds twice a year or so. 22 pounds for $20

>> No.15500184
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Then you probably have already made more money than you can deposit without triggering the Bank Secrecy Act. You may need my book to avoid nosy banks from reporting to the IRS before I can get you in touch with my law firm in Panama that specializes in asset allocation.





Those regrettable incidents were thoroughly investigated by the FTC and we continue to patiently await the fair and lawful outcome one can expect from having exhausted every last avenue of appeal. I myself can personally attest to the integrity of the leadership of this company and I have a dismissal, two mistrials and four acquittals to prove it.


Thats seven times the value added on your investment. What you need is a winning distribution model. Imagine what they will pay for sprouts in the Carolina's now that the stores have been emptied and the power outtage causes all the produce refrigeration to fail and they are left sproutless for weeks from the hurricane.

Imagine: you could bundle your sprouts with paper towels. They already have the water. You could upsale them to hydroponics and make a killing.

>> No.15501217

or you can just buy bean cash

>> No.15501252
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>> No.15501284

Bean Cash is not backed by actual beans though..

>> No.15502225
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Good idea. We could use celebrity endorsement.


But it is the commodity that backs seven Latin American currencies; in fact you will notice that bushels of frijoles rise and fall on the commodities exchange in direct proportion to the Guatemalan Quetzal. Local cuisine actually has an entire genre of recipes that are composed of tortilla, salt, meat and cash.

I read about it in National Geographic.

I don't remember which issue.

Probably a really old one.

>> No.15502263
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fucking kek

>> No.15502322

based bean merchant

>> No.15502335
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>> No.15502348
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I'm already stuck holding bean bags. For this reason, i'm out.

>> No.15502430
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A-ha! Since the invention of Styrofoam there has not been a bean-bag made with authentic beans since the Montgomery Ward "Autumn Rust" Bean-O-Max Stuffed Floor Lounger of 1974.

I will not suffer the false claims of obvious corn schills trying to cut in on the online grain affiliate market. This is my corner. Buzz off, Kernal Click.

>> No.15502466

Lentils are cheap per cal and last long so worst case scenario and the lentil market crashes you have nutritious cheap food which makes them 100000X better than those shitty fake internet tokens that have literally no value.

>> No.15502644
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This is 1,000% true. Beans will accrue in value as US Treasuries decline.

In the future, you could rise to the monarch that rules all of post-apocalyptic humanity in the next era as a man who began as today's Sultan of Legumes. Or as the elder's remember your street name as you rose to power in Bolivia's frijole cartels, "Lima Pinto", or according to the FBI "Mad Mex".

>> No.15502682

Faggot OP literally trying to sell us magic beans

>> No.15502752

Has anyone read the white paper on this

>> No.15503188 [DELETED] 
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You're imagining things. Using a bit too much of your own product, coy Onions boy?


It's quite extensive as you will see in my ebook, free at the end of my six week course which you can get at half price if you use my affiliate promo code "JACKD"

>> No.15503242 [DELETED] 
File: 1.12 MB, 494x210, scarface.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're imagining things. Using a bit too much of your own product, coy Onions boy?


It's quite extensive as you will see in my ebook, free at the end of my six week course which you can get at half price if you use my affiliate promo code "JACKD"

>> No.15503263
File: 1.12 MB, 494x210, scarface.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're imagining things. Using a bit too much of your own product, coy Onions boy?


It's quite extensive as you will see in my ebook, free at the end of my six week course which you can get at half price if you use my affiliate promo code "JACKD"