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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 376 KB, 400x384, asaz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15498157 No.15498157 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a huge gamer however I'm not that familiar or so called expert with crypto.
I've recently invested in UOS token, is this anything good and worth holding?
I'm not very greedy, just want to made some small money for my college tuition next year! TIA

>> No.15498173
File: 80 KB, 499x550, 1566069945718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you invest quickly, /biz/?

>> No.15498180
File: 16 KB, 512x512, 989B4E0A-DD07-42EB-A116-F387A73F3C9F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small money? Anon. Maybe you don’t know but UOS landed a partnership with Ubisoft, one of the biggest gaming company in the world. I’m setting my expectations at 8x EOM

>> No.15498206

Why am I seeing uos everywhere lately

>> No.15498220

Because it's going to revolutionize gaming and put Steam out of business!

(because shills, anon.)

>> No.15498222

Pajeets get paid for shilling it

>> No.15498232

Well done anon, good job

>> No.15498270
File: 1.35 MB, 1242x1223, 046665B4-F551-40F9-B757-A1C3C237B6C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you can pay off your whole college tuition with the profit instead just next year ;)

>> No.15498294

I already made good amount profit, going to hodl till I can pay off my car

>> No.15498303

Waste of time and money if you think you gonna get proftis for this.

Developers would rather sell a new copy to a new customer at full price, rather than make it easy to transfer a digital license at a reduced price.

Devs also want customers holding on to their games and not selling them, so that consumers can still purchase dlc down the road, and fill player lobbies so the online modes don't die out.

nintendo, sony, and microsoft maintain their own digital store fronts. They would never give away that control.

So that only leaves PC, but as you already know with battlenet, origin, epic store, etc. Devs want their own control and create their own storefronts instead of using steam as a middleman.

So this will go nowhere in the games industry. Just because it might make sense to you as a consumer/investor, does not mean it makes sense for a dev and the games industry as a whole.

Fuck off shill, nobody is buying your bags.

>> No.15498313

They’ll announcement many many big things in the next months, congratz anon

>> No.15498341

This guy is obvious high or a steam fanboy

>> No.15498360

Well said. Also, even if you would be able to resell games, ultra could only give you a % of the already small % they got from the initial sale. Then simply removethe title from your account. This would amount to $1 per $50 game at best. Mere pajeet pennies for indie games or anything under $20. Steam gives you roughly $2-$4 per $50 game on release in the form of Steam cards.

>> No.15498365

I’ll buy a lil bit incase it pumps like link lol

>> No.15498373
File: 175 KB, 1134x619, facts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a draw for Pajeets and the Chinese. The same way Brave browser will give you mere pennies. Except the ads here for products inside the ULTRA ecosystem, so you will get even less money. Probably a penny an hour, if that. Ultra only takes a small % from sales.

Nope.avi. Already covered why.

Innovative and rewarding open community, lel. It's a complicated way of saying a message board. Steam has a community hub with screenshot/videos and a forum for every title.

99% of the games would not be able to do this. The game specifically has to be built for this streaming technology. No other dev does this than Origin, at the moment. And they only do it because their games are huge.

Requires money and they will never beat Tencent/Epic in this regard because Epic already had Fortnite, so more devs were interested in getting on their platform.

Meaningless buzzword.

24 hour volume: $31,408 USD
Ultra ROI: -39.50%
UOS is a security token and fails the Howey Test. Won't be available in North America.
Consumers don't care about blockchain.
Dead on arrival.

>> No.15498395

I remember those old days when people like you were against link, and now they all regret

>> No.15498401
File: 371 KB, 700x400, ultra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gaben is laughing at this project.

>> No.15498411

indeed I have the ultra token and I will be seeing the very nice profits ,,, thank you dear

>> No.15498420

Regret? You havent seen those OOOOHHHH LINKIEESSS threads, the dumps, the price being fucked up, not selling in 4$ ... AHAHAH REGERE:A:AF::A

>> No.15498436

literally every fucking scam ever

"remember when you doubted link? this is the same thing"

I know it's a scam because of how it's being shilled. If you can show me an unironic LINK shill thread that is on the same level as these absolutely TERRIBLE shill threads I will eat my words.

>> No.15498439
File: 166 KB, 1186x800, 919f90a840e6a7837ad99888296b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember the days when I too fell for the ruse of discord trannies and street-shitters.

These >>15498270 picture are the telltale sign of a /biz/ pump and dump, for unaware anons. If the "meme" is an unfunny uncreative piece of shit that looks like it was copped from a famiclone cart cover, discount Fiverr pajeets are in play.

>> No.15498446
File: 99 KB, 797x530, 1565982492812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15498482

Did you highlight a meme, took a screenshot, then resized it in MS Paint? I don't think anyone should take your advice on investments in this space.

>> No.15498492

Who much your Tata costs?

>> No.15498494

buy loom instead

>> No.15498495

Thought you were a shill for a second, anon. My B.

>> No.15498528
File: 35 KB, 661x380, stacking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting that Argentes, the #1 faggot SENT shill of all time, is also involved in Ultra, seems to actively produce these absolute shit-tier memes and post them in the Ultra telegram.

And their threads read almost identically...

>> No.15498547
File: 101 KB, 881x822, photo_2019-07-05_12-52-37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Argentes, very cool!

>> No.15498598


What you want to do is invest in things with a potentially huge market and a good chance of actually reaching that market. I'm currently balls deep in something called Orion Protocol. It connects all the exchanges like coinbase and binance and idex together in 1 single interface with an order matching engine behind it.

>> No.15498637
File: 536 KB, 713x1067, EPIC-MEME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They found a method that works, I suppose. If they can pump the price even 20% over the course of a month they will replicate it. They use these images to bump the threads without having to write any content.

>> No.15499045

Ultra and the Ultra protocol are challenging existing game distribution platforms. They allow devs to build and operate their *own* game distribution platform or virtual goods trading service. And gamers to play the best mainstream games that people are used to on existing hegemony platforms like Steam.

Reselling games is another function devs can play with. It's possible for devs to develop limited copies of a game and make it a tradeable asset where they can take cuts from. If you have a hard time understand visit the ultra TG chat.

Brainlets like you are looking over it but I can understand that this is too big For your brain too handle. At least read the whitepaper before making any baseless comments godspeed.