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15497618 No.15497618 [Reply] [Original]

Michael Chen, the CMO of Fantom, aka the Magician, bus driver, brain surgeon, and much more joins Howdoo! This guy literally brought Fantom from the dead to one of the top projects in the crypto space.

Something huge is coming, with Howdoo’s price activity, getting Martiniguy and Michael onboard, and the many rumours..

>> No.15497633
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Insiders have been accumulating the past week anon. Get on asap, because the rocket is leaving soon!

>> No.15497644

fuck me is this really happening?
that guy made fantom what it is today. I told myself not to deposit more funds into crypto FUCK. Choices...

>> No.15497658
File: 135 KB, 960x954, KAKSDFJKLDASFJ (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big Howdoo Fan here

>> No.15497680


you guys are the worst pump and dumpers i have ever seen

nobody on biz talkes like that
and nobody bought your send so go to reddit and fuck off

>> No.15497688

Why should I buy this shitcoin again?

>> No.15497708

Howdoo is the only one that seems to me to be sustainable among blockchain social media platform and is designed to meet the needs of users, content creators and advertisers. Also, they are partnered with a pc software company, telco company, and are gonna do a airdrops. Big time airdrops. Not some shitty 10$ games

>> No.15497811
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Always funny to see the brainlets taking the time to type fud, while holding the worst bags ever.

>> No.15497927

>that guy made fantom what it is today.
No he didnt. He is in charge of marketing. He has absolutely no control of the project other than marketing. How can you say he made fantom what it is, when he hasnt actually done any technical side to making ftm what it is? You are thinking of Andre.

>> No.15498105

As a Fantom fan and hodler, I’m just patiently going to add howdoo to my portfolio for sure

>> No.15498116

Well I made 3x profit on FTM, I guess it's time for me to make 3x profit on Howdoo aswell ;)

>> No.15498831

He made all the exchange listings possible, made Fantom a transparent project unlike most other projects, social interaction wouldn't be nearly as high as it is currently and there would be no business development. You're retarded thinking this guy will not bring all of his connection to Howdoo and pamp it

>> No.15499169

back to discord trannies

>> No.15499216

lol is to funny how people mystify chinks witout any real accomplishment

>> No.15499437

None of it would have been possible without the tech. If you knew anything about ftm, you would know they had all the funding and research done before the technical development of the actual project ever began. He had 0 to do with that. I give him props for marketing, but he has nothing to do with the actual project itself other than marketing. His connections might be nice, but it means nothing if there is no use case or real development in the project. Chen's forte is marketing, not tech. Chen has nothing to do with any development, you are a retard for thinking/saying that. Half the dudes spamming ftm on Twitter are fake accounts ran by a few dudes shilling coins. Sure there are many real ones, but Chen is not why i invested in FTM and neither for any other serious holder. You would have to be a braindead normie to just buy something because you like the marketing.

>> No.15500281

Tech does nothing if it isn't being used. Both the change in direction of development and the marketing helped to succeed Fantom. No one part could have only made the success that is currently Fantom. It's the synergy of both technology and bringing that technology to partners that are actually going to use the tech.

Howdoo is a great example of well thought out finished product that needs the marketing expertise of both Chen and Martini guy to take it to the next step. That the reason why they wanted them and why they accepted the offer. They both like the product and seem to want to bring it to the real world.