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15494972 No.15494972[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've thought about it for a little while now and have come to the conclusion that I've hit a dead end in my development in life and it might be a good investment in myself to get my life straightened out

I'm 23, have no friends, live on my own while working a fairly deadend bluecollar job, I don't know where to go in life and I'm dreadfully unhappy compared to how happy I was in middle and early high school when I actually had friends.

The thing is, how do you find a good therapist who isn't some liberal hippie that will try to correct you into a Disney Star Wars watching goyim normie?

>> No.15494989

you failed to find right channel for your probles, your going to fail finding therapist... just kys, world wont miss.

>> No.15494999

Just go to a therapist, shouldn't matter which. Also stop browsing 4chan if you are that weak minded to fall for the autistic lingo always used on here. You are never gonna fit in if you think you're special and look down on normies. Thats why there are so many losers here

>> No.15495011

You don't, its nothing but a racket for the jews

>> No.15495099

>Just go to a therapist, shouldn't matter which
some therapists are more competent than others. ideally you should see a few and find one you feel comfortable with. some are incompetent.
a therapist wont find a purpose in life for you btw... you can try read books on how to make friends (it requires work on your part to stay in touch). if you think you have a condition that prevents you from making friends like autism, yeah you could see one.

>> No.15495110


>> No.15495112

Nice trips of truth
I don't actually look down on normies, but I definitely don't get along that well with people who are not analytically minded (or it used to be called "type A" I think)
I can socialize on a basic level with such people, but am never having interesting conversations like I used to have

>> No.15495133

possible you have mild autism. anyway you should read those books and meet people around your interests.. now with internet you can find communities on every topic.

>> No.15495172
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I've had great results treating myself.
Most therapy is a steaming pile of shit.

Almost all therapy when tested has the same effect as placebo.
Look at the Dodo bird verdict
Read this to see the equivalence to placebo

If you want I can give you some free solutions that can change your brain and it's all backed up by laboratory experimental evidence.

The reason your not as happy, as you were when you had friends is that your attachment pathway in your brain in not being stimulated.

>> No.15495214
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>but I definitely don't get along that well with people who are not analytically minded
OP if your still out there, I highly suggest you look into how therapy works yourself. Most people involved in therapy have mush brains. If you want to see it for yourself join some therapy related facebook groups.

Learn about neuroplasticity.

Memory Reconsolidation in a Nutshell
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJrfsjT35UE [Embed]
The Science of Psychotherapy podcast - Bruce Ecker and the science of memory reconsolidation

I tried dozens of therapy techniques over the years. This has laboratory experiments that verify how it works.

>> No.15495226

When you say therapy related groups do you mean people interested in receiving or practicing psychotherapy?

>> No.15495252

>I tried dozens of therapy techniques over the years
the personal qualities of the therapist are much more important than the therapists shcool of thought. that's what makes a good therapist vs a bad one.

>> No.15495272

>do you mean people interested in receiving or practicing psychotherapy?
It's both actually. There are facebook groups that have people seeking/doing therapy with therapists in the group as well.

You got any specific questions? Maybe I can point you to the best material and reduce the amount of research time you spend.

>> No.15495274

sounds like standard psychotherapy, changing old inappropriate/dysfunctional beliefs with new ones.

>> No.15495279

>the personal qualities of the therapist are much more important than the therapists shcool of thought.
Yeah thats called non specific common factors theory and that is promoted by Bruce Wampold. There is no evidence this is true. I can give you citations if you want.

>> No.15495339

>changing old inappropriate/dysfunctional beliefs with new ones.
On the surface this appears to be the case, but this is incorrect.
When you look at the neuroscience evidence produce by laboratory tests it is different to the standard talk therapy.
This has all the citations
The non technical terms are that normal talk therapy causes new pathways in the brain. The memory reconsolidation updates old pathways. The really powerful emotional pathways that have existed for around 520 million years.
If your interested this video covers how it all works in the brain in depth
NYSPA Psychoanalysis Conference Video Part 1

>> No.15495394

>You got any specific questions? Maybe I can point you to the best material and reduce the amount of research time you spend.
Not OP, but maybe you can help me.
How do I get motivated? My father never supports the things I do (currently studying Computer Science) or he pisses me off when I try to work out. Or I am a loser because I don't have a gf yet. And so on and so forth. This has led to me giving up on things and ending in self pitty. Last semester I fucked up most of my exams, because I didn't study for it, because that is what my dad thinks it is. Then my "friends" in university stopped caring about me and I became depressed and now I'm behind.
Tl;dr: How do I Stop thinking that I deserve to be a loser and focus on my things and succeed?
Would be great if you have some Input here, fren.

>> No.15495419
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>Tl;dr: How do I Stop thinking that I deserve to be a loser and focus on my things and succeed?
I've experience very similar negative outcomes previously and now no longer have these.

The main thing I've found evidence for is that all your symptoms are nervous system responses. It's not you, as in the conscious part of your mind.

I'll give you detailed advice in the next post

>> No.15495444

family history of stuff? schizophrenia?
what job?
romantic relationships?

i can help you anon


>> No.15495463

see a male psychologist before a male psychiatrist. psychiatrist should not be first choice. go find a male psychologist older than 40

>> No.15495471

>My father never supports the things I do (currently studying Computer Science
your father is a toxic cunt. if there is one degree that will assure you a job in the future it's this one. are you a girl? problem is you adopted his thoughts about yourself. you should tell him to shut the fuck up because it's your life. dont hesitate to cut ties with him if he negatively impacts your life

>> No.15495477
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Learn about neuroplasticity.
Memory Reconsolidation in a Nutshell

The negative thoughts you are having are just a symptom. You can write these thoughts down to trigger a feeling.
So "I am a loser because I don't have a gf yet." would make you feel a feeling.
To change your nervous systems response you need to reconsolidate the memories that store the feeling related to this sentence.

There are various protocols. The one with the most amount of evidence and clinical tests is EMDR.

So you would feel the feeling the upsetting one that makes you think "I am a loser because I don't have a gf yet." then apply EMDR. The easist way to apply EMDR is to tap your body in an alternating pattern.

This video explains this alternating tapping pattern in depth.
Shrink Rap Radio #655 Stress and How to Short-Circuit It with Amy Serin PhD

If you want I can give you my discord to give you more resources. You can get rid of this stuff in months! And life feels totally different afterwards.

>> No.15495494

this too.
It's good advice.
Also look into the topic of "narcissistic abuse" I had the same behavior from my father. Your father is an idiot like mine, but when you boil it down they are just traumatized and lash out to regulate their own nervous systems.

>> No.15495523

Also you can use Internal Family Systems meditations as well.

Internal Family Systems (IFS): A guided meditation

The key is to have the feelings activated when doing these exercises.

>> No.15495537

>I have no friends and it is making me unhappy
>I need a therapist

Maybe you do need a therapist, but you should get some friends first.

>> No.15495559

Do you talk to your Father?

>> No.15495580

Yeah I do talk to him, now that I understand what's going on when he starts being abusive I just abuse him back. That's the only thing that makes him stop. He really can't hurt my feelings anymore and cause me anxiety because the "triggers" are gone forever. Any reason you ask?

>> No.15495598

Address/discover these two aspects and you wouldn't need a therapist

- Social isolation / loneliness
- Purposelessness

Each of these can have structured candidate solutions (biochemical or spiritual or physiological etc). Use your gifted autistic brain for these.

>> No.15495632

Yeah because I come from a similar family dynamic. I feel bad for my Father, but he doesn’t show any empathy for me. Like him and don’t like him I guess. But why do you abuse him back? Shouldn’t there be a healthier way to deal with it? Like focusing on common interests?

>> No.15495644

You’re right. However therapy accelerates the process and also allows you to explore the things you’re doing to people that you shouldn’t be doing. These are the things people around you day-to-day think about you but don’t wants to tell you about.

>> No.15495646

Yeah but empathizing with your abusive parents is eventually the last step.. when you're healed enough to face them without being triggered. i also had to tell my parents to fuck off for a while and do things they didnt approve without feeling guilt.. i had to almost cut ties for a while until they understood they couldnt control me anymore. as >>15495494 states , check about narcisstic abuse

>> No.15495658

Give oxytocin a try !

>> No.15495660

If you can't really cut ties physically you can do so emotionally (aka not giving a single fuck about his abusive comments)

>> No.15495689

it also seems like you live with him... having your own place would be good if you can afford it.

>> No.15495695
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>I feel bad for my Father, but he doesn’t show any empathy for me
He doesn't use the pathways of empathy for himself either.
>But why do you abuse him back? Shouldn’t there be a healthier way to deal with it? Like focusing on common interests?
I do focus on common interests such as investing and science. But when he's abusive there is no response to reason as his prefrontal cortex shuts down. So to hit his nervous system I need to be aggressive back to protect myself no different than if a dog bit me.

Look up codependency, you most likely come from a "fawn" nervous system response. When conflict occurs you most likely think about how to reduce it by being friendly. Look at this table.

These are just hardwired stress responses that make no real sense most of the time It's like farting yeah its part of the system but it's definitely not that useful or desirable.

>> No.15495717

>Yeah but empathizing with your abusive parents is eventually the last step
Yeah I just see them as flawed and vulnerable just like us all. Also when they were maturing all this knowledge literally did not exist.

>> No.15495733

>Yeah but empathizing with your abusive parents is eventually the last step
Yup your right. I'm in that phase now. I see them as flawed and vulnerable like we all are. Also these tools to heal didn't even exist.

>> No.15495787

How 2 develop out of fawndom

>> No.15495796

Thanks anon, I will look into that! Really appreciate it.
>are you a girl?
Nope, straight dude.
>problem is you adopted his thoughts about yourself.
I know, whenever I go somewhere, where nobody knows me and when I'm not bound to anyone, then is the time when I feel the most happy and motivated. Or when I'm in the town where I study, my room and stuff is always clean. My room at home, I didn't clean up in half a year on the other hand. I just despise the place.
Yes I live with him. I help him out with his business on the weekends, therfor he pays my health insurance and fuel costs for my car and I also get food on the weekends. Same stuff in the semester holidays. I kinda feel responsible for giving him a helping handy as I will inherit stuff from him

>> No.15495830

Change your nervous system response.
see the steps in the above post

It's not rational, it feels super real until you reconsolidate. Then it's like wtf was I doing that for! The fawn response is just something you got conditioned into when you were younger I had the same response. It rarely gets triggered now though. And when it does I just heal it with the steps in the post, plus some other things.

>> No.15495850

you are you're own best therapist

take shrooms

>> No.15495919

>Thanks anon, I will look into that! Really appreciate it.
Glad I could help

>> No.15495996

neuroplasticity? neurogenesis?


>> No.15496021

I've used self administered MDMA for trauma healing.

>> No.15496226

1) Therapists are only after your money

2) if you can't fix yourself, nobody else can either

>> No.15496232
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not a therapist or anything like that. However, here comes an advice not only for you, but also for OP and others autistic frens.

Above everything:

Buy/download/whatever ''wake up productive'' from Eben Pagan.

This program literally changed my life for the best.

If you can also read a lot. Books that teach you how to be more productive and/or give you interesting ideas and insights about yourself. I suggest starting with:

1) seneca ''on the shortness of life'',

2) Joseph Campbell ''the power of the myth''

3) Viktor Frankel ''Man's search for meaning''

Unfortunately most psychologists/psychotherapists are normies with average IQ and don't have the capacity to understand that some people function differently.

If you are NOT a normie and therefore try to become happy or have a goal applying normie standards you will get fucked. Most of this shit is not for you because you are not a normie.

Understand something guys, society is made for those with average IQ. Nearly 70% of the population score is between 85 and 115 and 84% of those is between 70 and 130 therefore the world is made for those.

Anyway, my point is: if you want to be understood and to learn really learn something valuable try to learn from people who might have experienced same struggles.

Lots of people get prescribed different meds or get fucked because ''Medicine A cures 80% of people, therefore it is better to use this med on 80% of the population and then if it doesn't work we will see what we do''

Sure, business wise is more efficient to do that, but don't fall for that meme. Normies will try to find normie solutions, most likely they won't work out.

Wish you all the best frens

>> No.15496375

>Anyway, my point is: if you want to be understood and to learn really learn something valuable try to learn from people who might have experienced same struggles.
Great advice and sound logic in the post.

> Buy/download/whatever ''wake up productive'' from Eben Pagan.
> This program literally changed my life for the best.

If you liked this, https://www.thescienceofpsychotherapy.com/ should cause another change for the best

>> No.15496919

Thanks frens!

>> No.15496963

Glad I could help.
You got any questions?

>> No.15496975

>The thing is, how do you find a good therapist who isn't some liberal hippie that will try to correct you into a Disney Star Wars watching goyim normie?
All of them are.

Unironically go to and talk to a Catholic priest (maybe Orthodox if you are in eastern Europe should work too).
You can talk to them even if you are unbaptized, they will be glad to help.
Usually the priest lives in a apartment, house just next to the church. If you have some time call before and schedule something or check his bureau hours.
If it is super urgent they will not send you away even if you do it in the middle of the night.

>Why caths or orthos?
Both of those practice confession which is where people went to get life advice and work out past problems before the advancement of (((secularism))) and (((psychology))) they are also not as subverted as prots. You should avoid any too modernist looking churches tough.
Traditional catholics (SSPX, FSSP parishes etc) and orthos are also often redpilled on (((them)))

>> No.15496991

aslo adding to >>15496232
read Marcus Aurelius "Meditations" he is from the same philosophical school like Seneca (stoicism) and elaborates a bit more than him.

>> No.15497081

"Liberal hippie"?

Imho people who think like this are assholes

>> No.15497093

>Imho people who think like this are assholes
Wax Jessica Yaniv's balls then

>> No.15497098

you can usually set up a hone hour trial session with a therapist to find out if youre a good match, what their methods are, etc. just test a couple of them and see if you click with one. I was always convinced psychoteraphy is a complete scam but I eventually broke down in my 30s and started seeing a shrink. definitely helpful and I wish I wouldve started sorting out my issues earlier. just dont get on any meds and actually I would be wary of any therapist that wants to push drugs on you.

>> No.15497135

Shit, I'm 32. No friends. Blow money on sandwiches, watches and synths. Handsome. Single. Don't give a damn about getting laid. Been there done that. Make 51k/y. I'm probably "worse" off than you. But I don't give a damn, op. Because I'm rad as fuck.

>> No.15497252

>Because I'm rad as fuck.

>> No.15497280


>> No.15497518

just read Jung, OP, you need to integrate your projections and start living

>> No.15498487

Jung is a faggot jew.

>> No.15498611

Anybody here experience with Psychedelics in this regard?
I did some research and it seems to me, that Mushrooms are the better choice, compared to LSD, if we talk about rewiring your brain?
Could you do it with LSD anyway? Where I live it's hard to get my hands on mushrooms

>> No.15499219

you are retarded

>> No.15499237

Meditate (yes, it's a fucking meme, just do it).
And remember to not blow all your money on useless shit, invest it on useless meme investments instead.
One day you'll wake up and you're 33, you'll state hate yourself but at least you won't be 33 and a fucking poor cunt with nothing.
Take it from there.

>> No.15499242

All these sounds good but there is still time for it go back to normal for now i guess its better if you invest in Telecoin,TELEX

>> No.15499281

The best therapist I ever went to was a married Anglo man. So, I don't know, someone like that probably has better perspectives than a divorced woman therapist would.

And when I told him in the first meeting I didn't want SSRIs, he honored that. So see if they listen to basic things like that.