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File: 110 KB, 1030x580, predictit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15492759 No.15492759 [Reply] [Original]

what are you degenerates betting on?

I've been scooping up 'no' shares on the question of whether Trump will grant a full pardon to Rod Blagojevich -- average price $0.85 -- a 14% return in less than four months. Not bad!

>> No.15492776

I'm betting on Packers +3 tomorrow

>> No.15492804
File: 250 KB, 1036x1513, predictit3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top performers

>> No.15492974
File: 61 KB, 844x489, polls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking about making an account recently. The sites not loading for me right now but here's what I would do:

There was a question "how many people will Trump pardon?" And the odds for 7-8 look good right now. If he doesn't do another pardon this year you will get a 10x return.

13+ shot up because he did a batch pardon in July and it's currently the highest. They're basically betting that he's going to do another one or several single pardons.

Then put that money on Warren being the nominee.

Here is a chart I found on Wikipedia of Democratic polling. Notice how in the rigged polls Warren is the only one consistently trending upwards?

And remember when Trump tweeted several times about Warren being "Pocahontas"? He's already making her into a rival BEFORE she even announced her candidacy!

According to Wikipedia she was "formerly a law school professor specializing in bankruptcy law" and everyone knows Trump has had several bankruptcies. She's also a "Republican turned Democrat" while Trump is the opposite. She's the perfect candidate for the next rigged presidential election.

Trump and Hillary friendly with each other before their campaigns. Bush and John Kerry both members of Skull and Bones. You think that's all a coincidence?

>> No.15493066
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bohemian grove, Kennedy & MLK assassinations, etc. I agree that there's a lot of shenanigans

the number of presidential pardons market looks tempting, but I've had it blow up on me in the past. Same story with the number of vetoes and the number of tie-breaking senate votes by the VP.

those markets are big returns, but big risk. I tend to invest in predictions that I'm 95+% sure are going to be correct.

>> No.15493162

23K - hello fellow Prophet!
You actually do play. Most people there just run their mouths. Finally disabled comments. Stopped betting on most markets when I realized the pollsters play and do 11:59pm updates to win big. Lost lots there. And the tweet markets have guys running machine learning prediction to schedule out the estimated tweets. Also PI has a tendency to just randomly shit the bed during election night so you cant swing trade, and also has a history of asinine rulings about the rules. Feels like the proverbial picking up pennies in front of a steamroller - making 1c before fees for 99c risk of ruin sucks. Now I just make bets on things I am pretty certain of an let it ride.

>> No.15493634
File: 197 KB, 1141x628, pardons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pardons is the bet moonshot bet IMO. I'd only deposit a small amount just to brag about a big percent gain. You'd rather deposit a lot to make a smaller percent gain.

For Warren I'm more sure about. Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders are about as popular as they can get right now. Like they're not going to suddenly gain new support. Warren has default support for being a girl and will gain more if Kamala Harris drops out.


Also predictive programming on The Simpson's for a Trump presidency, more debt, and a female president (Lisa Simpson) right after Trump.

>> No.15494060

betting on safe ones is the way to go, I've lost a full $850 stack at least 5 or 6 times now, but overall I'm up ~$11,000 in 3 years and the returns have been more regular since I stopped gambling on crapshoots

salutations fellow prophet

>> No.15494936

I've got a little bit on Comey facing charges before eoy. Hillary too