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15488381 No.15488381 [Reply] [Original]

why would you want to have children in the current climate?

>> No.15488416

Why does anyone at any time? If your reasons for having children are dependent upon your environment, then you probably have the wrong idea about reproduction.

>> No.15488441
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yes because taking responsibility for the lives of children isn't necessary

>> No.15488503

Excellent point. I suppose any tribe or group throughout the entirety of human history that suffered from high rates of infant mortality or social unrest should have just given up and stopped fucking.

>> No.15488511

>hey kid! you want some African water? how about an IQ of 50?

>> No.15488517

If you're high iq white, you owe it to the world and your ancestors to reproduce. Atleast 3 kids.

>> No.15488520

Because our race will go extinct and the Jews will win if we don’t

>> No.15488528

this is true to an extent, however why would you birth children in an apocalyptic environment?

>> No.15488565

Ha! If you had an iq of 50, you wouldn't be pondering that far ahead into the future, or the implications of child rearing in a degenerate world.

>> No.15488590

yes exactly. I would be a white nigger

>> No.15488616

>more peaceful than ever
>better medicine than ever
>better education than ever

The world has always been shit bro. If anything it’s slighly less shit rn, but still pretty shit

>> No.15488619

So then your greentext does not apply to you or your situation, and therefore does not pertain to your particular question of why one would or wouldn't want to reproduce. Africans do not ponder these questions at all, they just do it. You aren't an african.

>> No.15488633

And we’d birth children in the hope of fixing it

>> No.15488653

>automation in full drive
>jews own everything
>dictatorship with no free speech in 5-10 years
ye I should definitely make more children, because I'm not an African after all. Makes sense m8

>> No.15488660


All of that is thanks to whites. When they are reduced to a heavily taxed minority, the US will become another Latin American country with nothing but drugs and famine. Europe will basically be a larger middle eastern caliphate

>> No.15488701

So do you think then, that oppressed people living in less than ideal conditions should give up, stop reproducing, and die? What do you believe is the purpose for reproduction?

>> No.15488730

>less than ideal conditions
mate just say slavery. yes, I wouldn't want my kid to be a slave. wtf man

>> No.15488738

Because I will raise them, not "the current climate"

>> No.15488747

>slavery to judaism won't affect my child at all because I am the man of aryan legends

>> No.15488783

Because you hope one day it’ll be better

>> No.15488791
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>> No.15488980

Your child is you. He is sculpted from the very genetic clay which made you, by the hammer and chisel that you weild when you raise and teach him. To not procreate is a tacit self-evaluation of worthlessness. You are saying that you have nothing to offer or improve in this world. I mean this literally. Look at any demographic that is known for being child averse. Faggots, "empowered" women, drug addicts, all steeped in self-loathing and absolutely hell bent on snuffing out their own defective genetics. To rear children with care is to ackowledge that you love yourself, and that the world will be better with you in it. By questioning this responsibility to yourself and your entire familial background because of the environment you live in is to accept the modern lie that life is just about pleasure and happiness. Ironically, the acceptance of this lie is primarily the reason why modern life is so shit and void of happiness. If you think people like you would improve the world, you owe it to yourself and society to do it.

>> No.15488988
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>tl;dr who cares if your child ends up in a brothel, I'm here to virtue signal

>> No.15489040

Never said everyone is correct in their assertion of self worth.

>> No.15489070

>I have a big penis, therefore it is decided!!! I'm going to set babies in this world! They might be cattle for some Ishmael Baalahel, but at least I'm a king and I am god

>> No.15489170

It's an alpha thing to do, conquer, impregnate, create a big influential family

>> No.15489178

because by not having kids, I cement this as the current climate forever

>> No.15489179

I'm not sure if you're just trolling to be funny, or you're really struggling with these ideas, but if it's the latter i do want to help you out. If you really have no idea why you would want kids, appraise yourself. Worst case scenario, you find that you really are worthless, and are free to live a life of hedonism and pleasure without ever visiting the possibility of having kids again.

>> No.15489187
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>> No.15489198

Can't tell if leftypol or pol

>> No.15489211

Leftypol is the post directly above you.

>> No.15489212

yeah as if you're not the one retard who wants his kids to be slaves.

>> No.15489215

I'd rather not have a kid, just so the bitch I fucked to get it doesn't use it to destroy my life

>> No.15489222
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based and redpilled

>> No.15489267

Slavery is always a choice. My kids will decide if they are slaves. By then you will be irrelevant.

>> No.15489304
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>Slavery is always a choice.

>> No.15489669


Because it's the current year

>> No.15489699
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>I want to raise kids in THIS current state

>> No.15489935

>get sick
>i want to live in THIS current state
There exists a powerful civilizational cancer. Doesn't mean everyone should just give up and die. Progeny who survive to see the other side will be stronger.

>> No.15489951

bro you're absolutely fucking retarded, there's no way you can survive this level of cuckery in the West

>> No.15489969

also I didn't mean to say that you should an hero, I said I wouldn't put kids into this world as a guy with no strategic favors

>> No.15489989

Because arabs and indians chinese are not ever going to stop churning out low IQ little shits to overrun every white nation, so we must have white christian children as our responsibility as christians to create armies to fight the muslim and atheist socialist hoardes. it is our duty to our ancestors and to god.

whether you are a shill for islam or a shill for judiasm, no matter how many times you post this thread, you will never win. our righteous sword of holy vengence will find you muhammad, the power of christ embues and protects us

>> No.15490026

The west will likely not survive with any meaningful resemblence to the current state of today. But do you not want to play any part in what comes after? An-hero or simply terminating your own input by failing to reproduce, the result is the same.

>> No.15490033

You know what's supposed to happen in the end times? You're talking about Christianity here.

>> No.15490047

I'd unironically rather kms than watch my kids become buttslaves to kikes. You want to have kids? Be conscious of what's coming.

>> No.15490059

yes. muslims get wrecked.

we will never ever tolerate you and we will never ever believe your lies, you are as bad as the jew with your subversive underhanded plotting and scheming and decieving.

>> No.15490095
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>the bible... talks about muslims

>> No.15490129

I have 4.

>> No.15490134

Yeah, uh no. In case you haven't noticed, there's no winning the numbers game. It's stupid to bring more sufferers into the world. What's needed are spines.

>> No.15490152

> In case you haven't noticed
you're not talking to people with a reasonable mind, just socially conditioned vessels for an appetite

>> No.15490168

How unfortunate that kikes do not share your disposition for defeatism.

>> No.15490174

100% accurate.

>> No.15490189
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yes but they also aren't niggers. they're strategic enough to make their children not suffer like dogs.

>> No.15490212

I am white, very intelligent and make a good income. I want kids. I want a couple sons and I’d be a awesome dad. But I can’t bring myself to date anymore I’m so burned out

>> No.15490229

If you're like that, move to Eastern Europe, ideally Russia. Buy property and make home with a Slavic bitch

>> No.15490460

If you perceive that the only options are suffering or death, then likely you are correct. You are probably unfit for survival and further propagation, and this innate realization is manifest in you through your defeatism, lashing out against people who do want to reproduce, and probably other forms of self-loathing. However, this is not the case for everyone, and i hope other readers who are pondering the same questions do not take your attitude to heart.

>> No.15490625

Itt: incel cope

>> No.15490682
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What Climate???
The World is literally better than any previous time in human history...
And its gunna get way better when the civil war kicks off

>> No.15490710

Jew here. This guy has the right idea. Accept your fate.
Truth is, you've been cattle all along. Every time you've tried to "break free" of your chains it is only because we have allowed it; and every time we beat you down to less than you were before.
Soon the day will come where none left have the will to rebel.
To serve us is the point of your creation.

>> No.15490717
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Feed your son a steady diet of Manowar and Sabaton...

>> No.15490799
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>> No.15490850
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but i do anon
im tall, have a chad face, extraordinary muscle genes and would love to have children
thing is, i only want to have sons and i dont know if could survive having a daughter lol id probably just kill myself if im gonna end up getting a daughter or maybe keep trying and try to get lucky and have two sons and a daughter or something
i dont know if its worth the gamble
t. only son out of 3 children

>> No.15490924

>you were created to serve us
>so give up, don't breed, and die off
It's afraid

>> No.15491371

half-jew goy here. just knocked up my white wife.

>> No.15491429

No cool grandpa jew storys for you to tell

>> No.15492185

We should all stop breeding and embrace extinction

>> No.15492203
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Nonwhite detected

>> No.15492214

>dude like why did homo erectus have offspring? like they lived covered in shit and stuff lmao should have just gotten a rocktendo switch and jerkef off all day

>> No.15492689



>> No.15492763
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As a middle finger to the (((globalists)))

>> No.15492779

I'm guessing you can't find anyone that will want your dna to live on. Just accept that you might not have kids and you'll stop being so passive aggressive/feminine.

>> No.15492862

>globohomo destroys your fucking planets, poisons your tap water and proceeds to kill all jobs
>"durr I guess you lack self worth haha"

>> No.15492867

Nothing written on the Guidestones is wrong

>> No.15492882
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>"stop being so feminine"
>"wdym? shit hits the fan? no?"

>> No.15493023

You people would need to have sex first... so it's not gonna happen

>> No.15493051


>> No.15493059

because they can do farm labor for you

>> No.15493094
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current list of arguments in favor of having kids
>survival of the white race - legit
>have kids or you're worthless - questionable
>just have children because you're lazy - cancer
current list of arguments in favor of not having kids
>the world is dying lmao - legit
>slavery to jews - legit
>this isn't a numbers game - legit
>roasties will make sure you'll suicide - legit

>> No.15493129

I really want kids, but I already feel fucking trapped in my job and my life. Imagine that except 100% no way out since you have to provide for a child and can't leave them without a father

>> No.15493196
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>> No.15493336

having a daughter almost ensures getting to the next, next generation. sons have to work harder and are more likely to die in the upcoming social upheaval

>> No.15493406

Generally, what you see in the world is a reflection of yourself. Overshadowing perceptions of utter hopelessness and despair indicate an afflicted, diseased mind. As pathogens tend to do, you are attempting to infect others with your misery and weakness. For any other anons reading, do not let this useless dead end bring you down.

>> No.15493583

A study showed that Tall successful men tend to have daughters.

>> No.15493617
File: 114 KB, 680x477, 50F4C0A0-3E2B-4BA6-B0BC-941F19FAAEF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m having between 6 and 10 WHITE babies to spite the jews. I was going to have three until I figured out the jews are trying to eliminate my race. If it gets too hard I will bail like a NIGGER and the US govt will pay for my WHITE babies

>> No.15493630

>They took this away from you
>You will never get it back
It really hurts, bros

>> No.15494301

Humanity will die out leaving nothing behind. The choice is an illusion, the struggle is futile.
You grandchildren's kids will have more in common genetically with total strangers than with you.

>> No.15494314

you have to take it back you blackpilled loser

>> No.15494502
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All you pseudonihilistic niggers can't seem to get through your head the idea that your conditions are far from bad at all, even within the context of the last 100 years
Nowhere in the Western world will you see conditions similar to that of Weimar Germany for example, where a great country was riddled with debt from grossly oversized reparations, communists and fascists would openly battle in the streets, the currency was worthless, and in Berlin you could buy time with both a woman and her daughter in many brothels around the city

If you choose not to reproduce, then generically and in many ways ideologically, you lose.
The unbroken chain of reproductive success that links back to the earliest dead floating RNA string in the primordial seas of Earth will end with you, in failure

And those like you ideologically will die out as well by definition, since they don't value reproduction of themselves
And thus the world will go on shifting away from any semblance of how you might like it to be, without any fighting back on your part

>> No.15495148

At least you'd have something to live for.

>> No.15495318

ITT: retards complaining about jews/ muh evil boogeyman rather than fixing their problems

>> No.15495351

The world never did me a favor and none of you will help me get a girl much less raise kids, so go fuck yourselves.

>> No.15495359

The United States has atomic bombs. A race war won't be won with sheer numbers but with technology and politics.

>> No.15495384


Having children is one of the worst financial decisions you can make in life. Just don't.

>> No.15495385

>kids is the only way I can influence the world
There's this thing called mass media, you might have heard of it.

>> No.15495747

After a certain minimum threshold of comfort more money does not make you happy. You'll be sitting there on your cash at the end with nothing real to show wondering what was the point of all your effort.

>> No.15496612

Hope you got to bed early enough to make it to class, or your homeroom teacher will be mad.

>> No.15496661 [DELETED] 

That looks like the polkadot bronie

>> No.15496707

the real reason /biz/ wont have children:
>ugly fat balding fucks - legit
>autistic or outright weird/antisocial - legit
>cant stop jerking off to degenerate porn - legit
>reddit tier manchildren - legit
>losers who can't attract a woman - legit
>losers who cant raise a child let alone take care of an animal - legit
>too broke to afford children - legit

>> No.15496771

>a great country was riddled with debt from grossly oversized reparations, communists and fascists would openly battle in the streets, the currency was worthless, and in Berlin you could buy time with both a woman and her daughter in many brothels around the city
sounds like modern day america minus the brothels desu

>> No.15496870

Yikes. Imagine being this ignorant about evolutionary biology.
>There's this thing called mass media...
Yeah, the mass media that tells white people the world is overpopulated and they shouldn't breed? People that watch that garbage have a fertility rate of below 1.5 children per woman. The Amish have 6-7 children per woman and are growing 4% annually with zero government aid or intervention.

>> No.15497036
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Because the most extreme outcomes in a relationship aren't always the most likely ones.

If you are smart enough to realize that some women make for terrible partners, then I would hope that you are also smart enough to realize that not all of them are. If you happen to fall in love with and marry a woman whom ends up screwing you over in the end, I certainly hope you are willing to take some responsibility for your piss poor choices in women.

Having children with someone can be a highly rewarding experience. You bring this new little lifeform into this dangerous world full of uncertainty, yet limitless possibilities, and it gives you a strong sense of purpose in life. (Unless of course if you are a shitty human being whom marries and/or reproduces for reasons other than seeking out a greater purpose in life beyond that of self-centered pleasure and hedonism.)

Needless to say. Find a woman who seems decent enough to trust and have children with. Then raise those children to be decent human beings as well. If you dislike the current climate, change the climate by putting actual effort into fixing it instead of complaining about it on the internet to random fucking people.

>> No.15497059
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I'm a 6'2" white male with blue eyes, an IQ of 133, and a not exactly astonishing income, but enough to live in reasonable comfort. And since my ex broke up with me at the beginning of the year, I can't get gf. Hell, the ex was Taiwanese, western women aren't interested.

I would love to have kids some day. But unfortunately it's not a reality and likely never will be.