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15479693 No.15479693 [Reply] [Original]

So does Bitcoin have any fundamentals beyond whale manipulation, milking lucrative transfer fees, and sunk costs for chinese miners? Every claim to the store of value meme applies just as much to any other PoW coin.

>> No.15479740

Bitcoin lives off it's ''fame'' and first-mover advantage.

>> No.15479752

No, but nonetheless it will reach 50k eoy.

>> No.15479754

> Every claim to the store of value meme applies just as much to any other PoW coin.

No it doesn't, you saying this and wording your first sentence as you did just goes to show you're a salty shitcoiner making an faux-curious disingenuous question thread. You need to be humbled and fully capitulate on your narratives, and then start listening to what maximalists actually say in detail. It's you who is in the weak position, I don't need to shill to you beyond saying do your fucking homework that amounts to something more than reading biz and reddit shitposts from altcoiners equally as delusional as you.

>> No.15479766

safety first, bitcoin is THE savest asset in history of mankind.

nobody can take it from you, nobody can tax it, you can take it everywhere except mars.

>> No.15479782

No. Buttcoin lives of a story and whale manipulation. same as gold and silver, where the later have industrial use cases

>> No.15479783

Why not Mars? Elon won't allow?

>> No.15479789

bitcoin cant scale

>> No.15480243

And immutability, and security, and worldwide acceptance, and network effect.

How many hard forks and rollbacks has Ethereum had? It wasn't just the DAO, I remember reading another discussion months later that they were doing another hard fork and were going to roll back a few more transactions because feels got hurt over something.

Most of the other biggies like Ripple are explicitly centrally controlled. Except Litecoin, and Charlie Lee admitted in a leaked chat with the "Foundation" that no one is working on the code any more other than himself when he occasionally feels like it.

>> No.15480306

We wont be able to colonize the Galaxy without leveraging various distributed ledgers so actually you will be taking it with you

>> No.15480416
File: 484 KB, 1200x1200, bitcoin kneel to the king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please post the BEST version (for future reference)

>> No.15480438

Nope, which is partly why you’ll actually -make- money off Bitcoin, not like some other “use case” coins.
Xrp is a great example of have so much usage that it needs to be manipulated by Ripple to keep the price steady for it to be used by FI’s.

>> No.15480472

Honestly its going to be BTC, ETH and Link with BTC still being the big boy.

>> No.15480884

>literally no points
Try again.

>> No.15480898

Except it is taxed everytime you transfer or use it.

>> No.15480912

First to market advantage. ATMs etc. Same reason Litecoin>You

>> No.15480915

Bitcoin is the only crypto that matters and will ever matter. Ignore this fact at your peril

>> No.15480927

Only if youre retarded and buy it from Jewbase.

>> No.15480939

Pretty sure it will stop mattering as much when it costs 300$ a transaction

Or 50, which is at ~150k

>> No.15480955

But that fee as a percentage of the value of a coin remains both constant as well as vastly cheaper in most cases than traditional routes (and operates 24/7 without needing permission from anyone else to send your money)

50 bucks to send 150k sounds like a sweet deal to me. Imagine you actually had that much in your bank (I know you never will, but bear with me here) - if you tried to send it via bank wire you'd need to go through a ton of red tape and end up paying far more than 50 bucks and wait a few ((business days)) to get there

>> No.15480966

BTC has becoming like store of value, but its slow, cant scale, high fees, etc, etc.

blockchain technology is here to stay, even MSM media, economist etc, etc. says so

so BTC is like Gold, but alts are like modern tools that world needs for many projects
cryptoworld and blockchain tech is just starting,
so good alts has bright future

do you agree, that world needs few good alt coins?

>> No.15480969

>doesn't realize I'm obviously talking about miner fees

>> No.15480997

Miner fees are the cost of transacting on the most secure and immutable network mankind has ever created.

>> No.15481007

Just because you're using circular logic doesn't make it true. I'm still waiting for at least one (1) valid point to be made.

>> No.15481035

Dude, BTC/USD lmao

>> No.15481038

I dont give a shit about trying to convince you, you don't deserve to hold bitcoin. I derive much more satisfaction watching you shitcoiners slowly bleed out like the vermin you are.

Literally every altcoin is nothing more than a midget standing on the shoulders of a giant and declaring itself tall. The market is beginning to see through the charade.

>> No.15481055

Except there are tons of coins that offer vastly more security than BTC while being faster and cheaper.

>still zero points given
And who said I don't own BTC? You're becoming incoherent.

>> No.15481056


do you think that when companies etc starting use blockchain technology, they use Bitcoin, when there is so much better tech coins exist

like first cars over 100 years ago, people dont use them anymore, things evolve

>> No.15481279

Name one

>> No.15481304

which coins are more secure? please prove it because i have huge doubts about it

mars isnt possible because of physics. speed of light and max distance between earth and mars.

bitcoin is digital gold, thats not just a empty meme.

>> No.15481321

> longest chain
> highest hash rate
> largest adoption
Better tech is a meme in crypto.
Neets will never understand this.
At some point something might overtake BTC in marketcap, but it sure as hell won't be within the next 5 years.

>> No.15481840

Still waiting on you to name one

>> No.15481982

Pretty much any privacy coin like zcash.

>> No.15482041
File: 396 KB, 925x571, 1542642581549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Better tech" meme is akin to saying that polar bears are more highly evolved than horseshoe crabs... meanwhile the horseshoe crab species lives on and on and on and on...

"Better" is contextual. shitcoiners still haven't gotten it yet.

>> No.15482086


Except the network almost came to an halt like two months ago, in fact someone had so much Hash that the chain was splitted in half for some hours.

>> No.15482538
File: 13 KB, 676x469, Screenshot-2018-10-08-at-17.10.22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As of June 2018,over 80% of Bitcoin mining is performed by six mining pools, and five of those six pools are managed by individuals or organizations located in China


>> No.15482708

BitCoin does. BTC is just a meme, and if not this then next halvening everyone will find out.

>> No.15482985

>Except the network almost came to an halt like two months ago, in fact someone had so much Hash that the chain was splitted in half for some hours.

Double finds happen from time to time. I seriously doubt the veracity of the rest of your bullshit. Sounds like you're smoking some shitcoin.

>> No.15483011
File: 20 KB, 600x337, 1537460243883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody can take it from you

>ayy white boi we got yo bitch giv eus yo private keys or we gon put a bullet in dis bitch head ya herd?

What do you do now?

>> No.15483175

Literally all 3 happens in the us

>> No.15483284

How's ZECs performance been lately with all that great tech? All time lows?

>> No.15483310

precisely why you should be stocking cruzbit hand over fist. it's a fresh start.

>> No.15483533

never going to break its high from 2 years ago either, biggest shit coin of them all that will get shut down soon also, like pull the plug on the miners shut down

>> No.15483553

The roastie got herself into that situation. The roastie can get herself out of the situation as well.

>> No.15483570

You people are still talking about crypto lol. That meme is over.

>> No.15483609

No, literally just first-mover advantage. Ethereum will flip it when Serenity is released.

"Bitcoin will continue to have the longest chain, highest hash rate, and largest adoption in the future, because it has the longest chain, highest hash rate, and biggest adoption now."

Complete and utter retards who think they will win by following the market as it is now

>> No.15483941

it has zero fundamentals, everyone buys thinking it's going to go up just because it went up in the past.
I never expected it could go that high just based on hype, no idea when it ends.
For the same reason I stay out. It's impossible to decide when to sell.