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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 471 KB, 1024x1563, PhotoEditor_20190903_120306514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15477148 No.15477148 [Reply] [Original]

Walmart bans all gun and ammo sales.
Only shopping academy now.
Now that the cheap ammo is gone im so glad I don't have a reason to return to the niggermart

>> No.15477165

>Walmart bans all gun and ammo sales.

>> No.15477192

You’re part of the problem faggot. Have sex for once

>> No.15477201

Fuck off kikes

>> No.15477219

Fuck off white supremacist.

>> No.15477280

Didn't they also pull M-rated video games off the shelves too?
Amazon already has the edge on them in nearly every way except for convenience. They're basically rushing their own demise along.

>> No.15477282
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>> No.15477301

Kikes detected

>> No.15477321

What the fuck is short barrel rifle ammo? Tha fuck does that even mean?

>> No.15477335

No they just pulled the advertising for M-rated games.

>> No.15477337

They may just be non-Americans who get triggered by the idea of God-given Constitutional rights that the government can't control. There's a lot of them on /biz/, unfortunately.

>> No.15477354

Or its paid (((shills))) who want to see all goyim enslaved with no rights

>> No.15477357

Hell yes! Fuck I'm shopping at Walmart for life!

>> No.15477371

Or bored retards that like to act like obnoxious charicatures.

>> No.15477373

What's the difference? kek

>> No.15477561
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Get woke go broke

>> No.15477602

yes because muh guns and muh freedumbs stopped us from becoming a 50% white third world shithole in the span of two generations

>> No.15477612


bong here. when i first went to the states, the top of my sight-seeing list was a Walmart that sold guns. Lads, I was not dissapointed- rooty-tooty point and shooties as far as the eye could see, and I even bought a Tactical spear to accompany me on the rest of my road trip.

You must do all you can to preserve this noble privilege. Cant your donald trump tweet Walmart to fix it?

>> No.15477632
File: 418 KB, 1456x706, silly delusional europeans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's take away more of the freedoms that made the US great because people started to fuck it up in the mid-20th Century
For a "mutted up third world shithole" we have considerably more freedoms and money than pure-breed Europeans. What does that say of them? lmao

>> No.15477641

hello texas fren

>> No.15477654

>Walmart bans all gun and ammo sales.
Isn't this a good thing? Wouldn't that just help local businesses? The local gun shop/ rifle range is bound to get an uptick in business now.

>> No.15477666
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At least whites, the last bastions of freedom and moral purity are going out with a bang and not a slow burnout.
Remember,when almost all the whites are gone,and there's noone left to pay taxes or prop up the brown masses anymore, these people will be the ones to begin slaughtering each other over bottled water and shitpaper while we move north to wait for Helter skelters call.

>Fuck niggers

>> No.15477675

>he measures everything in (((GDP)))

Typical kiked Americuck. I'd rather be dirt poor in a homogenous country than rich in a (((diverse))) one.

>> No.15477684
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But they didn't even really sell good guns,even the ones they had we're badly priced,unless a .22,tho they did carry ar15s for a while.

Also side question that I never understood,why does it matter where the gun is sold as a background check w the FBI is standard anywhere

>> No.15477693

Hi fren,how did Jew know?

>> No.15477699

>be morbidly obese burger
>just returned from a tour in the middle east, lost an arm for your closest ally Israel
>go to buy your favorite mountain dew, doritos and 9mm ammo at local Walmart, with your hard earned credit card score
>get greeted by cattle goyi-- dedicated loyal employees who start singing and dancing we are we are Walmart clap clap stomp
>you too start clapping clapping stomping
>they thank you for your service and perform a one minute silent dab in your honor, oo-ah!
>carefully plan your route to avoid the fruits and vegetables aisle
>a hapa incel walks in
>get shot, fall off your mobility scooter, spill blood and guts all over your cheesy hot dog, mayo bacon sandwich, and extra large diet sugar free coke shopping snack
>'arghhh goddamn libruls if only I could have also purchased a shotgun too I could have defended our beloved American supermarket...' dies
Just another day in America

>> No.15477716


bong here again. Mate, what you're saying is true, but you have to understand: liberties are inversely correlated with the age of a state. That's why we have been deprived of liberties over the centuries, that you chaps still enjoy. But make no mistake, history teaches us that over time, states deprive citizens of liberties. You must resist!

>> No.15477739

Sorry you've never had anything in your worthless life as you look up to us as superior for having doritos

>> No.15477742

>calls the US a 3rd world shithole
>moves the goalposts when he's presented with the fact that even the poorest states make more than the vast majority of European countries
>h-having more freedoms makes you a cuck!!
>denies the fact that his ages-old ethnostate that was once homogenous has been flooded by migrants and everyone in power and most of his fellow country"men" are cheering it on
>has the audacity to throw stones from such a sad glass hut
Arrogance and ignorance are like air and fire, aren't they?

>> No.15477773

Best post all year, have a upvote

>> No.15477781


>> No.15477784

>Your rights didn't stop us goy, so give up!

>> No.15477800

Accessibility and driving gun culture out of the mainstream. These companies are trying to remove firearms from American culture

>> No.15477802

Is this pre or post tax?

>> No.15477803

Your line of thinking is what made the British Empire so glorious in it's heyday. I believe that sort of rationale that led to the Magna Carta and the American Revolution lies dormant in an uncountable many throughout the UK and the European continent. The more that western civilization is plunged into chaos and disorder, the more that rationale will awaken.

>> No.15477813

Leafs are richer than Americans


Surely they just need more guns and type 2 diabetes to be like us?

>> No.15477832

this guy knows (((America)))

>> No.15477846

Walmart about to lose market share to Target

>> No.15477856

nah the kind of retards who care about this are also the kind of retards who think targets bathrooms are tranny rape dungeons, they won't got there either.

>> No.15477893

Upvoted & checked.

>> No.15477909
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They're doing ok today for a red market
Too bad I'm balls deep in target already.
>Never go against the toastie flowchart.

>Target for bullshit
>get sum Tinderdick

>> No.15477922
File: 93 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190903-132051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops wrong photo,yet relevant

>> No.15477977

Canada used to have a rather healthy gun culture too. A lot of their crackdowns on firearms are more recent.
In any event, they're around 12% of America's population in total. Of that 12%, 80% of them live within 50 miles of the US border. Save for the few people working heavy industry up in the great north, everyone else up there is generally broke and on welfare (drunk Frenchmen and Eskimos). Otherwise, wealthy Canadians almost always move to the US once they make it and their brand and waves of multiculturalism are considerably worse than ours.

>> No.15477996

Anyone truly into guns as an actual sport isn't gonna be shopping at fucking walmart anyway. This is good for small gun shops

>> No.15478006
File: 52 KB, 400x400, experts-gun-control.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double checked and maple pilled

>And what always happens when all the guns are taken away in a society??

>> No.15478021

realistically they had TWO shooting INSIDE their own store, come on now

>> No.15478033

This is actually good and bad. More people will be forced to shop at LGS giving them influx of cash. This also lets them jack the price of ammo up

>> No.15478113
File: 228 KB, 700x558, l-16471-when-you-give-up-on-getting-a-girlfriend-because-youre-ugly-so-you-decide-to-find-a-communist-friend-who-has-a-girlfriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ in a nutshell

Sorry you'll never experience privileges like freedom,or food,or pussy

>> No.15478347

This. Anyone who goes to Walmart to exclusively buy guns is desperate or stupid.

>> No.15478357

its ridiculous that they sell this shit
how retarded can you be

>> No.15478772

Why is it rediculous?

>> No.15478790

This chart is bogged. Norway is much richer than the fucking South

>> No.15478862
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>what a heroic step from a stand up company, they love america more than their profits

>actually just virtue signalling to buy extended goodwill so nobody pesters them about why they're overtaking all american retail and why their stores are all being connected underground by tunnells accross america and are used in FEMA plans..

based walmart acting as a logistics and supply chain underlay for the upcoming event where ((they)) cull most american citizens with a bioweapon but hiding their blood stained palms and showing us their squeaky clean backhand, what a great american company

>> No.15479496

Long Cabela's

>> No.15479594
File: 50 KB, 280x320, 1558888033160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white supremacist