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File: 53 KB, 750x569, EDemoTSXoAEZ71Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15476072 No.15476072 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know why you guys will not vote for Yang. 1k/month for free. Hey neets this is your dream, just make the wagies pay more taxes for pay your tendies, minorities already do that. With that free money just buy crypto and make it in the long term.

Come on this is so based.

>> No.15476122

This is unironically the complete opposite of based you complete faggot

>> No.15476134

Then prices on everything raise and you're back in the same position you were before, but with a social credit system.

>> No.15476138

You're the faggot here, faggot

>> No.15476145
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Pay more taxes wagie, pay more taxes

>> No.15476171

Because this policy disproportionately benefits minorities and further acts as a dysgenic input to the already very poor selective breeding mechanisms at work in the US.

>> No.15476178

It's rigged. Debates are rigged. System is rigged. Establishment is rigged. Dude like Yang never stood a chance. Implying they even care about your vote - see what happened to Burnie lol.

>> No.15476240

he is a chiacom plant that's why

>> No.15476252

an ugly chink would never defeat trumpo

>> No.15476260

Trump is a mossad plant

>> No.15476269

This. Only scumbags would actually benefit. Anyone who is being productive and a non-piece of shit is just going to get taxed and then have a small part given back as """"free"""" money.

>> No.15476281
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Seething wagie, seething

>> No.15476285

Bernie leading in a new mannmouth poll and leading in new hampshire.
Its rigged but you can also undo that by voting en masse. They cant erase votes.

>> No.15476296

WRONG. Trump is the chosen one, the one chosen by the people. The true patriots who want to keep America Great

>> No.15476304
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>> No.15476310

>I hate you wagie REEEEE
>b-but p-pls vote for yang so I can get neet bux

>> No.15476316

Are you a freight broker?

>> No.15476326

Nope. Are you a neet?

>> No.15476344

I inherited a bunch of money and some property. I just want help more neets and make wagies work more

>> No.15476354


>> No.15476362

> 1k/month
> Taxes to fund everyone getting 1k/month
How does this work out again?

>> No.15476392

Your taxes go way up and then you are given a free $1,000.

>> No.15476410
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based and redpilled. trump 2020

>> No.15476430

I'm a right wing with 21 btc.
Going to vote for Yang.
No longer give a fuck.
Will take my 1K a month and convert to more BTC.
BTC will only go up with this spending.

>> No.15476437


>> No.15476689
File: 42 KB, 640x434, 1566835607829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The country sucks dick and I have no reason to vote against my own economic interests to try to help the rich have even more money or the country that gives tax payer dollars to foreign countries instead of investing in the country or our own people. Magatards can continue defending the Zionists and the corporations they control, I'm more about helping my fellow men and women and myself. The VAT tax used to pay for the UBI isnt coming from regular people. The prices of luxury items and shit I dont buy anyway, i could give less of a fuck about. A thousand extra dollars, even if prices raise (which I doubt will be anymore than the market manipulation they currently do anyway) will still help me, and most people. I would rather a chink than a fat jew any day of the week.

>> No.15476832

Bernie was silenced in last primaries but is establishment now. You either play with them or you lose.

>> No.15476881

I hate worthless faggots like you. There is no such thing as free money.

At least you're too ugly and fat to breed, tendie scum.

>> No.15476897

Welfare is free money you retard

>> No.15476907

Paid by taxes, you absolute cuck.

>> No.15476929

Not mine, motherfucker

>> No.15476938

Universal basic income is one of the most retarded and dangerous ideas pushed by big corporations right now. They just want you to consume, not to live. And when they realize killing you off is more cost beneficial, that'll happen too.

>> No.15476941

Exactly, hence my original post, proving my goddamn point.

If you're going to leech off the system, at least use that extra time to learn how to get some reading comprehension.


>> No.15476943

I re-registered as democrat yesterday just so I can vote for yang in the primaries. This guy talks like he swallowed a Limitless pill.

>> No.15476957

It's literally free money. I don't do anything for it and I get it.

>> No.15477003
File: 36 KB, 549x486, Yang-Cries-Chinky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yang supports a white minority model and is afraid of a white violent backlash before the end. Psychological pressure, sub-poverty level handouts and cheap fentanyl are intended to keep us passive while we dwindle away.

The 'Free Thousand Dorrah' meme disguises something far more sinister.

>> No.15477021

Go Yang 2020! Vote for Yang, vote for Yang!

>> No.15477073

Lol, you are expected to still have a job, the UBI is just to keep you from necking yourself. 1k/mo is not enough to live on your own even if you are monk mode.

>> No.15477078

(((productivity))) is for retarded losers. It's the only reason why the planet is as fucked up as it is. Only NEETs offer a sustainable way of life.

>> No.15477098

There are no jobs worth having in 2020..

>> No.15477157
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>> No.15477167

But it's just fine if you want to live in a tent, and shit on the street. This is the endgame.