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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15470661 No.15470661 [Reply] [Original]

are any of you non-wage slaves financially independent or do most NEETs here live with their parents? every time i make threads about jobs you faggots make fun of me for wagecucking and you act like you are millionaires but im betting most of you faggots are just losers living with your parents

>> No.15470674

theoretically financially independent
officially poor, on welfare in a socialist country with all costs, including housing and health care taken care of by the wagies and those that pay taxes

>> No.15470788

nice, what country? im just wondering how all these NEETs are paying their rents

>> No.15472088

I have a tug boat like CWC but I also have a part time job. I'm stuck living with my parents who are living stereotypes of Boomers. I would love to not have to deal with them but I'm living in a "welfare trip."

I'm wondering if I could build up income in a special needs trust fund until I can live on my own but I don't think I can do that without talking to them and I hate them.

>> No.15472446

most of us here are oldfags and bitcoin multimillionaires

>> No.15472479

I sell cum and piss jars. Kind of an overnight success story and I do what I love.

>> No.15472486

you got me i live in a basement and no money

>> No.15472524

work full time but live w/ parents. Will probably move out within several months, no rush cause it’s pretty chill

>> No.15472548
File: 299 KB, 600x538, halfdays.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's past your bedtime wagie, you have to be on time

>> No.15472826

What country?

>> No.15473116

I’ve been NEETING for 3 months so far, have another 40 weeks of money in my bank until I have to touch my crypto, do not live with parents

>> No.15473357

bro living even if you have a job living with your parents for a while ftw.

Depending on what salary and where you live you can save at least 10-20k+ per year, which is basically a lot of money to get you started at something.

Scenario 1- you are kind of conservative:

If you live with them for 3-5 years you can save almost 6 figures, that should get you started to get an apartment or what can be the beginning of some nice returns in bonds, etc

Scenario 2- you are aggressive

If you live with them for 3-5 years you can save almost 6 figures, that should get you close to 7 figures or not more within a few years if you invest on crypto and be smart and cashout some of yout savings

That said not every situation is the same: maybe your parents house is a living hell or maybe you are too autistic and need to get outside your bubble for personal growth. Maybe those could compensate the short term loss, because they could make you happier therefore more productive so as a consequence you have more chances of compensating that long term

>> No.15473388

i live with my dad but it's kinda like government gibs cause he has a huge pension from wageslaving in a good government and got made redundant 10 years ago
he doesn't really mind, he'd be lonely

>> No.15474436

im just wondering really what you NEETs do for money to live on and what the wagies here do as well. tryingto decide what career to take up

>> No.15474926


>> No.15474964

the fact that it matters to you is fucking pathetic wagie

>> No.15474983

shouldnt people be posting their ages here too.

Tbh guy (referring to OP) my experience of /biz/ is like you make out, fucking faggots acting like they millionaires because they have some disposable income in crypto whilst having no overheads living at their parents.

The jive is that, 'wagie, cuck, incel' blah fuckin blah, they mock people for working whilst actually forcing their parents to be the 'wagies'. in the rare case the /biz/tard has a job, they still lord it over everyone else, must be right in every argument , regardless if they are 29 and still living with mommy and daddy having no real life experience, never having the safteynettaken away.

I guess in a way this is how you 'make it' in todays society, the only way to get ahead is off the exploitation o your parents, these /biz/tards wont move out until their parents die , and even if they do move out it will be off the back of the finances left to them by their parents, not really over anyself obtained means.

'muh generational wealth', these fuckers think they clever because they amass 70k over 10 years sponging off their parents, when the reality is that this wouldnt even buy outright a third of a decent house.

>left home 18
>been grafting my way through life since.

I dont resent the life I have, but it does make me sick when I hear people bitch about how hard they have it when they live as adults with mom and dad, have inheritances left to them, a car paid for etc. these fuckers need a swift reality check ideally in some form of sex slavery where they are ripped out of their cotton wool and forced into the brutal cold hard light of this world.

>inb4 redpilled.

>> No.15474985

While most bizraelis are too smart to slave away in the neoliberal jobs market of today, the anti wagecuck threads are mostly whales who don't want bizraelis to have the ability to buy shitcoins on the cheap

It's a trap and you shouldn't fall for it. If you can wagecuck do it, and then put all your wagecuck monopoly monies into a real economy like the ETH ecosystem

>> No.15475094

I'm in med school and live with my parents. I technically work but paid jackshit for it.
Lived with a girl for some time but came back and now living with parents.
100% more comfy, especially since they fuck off during the week end to another house.

The wagie thread make me kek, of you're gueninely triggered by them you are a low IQ with no capacity to laugh at yourself.

>> No.15475124

>going through medical school
>mommy and daddy have a second home.

Imagine being this privaledged and still being so pathetic you cant live in an independent house as an adult.

OP here probably works some shit tier job but likely still lives as an independent adult, whats your excuse fuckin man baby.

>> No.15475450
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Seems more like he's the high IQ son of high IQ parents and you're a seething low IQ poorfag with debts and dumb as shit genitors.
Med schools in Europe are almost free btw but you have to pass a ranked exam with limited places.

Anyway I never understood what's the point of this boomerism of kicking children out of the house at 18.
As long as they help and are not degenerate I would gladly keep my kids with me to give them an edge, that's what my parents did up to 24 and now I'm pretty successful (dev working in finance, 28, 80k euros a year after taxes, no debt, 30k in crypto, 40k in various investment) because I could concentrate on college and side-projects.

The biggest tech companies these days have often been kickstarted in the garage too.

>> No.15475501

It's mostly an American and Caribbean thing. My mother, who is Caribbean, rebelled against that and allowed me to stay home.

During that time, I acquired three degrees(two Masters) and started my engineering career. I live by myself now, but I was able to save tremendously and I have a nestegg where I'm not concerned about not working for a few years.

>> No.15475808

>thread full of crypto schills coming out.

Silver and gold Chad here. I'm 22 and run my own company with 1.4m in sales so far this year, appraised to sell it for 1.1m which I'll likely do mid 2020. Started it with 2000 bucks when I was 18

>> No.15475877

What is so wrong with living with your parents? They bring you into this world against your will, just to work. I will milk mine for everything they've got for as long as I possibly can

Rich people get connections, jobs, businesses, trust funds, etc etc from their parents, but poor and middle class must be shamed for getting anything from their parents? Even shelter is too much right?

>> No.15476279


>> No.15476476

hmm I dunno, always with this samefaggery of 'hurr incel, cuck low IQ ' fucking nonsense, do you even hear yourselves, all fucking chickens in the battery farm 'cluck, incel'.

keep regurjgtating the same nonsense, I like to think that the reality I create is my own, and not that created off someone elses back, but thats just me. I guess its a generational thing, previous generations would have had a wife and 3 kids by aged 24, not to mention the job and house aswell.

Now that the world is 'harder' to get by in people go running with their tails between their legs to their parents, and whats worse the SJW's let them back with open arms, allow them to live off them whilst they shitpost on /biz/ all day.

Great men achieve great things because they are pushed to do so, our previous generation had all manner of diseases that they were plagued by that this generation has never seen, they also had REAL WAR that wiped out a huge amount of population.

Im of the opinion that life shapes you, and if all youve known is comfort and 0 adveristy, when shit hits the fan in your life you will be immediately struck off, only the strong survive and all that shit and id prefer being at the apex of my evolutionary programming.

>> No.15476487

What industry are you in?

>> No.15476541
File: 197 KB, 774x850, 15343343434342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never had a job or worked a day in my life and I am 29 years old.
I live with my parents on 500 square meters for free in a big house, we even have a pool. every month I get NEETbucks and I get money from my parents so at the end of the month I have 1800€ for myself but I put most of it into chainlink since september 2017.

>> No.15476567

I will also add that IQ isnt congruent with wealth, most of the highest IQ folk in history cared not for the jew crack which is money.

There are plenty of dumbasses that are wealthy (drump) and then there are some with stupendous IQ such as Nicola Tesla, who died destitue. I'll assume that your a burger and dont know anything relevant (given youve also indicated a right to nestle at the teet of parents past the age any self respecting human should) but Tesla invented the electromagnetic motor, this is something which is responsible for about 70% of all electrical energy consumed in the world today, not to mention the discovery of our AC current.

So just quit with the same rhetoric, have sex, incel, low IQ bullshit, I swear this board is riddled with cancer these days.

>> No.15476586

most NEETs live with their parents. anyone who made it on their own are typically ambitious types and once you get the ball rolling it's enjoyable to continue climbing the ladder

>> No.15476614

Sad life you must have to continue asking the same question here. You even admit to doing it. From a passing reader who rarely posts, seek health advice. Thank you.

>> No.15476644

Fucking this.

If I had the chance, I wouldn't have wanted to be born just to be another waggie with a mediocre life going to shitty schools

>> No.15476651

Gonna build out a box truck to neet in

>> No.15476717

>IQ isnt congruent with wealth
>cites exception to the rule as examples

I would bet my life that if you took a random 1000 people who have a net worth of over $10 million and compared them to a random 1000 people who have a net worth of less than $10k, that the first group would have far higher IQ on average.

Wealth is literally the single biggest IQ filter.

>> No.15476726

fucking this, even with my below average income i am able to save 800-1000€ per month, while the average saver in Austria only saves about 201€ per month. I sometimes help out at home, and i am willing to financially participate in restorations/renovations of the house and so on.

No reason to shove Banks/landlords money down their throats

>> No.15476801

so all those inbred monarchs that are basically the bloodline of NEETs some 200 years ago when the world was entirely different due to things like the industrial revolution and a much harder unforgiving work environment to the 'wagies' your telling me all had super high IQ's, and had nothing to do with blood lineage and titles and land.

So all the greatest inventors in history were rich to begin , thats clearly what drove them to invent things right...

Oh wait, sorry, being burgers your so indoctrinated with the idea your european ancestors arrived on that continent with 'land of opportunity' that you think that all wealth earned is actually do to how clever you are and not actually how you essentially replicated a rather crude form of exploitation and cut-throat ethics to the native population that you yourselves were fleeing from.

Ironic, shall I go further back to some of the freek philosophers and mathematicians, were they themselves of stupendous wealth, or were they high IQ because they chose not to pursue wealth but rather their specific field of study, because, y'know, knowledge in itslef is wealth.

God, imagine being such a puny minded brainlet to only see the narrowest perspective of the world.

>> No.15476967

there is indeed a link between income and iq. doctors, mechanical engineers and chemists have higher average iq's than typical workers. You are quite unlikely to develop new materials, processes, products or medicine without the required knowledge. IQ is not the determining factor but one of the best indicators if someone is able to succeed in these disciplines since the need high logical and mathematical skills. You can still pretend IQ doesn't make a difference, but it wont change reality.

>> No.15476999
File: 56 KB, 822x645, TypicalFamilyLastCentury.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now that the world is 'harder' to get by in people go running with their tails between their legs to their parents, and whats worse the SJW's let them back with open arms, allow them to live off them whilst they shitpost on /biz/ all day.

Peak boomer brainwashing, you're seriously uncultured.
Through most of history households were multigenerational, it was a normal thing to have 3 generations under the same roof in the West and it's still the case in most of the third world.
Boomers grew in such an explosive economy and era of material growth that they were a generation which could afford proper housing and a good quality of life straight out of school with entry level job.
Many of them project their expectations on their kids today not realizing the environnement is so much different and more competitive.

> Im of the opinion that life shapes you, and if all youve known is comfort and 0 adveristy, when shit hits the fan in your life you will be immediately struck off, only the strong survive and all that shit and id prefer being at the apex of my evolutionary programming.

You're a fag thinking he's strong but you just got fucked over by your boomer parents, now you're seething with insecurity and jealousy, probably coping with the fact you're a bottom bitch and some have it better because their family prepared them for success and gave them balance.
The weakest and most damaged people I've met were always the ones who had conflictual relationships with their parents. They always brag about how tough they are because they "had it rough" but they're always the ones ending up having mental breakdown or turning psycho over some petty shit.

>> No.15477197


based leech poster

>> No.15478111

fucking checked. I agree.

>> No.15478507

Based and truthpilled

Nothing more pathetic than bragging about inherited wealth

>> No.15478565

>all those inbred monarchs that are basically the bloodline of NEETs some 200 years ago
literally another exception to the rule.

>greatest inventors in history were rich to begin , thats clearly what drove them to invent things right
no but they more than likely would have acquired wealth. Even in your example, Nikola Tesla was rich at one point.

>Ironic, shall I go further back to some of the freek philosophers and mathematicians, were they themselves of stupendous wealth, or were they high IQ because they chose not to pursue wealth but rather their specific field of study, because, y'know, knowledge in itslef is wealth.
literally another exception to the rule lol.

Not sure what you are pointing out here anyway. Do you disagree with my statement that if you picked a random 1000 people who have a net worth greater than $10 mill that they (on average) would be far smarter than a random 1000 people with a net worth less than $10k?

Or are people who have less than $10k typically genius inventors, philosophers, mathematicians? Or would you say that demographic is an exception to the rule?

Or are the majority of people who are worth more than $10 mill, the result of an inbred monarch lineage/border-line retards? Or would you say that is an exception to the rule?

sounds like cope to me.

>> No.15479523

This pretty much. Survivorship bias is a helluva drug for the ego.

>> No.15479706

bruh checked as well

>> No.15479832


>> No.15479905

I’m renting out a master bedroom by my campus. I go to school all week and work ten hour late night shifts at a casino two hours away all weekend. I never made it with crypto but I still dabble with it and loose some win some here and there. I do better when I just hodl. Also take that Yang hat out of the trash you wagecuck.

>> No.15479938

I lucked out that I have a ma that is willing to let me live under her roof. 31 here, lived in my own place for some time but lost my career job and completely changed to a new career. Now I'm working my way back, after 2 years currently making 83% of my wage ATH. But without her help I'd be more than likely addicted to drugs and working a dead end job.

Sometimes you fall fucking hard, like highway roadside crash. But even though my living situation wipes me from the dating pool, aside from a girl who loves me for some reason, I never disrespect my fellow wagies.

Because at least we're still trying.

>> No.15480348

my mother devastated my father in divorce, Im earning £75k and am getting decent passive income from investments + have 2 BTC and 32 ETH, but I will never leave him, he has no friends except me, he would probably kill himself

>> No.15480362

You are a larper. And a pretty sad one on top

>> No.15480699

yes, because a woman divorcing a man leaving him financially ruined and his son wanting to stick with him is very out of the ordinary

>> No.15481060

>just quit with the same rhetoric
rent free you dilating low iq cuck