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15473342 No.15473342 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite books /biz/?
For me, it’s Plato’s dialogues

>> No.15473362

I guess it makes you intellectual to read what another man deduced for himself, and what yet another man told you was intellectual, right?
Write your own dialogues, unique insights and wisdom gained through experience as opposed to regurgitated from lectures. If you're wise, maybe people will remember you like they do Plato. If not, you're just reading The Secret in olde tyme english.

>> No.15473373

I write instead. Reading was never my thing. Working on a potential movie script right now

>> No.15473384
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>> No.15473386

>I guess it makes you intellectual to read what another man deduced for himself, and what yet another man told you was intellectual, right?

>tfw to inteligent to learn

>> No.15473391
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>For me, it’s Plato’s dialogues
Pretentious little faggot

>> No.15473395

bagholder's unload on waifus?

>> No.15473398
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The post

>> No.15473409

Hello Sergey

>> No.15473412

Plato is so dry and boring dude read some real philosophy like schopenhauer dostoyevsky nietzsche kierkegard....none of that analytical shit that tries to be objective and ends up nowhere
t. philosophy degree holder

>> No.15473414

Nietzche bows to Socrates

>> No.15473416

no longer human
moby dick
infinite jest

>> No.15473418

u must have not escaped the cave

>> No.15473420

>tfw to inteligent to learn
tfw cannot use homonyms correctly and fail to spell "intelligent" correctly in the same 5 word statement
savage take bro
don't forget to read every book on the curated list, that's certainly what Plato would do!

>> No.15473424

"The problem with being too busy to read is that you learn by experience (or by your men's experience), i.e. the hard way. By reading, you learn through others' experiences, generally a better way to do business..."

Every tribulation you will ever come across has been handled before, but you'll remain ignorant of possible solutions, etc., unless you have read about the past

>> No.15473446

I suppose you’re right, Plato wouldn’t want us to read his writings. He wrote them for his eyes only. No one else is allowed in on the fun.

>> No.15473456

because socrates != plato brainlet
brainlet thinks he can find objective truths lmfao I'll stick to climbing my mountains and finding my own subjective truths instead of searching for muh Gods answers

>> No.15473460

Yuval navali - two books on homo sapiens
Peterson Actually
Mark aurelius - thoughts
Etgar keret - all his stories compositions
Harry potter actually
Terry pratchet
Sapkowski: the withcher
Many more

>> No.15473466

it's a meme you dip

honestly my point is nothing more than this:

both you and the OP probably agree on the actual matter that it's best not to read thing solely because they're part of the cool-to-read list and make you seem intelligent; but, regardless of this, the thoughts of others are worth examining.

>> No.15473477

>Terry Pratchett
Fuck yeah, loved the discworld series. Very fun ride!

>> No.15473480

>t. philosophy degree holder

plato seems stupid the more philosophy you read until he starts to seem smart again

>> No.15473483

Machiavelli - The Prince

What's the best /biz/ book?

>> No.15473504

>Yuval navali - two books on homo sapiens
My uncle recommended me these books a year+ ago, and I had forgotten about them.
I think I will pick them up and give it a read. Thanks for the reminder
>because socrates != plato brainlet
No shit?

>> No.15473505

he definitely wasn't dumb. He is just boring to read imo and is basically an early Christian which turns me off a bit. Nonetheless his idea of the sun being life/god is cool because when I tripped on shrooms I definitely felt that, and still do. philosopher kings is spot on as well.

>> No.15473511

then why did you say what you said when I only referred to Plato...it is well documented that Nietzsche had love for socrates. What were you trying to tell me?

>> No.15473514

Sure, but I'm just having a few laughs between sips of fine Walmart vintage, looking at my Dali reprint poster whilst a Tchaikovsky "urban remix" plays in the background.

>> No.15473516

i only read self help shit

>> No.15473524

explain harry potter before i call you a faggot

>> No.15473525

For me it's Das Kapital, the odyssey ...the list goes on. Makes me laugh at how 90 percent of retards on here pretend to be intelligent and think their opinions are warranted despite never reading in their life.

>> No.15473532

i read /biz/ exclusively

>> No.15473538

It's about a young boy named Harry whos parents were wizards murdered by another evil wizard named Voldemort. Harry, being the offspring of wizards is invited to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardy where he learns the magical arts with his friends but soon discovers that voldeomort is still up to his ways and it's up to Harry and his friends to stop him

>> No.15473549

i mean why it is philosophically relevant.

>> No.15473562

Did you read the first book in the series, Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone?

>> No.15473656

liberal propaganda written by roastie feminist, anon is a massive faggot for liking it

>> No.15473700

You sound euphoric right now

>> No.15473727

Why explain the virtues of Harry Potter, when Jordan Peterson has already done it for you?

>> No.15473984
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>> No.15474135

Sergey? Is that you?
medium based I guess. Those are all decent books but not great.

My favorite is probably Moby Dick or Book of the New Sun. Plato's pretty good though.