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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15465478 No.15465478 [Reply] [Original]

DAG is likely a scam.

>> No.15465521


>> No.15466438

He makes some good points

>> No.15466634

Lol DAG holders are fucking stupid. Look at that douchebag CEO how do you even have to look twice

>> No.15466868

its raphaels cousin

ill take the comstellation chads any day over the arab teenager and his autistic fanbois

>> No.15466872

based jeet btfoing scams left and right

>> No.15466912

Idk this greasy Jeet was right about SENT being a scam

>> No.15467026
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Get fucked Jeet:

>> No.15467031

The fact his mind immediately went to BSV kek. What is it with pajeets and BSV/LINK?

>> No.15467097
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Small Business Innovation Research. Basically signing up tons of startups in research and POC programs.

>> No.15467128

so this is the typical /biz poster

>> No.15467184
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>> No.15467195

you wish you were as based as /ourjeet/

>> No.15467236

Same fagging street shitter kys. Stop spamming your channel.

>> No.15467313

USAF 'Partnership" is a complete fabrication by this scammy team who handed their community to a PnD crew since they ran out of money and fired their whole staff.


The maximum award amount is a grand total of $250k, which it is likely the DAG team received a fraction of that.

30% of all applicants received SIBR funding, so not even hard to win this contract.

This piece of shit team ran out of money, brought in a PnD crew and told everyone they are now partnered with the USAF. And now we find out its nothing more than a teeny tiny contract anyone could have won.


They just let you all get scammed pumping the price up on yet another major "partnership" that ended up being absolutely fucking nothing. When will you people learn?

>> No.15467320

he is kinda cute no homo

>> No.15467742

The dag air force partnership not only legitimizes dag, but the entire space of crypto. did you read Nik Patels glowing 9/10 review?

>> No.15467886

can't wait for his ICO

>> No.15467903

DAG got an SBIR small business grant for maybe $50k. Why would you go around telling people they have a USAF partnership, making 200 memes with Top Gun - DAG- USAF? Oh thats right, its a PnD scam.
They fired their entire staff, there are 2 people + the CEO left. Im sorry you lost all your money, its over.

>> No.15468533


Hmm i wonder how this is going to end for DAG LOL. Its easy to lie to idiots, good luck lying to a journalist

>> No.15468574

try again psycho https://www.google.com/amp/s/cointelegraph.com/news/us-air-force-steps-up-blockchain-use-what-else-is-the-pentagon-up-to/amp

>> No.15468659

This is PR from Constellation Labs, this is not a press release from the USAF. They announced winning a SBIR grant. What part of that dont you understand?

>> No.15468699
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>> No.15468799

You fucking unbeleiveable idiot. This is SBIR. Small Business Innovation Research. Do you understand what the fuck the function of the SBIR is? 600 companies got tiny little grants the USAF uses to assess whats out there. The USAF itself is not partnering with DAG you god damn brainlet. So the USAF picked up 600 new official partners this week? How fucking stupid are you?

>> No.15468835
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Literally says partnership
Literally from the USAF itself
Literally the first and only Crypto to EVER work with US military Industrial complex
Literally won it on merit.

Now please call the SEC and count your 80% losses ICO faggot

>> No.15468873

SBIR you fucking idiot. Fuck it, you cannot explain things to stupid people. Your brain cannot handle this much data. Enjoy getting rekt with the rest of the bagholders.
We will prove how stupid you are with a journalist. I hope you are ready to face the music, all those questions you cant ask in TG are about to get asked. There is a reason they ban people for asking how many employees they have. There is a reason you get banned for asking how much money they have left.

>> No.15468927
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Oh fuck, i just got off the phone with A WHOLE FUCKING JOURNALIST.



>> No.15469100

Why you worried bro? You can talk shit after a journalist fully reviews DAG and asks them the questions they wont allow their community to ask. You scared bitch? I would ask you to go get the team to write their answers publicly but we both know that wont happen.

>> No.15469128

You are making fun of me for exposing your shitcoin for not answering basic DD questions to their community. DD questions you should want to know and cant answer yourself because the team you protect wont answer them.


>> No.15469167
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>a journalist
sounds like bullshit that you're pulling out of your ass. Wheres the proof. Whats the journalist name. And why are they gonna do any better a job, if they even exist, than the IRS and SEC the last 2 years for the bullshit allegations that you speculation without any links, sources, proof, or citations for outside of your own ass?

Why are you waiting on "A journalist" when you could just call the fucking SEC with your "facts"? If you are so right and true you'd have gotten it already.

You just want an apology for your bags you admitted to losing in september, but sorry, its your fault for investing in an ICO during the crash and hodling through the crash in some fucking 7M marketcap while BTC was taking a nosedive.

But please, bump my thread and tell me how the walls are closing in. I'll be more than happy to wait for a single iota of proof or for the SEC to come, who, by the way, you never called.

Should probably get on that. But you won't. You'll just shitpost in more threads about your lastest mental gymnastics FUD as DAG goes up and up

>> No.15469223

Somebody really doesnt want a journalist looking into to their PnD scam. I understand by friend, but its going to happen and its going to be the end of your scam.

>> No.15469253
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Dude, Why go with a Journalist when you could call the SEC? You have your "facts", so do it. You have all the right and power in the world to do it. But you don't, why is that? Why do you not want the whistleblower prize?

You keep hyping up this journo with no name who is gonna do something, when you could call the SEC right now.But you don't, its hilarious.
You're fucking getting the neighborhood watch grandma to check up on something when you could call the cops. Its almost like you don't have proof of what you claim outside of your speculation.

>> No.15469281

This guy doesnt read so good.


Its already been done. Next step is a journalist to prove this is a PnD scam or a real project. We are all about to find out. I can see this bothers the shit out of you, and it should.

>> No.15469302

But why is he so darn cute?

>> No.15469325
File: 936 KB, 320x240, well now.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Me waiting for a single fucking Journalist to covertly prove all the bullshit ICO FUDDER has been saying

>> No.15469350

Im still shocked the DAG community is pissed off it requires an investigative journalist to get answers for basic DD questions. But then again if you invest in dag you are a fucking brainlet