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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 139 KB, 988x336, UOS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15462786 No.15462786 [Reply] [Original]

>>15415844 made me fomo into the sucker for 2000$. Time will tell if my decision was a winner or not. FYI Recenly I’ve only been winning. Is it just my luck or am I that good at cherry picking? I am infamous for my 6th sense. And No I don’t see dead people.

>> No.15462833

>>15415844 based
UOS will be the next link. Subtly being shilled here on the board and price slowly moving up. We’ll see 0.20 before the EOY after the Beta is open and token are being used

>> No.15462871

You really think so? I hope they actually deliver their Beta.

>> No.15462879

Beta is as good as done. Release in around 10th OCT.

>> No.15462882

AMD is in.
Screenshot this.

>> No.15463156

Enjin is so behind on Ultra KEK.
Like 1% maybe after beta

>> No.15463329

pajeet eat your pagpag

>> No.15463342

Sure I’ll order some. Its seems to be the flavour of the month.

>> No.15463350
File: 167 KB, 500x736, 07F973CD-CE4C-4FA6-89C9-286A072825EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beta in 4 weeks. Bullish!

>> No.15463428

I'm willing to make a bet on this ;)

>> No.15463942
File: 22 KB, 459x302, KADKJA3AKD (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats wrong with pagpag , its good food for poor people , u should ask for forgiveness. Ultra swear it not to make fun of poor people

>> No.15464031
File: 262 KB, 1124x1097, Screenshot_20190902-141619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> I will bet on this
>> Sure why not, it's only a tad sum of money
>> I will def sell before the bear breaks out and it all just fucks up like e.g. Link
>> This isn't link this is better!!!!

Fucking retards, you don't know what true horror is, only pump the shit if you are really fucking ready to suddenly sell at 5am. You gotta follow this shit like the zoomer tard hitting on your crush.

Good luck Anons.

>> No.15464236

Not only AMD, Ubisoft one of the biggest game companies is in too.

>> No.15464513

And EA sports?

>> No.15465059

Microsoft is rumoured to be the partner of Ultra. Lot of things going on behind the scenes before the beta launches>>15464236

>> No.15465095

Cocos Blockchain also in the industry. Game platforms like Steam, epic and discord need to change in order to keep being relevant. Ultra from what I know is still one of the few to actually offer devs the opportunity to resell their games. It won't be relevant for AAA games but smaller games can take the opportunity to sell just a limited amount of copies and make it immutable on the block chain. It creates a second hand market where devs can also profit from.

>> No.15465109

Some influencers managed to have a peak before the beta and already had positive remarks on the UI and UX.

>> No.15466215

My Bet is safu! Thanks anons

>> No.15466232

This is gonna be the new VID-T. May not hold value but it's gonna pull a 5x from this point once the true shilling starts. At rock bottom on Bitfinex right now

>> No.15466453
File: 26 KB, 591x422, kalake9202kd (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also heard a lot about Ubisoft will buy them rumours. I hope its true. Ultra got a fucking big potential.

>> No.15466768

Not only you. I also followed the big thread. Now fuck it but i have buyorder. there are dumb fuckers who sell everytime so i just wait. WIll get filled anyway. I trust the Ultra team. Will pump it hard when first bigger developer will jump in.

>> No.15466903

its true. Ubisoft x Uos comfirmedesu

>> No.15467559
File: 166 KB, 1200x1156, 6ksorAs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bought 100k thanks anon

>> No.15467581

Broken English, obvious circlejerking, shitty memes. Ultra really has it all.

just got mahself a lil baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

>> No.15467607

>This is gonna be the new VID-T.
No, it won't. Most anons know fuck all about verifying files, but they do know videogames. And anyone with a bit of business sense would see that ULTRA is not going to take off in the West and will not take over Steam. Problem is it's only available on one exchange as well. Needs IDEX/KuCoin/Binance to take off.

>> No.15467619

TeleCoin is being released to the general public to strengthen and
diversify the community and build an even bigger base of decentralized
spartans that believe in the project we have undertaken.

>> No.15468525 [DELETED] 


Listings to come: (inside news)
-Binance DEX

>> No.15468544

fuck off stinky curryhead, at least try to go ontopic first instead of copy pasting this is every thread. Nobody will buy telcoin.

>> No.15468566

Listing news from a seedround investor:
-Binance DEX

>> No.15468814

the cool thing is ultra will have its own chain and not remain a shitty erc 20

>> No.15469042
File: 56 KB, 960x869, k83jaisdfijajefkjakjdasjafd (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you know that everytime a player buy a game on ultra with CC or Paypal it's auto converted to UOS in the backend, everytime a player buy a game on ultra with CC or Paypal it's auto converted to UOS in the backend .

>> No.15469051

Is it still good to inverst now?

>> No.15469249

yes for sure, volume has only been rising since a few days. In 3 months you’ll be too late.

>> No.15469984

You guys did a good shill on me, just read the whitepaper and it looks pretty damn legit and promising to me.
Picking up small $2000 bag aswell

>> No.15470020

The idea is to get into flavour of the month coins before they pump / get listed elsewhere. I swear you guys need a big green dildo to calm your doubts but then end up buying the top and it's financially ruined threads everywhere when you get dumped on.