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1546309 No.1546309 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw thinking about dropping out of college for the second time

I've been here for little over a month and i have a hard time grasping what it's all about (studying web dev) and I'm considering dropping out.

I already dropped out last year after six months of journalism school.

I don't actually know what I like, or what I really want to work with. Sure, I would *like* to be a web dev but it's apparently way too hard for me to learn.

IF i drop out, I might just try to become an independent film maker. Not because I expect profits, but because I want to look busy.

Can I actually do besides kill myself? Don't tell me to become a wagecuck because that's the same thing.

>> No.1546318

>Don't tell me to become a wagecuck because that's the same thing.
how do you expect to support yourself as an "independent film maker"?

>> No.1546320

i dont know much about programming but i think the way to go is server-side architecture like java or w/e

>> No.1546321
File: 89 KB, 386x661, wageslave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are really going to have to become accustomed to being a wagecuck m8. There isn't really any other option. It sucks, but there you go.

>> No.1546322

We have neetbux. I just want to do something I at least enjoy while thinking about what to do with my life. If I'm lucky I might get hired for small jobs or some shit.

I'm a skilled video editor, but like everything out there they expect you to have a paper to prove it.

>> No.1546326

I know myself well enough to realize that I will never hold down a wagecuck job for long. I was one for a couple of months before going to college again.

I truly hate it, that's why I went to college. If I go back to wagecuckery I will somehow convince myself that college is where I REALLY belong again, and then hop onto some other programme (only God knows what).

It's a neverending cycle.

>> No.1546781

Im on the same boat OP. ANd im jealous at a faggot i used to know that now makes money on jewtube, i hope he dies.

I make some money too, but my videos take effort to make and i dont show my face or voice since im not normie scum.

I hate this.

>> No.1546877

literally don't. just finish and find a job stop being retarded

>> No.1546887
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>studying web dev
>have a hard time grasping what it's all about

Luckily the economy needs people to work at the checkout.

>> No.1546920

What kind of degree is "web dev"?
Why are you paying money to learn about something if you don't even know if you like it?

Also being a successful film maker is like winning the loto. Good luck with that shit.
>I want to look busy
What? You can do this in literally any profession.

>> No.1546924

Move to Maine.

Pick worms and sell them to bait shops.

.50 per worm and you'll probably catch 1000 per day.

That's 500 dollars per day to walk around in the mud and catch worms.

No, it isn't hard. Children do this. Small children.

>> No.1547298

It's been my experience that finding out what you like is mostly a process of elimination. Though if I were you, I'd hang in there until the semester ends, that way you'll have time to roll it over in your mind and not do anything hasty.

>> No.1547311

>get squeegees
>a bucket
>laundry soap + white vinegar
Congrats, you're now a certified window washer! Sell your services to businesses or homes. Go to the mall and offer to every shop. If they refuse, maybe do it for free once and come back next week.

>> No.1547312

Going through nursing school atm, in over my head as well.
Not even fucking with you, medication was a complete game changer. Obviously youd wanna find out all about the meds and their effects but i came from making straight c's to a's. Maybe fake adhd symptoms and get some adderall, works wonders if you just couldnt be fucked to pay attention for extended periods of time. Text anxiety? Get a script for xanax but again be careful with the shit. This is exactly what i did, youd be suprised how many people actually do this too. Just my input bro.

>> No.1547316

>0.50 x worm

>> No.1547326


Protip: no one knows what they want to do really, and if they did it wasn't what they expected. There are only two types of people: wage cucks and entrepreneurs. There are marketing wage cucks, programming wage cucks, business wage cucks, the list goes on. If you hate wage cucking you will graduate college with any decent degree, start a business or get a wage cuck job and save as much as possible so you can stop as soon as possible. Welcome to adulthood.

>> No.1547332

Find your passion, get a degree in it, get a good job and enjoy.

>> No.1547337

Web programming is literally the easiest form of programming, and is easier than most degrees. If you can't comprehend, it's because you are literally retarded.

Retards belong being wagecucks. If you really can't be a wagecuck, then make an investment in some sturdy rope.

>> No.1547491

to be a true pro you need to understand the full stack, back end, database, and front-end

>> No.1547991
