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File: 263 KB, 1920x1080, 636030757259556361-1129479309_elon-musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1546218 No.1546218 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else not respect him? He's an upper class rich kid whose parents connections made him his early fortune. Then he has crafted a cult around himself by opening companies, letting smart people run them, and taking all the credit. When they inevitably crash, he gets a legacy as the genius of this era who was just so ahead of his time, but really all he did was use daddys connections to buy credibility.

>> No.1546222

Same could be said about Steve Jobs or Bill Gates. Fact is they have billions in the bank while you're keeping your mother's basement warm.

>> No.1546224

I respect him in the same way I respect Thomas Eddison, but not as much.

Anyone who puts big money into scientific RnD is good in my books.

>> No.1546229

>i don't like this businessman because he does what any other successful businessman does!

>> No.1546251

You must be ignoring how this guy is considered one of the greatest men who ever lived, and for what? Being rich? The problem with all this shit is that rich people get a higher reputation than actual geniuses.

>> No.1546256

Faggot used to get free money from Government for his projects.
But yea he tells its not like he needs it.


>> No.1546260

>The problem with all this shit is that rich people get a higher reputation than actual geniuses.

Welcome to capitalism and human society in general my friend.

>> No.1546265

Great capitalism when government gives subsidies to filthy rich people to get even more richer.


Look at faggot stutter like bitch

>> No.1546280


He made paypal while he was a NEET, used the money he got from selling it and ventured deeper into science exploration instead of just retiring on an island somewhere. You seem awfully jealous.

>> No.1546328

Musk is an arrogant cock to work for. He treats employees like trash, pays very little, then QQs about it when the people with talent move to other companies for 2-5 times the salary. Not that I fault him for that. It's far from unusual for someone in his position.

His products are mac tier. Filled with software and hardware issues, but with a sleek interface and sold at a huge markup. The cars have so many stupid gimmicks that will break in a few years it's not even funny, and that's not including the hundreds of mechanical and software issues that have plagued them so far. Objectively speaking, they are pretty lackluster cars, but they appeal to a certain hipster niche, just like macbooks.

Solarcity is a scummy shitheap of a company to work for, or work with. Their leases are worse than refinancing your house to buy solar panels, and the quality of the work is lackluster to put it mildly. Lots of binned panels and poor quality racks. They put the absolute minimum in for wiring, and other equipment, often creating fire hazards, and leaks in the roof. In my county there have been tons of legal fights over failing to get proper permits before tying their stuff to the grid. I mean, if you are a fire marshal, or an electrical inspector, solar city is a wet dream come to life. Job security, and then some.

>> No.1546457

American? What's your experience with these companies?

All I know about Musk is from a few articles I've read here and there and his biography. Doesn't seem like such a bad guy, for a skeezy capitalist anyways.

>> No.1546470

I haven't worked with him personally. Every person I know who has has said that he is a supremely arrogant douche. Very much a drink his koolaide or fuck off type.

As I said. If people want to follow his vision, power to them. Most people I know want to get well for their specialized work rather than living on 45k a year in the bay area.

>> No.1546482

>You must be ignoring how this guy is considered one of the greatest men who ever lived, and for what? Being rich?
there are loads of other rich fags but only 1 of them made spacex, tesla.

he gets recognition for that alone, we all know you would be fucking whores and doing blow if you were born into millionaire parents.

>> No.1546483

how am I jealous when it is clear, your socio economic status = what you do in life. it's all destined. so everyone here whose not born rich, isnt gonna do shit in their life. even if they do, then there'll be 50 elon musks at every level doing better than you due to having better connections.

>> No.1546498

Every rich person ever is a total idiot compared to some anonymous genius.

>> No.1546504

Nah nigga. I was born to a poor ass family, and just had an aunt that knew how to save. She left it all to me because I was her favorite, and I opened up a trailer park to take advantage of people born into the same class as me. Now I own my own house, paid off, and I've got enough money to never have to work even if my park fails in the event of poverty being eliminated(lol)
So what if they're billionaires.

>> No.1546505

The only way to get out of the rat race if you don't inherit is LUCK, like a bitcoin tier type event.

Owning 21 will make you a millionaire in 10 years, but not enough to be legit rich.

>> No.1546561
File: 26 KB, 954x187, elon_musk_is_faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is a faggot.

>> No.1547001

>well for

Just saw that I forgot a verb here.

well compensated for

>> No.1547197

I just want you to know you will be a loser your whole life. You will blame your life's failures on other people and circumstances and never take responsabilty and controle of your own life.
The fact is if you had the same oppertunities you would squander them anyway and never make anything of yourself while the people being discussed change the world and make history.

You should honestly an hero.

>> No.1547220

>You must be ignoring how this guy is considered one of the greatest men who ever lived

Maybe that's the opinion in your facebook environment

>> No.1547228

TSLA bagholders on suicide watch. sad.

>> No.1547260

>Does anyone else not respect him?
Maybe just you, I think he's fucking awesome

>> No.1547302
File: 193 KB, 1300x956, saltcargoship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry guys, i'll be there soon

>> No.1547306

How many people would dare spend their fortune on space exploration? Musk went to Russia and their general spit I'm his face because he proposed an outrageous idea.

>> No.1547356
File: 79 KB, 800x600, 1464718449386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pathetic contrarianism that of yours. Just because he is appraised by the normie masses and has a cult of hipsters around him exaggerating everything he says or does that doesn't mean he is someone who you should hate.

Fucking edgy "pretending to be counter-current" kids.

>> No.1547838

There's luck involved in pretty much everything in life you fucking retard, doesn't mean smarts & skills don't play a part long term.

Even if the chance of success is 0.001%, trying a 100 times makes you 100 times more likely to succeed than the fool who tried once. Not to mention you can increase your chances by studying and thinking to improve yourself and your plan. If you keep thinking and trying constantly until you make it, your chances of success are (literally) infinitely superior to those of the idiot that gives up after one failure because "it's all luck".

>> No.1547849

Luck is not random. Through hard work & consistent effort, luck is born.

>> No.1548182

>He's an upper class rich kid whose parents connections made him his early fortune.

[Citation needed]

All I can find is that he got a loan of $28000 from his dad. That's hardly Trump levels of privilege.

>> No.1548258

I actually told to his face that his company sucks. Proof?


>p.s. I'm a bitter faggot

But truly, he's a Google front. They prepped him up as Steve Jobs 2.0. Nothing personal against him, I think he's cool. Not a fan tho.

>> No.1548262

Here we go

>> No.1548273

See if anyone wonders why I started the thread this is the most upvoted comment in that video:

"This man will be revered as a champion of human achievement for the rest of human history. Children will learn about him (and watch these videos) in history class. People will forget there was a Nikola Tesla before there was Tesla Motors. "SpaceX" will become a word synonymous with space travel and exploration ("She took a SpaceX to Europa for her internship project"). And why?

Because he wants to help people, and people are rallying behind him because, for the first time in decades or (even centuries), a person with immense financial power is using that power to better others instead of himself. As a species we have yearned for this mindset for too long, and we finally have the leader who will pull us from the brink of despair and stagnation and propel us -- literally! -- into the next chapter of humanity."

>> No.1548283

You know what happened? His cultists tried to lynch me after that lel

Fucking technocult mentality, I swear

>> No.1548285

where do you appear in the vid? shit is 33 min

>> No.1548297

I tried to link the time, @ 7 mins 50 secs

The lynching happened after the event. One of the team members delivered a backhanded compliment by saying I had balls calling one of the world's most important visionaries out when I could've asked him another question, basically calling me a fag. I got shouted by a dudebro whom I got into a shouting match and cops got called on us. Then another team leader with anger management problems told me that I was an unappreciative cunt after all SpaceX did to organize the event (they didn't do shit, I have proof that they work interns on this, Texas A&M organized the event). And some top tier Aussie bros called me bitter, which I accept. But we got fucked because they declared sponsored teams would autoadvance and we found a sponsor, then they introduced elimination, so all the time spent chasing sponsors went down the drain. Oh well

10 months later I'm still mad lel

>> No.1548313

They introduced elimination 1 week before the event*

>> No.1548396
File: 80 KB, 772x360, tsla frrrt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yay TSLA down 3.58% today. hopefully many more days like this to come as people come to realize elon musk is nothing more than a SCAM ARTIST.
all you fuckin neets must think elon musk is gonna come take you away to outer space so you can eat fuckin martian chicken tendies and play steam in your spacepods all day, contributing absolutely nothing to the universe. please. mr. market has one hell of a reality check in store for all you fuckin gullible dickriders out there.

>> No.1548415

so true. the more you consider it the more impossible these plans are. it's the 'monorail'. his role is simply just to excite the next generation. no one actually expects him to success

>> No.1548474
File: 987 KB, 229x176, 1469476811197.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga got jaw and hair implants kek

>> No.1548625

This exact post was sent in a letter in 1982 about Steve Jobs.

>> No.1548637

>there are loads of other rich fags but only 1 of them made spacex, tesla.

Musk is also the only guy to get a 5 billion dollar welfare check and not care if his companies ever make money.

>> No.1548639

>He's an upper class rich kid whose parents connections made him his early fortune.

Read his biography, between the lines. His parents barely made it out of South Africa before shit imploded and niggers completely shat up the place. Of course officially they're nigger lovers to the media, but Musk is red pilled.

>> No.1548645

>this guy is considered one of the greatest men who ever lived

by whom? he's pretty far up there, but greatest? that's completely subjective and people should be allowed to have opinions. Like it's my opinion that all'yall are incorrigible fags.


and what exactly is wrong with that? You'd be stupid to not use that. I use that all the time, and I even think it's fair. I brought in more in indirect tax revenue than they subsidized me with. and I think the same is true of Musk, if you ignore government contracts.

Now here's the zinger: you can use these same subsidies. you may not have the leverage to create them yet, but you can use what's out there. Stop complaining about free money if you're too stupid to take it.

>> No.1548646

Including the part about NEETS and chicken tendies? Amazing.

>> No.1548651

There are two types of people on this board. People who look at everything through the prism of financial speculation and those who don't.

The first group are obviously ablooblooblooing over the fact that Tesla lost them money or is overvalued by 1.34553 % or that spaxex is losing money. The latter group look at Musk and admire him for doing, or enabling, cool shit to happen

>> No.1548653


but really, if you need an idol but don't like Musk, look to Thiel. He's basically the same thing, just not such an obvious dick.

>> No.1548698

fun fact: tesla has since repaid every loan and subsidy it ever got from the government. I consider that to be a couple steps better than any of the big four.

>> No.1548700

>He made paypal while he was a NEET
Is that the story there going with now and not that he merely merge with the company that made paypal.

>what exactly is wrong with that?
Nothing, its just that Muskotology pretends that the billions he has is made through profits when he was just collecting welfare checks or that his companies are successful when the only thing keep them afloat is the welfare money.

>> No.1548701
File: 254 KB, 701x728, 1423123944415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>repaying subsidies

>> No.1548738

>telsa repayed 500 million dollar loan early
>got 2 billion in grants/subsidies