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File: 2.34 MB, 360x360, amanda.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15462082 No.15462082 [Reply] [Original]

is there a way that i can profit from degenerate festivals? legal ways only, no druggie shit
how much upfront cost to get a food cart running at these festivals

>> No.15462091



They are all already over jew-saturated

>> No.15462096
File: 137 KB, 294x294, 1342593164194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha that webm is so crazy like haha that's such a good time right bros?
i was at this party once and these chicks did a bong enema it was epic... heh

>> No.15462099
File: 79 KB, 990x742, 1565990735640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is she doing, plugging heroin?

>> No.15462114

What the fuck.

>> No.15462130

did that girl just suck out her assjuice?

>> No.15462151

no nigger she gave her a drug enema. no idea what kind of drugs.

>> No.15462163

the absolute state of white women

>> No.15462218

have sex faggot as a proud Indian I don't have to worry about my females doing this

I feel so good

>> No.15462241


Generally it's cocaine but given the environment perhaps mdma or ketamine

>> No.15462249

The deadly kind. The last bit of the clip is from a second video when they're freaking out about her ODing.

>> No.15462303


post link with audio

>> No.15462315

vegan food truck

>> No.15462322

It's called boofing you socially retarded faggot

>> No.15462327

fucking whitey

>> No.15462328

>"boofing" is in his vocabulary
Trailer trash confirmed.

>> No.15462335
File: 2.93 MB, 720x1280, UK.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now were talking! thats a great idea but how much is the start up cost?

>> No.15462342

Europe is fucking weird

>> No.15462346

Yes, bake brownies, sell them 20$ a pop, don't put drugs in them, just call them magic brownies, sell 20, enjoy your faggy festival for free.

>> No.15462349

who let the degenerate scum bag in?

only people with stable lives and no bad habits can post ITT

>> No.15462360
File: 41 KB, 585x501, 1542785948272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we must kill all degenerates, clean the earth from this jewed filth

>> No.15462362
File: 92 KB, 682x1023, depositphotos_11754700-stock-photo-angry-man-pointing-gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out of here wook!!

>> No.15462367

It’s ketamine. I have friends who do this shit too, on rare occasions. It’s interesting knowing all manners of people, from straight up autistic losers to festival buttdrug thots.

>> No.15462372

Cost of the food truck, some ingredients, and whatever bullshit license you need.
A friend of mine did exactly this, bought a shitty old bus for $12k, spend another $2k (and a few months) doing it up, then literally made back ALL of it over a weekend.
Most of the profit is in selling fries apparently, but you want a small selection of decent but overpriced vegan burgers, hotdogs etc to draw people in.

>> No.15462375

Sauce for keks?

>> No.15462379

I’d rather be socially retarded than actually retarded like these degenerates.

>> No.15462388


There is none because that anon full of shit. Which goes without saying.

>> No.15462537

UK isn't europe as they themselves love to point out. It's the most degenerate and closest to the US

>> No.15462575
File: 167 KB, 624x800, _84202824_1964doll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>UK isn't europe as they themselves love to point out
Literally nobody from the UK says that the UK is not in Europe

>> No.15462633

mdma. just being edgy about it.

>> No.15462644

Sell air mattresses from alibaba .

>> No.15462664

Good news is this festival got cancelled, presumably because it was too degenerate.

>> No.15462729

Profit of the culture. Went to middle school with some girl who has a decent business selling whore clothes to whores. She herself is unironically a very decent person who would never dare act like them, but it sells and it's fun. Figure out what those degenerates use, and sell it to them.

>> No.15462730

Fuck you. You are literally a homosexual to know such terms

>> No.15462766

I engaged in a lot of degeneracy in my youth because I made it off the first BTC pump before the goxenning I used to throw heroin parties at my flat etc. but one thing I absolutely felt no desire to ever do is attend a festival. It’s dirty and muddy, full of lots of poor people, the music will always sound like ass because of the lack of good acoustics, and I imagine it smells terrible just due to the crowd density.
Rich people know the ultimate luxury is comfiness, I used to live in a penthouse flat when I was studying medicine at Liverpool, I would literally just invite 6-7 posh fitties, we’d throw some cushions around on the floor, put some jazz music on quietly and do some speedballs. It was the best.

>> No.15462896

please tell me you didn't graduate
or at least that you don't take care of people today

>> No.15462913

you'd be surprised how many fully functioning adults casually enjoy drug use anon

>> No.15462914

Brits are not European.

>> No.15462924

>heroin parties
>"speedballs", jazz, and thots
>casually enjoy drug use

>> No.15462953

so whats the effect?

>> No.15462956

Well plugging things does bypass the liver which makes it alot more dangerous.

>> No.15462967

checked and keked obvious larp

>> No.15462975


what about all the food safety licenses, business liability insurance, and local and state inspections?

>> No.15462993

still waiting on link to sauce since I wanna see her dirty drug filled butthole

>> No.15463131

>how much upfront cost to get a food cart running at these festivals
people don't eat at these festivals! You'd know that if you ever left your room

>> No.15463192

yes that is considered casual
go outside and have sex

>> No.15463210

I hope burning at the stake makes a huge comeback.
These sinners need to burn for hours to truly reflect on their sins and repent.

>> No.15463226

>grouping jazz with speedballs and thots
Based Victorian anon.

>> No.15463253

Nice .
45 years old balding basement dweller here, never kissed a girl.
If I go to those parties can I know women?
How to facilitate an interaction? I occasionally cum and fart incontrollably when looking in the eyes of a female I find attractive.

>> No.15463255


>> No.15463261

>I occasionally cum and fart incontrollably when looking in the eyes of a female I find attractive.
You'll be fine anon, bitches love that. Go for it.

>> No.15463347

We're not europe burgerclap. Fuck the european contiment LEAVE MEANS LEAVE and we're leaving it. Simple as.

>> No.15464110
File: 1.53 MB, 640x360, fest.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i attended two festivals and they both had a bunch of sub par food vendors that were making an absolute killing

>> No.15464417

Do not lump the rest of us in with Bonglistan

>> No.15464437

i vomit

>> No.15464440

if your females did this you would end up with hepatitis

>> No.15464518

you know you'll never be able to fuck a thot like her, never grope her breasts, slap her ass and make her moan, and try to cope by saying "I vomit".

Just kys incel.

>> No.15464551

why do women do this

>> No.15464572

it's more accurate to say most adults aren't fully functional, and many of the disfunctional ones do drugs

>> No.15464590

you keep telling yourself that, maybe one of them let you lick their asshole

>> No.15464597

Because we allow them to. Women are mentally the same as children. They are irrational and impulsive and without guidance by responsible adult men, will destroy themselves.

>> No.15464665

unironically thank God they will be extinct soon.

>> No.15464670

Kek I've been to that venue many times. Fucking love rave culture, but this video isn't normal behavior there

>> No.15464684

because sex and drugs are fun

>> No.15464751

if you have drugs sure

>> No.15464786

If there is mdma, sell waterbottle.
Sell it "cheap" like $1 (obviously you bought 50cl water bottle like 10 cent each or less)

>> No.15464792


What's the venue

>> No.15464817

so degenerate but so fucking hot, HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGHHHHH

>> No.15464827

If you boof it, it's free!

>> No.15464976

The Gorge Ampitheater in Washington. Most beautiful venue I've ever been to for shows/festivals

>> No.15465158

the food at fesitvals is so shit and expensive
I felt like a refugee fuck those places

>> No.15465573

Get one of those Polaroid cameras and sell pictures for 3$ a piece to flower-haired festival thots. They love this analogue instagram shit.
Bonus points, sell the same group of thots multiple pictures, so that each of them can take one home.

>> No.15465606

That's actually sad. She wants a husband (attention) and a baby (the doll) and instead she gets whoredom, STD's and emptiness

>> No.15465803

What’s her IG
Used to follow just to check the degeneracy but can’t remember her name anymore
When she reached 24 she looked 50
I wonder what she looks like today or if she’s killed herself already from all the drugs

>> No.15465883

Just a sad sight to see.

We've really stooped low as a society lately...

>> No.15465897

we? you speak for you and only you queer

>> No.15466174

The absolute state of American "culture"

>> No.15466632

if you're going anyway you can load your car with beer and sell it in the car park at a ridiculous markup

>> No.15466662

niggers boof my anus

>> No.15466913

I have no idea what is going on here

>> No.15467014

She could have made a man happy, instead she just jerked off 1000 of them.

>> No.15467760

faster onset. capillary veins sucking the drugs directly to your brain.

>> No.15467783

who larps about being a 45 yr old incel? grow up

>> No.15467838

the only culture amerimutts have is mc donalds and burger king hahaha

>> No.15467904

fuck u Yuropoor and former ally. At least Bong pubs are anthropologically interesting. beers fucking awful tho

>> No.15467970

>How to facilitate an interaction?

I would unironically just give up if I were you.

>> No.15468044

Not him but that is not casual

>> No.15468195

That's because you have no interaction with your females

>> No.15468223

Someones daughter

>> No.15468239

someone's daughter who made a choice to act like a degenerate slut in public and with no gun to her head the whole time! stop defending sluts and thinking you'll get your peepee touched for doing so s0i

>> No.15468249

And when does the source get here?

>> No.15468266

I was sympathising with the doubtlessly blackpilled father

>> No.15468579

you'll see these people in literally every country as soon as you go to rural parts. in some countries more than others