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File: 152 KB, 600x450, CPCSfigure2junglecarpetpython.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15459259 No.15459259 [Reply] [Original]

I collect pythons. A lot of pythons. How do I profit from this?

>> No.15459305

Get someone to program them.

>> No.15459313

Python petting zoo!

>> No.15459338

For ball pythons, that's fine, for any of my Morelia species, that'd be a problem. Those fuckers bite anything that moves.

>> No.15459351

milk venom and sell to labs

>> No.15459353

Pythons are non-venomous

>> No.15459365

Breed rare morphs?

>> No.15459387

skin pythons sell skin or create a snake petting zoo for kids birthdays or some shit

>> No.15459403

Also when I was in elementary school we had an assembly where some people brought in a bunch of snakes and showed them off and told us all about reptiles. Not sure how you would go about that, probably some legal hoops to jump though what with bringing them around kids.

>> No.15459412

Teach them to attack on your command. Then start robbing banks with them.

>> No.15459416

I breed a handful of my snakes. No crazy morphs yet. I know there's money in Blue Eyed Leucistic and scaleless ball pythons

>> No.15459436

The problem with breeding right now is that there's tons of snake farms pumping out even the craziest morphs quickly and reliably on a scale that you can't match working at it part time out of a garage/basement.

>> No.15459472

Mix venoms, add house cleaning chemicals and find the cure to shortness & baldness then sell to biz

>> No.15459494

buy low
sell high

>> No.15459502

anti psychotic medicine

>> No.15459503 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15459505

I knew a guy that had a large snake collection and basically went to events renting them out, he did it for parties but mostly photo shoots

>> No.15459512


>> No.15459520

Oh no no no no

>> No.15459530
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Fitting ID
Kill yourself, Ahmed

>> No.15459551

>snake farms
Man why is my life so boring

>> No.15459558

breed them and sell their babies at conventions

>> No.15459574

Make a programming language.

>> No.15459582

Do people not get that pythons and boas are non-venomous?
Reminder that these things are absolutely infesting florida
They're not as interesting as they sound. Mostly just racks of tupperware snake habitats
Will be looking into this. IDK if there's a market for small-scale breeders

>> No.15459594

this is so fucked up making me sick

>> No.15459600

catch the giant ones and skin them, sell to eurofag designers

>> No.15459603
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that's a nice snek

>> No.15459677

Is it just that you like dogs more than you like the rabbit, chicken, or quail it would have otherwise been fed?

>> No.15459691

Snake owners are mental.

>> No.15459701

What's mental about owning snakes?

>> No.15459773
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This is now a snek thread.

>> No.15459891

Keeping my snakes fed and happy is the one reason I don't put a fucking shotgun in my mouth

>> No.15459904



>> No.15459913

thats a really nice snake

>> No.15459922

Life fucking sucks without these guys

>> No.15459930
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>> No.15459977

snakes seem pretty chill. have you considered big spiders? the mexican red knee is very docile and easy to handle

>> No.15460003

Post moar snek plez. Got any red tail boa?

>> No.15460030

Nah, just pythons for now (I want to get a green anaconda in the next few years). I've got ball pythons, jungle Carpet pythons, a pair of GTPs, a Children's Python, and some misc. odds and ends

>> No.15460043

I've had no good luck with non-snakes. I've kept all manner of inverts and amphibians with limited success

>> No.15460048

leave reptile extermination card on front door
unleash pythons on residence
they call
you show
scope them into bag
rinse and repeat

>> No.15460066
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I've had one bp for the past ten years. Really great pet to have.
Want pic related a few years down the line along with a Savannah monitor or giant tegu.
I hear chameleons is where the money is

>> No.15460078

Start snek rescue get $$$ donations keep sneks you like. Dispose of sneks you don’t like. I know the feeling anon. Aquariums keep me from putting a gun in my mouth.

>> No.15460132

At snek rescue have ex cons or autistic children caring for them to maximize donations. Spin it into reality tv show. Dye hair blonde comb it back run for president.

>> No.15460153
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That's a big benis

>> No.15460289

Python underground fight pit

>> No.15461193


>> No.15461267

set them on fire and throw them at people

>> No.15461275
File: 15 KB, 210x240, cobra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the Cobra pill