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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 49 KB, 773x576, 1459209793929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1545383 No.1545383 [Reply] [Original]

Waiting for Memes Edition

Moderated /biz/cord:
Unmoderated /biz/cord:

Stickerbitch's calendar:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

-- Robinhood FAQs --
- VISIT THE WEBSITE FIRST - www.robinhood.com
> How is it free?
They invest your unsettled funds after a trade. It's also pretty basic software.
> When is it coming to my country?
Probably never. They only have plans on an Australian beta.
> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?
If it takes more than 3 days, try emailing their support. They are very good.
> Is this the place to pump and dump and/or shill a worthless stock?
> I hit sell when the stock was X.XX, but it actually sold at a lower price, am I being jewed?
No, that would actually be illegal. Robinhood graphs are just shit and only show you an average, not-really-realtime price. To get Bid/Ask prices and important things like candlestick graphs, you should use a more robust platform.
> Where can I get better charting or bid/ask?
thinkorswim is bretty gud if you want to go open a second account with real broker.
Otherwise you should be using stockcharts.com, finviz, or Yahoo/Google finance for your graphing in addition to Robinhood.
>How do I git gud?
Technical analysis
> Can I use Robinhood on my PC?
Yes, download an android emulator. Setup is extremely easy. http://www.memuplay.com/

Previous Thread:

>> No.1545392
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>> No.1545405

Why are you holding JNUG?

>> No.1545411


I'm a fool who bought at 10.90...

And I'm not quite ready yet to cut my losses

>> No.1545412
File: 111 KB, 500x409, 2530982126_7898739b92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not a single moon mission all week
>Nothing but shilling shitty penny and biotech stocks

This place is shit now

>> No.1545419


>> No.1545420

I also just remembered I am out of day trades

Just me and this bag I'm holding...

>> No.1545440

Dat volume

>> No.1545448

I'm still holding onto COSI.
It's gonna go to the moon any day now...

>> No.1545451

I bought in at 10.90 as well.
I'm still holding until tomorrow

>> No.1545452


AUPH is shit.

>> No.1545457

first for AMDA dip meme.

>> No.1545461

Found the guy who panic sold for a loss on Friday.

>> No.1545464


Buy Deutsche

>> No.1545465


I never bought that turd to begin with.

Most of dingbats are likely still holding from the initial crash and haven't even broke even yet

>> No.1545470
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>> No.1545478

JNUG is dying
It need to just be shot, that would put it out of it's misery

>> No.1545480

JASO still chugging along thru lunch hour

>> No.1545481

what stocks is /biz/ currently holding?

I'm holding:

>> No.1545483


>> No.1545484


>> No.1545486

DUST dat is coming

>> No.1545487
File: 23 KB, 600x499, disgruntled scoob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck me it's this guy again

>> No.1545489

stop with this shit it just hurts everyones brain to know there are people like you so fucking stupid. seriously get the fuck out of here no one cares or wants to console you on your losses. learn and DO NOT do the same thing again

>> No.1545491

I wish it were

>> No.1545495
File: 117 KB, 600x881, barbara-palvin-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Feels good man

>> No.1545496

INVT could blow the fuck up with a little more volume...

>> No.1545501


Only retards hold

>> No.1545502
File: 74 KB, 585x400, constanza tired fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

auph is active from 3.83 to 3.88

come on you fucker go to 4.00

>> No.1545507


It already peaked you faggot

>> No.1545508

Jesus just admit you missed the rocket.

>> No.1545509

Just hold until tomorrow

>> No.1545510

Post your folios on wikifolio.com

>tfw no robinhood in my country
>tfw don't own auph

>> No.1545511


>stocks can only spike once

>> No.1545512 [DELETED] 

For fucks sake do we have mods here? I've reported him multiple times.

>> No.1545513

>being this buyer that you didn't hold through Friday

>> No.1545514

>tfw i had 1k shares of AUPH at 3.30
>tfw it was trading horizontally for a while and i sold for like .5%+
>tfw it went to 4.05 later on

what the fuck is there even a reason for this besides some autistic fuck on a board somewhere hyping it up?

>> No.1545518


>> No.1545519

Is PZRX about to get delisted?

>> No.1545520

I don't think there are any mods. people pretty much govern themselves here, if you're a retard you get made fun of till you kill yourself, like xeo when he shilled CERU

>> No.1545521

Sounds like you're the autistic retard desu

$4 was the target since last week and the market didnt pick up on the data update until Monday.

You panic sold like a chump

>> No.1545523

I can acces US stock in the Netherlands just fine

>> No.1545524


It was hyped somewhere else first probably stocktwits or w/e it's called, the autist ate it up on there, and then regurgitated it here. Happens every day.

>> No.1545525

Newfigs can't handle the bantz :^)

>> No.1545527

>panic selling
I wasn't scared of it dropping, I just wanted my funds freed up to make other immediate trades. It's opportunity cost friend,

>> No.1545528


>> No.1545529

why would it? it's above a dollar

>> No.1545532

I just reported this, have fun in the pokey, faggot

>> No.1545534


Why are you so butthurt?

>> No.1545538
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>> No.1545540
File: 137 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-10-05-12-48-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please I need to have a day where I'm in the green.

>> No.1545546


That shit is only good if you're swing trading

>> No.1545549
File: 36 KB, 488x403, ss+(2016-10-05+at+12.53.48).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well he kind of did it

>> No.1545551

Yeah I'm holding it to see if we can get a bit higher. When I get paid on Friday I'll sell BAC and buy QQQ.
Just want a steady climb upward after crashing to earth chasing memes

>> No.1545566
File: 1.17 MB, 1300x867, ceruleanpharma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mah nigga

>> No.1545569


>> No.1545571

wat y?

>> No.1545585

The answer is no, it hasn't done shit at all since it was called earlier by a fake Pimple

>> No.1545586

Any memes I can hold till Friday for some gains? I'm out of day trades till then. Them auph gains made feel pretty good though

>> No.1545587

No you idiot. Delete this.

>> No.1545596

Keep holding AUPH.
Or you could buy GEVO if you want to bank on an insider tip from someone claiming to be a Finnish cab driver on a Siberian sock-knitting forum.

>> No.1545601

What kind of gains are being proposed

>> No.1545607

Some guy with 0 proof claimed a buyout a couple threads ago.

>> No.1545611

Im the guy who'd put his life savingsif he did post proff. No joke my nigg

>> No.1545614

I remember you.
I'm the guy who was memed into COSI

>> No.1545616

what a boring day

>> No.1545618

tfw TASR

>> No.1545620

Damn man :( hope it turns around for you

>> No.1545625

It will COSI is at the bottom. It can only go up from here

>> No.1545636

They can and will go bankrupt.

>> No.1545638

Here piggy piggy piggy.

>> No.1545639



You might want to reconsider.

>> No.1545641

Oink oink
Have I been a naughty little piggy ;)
Do you need to salt my bacon Farmer?
Oink oink

>> No.1545645

Nah, but you're going to lose that dollar you have to trade with, friend.

>> No.1545661


>> No.1545673
File: 139 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20161005-135849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 1000 shares at 10.77
Out 1000 shares at 11.20

Good feels

>> No.1545679
File: 7 KB, 420x420, 1474509052587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>said the uninformed faggot

>> No.1545680

Shit, your doing good. I'm only my in 25 shares. Hoping to make a bit off this to invest in other stocks

>> No.1545685


>> No.1545686



>> No.1545688

Alright does anyone know what happens if I buy a stock earlier today but didn't buy today prior to selling counts as daytrading? Robinhood is giving me the warning but does it really count if I sell then buy?

>> No.1545693

> if I buy a stock earlier today but didn't buy today prior to selling counts as daytrading?

What the fuck.

>> No.1545694

Kys my man

>> No.1545695

Remember when gold used to make sense?

The fuck is this shit

>> No.1545697
File: 126 KB, 594x1024, 1437670303737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>having a great morning
>suddenly things turn bad fast when I make some stupid gambles
>all the way down to negative on the day
>all those gains, gone like tears in the rain
>decide fuck it ill just go balls deep on jnug and pray
>it actually works


>> No.1545700

Is Plus500 a good alternative for Robinhood?

>> No.1545705

We're gonna make it, kiddo

>> No.1545712
File: 55 KB, 205x245, 41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did pimple abandon us?

>> No.1545715
File: 190 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-10-05-14-14-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day's not over yet, guy.
But we'll see where it goes.

>> No.1545719

because we were found wanting...

>> No.1545729

Can you blame pimple? one anon might get his nuts sawed off by a russian kbg mob ninja. These threads aren't a game fellas.

>> No.1545734

Probably got kicked out of his PnD group

>> No.1545741
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>> No.1545746

buy then sell OR sell then buy

either way counts as a daytrade

>> No.1545748

I know that feel

>> No.1545749

kek glad to have you here man. You holding EAC overnight?

>> No.1545751
File: 177 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20161005-142711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see how I could be doing any worse.

>> No.1545755

Keep your chin up anon, those losses could be 100% but they're not.

>> No.1545758

Check your email famalam

>> No.1545759
File: 24 KB, 629x624, 1475119542884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn. i really want some golden fried chicken. it's been so long.

>> No.1545763

You keeping an eye on AHPI?

>> No.1545767


>> No.1545770

What's the catalyst on CPRX. Could be neat come tomorrow or Friday.

>> No.1545772

hey friendo, you get out at around the 4 mark on auph like some of us did? or you still holding for the news? also, thanks for the tip on it, i was in at 3.30 and out at 4.02 @1kshr

>> No.1545774

any runners? feel like chasing something

>> No.1545775

That's true every company I invested in could have gone out of business. So that's a plus that they didn't this week.

>> No.1545778

check finviz.com

>> No.1545779

will TGD ever recover?

>> No.1545786

HTBX still viable in a few weeks/months?

>> No.1545787

Yes but not until money takes a Dive probably

>> No.1545794

>didn't buy SCYX yesterday

Where is that shill? Should I still buy in?

>> No.1545804

Dude chill why the fuck you ask these stupid questions bro. if its money u can't lose pull the fuck out, do some dd homie company looks solid going int to ER on 11/11 geezus man don't make him hate everyone fuck!

>> No.1545809
File: 555 KB, 2048x1536, wonder-girls-mcountdown[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pimple which kpop would you make ur gf

>> No.1545810 [DELETED] 

Holy shit. The dude just asked a question and you go into a fit of autism. I think you're the one who needs to chill

>> No.1545817

>dating Asian women
Not pimple, but death is a preferable alternative

>> No.1545821

AUPH surging over 4, my limit sell for 4.04 just went off. Feels good

>> No.1545822


>> No.1545823

Wtf anyone holding $IMN, good idea to hold till Friday? Volume went up a lot as of now.

>> No.1545825

Anons asking him for custom tailored in-n-out entry-exit points, dick size, and favorite color. He's said at least 10times to follow with caution, leave with profits, and do not follow him. Lucky for EAC bag holders, the company doesn't look too bad with contracts in place.

>> No.1545828

I'm holding with sphincter clinched

>> No.1545830

hey pimp, what do you think about fcsc, low float, has had some more than usual volume today, has a much higher price target (5.5). seems like conditions are right for some changes.

>> No.1545833
File: 2 KB, 90x90, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AUPH Steady Rocket Mission

That was enjoyable.

>> No.1545834

Not Pimp but what are the most recent SEC filings?

>> No.1545835

IMN just had a surge, come on you bastard, get to a dollar already... Are weird bids keeping the price down?

>> No.1545836

You're not dumping now, are you?
$5 by the end of next week.

>> No.1545837

Strong hands imo

>> No.1545838

Dope thumbnail my man

>> No.1545839

No I sold half at 4. Holding 25% for 6. And 25% for buyout.

>> No.1545842




>> No.1545843
File: 204 KB, 678x808, The_Red_Guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks reddit

>> No.1545847

What's a good entry for AMRS mate? Looking for some solid gains, at least to 66 or 70

>> No.1545849

Smart, but personally I'd wait till at least $4.50.

>> No.1545854

Yesterday was a good entry. Today was trading flat. You can make a small position today, and if it dips lower tomorrow then open your position there. It is going to retest .62 again soon. This month should have some good news to bring it to .70s.

>> No.1545855


>> No.1545856

senpai I am down 15%, I panic sold like an idiot and desperate. Lost a decent amount, my only fear is that AMRS going to drop on earnings report

>> No.1545858

ER is in November, I am 80% sure you can ride it up until then. Then pull out 1 week ahead of profit takers before the ER so you don't end up gambling.

>> No.1545859

More so I think there is going to be an PnD
event for this as it gets closer. People will probably
hype the ER.

>> No.1545863

tfw my friend was the first person to talk about auph on reddit
he got warned for posting about it, mods told him it was a shitty stock he was shilling
he's made $700+ off of his $2k investment

>> No.1545864

I wish AUPH would just hit my limit sell at 4.09
I'm real tired of this ride.

>> No.1545865
File: 51 KB, 978x755, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I just got a hot tip from my mentor Gears. Take a look at these charts. What do you see? THEY'RE EXACTLY THE SAME. Get in now if you wanna lock in 100% gains

>> No.1545867


>> No.1545868

aint i a shitter

>> No.1545870

Is this a joke or do you actually believe it?

>> No.1545875

I heard TKAI is the next KONE

>> No.1545876

who else looks into their minds eye and picks letters at random to pick stock tickers

who else using a ouija board here

who else asks random coworkers 'say the first company that comes to mind' and then buys that stock

who else flips a coin on DUST vs NUGT days

who else literally gambling

>> No.1545880

Have you not seen Rank15's portfolio? Dude only lost 20% of it today on $EAC. You know how much most people lost on that? Like 08% or so on average. He managed to more than double it. He's a fucking master trader.

>> No.1545881

Are you serious? Don't you know who I am? I have more money than every person in this thread combined. Check the discord, I'm very active and frequently post massive gains.

>> No.1545882
File: 224 KB, 853x1280, 1465806252026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one, you degenerate fuckstain

>> No.1545883
File: 5 KB, 230x219, imgres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SCYX shiller here, obligatory "told ya so"

>> No.1545884
File: 1.39 MB, 1920x1080, 1472664153281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont believe you

>> No.1545886



>> No.1545887

Post address and bank pin for proof

>> No.1545889

Hovering between 35 and 40k for like 8 months now. Not bad not bad.

>> No.1545890

AHPI has 20,000 shares on the ask at .96

>> No.1545892

Looks like it's about to burst

>> No.1545894
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>> No.1545896

Buy more AUPH before close or wait til tomorrow/Friday?

>tfw Florida

>> No.1545897

Thanks, that was my second choice but I recently used all my capital on AUPH and CGC.

>> No.1545898

I want that sausage

>> No.1545899

.95 a good entry?

>> No.1545906
File: 26 KB, 850x960, 1468265688991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't tell me you just bought blind.

>> No.1545907


>> No.1545910

I got in at .90, swinging at least overnight, will watch for volume tomorrow.

>> No.1545911

Mr. Market is not being logical at all.
I can't take these crazy stock prices.
I'm sitting this out, until something crashes hard.

>> No.1545912

Nah lil nig it was question

>> No.1545916
File: 58 KB, 984x668, 1450634952311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


running again

>> No.1545918

What do I plunge into for overnight gains?

>> No.1545919

Rank15 is saying AH on TKAI will be good. He knows his shit, he and Gears work at a law-firm that are in the know.

>> No.1545921
File: 559 KB, 400x276, Jake Laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he and Gears work at a law-firm that are in the know

I only come here for the keks anymore, this is fucking priceless

>> No.1545924

Something to make money off hurricanes.

>> No.1545925

Not happening bro, a similar pattern means nothing.

>> No.1545926

Oh yeah? Well my dad owns a car dealership

>> No.1545928

>being this autistic
What are patterns? Anyone?

>> No.1545931

So he loses money at double the rate of average? Nice.

>> No.1545932

Alright out desu

>> No.1545933
File: 96 KB, 1024x803, By9HAbwCIAE6ltX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>JNUG gonna end red

damn shame

>> No.1545934


Are they butt buddies or something?

>> No.1545936

Oh man, this coin flipped heads 5 times, the last time this happened a bag of gold fell out if the sky, so it must happen again, right?

Gamblers fallacy.

>> No.1545938
File: 538 KB, 650x600, 1454420298019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

el em ay oh Just put it on your watchlist guys. Keep an eye out, I'll be waving from the rocket.

>> No.1545940

You're literally comparing two separate things.


>> No.1545941
File: 86 KB, 412x385, enough76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you aren't going to meme me again

>> No.1545942

I'll be watching at the same altitude as you, the ground floor.

>> No.1545943

Everywhere I place my money tanks so TKAI is gonna tank.

>> No.1545945
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 1390188861113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1545953


I think that guy meant to type "raw, firm"

>> No.1545955

Did you buy in AHPI?

>> No.1545956
File: 139 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-10-05-16-00-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here /twentypercent/ today?

>> No.1545957

Fucking kek.

>> No.1545958

No. I've been watching it since I announced it though.

>> No.1545961

Have you screen capped ur position on here?

>> No.1545962
File: 16 KB, 480x360, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Night watch begins. Hope to wake up to comfy gains tomorrow.

>> No.1545963



>> No.1545964

Not as much money in my portfolio, but I'm with you on AUPH. Got in at 3.08

Pulled out of RGSE on the spike too. Been a steady week for me

>> No.1545966

Except EBIO recovered from whatever caused the dip. What reason do I have to believe that TKAI will recover?

>> No.1545967

Who /SCTY/ to the moon here?

>> No.1545968

nothing besides meme magic

>> No.1545969

Volume is X3 3 month average today, 50 SMA moving through 100, both in upward direction, not seeing any news catalyst, float still very low, large portion of institutional owners. What am I missing here that causes your picks to just explode?

>> No.1545972

Kek, I got caught catching a falling knife with AUPH a while back, but I averaged that shit down to about 2.50. Who's laughing now, memefags?

>> No.1545973
File: 4 KB, 200x192, 1470818242538s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1545974


I've been studying RGSE's charts and data for days now. I'm on the verge of cracking it.

He was dead certain on this pick, every other picks he's been somewhat cautious.

RGSE holds the key to crack is code

>> No.1545975

You said it. Needs a catalyst. One thing I learned from Pimple, always check for recent filings.

>> No.1545976

Biz I low energy ,non meme magic insignificant in meme creations

>> No.1545979

any free program or website for candle sticks?

>> No.1545980

good ones? no.

>> No.1545983

Any brokers that give good software for analysis that you don't need membership to get? Like let's say all you need to do is have an account minimum

>> No.1545985

TD ameritrade think or swim

>> No.1545987
File: 147 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-10-05-15-16-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm trying to stay away from penny stocks.

Here's my meme gains.

>> No.1545990


>> No.1545992

A turbowarrant is just a leveraged option right?

>> No.1545994

Do you use it for trading or just info?

>> No.1545996

Not an awful day

>> No.1545998


>> No.1546004
File: 654 KB, 3032x2064, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy this TKAI dip during AH if you can. Put it on your watch list and regret it later if you don't.

>> No.1546009

I didn't even buy the dip. I bought in at 1.60 like a cuck. It's whatever.

>> No.1546010

You trying to meme me boy?

>> No.1546014
File: 59 KB, 540x540, tumblr_inline_nr05m5Eii61tt6sqm_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought in at 1.59. How far up will Kek will TKAI?

>> No.1546026
File: 249 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-10-05-16-39-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah I'll stick with AUPH

>> No.1546030

Think it'll take off again tomorrow?

>> No.1546038

These TKAI members are all over the place, I.bot my eye on it but all it did was drop after it was shilled originally

>> No.1546043

If you believe the 5$ dollar value people are throwing around then yes

>> No.1546050


>> No.1546052

what are you upset about

>> No.1546056

JNUG ended red :,(
COSI ended red :'(
I give up
I'm literally tying the noose now

>> No.1546058


no minimum balance

software is great, but it's a bit complex and takes a while to configure since there are so many different ways to do it.

>> No.1546064

>1 post by this ID
K, nice knowing you

>> No.1546068

>implying up adresses can't change
Stay new, newfag

>> No.1546071


>> No.1546072

good fucking riddance

>> No.1546079

COSI will go up tomorrow
You'll see
Screen cap this as proof

>> No.1546081


This whole day


Another one bites the dust.


>> No.1546084

Can someone please explain how to deciphier option and warrant names?

Name of warrant: SHB7O 100CBK

SHB = Underlying asset

7O = ???


C = CALL (Probably)

BK = ???

>> No.1546090

>Buying penny stocks

Enjoy losing 50% at the drop of a hat

>> No.1546095

Welcome newfriend

>> No.1546096


The gains, though.

>> No.1546103

hello and enjoy your stay. Also get in the rockets before its too late.

>> No.1546108

These people actually keep their funds alive for a surprising amount of time.
Even though I've made literally 50x more than anyone here in the few months I've been browsing this board by swing trading stable stocks, I'm impressed.

>> No.1546115

if you are gearsm, then fuck you

>> No.1546122

bigger risk bigger profit.

Its basically gambling, but if you call it right, it can be a huge payoff.

Personally I avoid it though

>> No.1546124
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Please tell me no one here is actually holding cosi

>> No.1546127

>using google

>> No.1546128
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>> No.1546131

He's one hundred percent trolling. Literally everything he mentions is an explicitly expired meme. I hope to god he's banned now after how many times he's been reported.

>> No.1546133

>JNUG ended red :,(
>COSI ended red :'(
>I give up
>I'm literally tying the noose now
just work out a good strategy. dont trust everything people are saying on social media, and don't risk more than you are willing to lose. learn from your mistakes.

>> No.1546140


i find stock after stock in this same situation, low float, high volume, higher target price, etc etc. just looks like its ready to fucking pop its cherry and i have no idea what to do with it or how to predict when it will, and somehow you do. CMON MAN, GIVE ME A HINT ATLEAST. IM AUTISTIC ENOUGH TO ANALYZE ALL THE SCREENS OF YOUR STOCK IM JUST MISSING ONE THING

>> No.1546147

Learn probability manifolds to find which is more likely to pop and then buy in as soon as good news comes up in the sec filings or the news.

>> No.1546150

Think of stocks like arable land, yes you have the low float, the RSI, the SMA but you need the rumor as a seed. You mix seed with earth and water with money and then you grow a orange tree of profits.

You will never get it right every time but you still need to try to grow trees.

>> No.1546156

>JD after hours

apparently walmart has fallen for the chinese century meme

>> No.1546157

How do you read rsi and sma to signal a good buy in time?

>> No.1546162

You fags ignore every bit of good advice in this thread but don't hesitate to throw your life savings down on the word of a Finnish cab driver. Kek.

>> No.1546164

This is beautiful, thanks.

>> No.1546166


>> No.1546169

Best advice I've gotten.
Thanks anon

>> No.1546170

is there a way I could get SEC news on certain stocks I watch sent directly to my phone

>> No.1546175
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Fight me faggot

>> No.1546185
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>> No.1546189

look man
just buy as many shares of GM that you can afford before oct 25.
Hold it and reinvest the quarterly dividends.

I know, its a blue chip stock but it pays a good div, and news is picking up for them.

Stop playing with meme stocks. If you are just gonna hold them praying they pick up, play the slower safer game.

>> No.1546191

jeezus RIP fagit

>> No.1546193

Today was my first day on UStocktade. Shit is based, strongly recommend the switch from RH.

>> No.1546194

Hmm GM sounds like a good call, thanks
What do you think of JNUG

>> No.1546197

dude same, i fucking made like 15 day trades off AUPH's dips and peaks, made so much dough. fuck etrade ill never go back

>> No.1546204

Changes the game entirely. Maybe ill go back to RH when I've made 25k

>> No.1546208

Getting warmer.

You're also missing a few key components, my man. You need to understand the market cap we're playing in. Think social, grasshopper.

>> No.1546210

Keep an eye on JNUG and JDST
They essentially perform inversely of each other from what I can see.

I don't know much about leveraged ETFs

>> No.1546221

I'll be darned. I always figured your algo strictly parsed filings only, but now I wonder if your algo can scan sentiment or rumors from other sources.

It really is amazing how much a simple rumor can hype the stock. Look at all the anons giving GEVO attention because of a rumor without proof.

You dropping these pieces of the puzzle makes slow days bearable.

>> No.1546231

Holy hell. Just typing that made me think of how the market is irrational because we have free will...you can't predict the market logically because people ultimately swing the price based on their opinions mixed with facts/technicals/whatever. If you can nail down the pack animal trend among low capital penny stock traders, you may have cracked the code, my man.

>> No.1546237

I thought of something.... What if I set up google alerts to automatically search through the filings and update me as soon as they come out... such as filtering 'phase 3, success, positive, good' as keywords for the query. And then they are automatically sent to my email, and I'll trade on them as soon as they come in, essentially 'parsing' them myself instead of a algo?

>> No.1546238
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>he still believes in free will

>> No.1546241


Umm Pimple doesn't seem to favor biopharm stocks though

>> No.1546245

what do you guys use to track your trades?

wanna keep better track of my wins and losses

>> No.1546247


There is a reason why you will often hear "go with what your gut tells you"

Because if you have a bad feeling about it, others probably do too.

>> No.1546249

It was a example nigger

>> No.1546250



>> No.1546253

I'm shorting JNUG

>> No.1546254

We have to farm Twitter, you're right m8

>> No.1546277

Holy shit someone delete this thread, I figured out pimples shit

>> No.1546283

what is it >>1546277

>> No.1546285

Dubs of truth, shut it down goys.

>> No.1546286

We better be getting all the top picks

>> No.1546290
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Who's in AUPH overnight?

>> No.1546291

I cashed out at 4.04, made a good sum off it it. Maybe if it dips tomorrow I'll pick some up hoping it'll rise to 5+, but we'll see how it goes.

Goodluck to you anon.

>> No.1546297

I'm a little nervous, Claytrader and Sykes have both commented on it AH and they're both cancerous as fuck. So much potential here tho, think it could possibly see upper 4's or 5 tomorrow. After 5 it will rocket.

>> No.1546300

What does SMA stand for?

>> No.1546301

Pimp if you're here, drop your email i'd like to talk to you bro.

>> No.1546310


Smack My Assets

>> No.1546311


I mean I got in at 3.08 so as it stands now, even if it dipped from here I'm positive.

However, the way its going, and the hype around it, I expect it to hit near 5. I'll probably cash out there.

>> No.1546327

Are you pretending to be clueless?

>> No.1546337

I actually remember this post.Fucking kek

>> No.1546339

>TWTR after hours

wew rip

>> No.1546357

>TipRanks analytics demonstrate AUPH as a Strong Buy. Based on 4 analysts polled in the last 3 months, 100% rate a Buy on AUPH. The consensus price target stands at $9.50, marking a nearly 143% upside from where the stock is currently trading.
Why haven't you bought Aurinia Pharmaceuticals yet?

>> No.1546361


>> No.1546365

Why isn't anyone talking about SCTY? Come on man, that's a massive profit if the acquisition goes through. And if it causes problems Musk will just bail himself out with a SpaceX ipo.

>> No.1546371

I have but I want to put in more.

It feels like you are getting ripped off if you already got in at a much lower price

>> No.1546372

everyone add ABUS to the watchlist for tomorrow

>> No.1546377


I dunno why the market was expecting a Google or Apple acquisition for Twitter. Google would've been a nice choice but they are still circlejerking each other hoping one of their messaging apps/Google+/Youtube Community takes off. Apple isn't in the social media business at all.

It's much more likely some gigantic media megaconglomerate picks them up than a tech company.


I still wanna seppeku over getting in SCTY at $40.

>> No.1546380
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Blue chip stocks have no power here

>> No.1546387


>blue chip


>> No.1546390

Non penny stocks*

>> No.1546392

I kek'd

>> No.1546397

>SCTY at $40
It'd all be worth it when the merger goes through family.

>> No.1546402

the SCTY merger 'hype' already came and went

youre a few months late

>> No.1546414

That's stupid

>> No.1546415

Guys we buying into COUP tomorrow?

>> No.1546416


>> No.1546418


It's not getting back up to that value without the acquisition not going through and the company making some amazing comeback after that.

The only hope is for me to wait for whatever Tesla stock I get from the merger and then just hope I can make my money back from that.

>> No.1546419
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spoon feed me on why the fuck would I do that

>> No.1546421
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Literally who?

>> No.1546422


>> No.1546425

Oh hey, its the shill for the pharmaceutical company that shelved the only drug it had going for it.

How's it like just giving gauge shit comments and not actually being involved with the thread?

>> No.1546427

Vague* mobile posting is cancerous.

>> No.1546428


It's coming in tomorrow, planned opening at 16-18 a share

>> No.1546430

This is the most chartist bullshit I've ever seen. You misunderstand technical analysis.

>> No.1546436 [DELETED] 

You mean you look at the number of positive comments on Twitter posted after hours? How do you decide how many good comments is healthy.

>> No.1546446

Why is that undervalued?

>> No.1546451

I'm still waiting $TYHT to go to around $5 and then buying up like 150 shares

It's China, it'll be going back up once they get around to pumping it to the moon

>> No.1546471

No clue. You can watch early in the day to check it out if it lives up the hype, but its basically a yolo stock

>> No.1546547

So you don't have any reason to think it will go up?

>> No.1546583

Why didn't anyone here buy goog at its IPO? I wasn't old enough to buy Google when it came out so that's my excuse.

>> No.1546588

I did crack the code, my guy. That's why we have seen endless hitters. :^)

>> No.1546591

what was the code?>>1546588

>> No.1546594

>scan for rumors
It's not that ""intelligent"", but it can implicitly figure out if one is running around.

I'll give you a hint: you want to see a small rise in sentiment (in favor of a rise) before the large wave happens. More people = it's going to drop.

>> No.1546617


Good stuff, dude. I'm still impressed a person can program such a thing.

>> No.1546619

Google alerts fucking sucks, i know what you do but unless I know C++ and some other complex shit i wont be able to make anything like what you've got... Suppose the best I can do is listen to you when you show up in these threads

>> No.1546623

Bruh there are so many resources to learn how to do it if you really wanted to. All free too.

>> No.1546628

hey make a usersname on here to give us stock gainers>>1546594

>> No.1546631

Is /biz/ always this new?

>> No.1546634

C++ to someone that knows no code, except maybe a little HTML and LUA, is fucking complex shithead. Yes, i'm aware I could teach myself whatever language required, but that's not what i was implying.

>> No.1546636

Want to post a learning supplement? A website that'll teach me everything I need to know?

>> No.1546687

Pimple, my alerts picked up SOAN, supposedly they're having a joint venture with some other company, it was in my query for my automated searching. literally just got announced, im thinking in the morning SOAN is gonna explode.

>> No.1546702

I can't find it on robinhood to watch it

>> No.1546723

Learn Python or Java first and you can learn any C-based language quickly.
Python and Java are both very easy.

>> No.1546725


No thanks

>> No.1546836
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real rgt discord




>> No.1546921

Its an IPO, so you wont be able to sell it for a while.

>> No.1546970
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So should I make a new thread or are we going to use the fuck up thread?

>> No.1546977


>> No.1547436
