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File: 55 KB, 955x500, 181029-bernie-sanders-alexandria-ocasio0cortez-ac-529p_d4846a99aa693921b9e4417ce00088ff.fit-2000w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15458346 No.15458346[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

There is nothing you can do about it.

>> No.15458391

Bernie or bust

>> No.15458403
File: 77 KB, 730x780, 1459872945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bernie and bust

>> No.15458430

They vote for him because they don't have any fucking money. Their economic prospects aren't getting any better. I'm not voting for him, but I can understand why younger generations would vote for him.

>> No.15458500

4channers were some of the first at occupy wallstreet. This community knows better than anyone that current wealth inequality is insane. A few tech giants literally own us. Him and Yang are the only candidates to talk about this.

>> No.15458528

Make 4chan left again

>> No.15459311

Make 4chan anti-goy again

>> No.15459333
File: 256 KB, 1440x960, t-russian-fake-news-04-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just try to you marxists and you'll feel the rather of a million Trumpians hell bent on reclaiming their country.

>> No.15459339

Left wing economics rewarding productive workers rather than speculators and usurers, right wing values for a strong white patriarchal society.

>> No.15459357

millinial here. bernie has my vote if he gets the nomination. if not i wont be voting at all.

>> No.15459428

>actually fucking voting at all

>> No.15459430

and its when the SJWs were birthed from. before that we had never seen retarded shit like the "privilege stack". the left killed the movement before it even began.
if shitskins were productive they'd never leave their home countries. but they're shitholes because they're lazy and stupid
>inb4 rebuttal by some fag whose never even visited their countries

>> No.15459437

This. Voting legitimizes an inherently illegitimate institution like (((democracy))).

>> No.15459438


>> No.15459439

unironically this. nobody here will make a difference with their vote unless they are somehow able to influence a large group of people in the process.

>> No.15459444


>> No.15459450
File: 63 KB, 640x853, 3ovmb6eupzg31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15459454

If Bernie or yang doesn't win I'm going to KMS (I already had to move back from Canada because it's too expensive)

>> No.15459455

You say this as if both of the following were true:
1. He's going to win no matter what.
2. Something bad's going to happen to me if I don't vote for him.

So if his winning is assured, what would it matter whether or not I vote for him?
Could it be you're making some kind of threat against me? :)

>> No.15459469

millennial dont show up to vote though so it doesn't matter who they like.

>> No.15459496

Cant make it in Canada..

The literal definition of fucking failure

>> No.15459507

Elizabeth Warren has almost the exact same policy views.

>> No.15459508

Stream it so I can laugh at you

>> No.15459528

true, plus she's a native, so thats gotta be worth something.

>> No.15459602
File: 66 KB, 675x601, silverboomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>U.S. Millenials vote for Bernie Sanders
No I don't.

>> No.15459606

yang gang is stealing a lot of his votes

>> No.15459628

I'm writing Abraham Lincoln into the ballot and voting for him and there is nothing you can do about it.