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15456717 No.15456717[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are asian women a good investment?

>> No.15456748
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>> No.15456760
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stock in crispr how many times doe he need saying?

>> No.15456766
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>> No.15456771

>settling for anything less than a white woman

everyone wants a white woman. everyone.

>> No.15456806
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>> No.15456819

no thanks

>> No.15456821
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Lol so true. I’m asian and my gf is white. White beta soiicucks can lie to themselves all they want but everyone knows white women are the best looking women. Even asian “females” admit this. Why do you think they mutilate themselves to look white?

>> No.15456833

and that bitch still has more sexual market value than any of the "cute" asian girls posted ITT.

proof is that she's pregnant. nobody wants asian genes in their bloodline. white genes or bust, even black guys know that.

>> No.15456841
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>> No.15456864

Women are not an investment, they are depreciating assets.

>> No.15456888
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How many Asian fetishists even know that, in traditional Japanese marriages, wives control their husbands entire salary and give him a monthly allowance to use for himself?

In Japan, they call it "okozukai", or "pocket change". Chinese and Koreans do the same shit.

>> No.15456889

>everyone wants a white woman. everyone.
>sjw feminists trying to financially rape you at the very first opportunity
>they don't make kids anymore since they are focused on getting a ceo salary, but without opening a company and risking their money
>"you should be sexually open anon, the fact we are married should not stop me trying a BBC, i'm going out with tyrone on friday night, please wash the dishes"
no thx anon
i'm really done with white women and i'm happily married with an asian
white male and asian girls have a superior IQ than leftists social dem roasties with a group of niggers stubbing each other

>> No.15456906

>white feminists trying to financially rape you at the very first opportunity

ftfy. the only reason they can do it is because they are white women and have a monopoly on the sexual marketplace.

>> No.15456907
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If you think that chick is worth being the mother of your children you deserve to be poor. Who the fuck cares about muh bloodlines.

I'm here to make some fucking money. Not whine and complain about fucking bloodlines. You probably couldn't even ask a girl out for her phone number. The only blood lines you'll be doing is whats trickling down your arm after the drug come down.

>> No.15456909
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Holy cringe. Thanks for your fake life story.

>> No.15456937

>Who the fuck cares about muh bloodlines
most people do. i'm not shilling for white women here dude, i'm telling you what the markets landscape looks like right now.

>> No.15456962

What part of white gf do you not understand?

Sorry to break it to you but Asian females are one of the trashiest girls out there. Check out this article.


I’m sorry to break you little “white savior sama onichan hehe kawaii” fantasy.

>> No.15456964

I get that. It's just retarded. In the grand scheme of things everyone turns to dust. Everyone dies. Worms will be crawling through your skull 90years from now. None of that shit ACTUALLY matters.

>> No.15456969
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>everyone wants a white woman. everyone.

>> No.15456985

good. she'll probably use it better than I will anyway. At least she won't invest it in internet meme magic money

>> No.15456989
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Jesus loving christ. Who fucking cares. Your the type that would complain all fuckind day about your car not working not doing jack shit.

>> No.15456990

only if you are a cuck
my wife cannot even guess my networth
i limit grocery and i fake we are living from paycheck to paycheck, but in reality i save 2/3 of my income
more than 100k in crypto

>> No.15456997

Half asian dating a half asian

>> No.15457001

*im laughing right now* If you have to use an ONLINE ARTICLE to convince me, some random fuck about pussy A vs pussy B....you need to kys. Pussy is pussy

>> No.15457003

you want a crazy kind of redpill? look at the prices of prostitution in the US. the differential between white women and non-white women is staggering.

whore mongers call it the White Girl Tax

>> No.15457012

>even having these pictures saved on your computer
>"Who fucking cares about STDs, bruh, we're all turning to dust anyways!"

I think /biz/ taught me the meaning of "cope" better than anything. So many layers of cope and self-deception that so many people depend on.

>> No.15457023
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>Jesus loving christ. Who fucking cares.
Lol Apparently you do since you keep posting Shit

>he thinks that’s attractive

>> No.15457030

obviously not the case in 90%+ white europe

most of your prostitutes are not white, just like your future population will not be. it's only natural that the price increases when there's less offer

>> No.15457035

take a trip to south east asia
literally free pussy for white guys
it's their dream
>muh lesbo cuck york time journalist with coloured hairs and some mental illness

>> No.15457046

Yes, Vina Sky is perfect.

>> No.15457063

prostitution is legalized in europe in many places so the market is regulated. the US market is a black market so prices can't be artificially equalized. I'd bet that brown pussy in europe is still cheaper than white pussy regardless of the percentage white. white pussy in western society is the most valued.

>> No.15457067
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>If you have to use an ONLINE ARTICLE to convince me, some random fuck about pussy A vs pussy B....you need to kys. Pussy is pussy
Holy fucking cope. Pic related
Actually it’s just men from rich countries in general. I’m korean and women there will flock over you too

>> No.15457071

White women are literal bottom tier you fucking cuck and are only good for getting BLACKED. I would much rather marry an Asian woman shit even a Latina

>> No.15457083

>dude nihilism lmao
So why the fuck do you care then, faggot. Go cut your wrists complaining about humans being the bane on the world.

>> No.15457092

>White women are literal bottom tier
nope. not even close to the truth. black women are at the bottom, dirt cheap on the sexual marketplace.

>> No.15457104

I’m black and I only like fucking/stretching out white girls but will NEVER marry or impregnate one. They have horrible personal hygiene and can’t cook at all. Plus no one wants to marry a white girl anon.

>> No.15457107

i don't like non-White women and white women are shit as fuck. What the fuck is there to do besides just keeping my shit to myself

>get 50k to the side with a house by 30
>stacy wants to talk

>> No.15457113

She literally pregnant chink

>> No.15457114
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look bloodlines was so 12th century. It's 2019, wake the fuck up. You could be blacker than midnight with one tooth. But if you got that dubai porta potty money guarantee you'll have 10/10 "white chick" sucking the cream out of your dick.
I'm going to go ahead and assume you've never had sex with an asian chick before? LOL Haved you ever made out with someone? LOL Do you know how to kiss? LOL

Please stay far away from asian women LOL They are bad for you. Yes very bad.

>> No.15457115

>speak to black women
>decent conversation
>show her on her way to a place as she is lost
>best chat compared to white women in years
White women are arrogant as fuck because of beta cucks like you defending them,.

>> No.15457118

>white women are trash XD
You really need to step outside of your parents basement for a bit and travel outside of your country.
This guy gets it.

>> No.15457121

Face it. It’s 2019. No one wants a bland white woman that cooks nasty ass fucking casserole.

>> No.15457124
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Just stop posting Jesus’s Christ

>> No.15457125

>I think /biz/ taught me the meaning of "cope" better than anything. So many layers of cope and self-deception that so many people depend on.
Sounds like whites in the current year to me. One glance at pole is a good example.

>> No.15457138

It's true. I too have been afflicted by the jungle fever.
White women are just boring.

>> No.15457146

>i don't want genetically enhanced girls who are better competition than anyone ever

>> No.15457147

you still can't resist fucking them and your fellow blacks will do backflips to get seen in public with one just for the status signalling.

>no one wants to marry a white girl
yeah, they do.

>And they gonna keep callin' and tryin', but you stay right, girl
>And when you get on, he'll leave yo' ass for a white girl


>> No.15457148

Pol loves asian women tho

>> No.15457155

>I’m korean
you are very lucky

>> No.15457166

>you are very lucky
I think so too. I make sure to thank K pop for that.

>> No.15457168

lmao what a clueless idiot you are, please dont reproduce

>> No.15457175

the dick does the picking, not your stomach.

>> No.15457198

Says that man who can do nothing but spew out toddler level insults.
You probably masturbate with a rolled up towel wedged firmly between your asshole, stroking yourself silly like your going to Valhalla

>> No.15457202

i'm not defending. im telling. this is the current state of affairs in the sexual marketplace.

>> No.15457204

This website is for 18+ only, kid

>> No.15457207
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Lol I am certain I’ve fucked way more females than you. I’ve fucked tons of white girls that come onto me to suck my “BBC” I’m speaking from experience. White girls are boring and bland af. Asian women have way better pussy, are more interesting, more submissive, and better cooks.
I only fuck them when they hit on me and I’m bored. If you’re tall and black they’re literally the easiest to fuck. Pic related for proof faggot cucks

>> No.15457219

Asian males white females, AMWF, are the high IQ couple.

Everyone knows that. Oddly theres no respect for Asian female white Male relationships, Bangkok signature play.

>> No.15457234

>Asian women are interesting
>Asian women are submissive

>> No.15457253

based and dmt-pilled

>> No.15457262

they unironically are.

>12 posts by this ID
imagine being this butthurt

>> No.15457275

This guy been watching too many 70s movies.

Everyone knows Asian women are all drama. If shes not then shes the boring type, bland, low IQ.

>> No.15457295

>4 posts by this id
imagine being this butthurt

See, I can play this game too

>> No.15457349
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>he isn't turkroachpilled
get a cute crypto-byzantine gf with patriarchical islamic values.

>> No.15457371
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Went to a chargers football game recently. Never seen so many beta white men with shit tier looking Asian women.

>> No.15457377

Damn, what a cunt. I sincerely hope she gets raped. Preferably by an ethnic minority.

>> No.15457395
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>one example is all asians, and taking one living in US

I don't even

>> No.15457424
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The motto of this place is literally Asian girls and making money. They're a much better investment. They aged better, they look better, they are healthier and they're less prone to divorce. Just a better investment that doesn't depreciate nearly as fast.

>> No.15457645
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I'm a minority and have only ever dated/fucked white girls

however i would happily date/fuck/marry any girl of the following races

Mixed Asian/white
Mixed Indian/white

>> No.15457673

Black dude? I'm black and it seems like only indians and Asians show interest in me.

>> No.15457693 [DELETED] 

mixed white indian

>> No.15457930

yeah, the downside being the descendants of your mutt kids will blend completely among the chinks in a century or less, until there is no trace to be seen of a white race. Not that you'd care about that anyway you absolute failure