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File: 178 KB, 817x799, gross_domestic_product_gdp_per_inhabitant_in_purchasing_power_standard_pps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1544796 No.1544796 [Reply] [Original]

Why do governments run deficits with impunity?

>> No.1544798

Why is south italy even considered 1st world?

>> No.1544800

Because the guy who promises the most generally wins.

Who cares if future generations have to pay it off? Not the simple-minded plebs' concern!

>> No.1544911
File: 68 KB, 645x773, tmp_22707-14751316944461251513923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They either don't levy enough taxes for their expenses
Or they spend too much for the amount of taxes they're levying.

>> No.1544912


At this point, who is going to stop them?

>> No.1545231

>borrow 6 trillion dollars
>spend it on the people
>effects of the money are credited to you by the plebs
>having to pay it back is the responsibility of some other guy
Democracy was a mistake.

>> No.1545311

Socialism is a mistake

>> No.1545388

Why not both?

>> No.1545408

Because debt isn't necessarily a bad thing and money is worth more now than it is in the future.

>> No.1545500

coz gave culture to the entire europe dear polenton

>> No.1545516

>Democracy was a mistake.
populism is a mistake
that's why we all should shun populists

>> No.1545533

>Why do governments run deficits with impunity?
it's called development.
you improve infrastructure from debt so that your gdp grows faster and you reach a level of well-being for your citizens faster.

in theory at least but when the loan money gets stolen by corrupt politicians and bureaucrats and barely anything is realized from developments then it's just awful bad debt that makes no sense in retrospect.

and that is how the red states work.

>> No.1545542

So you want more elitism? Or do you by any chance just parrot certain memes from media outlets that are in cahoots with one certain individual?

>> No.1545544

btw your map has no relation whatsoever to your question it simply shows how productive the regions are purchasing power corrected.

>> No.1545548

no but we have a populist pm right now and shit fucking sucks. ever since we have "democracy" this is an absolute low point in everything. and the populist fucks saying "it's all right everything is fine" just makes it more infuriating.

the problem with populists is they never try to solve problems they always try to display problems as someone elses fault to make their position stronger. that's all they can do that's how their brain works it has only one bit: blame or steal.

>> No.1545577

should have invested in arancini sooner dear terun