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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 422 KB, 1175x1763, bezos-sanchez-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15447722 No.15447722 [Reply] [Original]

He is a fkn idiot and his taste with women makes it clear.

Amazon is worth shit

One simple reason

Why do you think Amazon avoids this filter

Google the news he knows what's coming

Fkn idiot

>> No.15447730

His infidelity cost him $35 Billion. No vagina in the world is worth that much. You'd think he'd at least cheat on his ex wife with someone better looking.

>> No.15447746

>billions of dollars in networth
>still bald

>> No.15447749

Venezuela is a 3rd world country with females that make this ugly thot look like taco bell

Bezos went for Mexican beans when he could've had lobster

She has baggage and it came from twix

How much of a weak bitch can Bezos get ?

Let that sink in

The ultimate loser

He is

>> No.15447772

Rule of thumb

The apple doesnt fall far from the tree

This MF got lucky the last 20 years but we all know his show is coming to a close

Why does Amazon avoid this filter

View in order: Most Purchased

Fuck him

>> No.15447780


do you think he cares about amazon anymore?

even if amazon goes bankrupt or south, he'll still have billions.

>> No.15447781
File: 3.04 MB, 512x384, foxxy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15447789

>heinous levels of cope

>> No.15447796

that plastic surgery oooof

>> No.15447839

Excercise bands? Amazon echo?
I don’t see a problem with this
>Google the news he knows what’s coming
Enlighten us

>> No.15447850
File: 22 KB, 480x360, 1550265083546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His infidelity was priceless because it gave him an excuse to liquidate a huge portion of his wealth near stock price ATH with less repercussions than he would have otherwise faced. Don't you think it was strange that this popped up, got tons of press from TMZ and the like, and then the whole case was settled in a couple of months? Wouldn't you think the richest billionaire in the world could afford to put up more of a fight in court and protect his assets? Isn't it a bit strange that Sanchez's own brother would leak the affair to the press? Bezos is a pussy and a weasel but I think he knew what he was doing here. Look up Lou Pai. He was the only executive from Enron who cashed out and didn't go to jail. How did he do it? He got divorced right before shit hit the fan which forced him to liquidate his $250MM of Enron stock. Later on he had to pay something like $60MM in civil court for insider trading but he still secured the rest of his bags without going to jail.

>> No.15447901

Dude cheats on his wife with this woman and now he's dating her. What a good role model for a CEO of the biggest marketplace in the world. I hope his wife invests in a decentralized crypto backed Amazon type marketplace and brings down his creation.

>> No.15447912

This is the real redpilled reason it happened

>> No.15447936

>Why do you think Amazon avoids this filter


>> No.15447953

La goblina

>> No.15447981

>role model
>successful businessman
this is an adults only board, anon

>> No.15448019

I always thought he looked like a turtle.

>> No.15448020


Hmmm, plausible.

>> No.15448043
File: 61 KB, 479x703, 22a885abd3f54b222b389e848e506fa0[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you think Amazon avoids this filter
eh /biz/ ? eh ?
Bezos lovers literagitametly BTFO

>> No.15448269

i'm amazed nobody has taken this guy out yet

>> No.15448360

He probably has a small army of military contractors and ex-CIA agents working full time to protect him.

>> No.15448444

U mad he exit scammed on your amzn stock? Weak hand faggot.

>> No.15448490

Haha I just thought that as well

>> No.15448500
File: 171 KB, 1437x1078, 5622BD63-4871-4CBE-974D-37BDD1CE3350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15448512

>Look up Lou Pai
My favorite Enron fact, pretty based.

>> No.15448517

He is exit scamming--sold billions of $$ in shares. Sell now

>> No.15448560

Why don't they allow that filter?

>> No.15448621

I'm sort of guessing it's because every top selling item would either be av "amazon's choice" item or an amazon branded item, but I'm not really sure where the smoking gun is. Perhaps it would count as a monopoly or a monopolistic practice?
Or maybe the top selling items are those egregiously high priced items used to launder money, thereby indicating that amazon is making a lot of its money illegally?

>> No.15448881

Based and redpilled

>> No.15449352

>still wears tattered jeans from Goodwill

>> No.15449380
File: 1.20 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20190831-230153_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im agree white men are trash , cant to find pretty women and asians too.
look at this faggot found tranny from thailand and he thinks he is an alpha

>> No.15449390
File: 177 KB, 683x1024, uoEGAncOqNY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i were a rich man i date with her...

>> No.15449428

Have sex, OP, you are just salty.

>> No.15449444

What an absolute faggot kek
Thailand truly is filled with the lowest trash from the west.

>> No.15449461

Elaborate on the most purchased thing anon. I’m intrigued

>> No.15449462
File: 18 KB, 451x451, 1535279396692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15449525

he found the most ugly thai slut lmao
what a beta cuckld

>> No.15449559

nice try at derailment faggot


>> No.15449574
File: 270 KB, 665x1050, 1508756460752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit son

>> No.15449579

high level 64 dimensional chess

>> No.15449582

He sent dick pics.
Only fucking morons send dick pics. Can't trust him anymore.

>> No.15449645


either that or because amazon is full of fake goods and chink shit, trumps trade war could rekt amazon

>> No.15449665


is it because of this?


>> No.15449687

interesting. high iq post, nice one anon

>> No.15449732

Lou Pai escapedes at Enron are very interestong dude ran off with 250 million, no jail time and only a fine.
He also loved strippers.

>> No.15449965

im a girl, ur mom is a whore

>> No.15449975

he got nothing on arnold

>> No.15449989

Bezos could have a prime 22 year old white girl bouncing on his dick bearing and bearing him children. Instead he goes for this disgusting goblina who has had really bad plastic surgery. You just can't fix cucks. Once beta always beta.

>> No.15450087


>> No.15450141

>wealthiest dude on planet earth
>ripped jeans

>> No.15450150

It's true. His taste in women is a huge fuckin bear flag.

>> No.15450196
File: 71 KB, 640x796, grimes6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vs chad elon musk that is dating grimes

>> No.15450209

You fuck pretty, you marry ugly. Grow up

>> No.15450328

she said he had a huge dick kek

>> No.15450357

i'm feeling a déjà lu

>> No.15450359

>35,000,000,000 $ = 3,500,000 x 10,000 $ = 9589 years of 10,000 $ whore each night (10k$ gets you 11/10 prime top model pussy to do whatever the fuck you want to) = 40 years of 239 10k$ whore each night, ie: 40 years of drowning (239 whore in a bed is more than drowning desu) in 10k$ pussy every single night
>chooses a she bog

>> No.15450400

Fake affair for bezos to dump his bags on buffett. Bezos is an honorary jew

>> No.15450505
File: 2 KB, 250x250, 1539221138919s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck your "best reviews" BEZOS

give people "most reviews" MF stop cheating uncle joe and my grandpa

imagine her family dinner

"pinche pelon guey quitale todo y despues chingate otro pendejo"

>> No.15450530

>most purchased
because that filter would be stupid as fuck because it would be irrelevant most of the time to most people - wasting tume and makkg less money for amazon than targeted marketing that actually occurs on amazon.
>most purchased on a category by category basis
that exists already dumbass

>> No.15450544
File: 78 KB, 1024x497, 1547085386552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and 0 diginity he has none now becuase its his hobby to screw people over

he is the same trash as the K arda shian family

these stupid low level iq characters are telling our future generation its ok to get with trash

its ok that she has kids

its ok that her last husband was a _______

no dignity stupid mF

how about our future generation making porn videos with cartoons wearing gold chains

how can we long degeneracy ?

>> No.15450564
File: 50 KB, 800x800, 1547276410068.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you shop at amazon website you are unable to filter items by "most purchased"

try here if you are lost www.newegg.com

top 5 PC retail giant

shop for anything

now filter

most reviewed


fk amazon they do not offer this for a reason

the news coming out is going to show their dark side

they only prosper becuase they manipulate and persuade purchases to their favor and its method is based on, ready for this ?

Chinese mantra

so cheap that you wont complain and volume speaks everything

again yw

china falls so does amazon

screenshot this

>> No.15450588
File: 191 KB, 1600x1002, 1546328494625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his success if based on stupidity

bezos made it because most people are dumb including myself but we all grow (some faster than others) lol

I saw it years ago and told my family it took years but meh

most reviewed or most purchased is missing becuase amazon relies on selling trash

>> No.15450624
File: 120 KB, 656x820, DjmX18fUUAA3RZ_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

part of the reason why

fk him I will dedicate a thread daily and bring this to his (twitter) attention

>> No.15450665
File: 80 KB, 1242x1184, C02D6B62-C8E7-4EB6-82A3-548D3BC3B594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being jelly of testosterone
Consider kmsing yourself

>> No.15450670

the divorce was a way to cash out. youre retarded. sage

>> No.15450674

...maybe I'm getting old and the zoomers know something I don't, but that sounds like the same thing walmart does (or at least used to do back when their reputation was really shitty).

>> No.15450866
File: 903 KB, 1006x603, BezosBadExample4ourFuturegeneration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is all I can do for you

the pic says it all

if this still means nothing to you remember this

when its time to change their business model and by change I mean adding this filter

its game over

they fall

target and Newegg do it why doesnt jeff ?

or sam ?


>> No.15450894

This is interesting. You're a clever guy. Clever people deserve recognition that this anonymous message board just can't really facilitate! What's your real name and where do you live? What do you believe is the worst thing that could ever happen to a person?

>> No.15450936

he's miserable with his ex-bitch
he could have just killed her though

>> No.15450972
File: 36 KB, 640x360, Yuval Noah Harari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fk fuck you selfish fuck

show me where anywhere in that trash website

"most sold laptop"

fk u with your most featured electronics bullshit review counts go from 200 to 2000 back to 20

thats now how shit works

he cant keep us oppressed for long

soon everyone will wake up and realize how they control us in a very stupid way

most reviews or most purchased = honest work

amazon = 666


upside down


>> No.15451317

This is getting slid

>> No.15451328

Please be more clear anon.

What exactly are Amazon doing?

Why is it upsetting for you?

Thank you.

>> No.15451341
File: 78 KB, 412x351, pepe2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Venezuela is a 3rd world country with females that make this ugly thot look like taco bell

>mfw first kiss was a half white, half venezuelan girl
>mfw havent talked to her in 10 years

>> No.15451360

Stfu shitskin

>> No.15451363


>a company uses its website to promote its own products

woah, this should be illegal maaan

>> No.15451371

Just look at what he’s wearing = Cucked!!!!

>> No.15451379

You sound useless Chinese customer service kys insect

>> No.15451384

Hey man can you try writing in complete thoughts and sentences? I'm unable to follow this ADD format.

>> No.15451420
File: 29 KB, 500x500, 1567173339267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for this anon

>> No.15451426


Right now they are cheap


>> No.15451437

holy fuck look at the picture

>> No.15451446


>perculiar fascination with strippers

what drama queens. he was just an Asian incel who was a horn dog for dirty ho's.

>> No.15451500

It's a confused screencap showing two different ways of sorting reviews.

Could it be suggesting that amazon runs a protected market for certain products?

It's hard to know for sure.

What are you seeing that I'm not?

>> No.15451789

I think he might have a touch of the schizophrenia

>> No.15451798


bots shoo

>> No.15451807

this pic is epic

>> No.15451818

Man I'm not saying amazon isn't a shitty company. I'm just saying that this particular criticism seems to be lacking a bit.
also this pic
reminds me very much of the stuff Tooker would post on /sci/

>> No.15451890

bot you are stop it !

>> No.15452008

o-okay s-senpai
p-please don't h-hit me ag-g-gain

>> No.15452047
File: 385 KB, 500x4865, 1547276368535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stupid bots biz changed stop replying let the thread die

>> No.15452252

fucking balding faggots cope so hard
it's not because you have an excess of testosterone idiot, it's that your shitty excuse for a body can't process it correctly.

>> No.15452275

Very based. Why would a kike risk $35 billion on some pussy.

>> No.15453259


>> No.15453276



>> No.15453309

Cases can move fast depending on the level of cooperation between the 2. 35bil is a lot less than half his networth.

Interesting take.

>> No.15453323

Short it then pussy

>> No.15453818

getting quoted by retards on an internet imageboard i'm sure thats the worst

>> No.15453822

Go look for a gaming mouse. To get decent brands in the listings is difficult without filtering to brand. The top of the list are gook garbage padded with fake reviews that noone buys.

>> No.15453831

Most reviewed is a garbage metric.

>> No.15453897


Based chink schizo poster

>> No.15454850

You'd scrub every single drop of that clumpy pajeet blood off your vascular system given the chance

>> No.15454908

This everyone knows this tech bubble is about to burst. Cashing out ATH right before an economic crash