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15446175 No.15446175 [Reply] [Original]

- Constellation(DAG)



>> No.15446369

New exchange and mainnet this month, easiest 3x ever even during these crab times

>> No.15446392

>source: pajeet-news-not-scam.xyz

>> No.15446400
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That is the Air Force SBIR official twitter you titanic brainlet.

DAG is officially the most American crypto out there.

>> No.15446420

I had dag but dumped it. Seems wayyyy too sketchy. If this was real deal shouldnt this shit be shooting up to top 10 crypto? Also the telegram is very dismissing of questions. Why would the af go with some no name crypto and not a better dag like iota or nano?

>> No.15446425

You got pwnt by fudders guy

>> No.15446430
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murkah fuk ya!!!

>> No.15446557

easy triple from here

>> No.15446891

Correct. Just imagine how strong it'll be moving on an exchange with more cashflow and when the BTC bullrun flags go up.

$5 seems quite viable by 2021

>> No.15446902

>If the BTC bullrun flags go up.

>> No.15446904

i guess holding for 1 year finally paid off to some of you morons, sell now while you can because this garbage is going back to 0 lmao

>> No.15446924

At $5 it would have a market cap of $18,559,993,450

>> No.15446940

To put this into perspective, that's more than Ethereum's current market cap.
I appreciate the enthusiasm, but it's not going to happen..

>> No.15446942

oh man, this reeks of brain rot
>Why would the af go with some no name crypto and not a better dag like iota or nano?
why are iota or nano better for data management when that's not what they do at all? congrats on dumping btw, smart move LOL
how do I short the vast amounts of minimal IQ crypto investors?

>> No.15447044

What this Anon is not telling you is the details of the USAF agreement. It goes something like this.. .
You don't get any money from us. You claim to be building amazing tech. If you do and it works we will consider using your tech.
Fast forward 6 months and DAG is out of business due to lack of funding.

VP of Marketing quit
VP of Engineering quit
CCO and Cofounder quit
All developers quit
All marketing people quit

They don't have a company, you can't ask them any due diligence questions, and they have lied to their community about the details of partnerships since day one. Don't trust these scammers, if they won't answer the hard fundamental business questions in their TG then walk away.

>> No.15447072

I tried to ask how much capital they had left and they said a few years. There are 3 employees so im guessing that's about 700k in the bank. If they don't have $20M+ then they don't have a chance of making it anyway. I think that's why they get so defensive when you ask how much working capital they have

>> No.15447111



- cis straight male


>> No.15447267
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Yes, and? During the 2017 bull run literal scams like NANO on Bitgrail went to 4 billion like nothing.

If BTC is making waves going to 50-70K with normies money pouring in and baby boomers making a last ditch effort before hitting the grave with their retirement funds to get massive gains that kind of money is very feasible.

Pre-Bull Run with the USAF contract, Mainnet launching it out of the ERC20 arena, and it getting listed on 3 new exchanges over the next 6 months to get some actual volume, a 60-70 cent price range wouldn't be out of the realm of reality. Seeing how most top 20 alts, which for the most part are completely pegged to BTC's trajectory at this point are around the market cap to put it at 60 cents, I think that is a very reasonable bullish projection.

>> No.15447269

they scammed the air force lmao

>> No.15447326

No they didnt, they just got a contract that isnt worth anything unless they can deliver. Unfortunately they cant because they have no employees and no money. Go ask the team about it, oh thats right you cant. Because they are thin skinned hyper defensive faggots that wasted all their investment money day trading BTC and ETH. You can ask them that too if you want to get banned.
For those of you wondering if the Day Trading rumors are real, their official statement was they are pleading the 5th because their lawyer told them they arent allowed to talk about it. When asked to see the hush order from their lawyers (redacted of course) they refused to supply it.
They outta money folks, plain and simple

>> No.15447352
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Welcome home ICO FUDDER. Have you made your daily call to the SEC today?
I'm still waiting.

>> No.15447473

Not a fudder. FUD = Fear, Uncretainty, and Doubt.
What I have given you is facts. You can look all of them up. No need to fear or doubt, they are verifiable facts.

1. All employees quit, that is a fact you can check their Linkedin profiles, they all work somewhere else. Do you wonder why, of course you dont because that would be critical thinking.
2. They pleaded the 5th on the day trading rumors. Its in their telegram unless they scrubbed that too.
3. They are out of money. They have maybe 3 employees left and stated they have a few years or runway. Thats minimal operating costs for 3 employees which adds up to nothing, especially to run a tech business.
3. The USAF contract is not worth money. They arent being paid to perform, they are being considered if they succeed.

So lets break it down. There is a possible investor fraud case against them in regard to accusations they pleaded the 5th on and wont discuss to this day.
They are clearly out of money by their own admission.
The USAF contract is not financial in nature.
Their entire staff walked out on them and they have nobody left including all engineers.

>Bullish though LOL

>> No.15447696
File: 36 KB, 606x766, 1348153212-1381067-0231645_www.nevseoboi.com.ua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. People get different jobs are fired in half of your accusations, and now they quit. Which is it? Can't be they voluntarily left the project, that would be impossible!
2. Constant accusations and CEO chirpped out, they can't speak for him and even so, its 2 years of SEC review and taxes, nothing to it. But I implore you to call the SEC to make up your ICO losses.
3. Thank you for the inside scope! I'm glad a FUDDER who posts in every single thread with the vindictive passion to shit on the coin he got fucked by because his dumbass invested in and HELD a low market cap during a crash know how many employees they have their finances. 100% legit source, totally not a butthurt early investor making up shit.
3(learn to fucking count). Yeah dude, they are unpaid interns working like Jannies for FUCKING FREE to build cloud and big data infrastructure for the US military. The goddamn fools were tricky enough to cox the biggest military in the world for access to their networks and resources, but the dumbasses aren't getting a dime out of it! Sadly their hollow contract won't save them!

>There is a possible investor fraud case against them
Just call the fucking SEC dude, here is the link again
Go on, report and get your whistleblower prize if you your accusations and asspulled "facts" are true. You post in all these threads but you never do a fucking thing but throw baseless accusations out of your rage for getting fucked by your own bad investments.

But you won't do anything but post the same pasta every thread because your asshurt that the price is almost back to where you lost in September and all these people got bags for cheap.
Call the SEC or fuck off with your whining. DAG is already 5x, working with the 2nd biggest branch of the US military, and about to go mainnet. Nothing you can do to stop or FUD it.
Now cry more and bump my fucking thread more like you should.

>> No.15447726
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1. They got rid of dead wood or people had finished their contribution and have moved on, New CEO has reshaped the team into ultra focussed Chad Elite war machine. The tech is almost ready and is being audited by three PhD engineers.

2.Old FUD, never seen any proof of this story. Please post evidence to support your claims or it is just your pajeet fantasy running wild again.

3. LOL, they are one of the few DLT companies that have a focussed business plan to create revenue and lock down enterprise engagements. Try harder, again you have no proof, just wild speculation that you and your curry friends made up on the fly.

4. Oh please, again no proof. Have you seen the contract, again speculation just like everything else you copy pasta. Reality is that USAF tweeted about the partnership. Biggest deal in crypto. eat more salt pajeet

>> No.15447882

I am not whoever you think I am, but if schizophrenia is your thing more power to you. Since you are obviously samefagging I will respond to both as one

You see you cant keep contradicting yourself:

Building game changing tech that will 10000X, huge amazing mainnet 30 days out - But entire staff including a cofounder quit/fired and you arent allow to ask in TG why this happened or you will be banned.

Cant speak about former CEO day trading away all their investment capital. But they run the finances and know exactly what he did and covered it up. Their whole community demanded them to answer including huge whales and they told everyone they could not because of a hush order they also couldnt produce. You brush this aside as being scrutinized by the SEC, but what makes you think the SEC scrutinized them for investor fraud? Do you have evidence this happened? Do you know the SEC process for their annual review of cryptocurrencies in the Cayman Islands?

You say they have plenty of money but everything they do shows they dont. When a company fires/layoff/lose 80% of their staff everyone else in the real world understands that financial troubles are the underlying issue. But not Dag Shills, this is bullish and obviously they have lots of cash.

Also please explain how everything you have stated above has never been publicly released by the team. Is this by design? The team feeds all information to you and you are told to bring it to biz to inform everyone while their community sits in the dark wondering?

You are full of shit, your project is a vaporware scam, and youre team is running out of money faster than a meth addict on payday.

You keep demanding that they be reported to the SEC if they have done something wrong, and I have told you (as well as other anons) that they were reported. But you keep bringing it up. Why? We all know why :)

Please stop lying to people, and GTFO of biz you scumbag

>> No.15447929

Old wood LOL.

VP of Marketing
VP of Engineering
VP of Product
All engineers and marketing people

>"Partial" Mainnet 30 days out, no products deployed, tech far from completion, no marketing at all

Are you sure about that dude? How many full time employees do they have? Are you allowed to ask that question?

>> No.15447985

You can try to ask but you will be banned for sure. Asking how many employees they have is considered FUD. Asking why employees left is also FUD. There arent many due dilligence questions you can ask that dont end in a ban or harassment. Imagine how many whales have walked away from DAG after meeting their community of retards?

>> No.15448058

How can I short the military?

>> No.15448072

Be 5'6

>> No.15448232
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no-one gives a fuck about your curry fud. dag is here too stay and you know it.

>> No.15448538

also if you read the whitepaper its clear its just a much shittier version of EOS. they throw in a few buzzwords like "validation" and "scalability" while in reality they do nothing to solve the problems.

>> No.15448649

Like I said, it's not FUD it's facts. The DAG community seems to have trouble understanding the difference between the two. Hence they ban any question in their TG that isn't koolaid chugging moonboism.
I understand you hate facts and your team can do no wrong. But you come here spreading misinformation and we kindly ask you to leave and shill somewhere else

>> No.15448763

DAG shills are the worst, sleaziest, most immoral pieces of shit on this board. The community is toxic, the team is sketchy, and people still come here and try to convince newfags to pump their bags.

>> No.15448808

Remember when their CTO was on a panel with IBM. They started telling everyone they were partners with IBM. I don't doubt they have some agreement with USAF but I doubt it has any significance or turn into any type of financial gain.
It is true they are fucking toxic people, the exact opposite of what a crypto company should be. No transparency whatsoever while claiming to be totally transparent. This is why everyone hates them, they are just so dishonest it's disgusting.

>> No.15448833

Whales and institutional investors see right through their bullshit which is why they don't have a single one on board. For this reason they will never evolve beyond a PnD scam.

>> No.15449016

But have you called the SEC yet?

>> No.15449311

The CEO day trading FUD is real though I don't think they deny it. Doesn't that make them accomplices to a crime though if they never reported it?

>> No.15449344

>literally his only defense is that the government won't go after them

>> No.15449347

sell the news

>> No.15449659

I did and a few others did as well. Unfortunately most of crypto was flooded with similar amateur wannabe business people who mismanaged alot of people's investment dollars. Who knows when something will happen but it will happen at some point.

>> No.15449670

Exactly, this is how scummy their community is in case anyone was wondering.

>> No.15450159

imagine how stupid you would be to do this when everyone knows where you live

>> No.15450214

Cool, so I'll make sick gains on good tech, mainnet, and military contacts while you wait for your whistleblower reward from the SEC.

We'll see who becomes a wagie first.

>> No.15450300

I just had a frightening thought that you might not be trolling but that youre genuinely insane and actually believe this. Holy shit.

>> No.15450374

Everything stated is a verifiable fact. So lets verify:

Entire team fired, laid off, or quit: Go ahead and check every single team members linkedin with exception of the 3 main guys. ALL OF THEM FUCKING WORK SOMEWHERE ELSE.

DAY TRADING CEO FOR HUGE LOSSES: I will give you $20,000 right now if you can get the team to make one simple statement. "Brendan Playford did NOT day trade with investor funds". You will be the 1000th person to ask them, including their original presale investors. Here is what you get, banned, scrubbed, doxxed, and harassed. The current CEO plead the 5th to avoid incriminating himself in the coverup. He literally said he was under a hush order from his lawyer and almost every DAG shill readily admits it happened including you.

Company is out of funds: They said they have a couple years of runway. They have 3 employees total and just fired everyone. You can do the math brainlet. You could get the actual number from the team but you will get banned for even asking.

All verifiable facts you fucking cunt, and the only tiny details that cant be verified like exact dollar amounts is because the team refuses to answer direct questions of due diligence.

At this point it is so obvious you are a team member, which one are you? There are only 3 of you scumbags left.

>> No.15450419

Can't argue with that. I checked LinkedIn and sure enough they are all working for other companies with Constellation and their previous employer. Even the former CCO and Cofounder is gone. Damn there's nobody left working at this company. DAG Shills BTFO

Also there a tons of screencaps of the current CEO pleading the 5th, it was posted everywhere last year. It's when everyone dumped on them. Even the guy running their trader channel was bashing them for it. Look in the biz archive it's all there

>> No.15450513

Imagine how stupid you have to be to invest in a project that lost $33M in 18 months, covered up a financial crime, has only 3 active employees, and created a community of lying moonboys spreading misinformation to dump their bags. Only 2 types if investor put their money in DAG, PnD scammers and those who they scammed.

>> No.15450662

Something you all might find interesting. It looks like they went from .004 to .007 on the USAF news. But that can be achieved by purchasing about $30k of DAG. All their volume is wash trading.
I don't think anyone believes them anymore. That and they have no marketing since they fired all their marketing people. Seems the only marketing is coming from the PnD "satsgang" they brought into the community. Well it's not really marketing more like pumping and dumping

>> No.15450677

the news was released here before the PR release, which could have only been known by a team member.
maybe we should send screencaps to SBIR, they might want to know they're doing business with shills that only want to pump their bags

>> No.15450691

your mistake is thinking i give a shit about your presale ass getting dumped on. i hope they did. you deserve it for being a retarded ico fag. dag belongs to us now, the smart money who bought at 20 sat who have already tripled.

>> No.15450712

i really dont give a fuck about events from two years ago thay hurt your little feelings. dag is kicking ass rn and just partnered with the us air force. you rly think we care you got rekt?

>> No.15450724

mf u guys know what SBIR? its a nothing burger thousands of companies get funding each year for proof of concept that even if its succesful nothing comes out of it cuz the next level funding will need higher officials/politicians support and approval who didnt get any share so they stop it its so common on texas a lot of small companies get SBIR fundind politicians lobby for votes

>> No.15450731

check this https://www.sbir.gov/solicitation-listing/closed lol u guys are getting scamd again and again

>> No.15450861

approval is like half a percent you have to be elite, best of the best to get in

>> No.15450879

behold the delusion. the award is a maximum of a $220k. For a business that's only attracting fleas. no one even knows if they got anything up to that amount.
and something like 30% of those that submitted proposals got accepted.

>> No.15450924

Damn I had no idea the maximum amount was only $220k. These fucking scammers have been talking about some deep partnership with the USAF. WOW. No wonder they wont talk about the financial impact of the USAF contract, there isnt any. This also explains why they arent hiring anyone and instead firing everyone. What a fucking joke.

>> No.15450941

>Doesn't care about investment fraud, doesn't care about the team covering it up or what liability they face. Doesn't care about obvious lack of capital leaving them unable to grow their business.

Yup sounds like a DAG team member. No investor or even the world's biggest shill would ignore that shit.

>> No.15451075


its like arguing that eth back in early 2016 forked from the dao, even though everything you write is a lie even if it werent no one would give two shits. people look forward not backward. youre psychotic and mentally ill.

>> No.15451124

Proof is right here bitch

$250k maximum award. Your company is going under and we are all laughing at you. Nice try on the PnD scam, its fucking over. LOL what a fucking piece of shit.

>> No.15451155 [DELETED] 

Muahahahahhahaha this is fucking gold. Have fun being poor faggots DAG about to dump hard

>> No.15451163

Muahahahahhahaha this is fucking gold. Have fun being poor faggots DAG about to dump hard

>> No.15451387

Dumping will not be easy, there is no liquidity. These rejects are about to get stuck with this scamcoin. I do kinda feel bad for the 15 year olds who used their parents credit card and fell for this meme bullshit