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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 53 KB, 300x229, Robinhood_Look_Of_Disapproval.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1543814 No.1543814 [Reply] [Original]

Everything is Red Edition

/biz/ discord:

Stickerbitch's calendar:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

-- Robinhood FAQs --
- VISIT THE WEBSITE FIRST - www.robinhood.com
> How is it free?
They invest your unsettled funds after a trade. It's also pretty basic software.
> When is it coming to my country?
Probably never. They only have plans on an Australian beta.
> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?
If it takes more than 3 days, try emailing their support. They are very good.
> Is this the place to pump and dump and/or shill a worthless stock?
> I hit sell when the stock was X.XX, but it actually sold at a lower price, am I being jewed?
No, that would actually be illegal. Robinhood graphs are just shit and only show you an average, not-really-realtime price. To get Bid/Ask prices and important things like candlestick graphs, you should use a more robust platform.
> Where can I get better charting or bid/ask?
thinkorswim is bretty gud if you want to go open a second account with real broker.
Otherwise you should be using stockcharts.com, finviz, or Yahoo/Google finance for your graphing in addition to Robinhood.
>How do I git gud?
Technical analysis
> Can I use Robinhood on my PC?
Yes, download an android emulator. Setup is extremely easy. http://www.memuplay.com/

Previous Thread:

>> No.1543819

Rename this to "I'm a fucking faggot that cannot write write robinhood in the title unless I'm reminded 50x"

>> No.1543826

Fuck off, I'm not that guy, I'm someone trying to fix the OP with the right discord link. That other guy is some retard from the retard server. I forgot because I'm at work, in a hurry so that the fag doesn't beat me, and on mobile so the subject line isn't immediately visible.

>> No.1543833


autism off the charts

>> No.1543836

>other thread is deleted
>this one pops up instantly after
>i-im not the same guy

>> No.1543846

thanks for fixing it

>> No.1543848

also who the fuck actually clicks the links in the OP lmao

>> No.1543862
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>> No.1543865
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>> No.1543866

You're dumb

>> No.1543881

>if demand increases
Key sentence here. Thorium is obscure as fuck, used in very small amounts of at all, until it becomes uranium. Nothing to see here.

>> No.1543884

Google Liquid Flouride Thorium Reactors, they're literally going to be the fucking future.

>> No.1543886


I'm the guy that made the last thread missing the title, it's still up you stupid jabroni

>> No.1543890
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>i-it's still not me

>> No.1543893
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What stocks are you goys currently holding?
I'm currently holding:

>> No.1543894

Never thought I'd see the day I witnessed someone rob themselves.

>> No.1543898

3000 AMRS
2500 PTX
1000 GERN
48 SJW

>> No.1543899
File: 138 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-10-04-17-53-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna get some blue chips this Friday.
Any Dow etfs ideas?

>> No.1543901

I know I fucked up with COSI and EAC.
But I'm gonna do well with MSTX and SAEX

>> No.1543902

Meant for >>1543893

Also why did gold take such a huge hit today?

>> No.1543908

>Also why did gold take such a huge hit today?
I have no idea, but if JNUG falls any further tomorrow I'm gonna buy some shares.

>> No.1543909
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30 RGSE and AUPH
>still spooked

>> No.1543915


Weakness in every world currency except the dollar, so the dollar goes to the moon

people put money into the dollar/equities rather than into gold, chinese investing is closed and they are a large purchaser of gold along with probably a lot of firms and investors trying to price in a rate hike come december and to reduce exposure = a route

likely won't recover to 1300 until next monday but not a bad buying opportunity

>> No.1543919

I wish I got into AUPH.
What did you buy your shares for?

>> No.1543923

I had some at 2.56 and sold on the moon mission, now I'm in at 3.53 pretty shit I know

>> No.1543926

I'm sorry, Hope it goes way up over the moon for you, anon.
I lost many shekels this past week.

>> No.1543935

Who /EAC journey to the center of the earth/ here

>> No.1543936

I've been up and down cause day trade shit, but thanks dude hopefully I'll see you on the moon one day

>> No.1543937

I'm nearly all in.
Do you think it's gonna go up this week?

>> No.1543943

guys why the fuck didnt you get off. holy shit

>> No.1543945

>guys why the fuck didnt you get off
because i slept in :^(

>> No.1543947

Thats what you get you lazy fucking degenerate

>> No.1543952

MSTX is bankrupt, even if they don't know it yet, friend.

>> No.1543957
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well just fuck my shit up

>> No.1543960

500 BB
800 THLD (Just...)
100 AMD
100 BNS
1000 MNGA
100 TD

>> No.1543961

you're that fucker from the last thread

you are so pathetic and you ought to die

>> No.1543972

thanks, you too bb

>> No.1543976


>> No.1543978

I'm still not convinced he's not trolling. It hits basically everything that triggers us.

>> No.1543980

markets closed

who cares

go rub one out to some cam girls

>> No.1543982


He's probably gone for good and I don't blame him t b h

>> No.1543986

I know he isn't trolling, he has shown pics. I'm telling him he's pathetic at stocks and has no reason to continue living.

>> No.1543989

>anons buying a stock to bring it up in price

boy was that an amazing time to live in. We will never see anon power again,for pimple has united us,but now he has forsaken us

>> No.1543994

He might just be out for now since there's not much going on. At least he gave us an email.

>> No.1543995

chill out fags, he's probably just going over what happened with PZRX

>> No.1543997

what email what does that even mean?

How does having his mail help,are we suppose to email him so he emails us info?

>> No.1544001

True. That's an interesting one. He correctly predicted the rise but that crash was unexpected. Glad I just watched

>> No.1544006

dude lurk more fag

>> No.1544022

Omg who gave this retard access to the internet?

>> No.1544041

Literally a bigger meme than etherum kys fa-m

>> No.1544045
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Anyone else watching this?

>> No.1544046

PDLI that is

>> No.1544047

Then you didn't do any research.

The free market wills it.

>> No.1544062

>if JNUG falls any further tomorrow I'm gonna buy some shares.
Holy shit nobody here has any idea how leveraged ETFs work.
They are not fucking investments.

>> No.1544063
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your just jealous that i make better financial choices then you,

>> No.1544066


>> No.1544067

You're right. No one here is as generous as you.

>> No.1544068

PZRX about to explode at open tommorrow glad i bought the dip

>> No.1544070

when COSI goes up to a dollar a share, you are gonna be sorry, goy

>> No.1544084

Oh, sorry, I didn't realize you're the autist who opened an RH account and lost money on it just to troll us.

>> No.1544085

lol why

>> No.1544088

im not trolling

>> No.1544098

ENH ENH ENH easy gains tomorrow!!!!!

>> No.1544104


>> No.1544111


Explain dude

>> No.1544115

Watch the price before the bell, another company just confirmed buyout for 6.5bil and current market cap is at 5.9bil.... Still more gains to be made. And this is all after an already 35% increase in share price after hours today.

>> No.1544116

Leveraged ETFs DECAY.
They decrease in value over time.
They don't follow shit on any time scale larger than intraday.

>> No.1544122

Meant to reply to>>1544104

>> No.1544127

You're right, it'd be incredible if a bankrupt company went up to a dollar, that's for sure.

>> No.1544128

Nice, might buy in PM.

>> No.1544133

Uranium might be the right buy


>> No.1544136

Yep. Should be an easy 7 to 8 percent if you can get in early enough

>> No.1544143

I'm looking it up on SEC. What seems so interesting to you about it? Seems like every other pharma shilled here, except it already has drugs on market?

>> No.1544144
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I sure hope you're kidding

>> No.1544162

What about if we can't get in premarket? Should we buy at open? What price is too high?

>> No.1544166

I'm not
what did i do wrong
besides being born :^(

>> No.1544171
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>being this retarded

>> No.1544175

Just watch the charts PM to see where the price is... If you can get in under 90 you're probably good. Just watch the charts when the bell rings and when the price flat lines you'll know it's too late to get in/ time to get out

>> No.1544176


$SAEX might be the best play out of those because it occasionally pops a good 15%, but $COSI is headed to OTC (or plain old delisting), $MSTX had only one drug and it didn't work (unlike $NVAX, which has a pipeline)

$EAC is a huge idk because they dropped some 30% in the last two days although their earnings report is coming up Nov 3 and they might be saved by that

>> No.1544178

I don't know man, it honestly looks like the rocket already left earth on that one. But we'll see in premarket

>> No.1544180

Ok Thanks, I will sell off my shares of COSI and MSTX as a loss tomorrow.
I'll keep my EAC until November
Any recommendations on stocks I should buy with the money i get from those.

>> No.1544182

a savings account with credit union

>> No.1544206

You're alright, troll anon, you keep on doing what you do. I know you'll pretend to not be a troll, I get it, but just so you know: I know you know I know that you know I know you know.

>> No.1544210

these started out as real investments.
I have no choice but to use them to troll now, for my own sanity.

>> No.1544212

>real investments
No such thing on a stock under a dollar.
Pull your money out and go buy something you can actually make use of, friend.

>> No.1544213


That discord is shit,

join the Official one faggots


>> No.1544216

thanks for advice.
I'm still betting on EAC though

>> No.1544219
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What is /biz/ drinking tonight?

im enjoying a cold stella and some Jameson
>pic related

>> No.1544221

My tears

>> No.1544222


omg :'DD

>> No.1544225
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who else here /panicsell/?

>> No.1544226

Yesterday I bought a $600 dollar of Glenlivet 12 year.
We fancy today.

>> No.1544230
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>> No.1544240
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Oh wonderful I'm talking to the undead

>> No.1544243
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>> No.1544249

Have you tried it yet, Only scotch i can afford is Dewars white label., and it tastes like cigarette cock

>> No.1544265

I just bought a Glenfiddich 15 year that is very good, but I haven't drank much scotch to compare it to. My guests tell me it tastes very good as well.

I may have some tonight actually because of this thread.

>> No.1544268


Laphroaig is very good

>> No.1544271

has anyone been doing the same method as me? i've had steady 12% returns, some losses just due to underestimating the low, but all I do is look for biggest losers of the day prior, and buy it, almost always get some kind of gain

>> No.1544272

>alcoholic anon justifies drinking on a tuesday on a hebrew shekels collectors' forum

>> No.1544273

you have been lucky. your luck will run out. that is not a strategy.

>> No.1544278

i mean what else could happen when a stock drops, and no im not talking about sub penny pieces of shit that could get delisted, im talking around the 10$ mark that is somewhat established with a product pipeline

>> No.1544302

One word: GBSN

>> No.1544309


it works if you do your DD. if the company took a temporary hit, or took a hit wrongly, it could work out for you.

if the company got caught in a huge scandal, you could be in a world of hurt. see: volkswagon

>> No.1544315

So what should we buy thats gonna rise from this hurricane?

>> No.1544319

Gold jewelry and cadillacs will go up after the recovery checks go out to the dindus

>> No.1544320

Would companies that sell necessities be good? Owners of water bottling companyies like Nestle/Coke/Pepsico or other goods would be an idea.

Whoever owns Deer Park might be good.

>> No.1544321

What could go wrong with buying the top 10 S&P 500 losers, after making sure they didn't have a good reason to drop?

>> No.1544322

Hardware stores and real estate.

>> No.1544324

Shingle companies, though Owen's corning is the only one I know of that's public

>> No.1544325

Holy shit, this. My folks always had to re-shingle some of the roof after hurricanes.

>> No.1544326

I worked for one and they basically pray for hurricanes

>> No.1544328


i think this has some ~1 month potential. thoughts?

>> No.1544341

Most likely doing productive things that don't include making free money for random autists that don't know the first thing about the market

>> No.1544342
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Tfw I bought it at 1.44 yesterday

>> No.1544345


that thing decays worse than the VIX it might be the worst stock ive ever seen wtf man

>> No.1544350

Fuck should of bought DUST gold is not recovering

>> No.1544362

Thoughts on TKAI?

>> No.1544376


I don't ever give Stocktwats any credit for anything, but their page on $GBSN is very funny

>> No.1544382


looks like a pump and dump in progress be careful

>> No.1544386

You're right, it's fantastic.

>> No.1544391


>> No.1544396

Okay someone posted all of our meme stocks on there, its basically us trolling each other at this point probably

>> No.1544400


>> No.1544401

Is anybody shorting the moon mission calls? Seems like you'd make more money shorting something when it makes it to the moon than actually taking the ship to the moon.

These stocks go up 20% and dip down 50%.

>> No.1544408

listening to a George Soros audiobook

fuck this guy is so fucking smart

>> No.1544413

Shorting is definitely safer.
We are all too poor to do that, though.

Sociopaths often are.

>> No.1544418

the GBSN stocktwits page

>> No.1544419

he's a reptilian jew lesbian lizard, of course he's smart

>> No.1544420

Does anyone have the biz discord that isn't this one?

>> No.1544421

how do you short?

>> No.1544425


He's the reason I bought 55 shares of $FEYE and just not touching it. He has 150 million shares.

>> No.1544427


>> No.1544428
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One of my favorites. Save the Jameo for the weekend

>> No.1544432
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Undervalued, oversold.

>> No.1544442

The only person I've ever seen drink Rolling Rock is AVGN, how's Mike's 12 inch cock?

>> No.1544451
File: 18 KB, 600x384, sad_frog[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW when you were 2 posts off from being quints

>> No.1544458

Fix the fucking "when is it coming to my country"

They are readying the European launch and the Chinese launch has already occurred.

It is fucking ridiculous that we have been aware of these things for months and nobody fixed it.

>> No.1544465
File: 97 KB, 640x480, comebackpimps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come back pimple
pimple pls

>> No.1544479

>They are readying the European launch
Do you mean Australian?

>> No.1544488

Whose getting ready for the RGSE launch? Is it gonna fall to 1.6 first or rebound before that?

>> No.1544492

Nice full house, but RGSE is staying grounded forever. Let go of it, it just mooned.

>> No.1544493


Pssst look up in the thread friend, he gave you a good one to watch

>> No.1544497

Pimple senpai is that you?

>> No.1544498

It looks like it already spiked

>> No.1544511

you mean this guy?

>> No.1544513

Not pimple. Company has enough cash on hand alone to be worth over a dollar tho
Only 10% at close, there's a bigger fish to fry.

>> No.1544514

How fast are day trades on ustocktrade? Can I rapid day trade with a small account?

>> No.1544515

Look at tnxp on finviz it could very well go higher.

>> No.1544516

I mean the 17% it spiked the other day

>> No.1544517

also been looking into this one, good volume. recently fell from the $2 mark after their drug failed and they decided to scrap it entirely.

looks scary desu, if they don't have anything other than the PTSD thing then they're fucked.

>> No.1544520
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Watch $TKAI..........
Just watch boys, looks like its begging to pull EBIO all over again.........
The charts are great and AH is already up 8%

>> No.1544521

They have cash tho, they are ~literally~ undervalued.

>> No.1544523

I see that it has high volume and a high target price but I don't see why it would actually go up.

What's your explanation?

The chart looks very odd to me.

>> No.1544525

Short ENH or SMMT?

>> No.1544526

Wellll it's got a small float and yesterday's volume was over 4x the average. It's just a good one to watch.

>> No.1544527

My portfolio (I'M NOT KIDDIN)
10000 GQC
3850 BBI
3030 IMG

20000 MSTX
1000 SPHS
1000 MRNS

Send help please

>> No.1544532

I invested in MSTX as well.
The future doesn't look bright for us
At-lest you didn't invest in COSI :^(

>> No.1544535

I refuse to believe you, out of sheer hope that people are not this stupid to buy 20k shares of MSTX. I'm sorry. You just cannot exist.

>> No.1544543
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>> No.1544545

started swing trading currencies with the stochastic momentum index formula and holy shit boys

i have fell in love

>> No.1544546

Jesus you're almost as bad as this guy >>1543893 but atleast you didnt buy COSI, a company literally going bankrupt.

>> No.1544548

8ch when? The cancer is too much here it even kills pimples

>> No.1544549

More info please.

>> No.1544551
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>atleast you didnt buy COSI, a company literally going bankrupt.
don't forget I bought EAC as well, and they are about to be declassified

>> No.1544558

Well, in terms of dollar amount, ballpark how much you actually lost? Like $14?

>> No.1544560

$240 total

>> No.1544563


i meant $24
the 0 was an accidentl

>> No.1544565

Sure thing, pal. Just send an email to freemoneymaker@gmail.com with your credit card info and billing address and I will send to you absolutely FREE my two step stochastic trading method that allows me to make $589 per hour! I only work 10 hours a week and I'm rich! This is a limited time offer, so act quick!

>> No.1544566

How do I find good Dividend stocks?

I'm using Robinhood as a savings account more or less. Just putting in $100 every week.

I don't want to day trade, I'm looking for long term stuff. I've only bought some shares in Cisco CSCO which is at a high but very stable.

>> No.1544573


>> No.1544580


Make sure to spread it in different sectors

>> No.1544581

Deutsch bank is a good deal right now, and very stable

>> No.1544582

>"th-there's no subject on mobile"
There is if you turn your phone sideways, you dumbfuck.

>> No.1544583

Generally look for something that looks stable over several years, as well as with a decent yield. Usually 3% or higher at least

Here's a couple picks: T, F, KO

>> No.1544586

I find good dividend stocks by looking at long term graphs and getting a ball park 30 year outlook for that particular sector.

Then I buy the first good dip.

If I like it, I'll hold long if I don't I just ride the first gains it gets.

I watch like 100 stocks daily so have a wide selection I've always got a dip to buy and some gains to sell.

>> No.1544598

Just open a vanguard account if you have enough money

>> No.1544607

I wonder if you even know that you're an idiot.

>> No.1544608


>> No.1544614

Yeah you can day trade as much as you want but it's 1 dollar per trade.

>> No.1544641

Whats tomorrows moon mission?

>> No.1544647

im going for JNUG

>> No.1544649


>> No.1544687
File: 73 KB, 412x351, sadtoad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ctrl+F "pimple"
>No results

we're never going to make it now

>> No.1544693

Gold is failing

>> No.1544694


>> No.1544695

Prove it

>> No.1544734

Any recent pimple memes?

>> No.1544738


>> No.1544788


>> No.1544866

What's RGSE gonna go up to

>> No.1544868

Wake up faggots!!!! What are the picks for today?

>> No.1544869


>> No.1544875


Those are my picks for today.

>> No.1544881

Bull shit

>> No.1544896

This place really turned into shitpost general

Hahaha so fahnny you recommend DB to someone asking about stable dividend companies hahahaha

Youre the reason this place is shit

Get fucked go die
Your moms box

>> No.1544899
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>> No.1544906



Where else can we go to get legit tips and discussion and not /b/tards out of their containment box

$DB is falling off a cliff, it's being shorted to death

>> No.1544918

$2.60 is a safe bet.

3 if we're lucky

>> No.1544926


Look but tread lightly.

Not pimple btw

>> No.1544941


>> No.1544946

DB is about to recover. Go do some DD before posting in here.

>> No.1544947

First for CERU

What are we meming today judens?

>> No.1544949
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>> No.1544950
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>DB is about to recover

>> No.1544951


>> No.1544954

>coming to 4chan expecting 100% serious discussion all the time

>> No.1544956

gears is saying to keep an eye on TKAI - possible 100%+ breakout today

>> No.1544957
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>> No.1544958

>tfw in Florida in the path of hurricane Matthew
>tfw all I want is to get one last pimple pick before I die
>tfw trolls have ran him out of here
fuck you guys

>> No.1544960


rip pimple
he'll be back today like he always is
he may not tripcode though

>> No.1544961

He was a smart dude and all, but I'd rather be taking advice from less informed trips than seeing the thread getting shit up with Pimple getting butt blaster at obvious bait

>> No.1544962
File: 142 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-10-05-08-51-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /gonnaberich/ here?

>> No.1544963

watch GBR LEI and EBIO
they're both oversold as fuck

>> No.1544964

I mean they're all oversold

>> No.1544965


>> No.1544967

hopping on the TKAI hype train

>> No.1544977

Same. I used to shill this back in August after it crashed. Anyone know the catalyst?

>> No.1544983

I jumped on JNUG for #modestgainz overnight. I have no day trades left. Give me a meme that won't fuck me, and will leave me with comfy gains till Thursday

>> No.1544988

First day using my Ustocktrade account, ready for them scalping gains

>> No.1544989

Same. Looks like it will pay off if pre market is any indication.

>> No.1544993

For the crash? Failed phase 3 I think.

I don't see any catalyst yet for a moon mission

>> No.1544994

get out at open? Or wait a bit and set a stop loss in case there's fuckery?

>> No.1544997

there is no way to know for sure but you should be able to hold past open. yesterdays sell off was completely emotional

>> No.1544998

Pimple didn't quit. A person can take a day off from /biz/ if they want to.

>> No.1544999

XXII is my meme pick of the day

>> No.1545000

And no im not pimple

>> No.1545001

All you fucking newfags need to stop expecting a different moon mission every damn day. Understand that the market has been slow for a couple of weeks now and there isn't going to be crazy predictable moon missions every morning

>> No.1545006

TNXP will be good gainz today, expecting atleast 15%

>> No.1545008

buy ADHD faggots

youre welcome

>> No.1545012


>> No.1545013



>> No.1545015

Theres at least 1 stock that goes +100% a day and i don't want to miss out!

>> No.1545017

today it's TKAI for example

>> No.1545021
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>Trying not to take the bait

>> No.1545022
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>> No.1545026

Why is the volume so low?

>> No.1545027


>> No.1545028
File: 163 KB, 500x375, spaget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RGSE goes up to 2.44
immediately falls to 2.27 before i can sell it

>> No.1545029
File: 260 KB, 563x542, 1469563200750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TKAI is about to go to the fucking moon

>> No.1545030

AUPH at 3.70 and rising, boys. Hope you held on

>> No.1545034


>> No.1545036
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>> No.1545038
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>> No.1545040
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TKAI taking off

>> No.1545041

AUPH is over 4!!

>> No.1545043


>> No.1545045

Just sold at 3.91

Just can't stop making gains off of it

>> No.1545044


>> No.1545047
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>> No.1545050

they had earnings report yesterday did they beat expectations

>> No.1545051
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>> No.1545052
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>> No.1545056

AMPE, VNR and MSTX are in the green currently.

Lets keep up the power gentlemen!

>> No.1545057

Yep. Earning were -.05 but were expecting -.12

>> No.1545058

If I buy TKAI now, could I hold till tomorrow? Or is it a pump and dump?

>> No.1545059

This is 4chan. Guess.

>> No.1545060

Anyone know any slow grows?

>> No.1545063


>> No.1545064

just buy SDY

>> No.1545065

Nice dagverschil bro!

Did you sign up for deziro yet?

>> No.1545066

I see what you did there

>> No.1545068

TASR bottomed imo. Only way to go is up. If you like biotechs, check out KTOV. It pops, consolidates, and then pops again.

>> No.1545069

someone give me a meme. I'm at $5499.45 w/ no position. Wanna clear $5500.00 today.

>> No.1545070

Men I do not live in the US or even leaf-land for that matter; are there any good Robinhood alternatives?

>> No.1545071


>> No.1545072

AIRG if it's under 13.50

>> No.1545073
File: 180 KB, 1242x2208, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby gains but it was my second run with AUPH, the first being like $800 with pimple.

>> No.1545074

Quick i need moon missions I'm a filthy wage cuck so don't have much time

>> No.1545075



>> No.1545076


>> No.1545081

God bless the auph shills. Got out at 3.96 today and made a comfy gain

>> No.1545082

This. Mast is feeling rather spiky this morning.

>> No.1545083


already in @ $9.37

waiting for it to bounce back up any day now.

>> No.1545086

Tkai pls

>> No.1545088

Is GBSN doomed? Im currently in at 1 share for 80c as speculation to see whether its fucked or whether it will bottom.

>> No.1545089

Nice long term bag holding, I don't think they'll ever climb that high again.
Feel free to screen cap this if I'm wrong though.

>> No.1545092

GEVO is literally a cuck stock

>> No.1545093
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>> No.1545095

Nice, but you shouldn't have sold below $4.

>> No.1545097

> TFW I sold AUPH at climax, 4.01, I jizzed on my keyboard

>> No.1545098
File: 402 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-10-05-10-10-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hold me biz

>> No.1545099

Damn didn't know about this. Thanks

>> No.1545100

angelDUST baby

>> No.1545101

I sold all my $AMDA yesterday.

>> No.1545102
File: 234 KB, 640x640, tmp_26377-1475350885547205057207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold for a loss

>> No.1545103

I tried to sell at 4 but robin hood jewed me

>> No.1545104

holy fuck
glad I got out of jnug at 11.85

>> No.1545107

AUPG going below 3.70 at all today? Wanna put some more in

>> No.1545108

Gold lol

>> No.1545109
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Kill me biz

>> No.1545110
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Yeah no
yes danke
I was a major shiller for mstx and lost 2000 never touching bio again
What even is shop?
More like week grows preferably

>> No.1545111

Got out at 3.87. I decided to limit sell to guarantee not getting jewed. Whatever I still made gains

>> No.1545113

Anyone have any idea how low gold will go

>> No.1545114

>a joke is bait
Strong autism with this one

>> No.1545115

TKAI is garbage why the fuck did I buy this

>> No.1545116

Stop chasing memes

>> No.1545122
File: 150 KB, 688x387, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For da memes
>you filthy chaser

>> No.1545124


>> No.1545126

I put my sell limit on 11,85 at market opening. It sold for 11,91 somehow

>> No.1545128

bien mi amigo
now onto the next modest gains play

>> No.1545129


>> No.1545133

Oops 11.87. I got out of auph at 3.96. Getting shit mixed up but damn I'm up today

>> No.1545136

>people making money today without pimple
gives me hope

>> No.1545137

EAC pls go up to .72 so i can break even

>> No.1545138
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>> No.1545139

Not hard pleb

>> No.1545143

Needs to go to a dollar so that this shit doesn't get removed from the market.

>> No.1545144

Slept through AUPH hitting $4

Feels bad

>> No.1545146
File: 102 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20161005-090818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's still time /biz/ ARCW is projected for $5 and was shilled by articles yesterday.

>> No.1545147
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bye plebs

>> No.1545149


>> No.1545151

Hear hear!

>> No.1545152

Holy fuck why is it up again

>> No.1545153


Figured it was due for a rebound but not that much of one jesus

>> No.1545154
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Lmao got on at at 1000 at 60 sold at 72 gg

>> No.1545155
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>> No.1545157

You think it's too late to jump in brahma?

>> No.1545159


no. it's going to spike agin very soon buy while it's low (right now)

>> No.1545160

Don't even bother lad

>> No.1545161

Check email

>> No.1545162


Rocket is coming back to Earth.

>> No.1545164

Ive been saying TGTX for a month and nobody listened

>> No.1545165

>in EAC at .86
That's one way to learn not to chase.

>> No.1545167

Holy shit you're retarded man

>> No.1545168

>implying feelings aren't hurt after MSTX, THLD, and the others that were massacred last month

>> No.1545169

So who else lost all their money on GBSN?

>> No.1545171
File: 350 KB, 380x214, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol u wut m8

>> No.1545172

auph fueling up again...

>> No.1545173

Who else is holding AUPH long? I think it will hit about 8-10$ soon.

>> No.1545174

Not necessarily, if it can bounce off .6097

>> No.1545180
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>> No.1545181

But mstx toodamoon

>> No.1545182

I'm not selling a single share under $4.
I'm hoping for $5 by the end of next week.

>> No.1545183

Nugt is kill

>> No.1545184

I sold at 4, and rebought at 3.65 and 3.7.
AUPH to retest 4, and may head to 6. If it goes lower, I'll buy more. This ticker has good fundamentals at the moment.

>> No.1545185

EAC holding 61.8 retracement lets hope it can bounce off .5755

>> No.1545190

Good time to buy in at .60?

>> No.1545192
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>dust/jdst fags are in a world of hurt soon

>> No.1545193
File: 118 KB, 640x452, 1328095280294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't give a fuck. I'll believe in a drunken finnish cab driver's tips. You know why? Because he went out of the way to fucking post them.

In my mind, there's absolutely no reason someone would go out of their way to mislead me on a stock tip on the internet, as long as the tip is shaky!

The shakier the tip, the more likely it is to be real! Someone trying to pump and dump wouldn't claim to be a finnish cab driver who overheard two of his fares talking about a deal, they'd claim to be an insider!

Believe in GEVO! Mission control! I'm strapped in!

>> No.1545194

Definitely maybe.

>> No.1545197

We may even see 5$ this week.

>> No.1545198
File: 60 KB, 736x819, IMG_3110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly inspire me.

>> No.1545199

Everyone says buy x stock cause is said so,but they all tank.People shit on pimple cause he is the opposite,and they got in too late or are none believers

>> No.1545202

u serious? He literally called it at the top

>> No.1545203

Even if he's telling to truth you don't know if he misheard it or even if there is a deal in the works it doesn't mean it's likely to go down. Though I agree the story probably has some merit

>> No.1545206

>>1545202 except he didn't call it mate

>> No.1545207

Never sold any share so far but also bought a few more at about 3.70. Initial buy was for 2.60. I hope for some sort of buy-out/partnership soon.

>> No.1545208

Definitely possible, but I try to be cautious and conservative about that sort of thing.
I'm absolutely giddy at the possibility of $10 and trying not to get too hyped.

>> No.1545211

in eac at .59

>> No.1545212
File: 13 KB, 125x124, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you kek for raising MU!!!!

>> No.1545213


He's been holding $EAC for DAYS

>> No.1545216
File: 50 KB, 500x333, IMG_0993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick of the week, yes AMD , if you were good you got in at (or back in) @ 5.80 'bout a week and a half ago. However especially for you day traders mark 13 October on your calendar. AMD earnings report, remember the RX 480 wasn't included in the last one, Zacks expects an earning surprise , currently at $7 a share , you can at least expect a 10-15% jump considering shorts make up 12.5% of the float probably more maybe 25%. Long AMD, also I'm the CLF shill ,current ORIG shill and former AVP shill

>> No.1545218

give me a good hold till tomorrow

>> No.1545219



>> No.1545220
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Sorry senpai.

>> No.1545221

you rwtarded faggoys told me to sell my EAC yesterday.and I did

>> No.1545222

it's up a fraction of a penny and you're spazzing out

>> No.1545224

only if based pimple could spike EAC one time

>> No.1545226

My problem is that i keep panic-selling at a loss

>> No.1545227
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its fun though

>> No.1545228



>> No.1545230
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>> No.1545235

Why is that? Fed announcement?

>> No.1545236

JASO still climbing

>> No.1545237

pls i missed the .72 spike

>> No.1545238
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>> No.1545239

>up a full penny
it's habbeding

>> No.1545242

auph is dipping again

>> No.1545243


anyone in dust has already taken profit off their 20% gains and is waiting for the bottom in jnug and nugt today or tomorrow to make the same on the backlash m8

>> No.1545246

>the bottom
>of a leveraged ETF
Nigga what

>> No.1545248

Nice try

>> No.1545249

At this point get in at nugt an holding does not look like a bad idea ...

>> No.1545250

GEVO boosters on. Moon mission commence.

>> No.1545251

I'm all in on JNUG.
Go for it

>> No.1545256

>Be me
>Poor russian cuck
>Meet RICH Russian mob gangster
>Tell Rich Russian mob man i can get 150% gains in the stock market because i have Based algo scanner
>I just ride pimples memes
>Autist who ask pimple dumb questions like when "we" getting out
>Thinks EAC is a 2000% edge of the universe space mission while my rocket ship farts past pluto.
> lose it all
how fucked am i?

>> No.1545259


>> No.1545260

wtf COSI is down 17% today.
Fuck me

>> No.1545265

No one is that retarded

>> No.1545266


>> No.1545267

It was good knowing you anon. If i don't hear from you tomorrow I'll know who popped a cap in yo ass nigguh.

>> No.1545270

Don't give him yous. He's trolling poorly

>> No.1545271

I'll drink some vodka in your honor
Rip in peace

>> No.1545272

He's going to tie you up, cut off your testicles, and forcefeed them to you.
What possessed you to do business with the mob?

>> No.1545275

I was on a roll with CANN. Still going to hold

>> No.1545276


Then miss out, retard

>> No.1545281

Wow I wish I held it I had it at .90

>> No.1545283

I'm thinking of hiding but worried about my family

>> No.1545288

auph on the rise (?)

>> No.1545290

>tfw I was trading it months ago when it was under a dollar
>tfw I didnt hold

>> No.1545292

>get fed on open
>Some fag making mob stories

Truly the end

>> No.1545293

If you have money of your own you can still make back what you lost, assuming you aren't retarded.
Unless you did something hopelessly stupid like promise the money in a month.

>> No.1545294


>> No.1545295

Say goodbye to a kidney.

>> No.1545300

>Things u missed

>> No.1545302


>> No.1545304

Why didn't you get us all on the launchpad, anon?

>> No.1545313
File: 740 KB, 3032x2064, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I bought 4 weeks ago after an anon posted it. was itt you?

>> No.1545317

Sorry family I bought it pretty late but it's still rising its nutz

>> No.1545319

>up 33% in one day

>> No.1545320

thanks m8 just made 40 bucks
in @ 9.13
out @ 9.54

>> No.1545321

Penny stocks are fucking stupid. Why is this even moving.

>> No.1545323

>>1545238 #
This just mooned. Why is it gonna go higher?

>> No.1545327


It's a non addictive painkiller that works

>> No.1545330

That was weeks ago.

>> No.1545334

>It's a non addictive painkiller that works
Holy shit what
That's like a $10b+ drug.

>> No.1545340
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learn to read charts

just broke 1.5

>> No.1545341

Yeah and I'm worth $40000T
I can pull numbers out of my ass too.

>> No.1545343

>gold drops 2$ more
>jnug doesn't move
>all morning direction of gold dictated direction of jnug

>> No.1545345

I'm all in on JNUG
It's gonna go back up right?

>> No.1545350

>leveraged ETF

>> No.1545352

JNUG is a leveraged ETF that follows a fucking index.
It doesn't have a bottom.

>> No.1545354
File: 36 KB, 377x351, h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

auph is the gift that just keeps giving

>> No.1545356

AUPH is like perfect fucking gains today

>> No.1545358

Should I get out now?

>> No.1545359

is AUPH really going up to 5 today? I'm a dumbfuck and sold 250 shares at 3.42 which I bought at the same price.

no day trades though

>> No.1545361
File: 649 KB, 1800x1195, 1474509248186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

small correction up before friday where itll either tank or go up on numbers. sunday could see a boost up with china coming back online and on trump possibly exceeding debate expectations
nobody cares faggot
if gdxj stops moving then jnug eventually stops moving. so yes there are floors

>> No.1545362
File: 127 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-10-05-11-48-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally hit +$1000 on AUPH

>> No.1545364

Idk, flip a coin.

>> No.1545367

>so yes there are floors
Nope. Leveraged ETFs decay.

>> No.1545368

Cool, I'll hold on until Friday

>> No.1545369
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>> No.1545370
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>> No.1545371

right but over a period of time. it doesnt happen overnight. 7 days is totally fine if there is a real trend up

>> No.1545374

>it doesnt happen overnight.
It does though. They are rebalanced at end of day.

>> No.1545375

On what basis did you guys decide to hold AUPH and not sell at $4 ?

>> No.1545378

>if gdxj closes green and jnug closes green you will always open red because of decay
sure thing faggot

>> No.1545379

It's going to $5 and price targets are at $7-$10.
You'd be a fool to sell for a penny under $4 and there's really no reason not to hold past that.

Plus it only briefly kissed $4 today. I doubt anyone got out there without either a limit order or an algorithm.

>> No.1545384

>JNUG closing green today

>> No.1545389

Where the AMRS shillers?

What's a good entry for this stock?

>> No.1545390

Hey pimple, you watching $ACPW at all?

>> No.1545394


>> No.1545402

Shit did Obama threaten guns again?

>> No.1545406


>> No.1545413

CLVS running up

>> No.1545416

That company is fucking ass. Have you ever looked at the financials? They spend like 12 million to make 1 million. Like, they just light your money on fire. It's not even a question, this company is DOGSHIT. $GBSN

>> No.1545417

New thread boys

>> No.1545418

AHPI has been moving ever so slightly

>> No.1545423
File: 52 KB, 1000x751, bobby hill excited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the next AUPH pulse wil break 4

>> No.1545426

ok im on it

>> No.1545434






>> No.1545435

buy AMDA dip for blast off.

pimple pls approve.

>> No.1545570

>blaming others for your own financial decisions

>> No.1545610

I got out at 4.02, just watched it on TOS and slapped the bid, but I've been playing the dips all day. Holding 2k now though waiting on it to goto 5+

>> No.1545648

Update on AMD post, AMD is sliding today, saw this before the last earnings report, if your careful you might get in at 6.50 between now and October 13th

>> No.1545703

Jnug flying back up

>> No.1545948

>dat TKAI close