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File: 18 KB, 704x197, 2121212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15442562 No.15442562 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck would I pay money to open up local weather information for other people to see for free? Is this the most retarded app ever created?

>> No.15442605
File: 72 KB, 2192x762, us dollar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because it is profitable for you to have data you know wasn't altered.

pic related

>> No.15442650

Profitable how?

>> No.15442710
File: 163 KB, 882x1278, post truth era.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you can make better models of the weather.
so you can't be convinced of lies that might make you vote for more tax pic related.

Do you think it is currently free to archive weather data?
Do you think the current system is as secure, transparent and accessible as what weather sv is?

In any case if you don't understand why people pay for something you just don't use it yourself. Or maybe you're a communist?

>> No.15442720

So who the fuck is gonna pay for me for this data? Where is this data from that makes it so unconditionally uncompromised?

>> No.15442725

why would someone pay you. you're not offering anything

people pay weathersv to immutably store weather data

>> No.15442728

It's only tamper proof is the source itself is tamper proof

>> No.15442744

lol so basically everyone who opened up a weather channel wasted their money because no one is offering anything or making any use of the data.

>> No.15442755
File: 67 KB, 512x512, 481921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to 99.99% of crypto projects anon

cryptofags forget the basis for the blockchain is distributed/uncesonorable/anonymous movement of data, after that a weak argument can be made for BTC as a store of value but every other shitcoin (eth included) fails that test.

No crypto project NEEDS the blockchain and would be better off without it, imagine uber being ran on the blockchain that shit would be as slow and useless as current taxis are.

Everything is a prajeet scam, everything.

>> No.15442766

you would have to ask the people who paid if they thought it was a waste.

I don't really understand what your point is; you don't think it's useful, ok don't use it.
Meanwhile weathersv makes money storing peoples weather data

>> No.15442775

Obviously it's a fuckin waste lol. There is no way for anyone to make money off of this bullshit. Of course weathersv makes all the goddamn money.

>> No.15442778

That's one thing I don't get with BSV. All these neat little things coming out for it like this weather app and twetch or whatever they all are called they all require you to spend your BSV to use them. Who the fuck is going to buy BSV just to turn around to spend it on using an app? I'd just as soon keep my fiat if I have to buy something to use it. Am I wrong about this because everything I have seen with BSV you have to spend BSV to use it.

>> No.15442792
File: 5 KB, 201x250, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop spending your own money in ways I don't like!
fucking communists

>> No.15442802

Yeah but that's like paying facebook or twitter to make a post. Who the fuck wants to do that. If those places made people pay to use them they would be a ghost town.

>> No.15442806

Anything crypto right now is like the web 1.0 Pets.com era dogpile - just throw shit at the wall and see what sticks. Nobody needs to pay for weather data transactions, because most weather data in the US is paid for by government funding and is free - see the weatherunderground.

"Why the fuck would I pay?" is why crypto is failing. It failed in commerce. It failed in the investment space. Now it's failing in the data brokering space*. Like it was said early on, crypto is a solution looking for a problem.
Nobody NEEDS paid weather information, the devs need you to buy their coin so they can feed at the investment money trough like everyone else.

*Not discounting the lunacy that using this for weather data in the US is a taxable event.

>> No.15442814
File: 8 KB, 256x264, 1546486816226.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend all your shekels in our useless blockchain vaporwave app so we can (((immutably store))) all the data for you

>> No.15442824

>imagine uber being ran on the blockchain that shit would be as slow and useless as current taxis are.
Imagine the fees.

>> No.15442835

btc is king

>> No.15442859

if you don't think an app is not going to be profitable don't invest in it. It doesn't make sense to me why people would want to buy plant based meat but here we are with beyond meat existing.

people can do whatever they want with their money, do you disagree with that?

>> No.15442862

>Do you think it is currently free to archive weather data?
It is currently free. The National Weather Service provides all of it's data free.


Weather in the US is almost entirely public domain, because it's government funded. This project is based on charging you for data you can get for free.

>> No.15442868

>The National Weather Service

>> No.15442870

People are free to waste their money, as evidenced by their investment in scammy (cr)apps

>> No.15442884

Show me where the National Weather Service charges for data.

Oh, wait, you can't.

>> No.15442901

>what is tax

how fucking retarded are you shills

>> No.15442921

What the fuck are you sperging about, dummy? Are you floundering around in your own shit trying to have a point that it's taxpayer funded, to cover up that this shit crypto project is charging people for data AGAIN? Is that your point? And you call ME a shill? LOL. Show us your shitty weather bags, dummy.

>> No.15442922
File: 472 KB, 1200x527, bsv_for_protection_against_forgeries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people pay (..) to immutably store (..) data
irony much, anon ?

>> No.15442936

>tax is free

this is like walking around a shopping center telling businesses you don't like they'll go broke. No one cares if you don't want to use weathersv.

>> No.15442947

Pajeets trying to scam more people as per usual.
Just make your own app it literally takes 15 minutes.
There is even a free weather API to use.

>> No.15442966

he's an edgy ancap/lolbertarian

>> No.15442968

>Just make your own app it literally takes 15 minutes.
There is even a free weather API to use.

exactly, this what competition is. If you think the incentives are wrong on weathersv make your own and take their profit.

Or continue to post on 4chan about how you don't like it while being forced to pay for weather archiving by the government

>> No.15442985

Yes but where is WeatherSV getting their forecasting data? Let me guess, it's pulled straight from ((weather.gov))? Do you see the problem with this?

What if there was a way to provide this data in a decentralized and trustless way...if only there was a solution for this problem

>> No.15442998

the lack of tamperproof hardware does not mean tamperproof storage of data can't be profitable

but yeah if you could solve that problem you could make a lot of money

>> No.15442999

weather.gov is already superior competition
and bitcoin (bsv) is not anti government or anti tax

>> No.15443011

>businesses I don't like
nope, its merely pointing out, your claiming 'businesses' would use FUCKING ANYTHING relating to craig wright as 'an inviolable source of trust' is utterly reatrded bsv shill fantasy. 'Businesses' would rather Jeff Epstein babysat their teen daughter than willingly associate themselves with this clowncon, never mind pay for the privilege.
>I'm creg, pls trust me with your business data
lel- not in your wildest hallucinatory fucking fantasy mate

>> No.15443019

the people paying for weathersv disagree

>> No.15443025

>the people paying
name them ?
nope, thought not

>> No.15443039


>4805 active channels

>> No.15443044

they disagree cause they fell for the meme

>> No.15443055

Well, according to their homepage, they use openweathermap...which is a free data feed, pulled from free government data feeds.

So weatherSV is just charging you, to do what you can for free, to "archive" "climate change" data on a blockchain...for reasons....

Yeah, this is pets.com all over again.

>> No.15443065

while we're on the topic of bsv apps


fresh from unwriter

>> No.15443081

>sv domain
I was requesting you name some of these Blue Chip clients bsv has, who trust creg and calvin and assorted cunts enough to actually PAY them as a provider/storer of data. But we both know, there are none, nor, will there ever be such. And its not just Blue Chips who will be avoiding that carwreck like the plague. Is it now.
It doesn't take a weatherman to see which way the winds blowing for creg, and the rest stinks like stale convict shit by mere association. tldr, it's not happening anon, sorry

>> No.15443126

>I don't trust weathersv because of craig and calvin and I don't think anyone else will because of craig and calvin
ok anon, don't use it then

>> No.15443153

That's pretty much the response to this dumb project anyway. They have 4000 channels? WOOO, they made 20k! They win!

The tech they base their scam on, openweathermap, gets 2000 new feeds a day, and have over a million and a half users. But there's no scam coin attached to it, so they're worthless, I guess. Oh, and they have paid feeds and archiving, too, but because it's not on a blockchain, somehow that data isn't just as good?


I remember this exact kind of nonsense back in the Pets.com day. "You have no business model". "YOU JUST DON'T GET THE NEW PARADIGM, BUSINESS 2.0, WE'RE ALL GONNA BE RICH!"

We all know how that worked out for them.

>> No.15443159

what crypto are you invested in?

>> No.15443167

>don't use then
oh I won't. trust me. Nor will most anyone else.
Trust. See now, there is a word I want you to consider for a moment anon. Choose carefully who you should trust, especially in business. Because association with untrustworthy people, criminals even - it always comes back to bite YOU on the arse. You have a nice day now, hopefully with good, trustworthy folks

>> No.15443289

None. I believe in blockchain tech, but the minute a scam coin is attached, I lose interest immediately.
Show me a project that provides actual value and a business model, like the shipping companies using blockchains (and no scam coin attached), I'll pay attention.

>> No.15443346

How do you have a blockchain without a unit of account (coin) that pays people for spending the resource to secure the network (mining)?

>> No.15443365

You do know that blockchains exist without a coin attached, right?

Oh, why bother. Don't even bother answering, I don't care.

>> No.15443370

name one

>> No.15443402


>> No.15443440

its validation is centralized.

I would define a blockchain by the bitcoin whitepaper.

>> No.15443504

You guys are missing the point of BitCoin. It's to attach a seamless economic incentive. Face it, everything we do or interact with requires an economic decision. "Want to go to the movies? How much is that? Popcorn was expensive. No I rather work and make money." You need a payment system to integrate truth / reliability. BitCoin allows you to price things that were arbitrary or non fungible before. That's why it differs than a crypto. It's more of a data brokerage system on the most honest imaginable ledger system yet. Everyone that isnt a criminal should be in favor of such a system. It's ironic how it attracted many scams. While BitCoin is p2p cash, seems more of a byproduct of an elaborate digital revolution.

>> No.15443508

It’s still a blockchain tho
Bitcoin =/= blockchain

>> No.15443524

this. value is a dimension of reality.
Given everything has a cost there can be a profitable marketplace for anything.

its a semantic argument.

a non semantic one would be the only innovation that happened was the use of economics to secure a database.
hyperledger does not do that. its not a blockchain.

>> No.15443546

You’re retarded. Bitcoin is an unregulated digital currency. Bitcoin uses blockchain as its transaction ledger.
Bitcoin =/= blockchain

>> No.15443568

>value is a dimension of reality
Great words.

Oh you mean its not a (((government))) issued currency where they don't have the keys to the economic cycles.

>> No.15443575

yes, lots less bots and glowniggers,,, and remember if you dont pay for the product you are the product... nevermind all the censoring going on too.
muh store of value has to have a use case apart from speculation, otherwise it is just a bigger fools game, btc has none.
those documents were able to be forged because there was no source of truth. If those documents were on chain none of the forgeries could have taken place.... lesson learned, from now on store data that you dont want to be tampered afterwards on chain.
yes, but that data is live streamed and then onchain inmutably stored, so no "scientist" can later skew the numbers to their liking.
name me some blue chip clients that were using arpanet.....or using internet instead of intranet in the 90´s? You dont even understand what bitcoin in combination with metanet can do, you think some boomer in his office will?>>15443081
CSW and Calvin wont matter soon, same as Berners Lee dont matter to the web now. (I´ll still light a candle for all three though).
It worked out for Bezos didn´t it?
and weathersv is a proof of concept. just the weathersv data would clog "king BTC" unusable, real Bitcoin can handle it and doesnt blink an eye,
You american? because the US government has a rich history of associating with untrustworthy people and has profited greatly... I mean for fucks sake, pre 2016 everyone I knew said to me "bitcoin? why would you want that?, Thats just for criminals, dont tell me you are one of them".
You are new arent you?>>15443346
is completely right, a blockchain without an incentive model doesnt work. It{s like saying show me a car that doenst use energy and then I{ll be interested, meanwhile I{ll keep my horse.

>> No.15443578

I’m merely explaining the difference between a cryptocurrency and blockchain. Calm down libertardian.

>> No.15443581

>ibm will tell you what a blockchain is
absolute boomer

blockchain: a chain of blocks (linked packets of information) put together by people incentivised by earning a unit of account (bitcoin, litecoin, dogecoin)

>> No.15443595

Except it’s not necessarily dependant in a cryptocurrency, as hyperledger proves.

>> No.15443606


>> No.15443619

hyperledger is a database that distributes its contents in an open source way as a form of security.

a blockchain uses economic incentives as a form of security.

this is semantics ayway. the point being >>15443365 this guy only wants to invest in uninnovative things like hyperledger because he's nouriel roubini

>> No.15443646

A blockchain is a shared immutable ledger. It doesn’t need to have economic incentives. It can be used to record transactions and track assets regardless. It’s not a case of semantics. You can have blockchain without crypto

>> No.15443649

then you believe blockchain was invented prior to bitcoin

>> No.15443668

No it’s perfectly reasonable that they were both invented in tandem. However Bitcoin needs blockchain to be useful. Whereas blockchain doesn’t need crypto to be useful.

>> No.15443672

agree to disagree then.

what are you like a world economic forum shill?

>> No.15443717


>> No.15443723

>24 posts by this ID
Yes I’m obviously the shill here

>> No.15443898

How do they GET the source data?

>> No.15443902
