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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 182 KB, 1909x1413, SENT_Price.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15439071 No.15439071 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15439209

Hard to say. These scams never really go all the way to $0. I give it about a month or less before it returns to $0.001 again and stays there, either forever or until some group gets the idea to go around shilling it again.

>> No.15439225

Ironically based and redpilled

>> No.15439516

SENT 200 sats EOY. There is some heavy accumulation and no top wallet has sold a single one. Something big is brewing here.

>> No.15439525

>> No.15440075

Once Orchid hits the market Sent’s usecase will be useless.

>> No.15440217

> Usecase is useless
English is not useless, faggot. Learn how to speak it

>> No.15440291


>> No.15440499

orchid is built on ethereum which is a failed platform that will never scale.
also orchid forces its useless payment token on users, while SENT is crypto agnostic and allows users to pay with any crypto they like included BTC.
orchid lacks anonimization at the txn layer making everything easily traceable.
orchid is just a VC scam that will get dumped on retail they will open at a 125m $ valuation and presalers will dump.
sent raised 1.89m$ and is 100% grassroot like old 2014 projects its brought forward by ideology and a tight community

>> No.15440508

back to ATH by the end of the year

>> No.15440519

50m market cap eoy. Tendermint ecosysytem will become better than eth ecosystem within a year.

>> No.15440936

10 cents by end of 2020

>> No.15441119

This yes. But I'm fine with orchid existing and compete, it will fail against sent but competition is good.

>> No.15441126

I think I'll bet on the one that has a team that isn't afraid to show its face


Fucking SENTniggers

>> No.15441143

this is interesting /biz siding with corporate scums waiting to dump on them 125m worth of tokens

/biz has comp'letely lost it, this is far away from the original bitcoin ideology

i guess you prefer craig wright too cause satoshi is anon

get of this board newfag people like you that got in after trump election are literal cancer

>> No.15441163

digits say 0

singles say $0.0000001

>> No.15441172

fuck your broken English and your "crypto ideology" faggot. If I'm going to put money into your shitty company you should put your fucking name on it. Kill yourself

>> No.15441224

get fucked you corporate mindslave go back sucking craig wright dick

>> No.15441226

Did you like the name Satoshi? Retard

>> No.15441232

Whoa how did I know you would bring up Bitcoin? As if it's even the same thing as the ten thousand shitcoins that exist today. It's a facetious "argument" and you know it.

Here's a challenge for you - show me one shitcoin project with an anonymous team that wasn't a complete scam. Go ahead I'll wait.

>> No.15441297

you are saying that anon team = scam ?
even tho sent team could have exit scammed at any point in the last years ?
yet they continued delivering code, their track record talks for them.

GRIN has anon devs the founder is fully anon.

anon project can fully work if the code is open sourced and everybody can check what the team is doing

>> No.15441356

0.01 anon

>> No.15441357

yeah sentinel in unique fully cypherpunk, fully anon, nothing similiar exist.

>> No.15441364

Orchid will dump to 40m market cap. How do I know? Sitting fat on pre sale tokens nigga. Everyone scratching to damp this Orchid scam.

>> No.15441377


The best projects have always had anon teams.

Get out of here with your coporate pump and dump venture capital shit show.

>> No.15441393

Lol anon needs beta cuck faces to have faith in his beta cuck specualtive narratives. "Lol pretty mouths give me faith in myself."

I guess you were not buying bitcoin in 2012 lol. Missed XMR? DASH? DECRED? I can keep going....

>> No.15441422
File: 35 KB, 500x333, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Funniest shit ever. Faggots only find faith in genitals and faces. Nice teeth, and a full head of hair, really fools the hoi polloi! Suit up, brush your teeth, comb that hair, give them a Tom Cruise smile, and the plebs panties become wet!!! Politics, and financial scamming 101....

>> No.15441499
File: 461 KB, 1404x1674, Screenshot_20190830-165642_Firefox Nightly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The low IQ need a leader to define reality. I.e. the NPC. This reality is created with good looks. Symmetrical face, lean, white straight teeth, and thick hair.

Ever notice? Even the Europeans use the American standard of beauty to define trust and leadership in their advertising? I don't mind a nice slav girl with buck teeth!

>> No.15441526
File: 44 KB, 770x433, Miroskii-770x433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those were the days lol. 2017 ICO season.

>make landing page

>down load images of decent looking wagecucks from Linkdin

>put up BTC and ETH adress

>watch as the low IQ circle jerk the "team"

>collect millions

>dip to Tel Aviv

>> No.15441620
File: 184 KB, 949x744, 27969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Believe none of what you see and half of what you hear"
Trusting face is a good way to kike youself.
What do you think Trump is?
He is the the Obama for the whites. A confidence man. Glad I bought faceless Satoshi coin after Gox dump (:. Touche lads, Grin is dope niggaz. Will check out SENT, didn't realize teams were still developing on ideological pretenses. Good luck frens. The war wages on.

>> No.15441676
File: 170 KB, 970x980, 1517264559245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FML anon. Wish I read this in 2017.

>> No.15441834

we got too cocky

>> No.15441935


One of the only coins IDEX choose for US users is sort of big

>> No.15442150

I think it will get to 500 sats in the next 6 months