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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15437809 No.15437809 [Reply] [Original]

I'm really hurt biz and I was wondering if I could ask you guys for some advice. Today my fiance to me and said that I have to make a decision between our relationship and the business.

A small introduction, I'm an engineering student and build a cloud based compliance tool for hedgefunds. I try to reduce cost for firms from the comfort of my dormroom and funds are paying me on a subscription basis for my services. My current run rate is 5 million dollars right now.

Back to my fiancee, I have basically no time and I never see my fiancee and she wants me too come and be with the family on sundays just once but I'm doing my compliance downloads on Sundays and I have to deal with my customers because I have classes 8 o'clock in the morning on monday.

>> No.15437822

fuck bitches get money

>> No.15437830
File: 53 KB, 491x480, this-is-the-rare-diamond-pepe-it-only-appears-twice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Throw that bitch aside. If she gave a fuck about YOU, she would let YOU follow YOUR dreams.

Mold your life through your own dreams, not hers. You will attract far better women walking down that path.

>> No.15437842

How many subscribers do you have and at what price? If it's a successful business then she should be supportive while you're getting through the hard part. If you give up a successful business you'll hold it against her forever.

>> No.15437863

its easy.
if your fiance doesnt realise how important it is what you are currently doing for your future and her future, then she isnt worth it.

>> No.15437872

How does an engineering student know anything about the intricacies of investment compliance?

>> No.15437875

Im going to give you the best advice youve ever received in your life;

Kill yourself

>> No.15437901

Any lady who is proper will support her man. Instead she's treating you like a pet to display to family.

>> No.15437955

And what is she doing to build a future? Or does she get a free pass to act as judge and executioner while not pursuing her own goals?

>> No.15437963

If she made the ultimatum, id leave her on principle. Not because the biz was more important than her, but because she put you in the position. Following your dream, or be with her.

IF you choose to be with her now, you will be established as a cuck for the foreseeable future.

Your choice tho

>> No.15437979

What about postponing your studies if business is going really well and makes you enough to live off.

>> No.15437990
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Throw a pie in her face

>> No.15437993

tell her to suck it up for a year or too jesus what kind of needy entitled little bitch is she. should be thankful she's wifed to someone who's got his shit together. dump her and watch her beg you to take her back when the recession hits hard next year

>> No.15437997

Why are you even studying?

>> No.15438003

Simple: do you want money or love/companionship? Whichever weighs more for you is the one you choose. Also don't get married; if you're making that much money just tell her you want to be together with her without marriage and she should accepted or take a hike

>> No.15438004

Fuck that bitch nigga get money i dont care what she looks like shes a fucking moron for giving you an ultimatum. You know the answer is "see ya round bitch".

>> No.15438007

She's already constantly cheating on you

>> No.15438041

I end relationships when females try the ultimatium card. Her telling me one is saying her wants and needs are more important than my goals and ambitions. I refuse to be held back in life by a female's foolish emotions especially over money and my future.

>> No.15438061

>control freak college thot

>> No.15438080

You need to start hiring, hire=buying time for yourself, nothing else can help you

>> No.15438122

Try to give her more attention but focus on your project. If she dumps you thats her problem, but dont dump her

>> No.15438186

Tell her "bitch you ain't got a ring on your finger, stfu your man is working to provide. Suck my dick before I get pissed off or no playing on your phone tonight. Hurry up, I got to leave again soon." If she still stays with you, than I wouldn't worry to much.

>> No.15438222

If you choose your fiance then she's just gonna dump you down the line for not buying her nice shit or being super successful.

>> No.15438246

Spend every last dime on BPRO Powerball lottery and pray for booming boom

>> No.15438266


>> No.15438267

>168 hours in a week
>56 hours for sleep
>average full time student spends around 30 hours a week in class/homework/studying
so being left with 82 hours a week exactly how much time is this business taking from you and how much profit are you getting from it. why does an engineering student know what tools are needed in the financial sector. and most importantly is why should a young woman waste her best years and peak value waiting on someone who posts on 4chan?

>> No.15438268
File: 510 KB, 2276x1042, A5D6AD21-D23C-4C79-BEAD-04152B58C204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trips nails it

>> No.15438338

Pay someone $100,000 a year to go to all your classes and do all your coursework, then jerk around with the rest of the time that gives you

You have zero need to do anything for anyone else anymore, you're on the path to success, don't let anyone distract you

>> No.15438528

Pretty sure you just debunked it. Have a hunch op is a schizo and the fiance doesnt exist. He may have never even had sex

>> No.15438570


>> No.15438847


Fuck that bitch or start earning big money via flips. Put money into BPRO, these chinks will release huge news. Good flip for 3-4x. Invest your money to make more money, not to get pussy.

>> No.15438973

based but first kill her.

>> No.15439962
File: 107 KB, 1275x637, Laura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have been visited by Laura Dyatlov.

This thread is currently reading 31 replies (not great, not terrible).

>> No.15440032
File: 402 KB, 900x1000, Bitcloud_Anime_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noone here talking about BPRO? Ok i will start. Good platform, good chinese team, good all. Buy or die. Fuckheads!

>> No.15440060


>> No.15440070

>IF you choose to be with her now, you will be established as a cuck for the foreseeable future.


>> No.15440092

I offer file auditing and access controls. With these applications, organisation can analyse, secure, manage, and migrate volumes of structured and unstructured data such as spreadsheets, word processing documents, presentations, audio and video files, emails, and text.

>> No.15440096

A thread without Bitcloud is no worthy thread KEK

>> No.15440284
File: 297 KB, 607x382, E9F5887C-3EED-435F-B487-03023D9F997A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am from a Jewish senpai and we are taught that women come and go but money is forever (if your savvy with it). So keep your biz, ditch your bitch and invest where the Jewish money is. Here is our card

>> No.15440335
File: 58 KB, 800x444, 7822AD9C-C6CA-4F79-A14B-F607DD666305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would opt to invest in the gaming biz with that kind of cash. Steam is like a Rolex, old money but solid. Ultra is like a Richard Mille, innovative and prestigious

>> No.15440674

you should outsource part of the job to a pajeet. They work really cheap, anon. I think 5000$ / year should do it. But do not delegate to him anything that could compromise your business if he fucks up.

I think this is the best action for your problem.

>> No.15441253

hire people

>> No.15441277

Leave her you stupid faggot. She has no respect for you and never will. Someone will like and respect your work and work ethic.

>> No.15441310

If she’s anything like my ex, which she sounds like she is, I doubt she has her own goals. OP is probably a larper and the girl probably has the IQ of a potato. She wants a man to take care of her and also spend all his time with her. Women have delusional expectations nowadays.

>> No.15441313

Thank her for making it an easy decision and choose to be rich on your own, instead of saddled with a selfish bitch who would make you choose between success or her wonderful company, instead of supporting you until you're in a better position.

You got lucky that she was so clear about this. Like any trade, don't let your feelings get in the way of making the right call.

>> No.15441349

Try harder ANON, this is the fakest fucking LARP I've ever seen. Can't believe how many dumb cucks on this board fell for this.

-Word for word question posited to Kevin O Leary by a college student.


>> No.15441425


>> No.15441442

If you choose a bitch over your interests, you will regret it the rest of your life.

>> No.15441604

Women will ALWAYS want you to do stupid shit, rather than what matters. You must remember that mentally they are children. Future planning isn't as exciting as their short term feels.

>> No.15441658

dumb larp. $5 million? lmao. yeah you're running a 5 million dollar one-man operation out of your dorm room.

>> No.15441662

>bored on a friday because I have no friends
>how can i make a thread on a misogynistic website that will generate more than 3 replies?
>make up story about grill fucking me over, holding me back, or asking me to do something i dont want to do
>guarenteed 100+ replies
every fucking time

>> No.15441717

This, unironically

>> No.15441782

You forgot to add
>don't even participate in own thread

Seriously if OP is gonna larp he's gotta put in more effort.

>> No.15441800


If this is a girlfriend and not a lifetime deal, chose the business. If this is your lifetime woman that you want to make children with then dial back your work and focus on her.

Money can always be made again, people can't be replaced. But chose your woman and your circle carefully.

>> No.15441887

Easy, train then hire someone to increase the amount of downtime you have. That or say you are going to hire someone (but really you aren't) give you a bit of time to blow this off while you try and finish classes if you are near done.