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File: 1.63 MB, 1537x882, HK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15432295 No.15432295[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Get ready for HK to join The Great Firewall of China:

"The Hong Kong government has drawn up plans to use executive orders to force internet service providers (ISPs) to restrict certain applications in Hong Kong as a way to disrupt the successful mass organization of those in the HK protests. Targeted apps could include anything used by protesters to help their organization. Telegram, WhatsApp, Messenger, etc...."

1.43 billion people currently behind the Great Firewall of China. Social media apps, journalism, government whistleblowing, freedom of speech, etc are all subverted by the lack of a censorship resistant internet.

Short governments, banks and centralized data. Long mesh networks, decentralized VPNs, and decentralized anonymous censorship resistant data. This is just the beginning.

>> No.15432304

Right as China sends in more troops. This will get ugly.

>> No.15432345
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Holy fuck balls. Now it all makes sense!!! Look at this!

>> No.15432363
File: 384 KB, 1200x800, BC31177B-7179-4659-83E0-5FA358C8DB00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sit tight Hong Kong, Sentinel will save you <3

Sentinel will save the world from tyranny and censorship <3

>> No.15432368
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to populations under wannabe totalitarian govs the importance of dVPNs is obvious

>> No.15432380

this is the worst fucking thread

>> No.15432386

Is this real??

>> No.15432411

Centralized apps in china are fully surveilled by their gov, chinese people can try to use vpns but they get easily spotted and shut down.
Sentinel dvpns allows any household to host subversive software that will make free speech and unsurveilled web navigation global

>> No.15432431

Do you live in HK? If you did, you would understand the immediate need for privacy and a censorship resistant internet.

>> No.15432523

Nah. Sloppy job on the crevice at the first N

>> No.15432535

>buy SENT sirs

>> No.15432550

Is it possible to shill SENT to HK protesters? It would be a good way to test SENT's usability and at the same time draw a massive amount of attention towards the project.

>> No.15432551

use firechat to communicate without the internet

>> No.15432556


>> No.15432599

FireChat was previously used and very popular in the HK 2014 protests. If I remember correctly, it was used when the local ISPs were shut down around the protest zones, so FireChat's mesh network filled in the gap. What happens if HK is integrated into the Great Firewall of China however? How much does a mesh network help if the data is still blocked at the State level?

>> No.15432849

SENT the only way to help free HK

>> No.15432896

Even vacation countries such as Egypt has censurship, dvpn is a tool to help fight for freedom

>> No.15432901


>> No.15432924

Yep, UAE is a huge tourists destination. Everything dam near blocked. Thus making it a high growth area for such applications.

Tourist tell the natives how to survive lol.

>> No.15432971

Sentinel will offer also dchat which will allow anyone to host federated encrypted chat instances and get payed for it, telegram is not enough and it can be easily infiltrated by gov agents, and groups are not encrypted.

I think a mix of gotennas meshes and encrypted chat instances will be the way to go in the future, gotennas will build an incentivization model on top of the lightning network

>> No.15432978

They don't have any money for you to steal.. calm the fuck down.

>> No.15432990

Stop trying to profit off of human misery you piece of shit fuckers.

>> No.15432993

Telegram is shit. Riot is nice, but something needs to be built to on board the technical illitetates. Riot can't do that.

Creating incentives to host a sharded chat system is a right step.

>> No.15433015

Found the communist.

Market incentives also help to end misery. I.e. food security

>> No.15433035

Get out of here you fucking red tide bolshviek peice of shit. Go help the red tide if you hate HK. Hong kong is a free market system, many natives are part of the SENT project.

>> No.15433042

>Short governments, banks and centralized data. Long mesh networks, decentralized VPNs, and decentralized anonymous censorship resistant data. This is just the beginning.
fucking based
if they want to fight, let’s fight with math and cryptography
you can take my life but not my private keys
fuck censorship, fuck banks, fuck KYC and FUCK JANNIES
many people never faced an economical shutdown due to parallel bank accounts freeze

>> No.15433045

Lol you are delusional, why you think sentinel is being built ?
It's exactly for the purpose of helping people under totalitarian governments, try navigating the web in China without a VPN, your social credit score will get downgraded.

>> No.15433049

Nah nigger, found the dude that hates SENT shills.

>> No.15433051

Kek. Antifa is brain dead.

>> No.15433056

communists are parasites by the way

>> No.15433072
File: 154 KB, 1411x711, earlybtc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with your senseless fudding you are damaging a cypherpunk movement that could help free the internet and damage surveillance.

if this was 2010 you would be one of the many retarded fuckers fudding BTC cause "its a ponzi and we should trust only banks and politicians with our money"

>> No.15433081

This Guy is a communist.
Profit = evil
Market incentives = evil. He must be so beta he can't compete with market efficiency, so it becomes his evil. If there wasn't incentives to build, things would not get built. This is why open source work became hijacked by antifa communist and was going no where up until crypto came about.

>> No.15433143

I don't think you can get any more retarded. Blockchain, crypto, encryption are all here to protect and fight for your own freedoms and rights. We are talking about billions of people living under a censored and corrupt internet every single day.

>> No.15433170

People like him are post 2018 days who got into crypto late and never got exposed to the cypherpunk ideology they are in crypto just for the speculative part.

>> No.15433194

i don't get what's his problem sentinel doesn't force any token on people you can literally pay for the dVPN service with any crypto you like included btc, also free nodes can be hosted for people that actually need the service like journalists activists and protestors

>> No.15433196

Shame. Getting rekt by your lack of self control is no excuse for being a red tide communist.

>> No.15433219
File: 259 KB, 988x1280, IMG_20190813_124328_241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quit bitching

>have some conviction you luke warm cunt hair.

Host a node today.

>> No.15433249

You people shilling a shitcoin, who probably started this thread to shill a shitcoin are the opposite of the cypherpunk ethic. You people are degenerate shiller pieces of shit. Nobody takes you pajeets or your shitcoin seriously.

>> No.15433326

You have absolutely no insight in how crypto works, btc monero decred started in the same way a bunch of devs coding and advocates preaching the naarative of freedom, your favorite Twitter shills included all BTC maxis meet in a riot chat room to decide the narrative.
Your lack of understanding of how the market works will leave you poor

>> No.15433329
File: 278 KB, 500x388, IMG_20190813_150954_764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The stats on the network disagree, so does the large community in that exist in states run by despots. Iran, China, HK, and Saudi Arabia for example.

Grow up. Host a node. A bitcoin node, a sent node, litecoin. Do something anon.

Complaints, complaints, complaints.

Node growth is going parabolic. If it bothers you, go back to your red tide.

>> No.15433332

I never mentioned Sentinel in my thread. But just like BTC in the early days, yes there are a lot of Sent shills. However, network effect and adoption doesn't happen overnight with a single individual. It takes promoting, it takes real world usage, it takes people telling other people about it for a project to take off. Free market and freedom of speech is a beautiful thing. Would BTC adoption be where it is today without shilling? If you don't like it, you don't have to participate.

>> No.15433346
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Let's be fair, SENT gets pumped hard every week or so, then nothing.

This is the most obvious PnD happening right now. There is absolutely no tech to back it up except an illegal copy of an open source VPN package and a cut and paste of a CosmosSDK tutorial.

Seriously. Go check the Cosmos docs. SENT just duct taped on a stolen, insecure VPN package which leaks your private info, and put in another 10 minutes to create an ERC20 token so they could scam you.

I've seen this too many times around here, pajeets buy the token then pump and tell everyone around here to buy their bags, then they dump it and repeat the cycle.

You don't even know if SENT has real users. Users on any network can easily be faked, and it unfortunately happens all the time in the tech world.

And trading it? Calling SENT a "low" volume shitcoin is an understatement. It is completely dead, a few thousand in bot trades a day. Nothing has changed fundamentally about the project as far as I can tell. The only thing that changed is that in the last few months a shill army came to /biz/, Reddit, and a number of other crypto forums and started scamming people into buying this garbage. It was OBVIOUSLY coordinated, you'd have to be a total brainlet to not understand that.

Whether or not SENT is a real project I don't even care, the use case is paltry. It has no long term chance at survival, and the recent price action absolutely STINKING of PnD doesn't help it in my eyes.

Anyway, you do you, but for me the SENT risks vastly outweigh the potential rewards, and not being able to put in more than $1,000 or so without worrying about if I'll get my money back even after a pump makes it multiple levels beneath my stack grade.

At this point we see them hijacking or astroturfing threads about politics and saying their shitcoin will save the world. It's a Pajeet larp fest if I've ever seen one.

This is a hard fucking pass and biz should not take kindly to these pajeet PnD cunts.

>> No.15433350

Based. Its a voluntary system.

Quit bitching

>> No.15433366

Based asset prices are decided during steak dinners

>> No.15433384

Welcome back batanon. Glad to see you in support!

>> No.15433387

This. Poorly disguised SENT thread.
Nobody wants to buy your bags, pajeets.

>> No.15433399
File: 92 KB, 556x761, fudjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like batnon is back with his copypasta which has been disproven multiple times

>> No.15433406
File: 35 KB, 600x413, IMG_20190813_103937_567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speak for yourself, I have been accumulating for weeks.

You know what happens to boys who cant speak for themselves? They often get called pretty mouth.

>> No.15433410

>illegal copy of open source VPN
Kek thanks for clarifying you are a complete moron right off the bat so I wouldn’t have to read the rest of your word salad you typed up with your ape knuckles

>> No.15433422

>But just like BTC in the early days, yes there are a lot of Sent shills.
Stop lying faggot. Everyone knows your getting paid dude. Also there was NOT a bunch of curry fuelEd pajeets shilling BTC in the early days so fuck you.

SENT is just another scam that is pumped and dumped here in a predictable and cyclical manner. Fuck you nigs, fuck this coin and finally...


>> No.15433426
File: 9 KB, 243x207, images(76).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sent 0.02 EOY. Screenshot it. Salty faggots.

>> No.15433431

Sent 1 sat tomorrow just like every other time you PnD it here for two days then dump on retards.

>> No.15433440
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If its predictable, than make some coin off of it, and quit bitching like a dog in heat.

Oh yea, you can't predict anything, except the paranoid delusions in your head. Thats fine, the world watches, and it laughs.

>> No.15433450

everybody says sentinel is a scam, but never mentions why other the stale copypastas.

is the product with 10k daily users a scam?
is the constant code delivery a scam?
is the tendermint testnet a scam?
is the hardware partnership a scam ?
is the endrsement from tendermint a scam ?
is the 500k atoms delegated to sentinel team from cosmos team a scam ?

>> No.15433463
File: 184 KB, 949x744, 27969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I join your trading group, master prophet? Whats your next Sent target?

>> No.15433483
File: 1.42 MB, 500x212, QuerulousFrigidKarakul-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You nigs seriously have nothing to say about the coin you just argue with people calling out your bulshit.

Shit's weak bro.

Another 10 minute copy/paste ERC20 token created only to scam you.

I've seen this too many times around here, pajeets buy the token then pump and tell everyone around here to buy their bags, then they dump it and repeat the cycle.

You don't even know if SENT has real users. Users on any network can easily be faked, and it unfortunately happens all the time in the tech world.

And trading it? Calling SENT a "low" volume shitcoin is an understatement. It is completely dead, a few thousand in bot trades a day. Nothing has changed fundamentally about the project as far as I can tell. The only thing that changed is that in the last few months a shill army came to /biz/, Reddit, and a number of other crypto forums and started scamming people into buying this garbage. It was OBVIOUSLY coordinated, you'd have to be a total brainlet to not understand that.

Whether or not SENT is a real project I don't even care, the use case is paltry. It has no long term chance at survival, and the recent price action absolutely STINKING of PnD doesn't help it in my eyes.

Anyway, you do you, but for me the SENT risks vastly outweigh the potential rewards, and not being able to put in more than $1,000 or so without worrying about if I'll get my money back even after a pump makes it multiple levels beneath my stack grade.

At this point we see them hijacking or astroturfing threads about politics and saying their shitcoin will save the world. It's a Pajeet larp fest if I've ever seen one.

This is a hard fucking pass and biz should not take kindly to these pajeet PnD cunts.

>> No.15433493

Ask the cofounder of coinbase.

>> No.15433528
File: 9 KB, 225x225, images(70).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SENT moon incomming. Every time batanon comes back, sent pamps.

>> No.15433534

> is the product with 10k daily users a scam?
Impossible to prove user count.
> is the constant code delivery a scam?
Releasing code to a poorly configured OpenVPN wrapper isn't something you should be proud of.
> is the tendermint testnet a scam?
No, but using the same testnet as COSMOS doesn't prove SENT isn't a scam.
> is the hardware partnership a scam ?
Yes. Getting a VPN listed on something like GL.iNet router's VPN page does not equal a partnership.
> is the endrsement from tendermint a scam ?
They'll endorse anyone using them, it's only good for them.
> is the 500k atoms delegated to sentinel team from cosmos team a scam ?
see above.

>> No.15433536
File: 227 KB, 960x960, 11537805_1632830776956457_1511120571580933888_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Batanon I made some earings for your pretty face. Please tell me if you like them.

>> No.15433552

Cosmos is the next ETH, and sent is the nest Gnosis. Get on board. Even Thomas the train gets it.

>> No.15433573
File: 132 KB, 960x487, the-cult-of-kek-trump-jesus-chosen-pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh that price action, volume growth, new highs, code audits, huge community, coinbase co founder, and many more disagree with with you.

>> No.15433588
File: 8 KB, 275x183, images(33).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope harder. Please keep pamping my bags anon.

>> No.15433598

Do not forget IDEX.

>List SENT for US market.

>> No.15433599

>everybody says sentinel is a scam, but never mentions why other the stale copypastas.

>is the product with 10k daily users a scam?
Yes, all faked traffic on insecure VPN software that they copy/pasted from a free Open Source project: https://github.com/OpenVPN

>is the constant code delivery a scam?
Irrelevant and no proof. Do you mean the tutorial they copied from here: (https://github.com/cosmos/sdk-application-tutorial)) that they call a "blockchain"?

>is the tendermint testnet a scam?
In that it is a copy of a tutorial and has no functional reason to exist. Yes.

>is the hardware partnership a scam?
Yes, what impact does this have? Where is the proof. If they are passing a generic VPN client off as a "partnership" then they should receive a cease and desist letter, but THIS IS WHY THE DEVS ARE ANONYMOUS.

>is the endrsement from tendermint a scam?
Yes. The fact that someone is pumping their product is all tendermint/cosmos cares about. They will exile SENT as soon as it is a a publicly known scam and we are almost there.

>Is the 500k atoms delegated to sentinel team from cosmos team a scam ?
Not a scam, just the normal provision for a sub project leeching off the success of CosmosSDK. They will drop them as soon as they realize there is no product, just a copy/paste, and a lot of biz shilling.

It's over boys. Nice try but you failed.

>> No.15433612

lol look at this loser getting so worked up over a project "he doesn't care about". Yet here you are, bitching non-stop instead of just ignoring it and moving on. Feel free to shill any internet freedom/privacy projects here if you think there are better solutions available.

>> No.15433617
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>Checking in

Free Hong Kong, or let the chinese eat your babies.

>> No.15433623

See above. Ya'll are done

>> No.15433632


>it’s a scam because there are a lot of people talking about it!

This is why you are still poor anon.

>> No.15433633

>Impossible to prove user count.
guess we shouldn't trust any user report in the blockchain ecosystem then or for what it matters on any app , this is literally the most retarded argument of them all.
>Releasing code to a poorly configured OpenVPN wrapper isn't something you should be proud of.
who are you to decide the openvpn config is badly written and if you have some bug reports or advices go submit it on github the project is on testnet and this testing phase is needed exactly to fully test the code and make it bulletproof.
>No, but using the same testnet as COSMOS doesn't prove SENT isn't a scam.
sentinel is using its own custom code for the blockchain and part of the p2p bandwidth validation will be done by the blockchain itself, so this is completely retarded.
>Yes. Getting a VPN listed on something like GL.iNet router's VPN page does not equal a partnership.
the router partnership was not announced so you are spreading fake info, sentinel software will be installed inside the router that will be sold from an already existing medium-small manifacturerer
>They'll endorse anyone using them, it's only good for them.
there is literally countless tendermint projects that tendermint team has not endorsed only the best quality got mentions
>see above.
so you think giving away 500k atoms worthed 3.5m$ at the top means nothing , this literally allows sentinel team to hire more devs and propagate the software better, cosmos team has some deep capital behind they don't do retarded random shit without doing due diligence on the project they endorse, sentinel was one of the top contributors during bug bounties

>> No.15433658
File: 102 KB, 702x910, IMG_20190825_163623_244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dam this sucker doesn't understand the function of a conversation.

1. To perseraude the audience's

2. To persuade yourself.

He is clearly having to persuade himself of his own baseless fud. This is easy to measure, he dedicates free time to do such. The audience has witnessed this brainlet try to perseraude himself of his own FUD rhetoric possibly 1000 times.

I think this deserves a unique case study on how cognitive bias destorys individual oppurtunity cost and growth. Sucker is going to miss the apollo mission. Oh well.

>> No.15433681

Let's be fair, SENT gets pumped hard every week or so, then nothing.

This is the most obvious PnD happening right now. There is absolutely no tech to back it up except an illegal copy of an open source VPN package and a cut and paste of a CosmosSDK tutorial.

Seriously. Go check the Cosmos docs. SENT just copied the tutorial, duct taped on a stolen, insecure VPN package which leaks your private info, and put in another 10 minutes to create an ERC20 token so they could scam you.

I've seen this too many times around here, pajeets buy the token then pump and tell everyone around here to buy their bags, then they dump it and repeat the cycle.

You don't even know if SENT has real users. Users on any network can easily be faked, and it unfortunately happens all the time in the tech world.

And trading it? Calling SENT a "low" volume shitcoin is an understatement. It is completely dead, a few thousand in bot trades a day. Nothing has changed fundamentally about the project as far as I can tell. The only thing that changed is that in the last few months a shill army came to /biz/, Reddit, and a number of other crypto forums and started scamming people into buying this garbage. It was OBVIOUSLY coordinated, you'd have to be a total brainlet to not understand that.

Whether or not SENT is a real project I don't even care, the use case is paltry. It has no long term chance at survival, and the recent price action absolutely STINKING of PnD doesn't help it in my eyes.

Anyway, you do you, but for me the SENT risks vastly outweigh the potential rewards, and not being able to put in more than $1,000 or so without worrying about if I'll get my money back even after a pump makes it multiple levels beneath my stack grade.

At this point we see them hijacking or astroturfing threads about politics and saying their shitcoin will save the world. It's a Pajeet larp fest if I've ever seen one.

This is a hard fucking pass and biz should not take kindly to these pajeet.

>> No.15433692
File: 80 KB, 499x550, IMG_20190813_183420_130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol the fudStars are why moon missions happen. I hope he stays working for free lol.

>> No.15433735

I FUCKING LOVE BATANON. His work is priceless!

>> No.15433739

>Yes, all faked traffic on insecure VPN

openvpn is the industry standard and its perfectly secure

>software that they copy/pasted from a free Open Source project

all vpn projects build on top of openvpn why you fail to mention the custom code built on top ?
like the proof of bandwidth protocol or the logic to allow p2p validation and payments directly from users to nodes.

>Irrelevant and no proof. Do you mean the tutorial they copied from here: (https://github.com/cosmos/sdk-application-tutorial)) that they call a "blockchain"?

this is a straight up lie, you are willingly spreadin fake infos to fit your agenda, and you completely misunderstnad the point of tendermint based chains, i guess you can call monero or decred a btc copypaste too

>In that it is a copy of a tutorial and has no functional reason to exist. Yes.

the whole dvpn logic is built on top of the tendermint chain so again you are spreading lies, without it there would also not be any way to upgrade the protocol through governance in a decentralized way

>Yes, what impact does this have? Where is the proof. If they are passing a generic VPN client off as a "partnership" then they should receive a cease and desist letter, but THIS IS WHY THE DEVS ARE ANONYMOUS.

the hardware partnership has not been revealed yet, the partnership will be based on the router manifacturer delivering the router with sentinel software installed on the machines, so what you said is again lies

>> No.15433745

> who are you to decide the openvpn config is badly written
Someone who's not a retarded pajeet simply copy/pasting a default OpenVPN config.
Uses tls-auth instead of tls-crypt, uses easy-RSA which will default to less secure algorithms, uses the 3rd party OpenDNS service for DNS, uses --status which means IPs are logged, I can go on.

If you people really want to shill this thing as a GFW bypass for HK, throw in something like https://kpdyer.com/publications/usenix2015-marionette.pdf or give some other reason why they can't just use Tor besides from "muh dvpn"

>> No.15433762
File: 213 KB, 1023x1009, IMG_20190813_124358_363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shh faggot. The slave works for free. Don't teach him dialectics.

>> No.15433763

>Yes. The fact that someone is pumping their product is all tendermint/cosmos cares about. They will exile SENT as soon as it is a a publicly known scam and we are almost there.

tendermint doesn't need pumping it got investment money from coinbase and some of the biggest projects in crypto are building on it like tezos and LIBRA also tendermint issues no token so it has no incentive to use advertizement campaigns cause there is no direct monetary gain.

>> No.15433779

Bro you need to go back to school. This is cringeworthy. Really. Go look at tors new board. ((( )))

>> No.15433829
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All these kids do is complain when people take risk to build new systems that support civil rights.

They are either entitled betas, or shills.

Pretty obvious if you ask me.

>> No.15433869

> get's BTFO'd, "y-yyou need to go back to school"
I'll wait while you explain to me how the Easy-RSA script's default choice of 2048-bit RSA is more secure than a specifically defined elliptic curve like Ed25519 or Ed448 or even the NIST/NSA secp521r1 (all three of which OpenVPN supports)
GFW can easily detect OpenVPN.
`iptables -m u32 --u32 "25&0xFF=0x38" -j DROP`
How does SENT help people in HK if GFW is going to be used?

>> No.15433913

Haha. 'load of bollocks'
How wrong they were