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15427243 No.15427243 [Reply] [Original]

>work in small office of 12 people
>want a new job
>have never taken annual leave/holidays, just agree with boss to trade them for cash
>generally known for just not taking holidays
>if I suddenly start taking a day here or there for job interviews it will be extremely obvious what I'm doing

How the fuck can I get a new job?

>> No.15427255

slowly, tell them aboit your new gf, go somewhere over the WE, take monday off ...

>> No.15427299

she's probably a fucking hypersubmissive ddlg enthusiast so i dont blame the guy

if she was dom that's an entirely different story

>> No.15427361

I usually tell them right in the face that I will quit soon if I do. No reason to be secretive about it, if the Boomer needs you for his scam he will offer a higher pay, and I can tell you the look in their face when you just decline and tell them you don't see a future in their operation and would rather be as far away as possible from their company than to stick around for more pay is glorious, one can smell the shit in their pants, especially if you are young and the rest of the team is 45+

>> No.15427395

why men cant to fuck their gfs 3 times in day? our pussies need to be fucked good by a cock

>> No.15427440

because women who care about sex to a degree bordering on histrionicism are primarily controlling whores who LARP as little girl cumbuckets for good comfy daddy feelies when in reality they don't give a fuck about 'daddy' and are psychologically dominating him through a series of mental tortures so that he pretends to enjoy beating and hurting the one he wishes to save

>> No.15427528

shut up man, ur Job is fuck a pussy

>> No.15427598


just start taking holidays? it's not that hard you fucking cuck.

>> No.15427614

Kek, nobody wants to touch a 25+ slut. You hit the wall, best bet is killing yourself. But hey, keep on screaming incel to signal to chad, that wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole and help lower even your last chance to find a provider by scaring away the betas and omegas who see the clock ticking and your mental state lowering with every lost egg.

Really 25+ childless chicks should be send to the monastery, or killed. They are useless

>> No.15427654

I can’t believe he called the cops on her. Probably couldn’t keep an erection and she was talking shit.
OP, just do it. It won’t be ‘obvious’ why you’re taking the days. That’s all in your head. It’s like when a females is having a bad hair day. Literally nobody gives a shit but she’s probably stressing all day long and won’t stop touching her fucking hair.

>> No.15427683
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>tfw no cute goth gf to rape and bully you

>> No.15427781

Because no way, fag

>> No.15427825

How many REQ for violent qt 3.14 nymphomaniac gf?

>> No.15427917
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From what I can see the guy was a faggot..her fiance and all but just look at him and try tell me that's not a faggot. Women are fucking dumb

>> No.15427930

I was gonna call you a shitter white knight defender but yeah that guy looks like he rather have a cock in his mouth over his dick in a pussy.

>> No.15427968

Damn she cute

>> No.15428064

Women are thought that they will be happier with a guy that listens to them and relates to them and so end up with a faggot after not getting pussy attention enough they react by going full retard and offering up pussy to the far end of spectrum of men like the nigger thug...yep women are dumb

>> No.15428080

Take your fucking holidays you enormous gaping flabby pussasaurus.

It's literally nobodies business what the fuck you do on your earned time.

>> No.15428091

How do you expect to "make it" provided that you put what employer might think if you start taking days off.
Do whatever is best in your interest. Can't really tell if dumb or just trolling.

>> No.15428115


>> No.15428152

you may need to reevaluate yourself, you sound obsessive if not entirely crazed. nobody wants that kind of obligation. nice larp anyway

>> No.15428168

low IQ npc retort

>> No.15428172

incel cope

>> No.15428191

low IQ npc retort

>> No.15428218
File: 12 KB, 258x245, 1566047760707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TOPEST KEK, childless roastie that hit the wall, has a worn out vagina, hasn't had a serious relationship for at least 3 years, is 100% dependent on gibs and has literally no chance to ever find a provider, even a beta or omega confirmed

>> No.15428219

Lmao looking at this specimen it's painfully obvious. That girl needs a chad like yesterday. Preferably two. At once.

>> No.15428222

there is just no chad touching damaged goods like that

>> No.15428252

sticking your dick in crazy is for desperados

>> No.15428262

low iq shit posting

>> No.15428264

Why would that be a problem? If they'd fire you for looking for a new job they'd have fired you already by now. They might even offer you a raise.

>> No.15428270
File: 5 KB, 80x33, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW when you're too beta to even be a bitch for crazy goth nympho.

>> No.15428279

You wish. It is interesting to see that those using incel the most are childless past 30 women that haven't had a serious relationship in at least 3 years. Just settle with it, you hit the wall, kys or join a monastery

>> No.15428297

>keeps assuming im female
>claims I keep saying incel when I havent said it once
you really are a low IQ shit poster. but hey keep repeating yourself eventually it'll "be true"

>> No.15428302

Just went through this
Ended up taking 4 leave days in a 2 week period.

Who cares if they suspect something? You're leaving

>> No.15428310

you got an undeserved (you)
enjoy it

>> No.15428314

redpill: she only started dating him in the first place because he has a tattoo. he obviously looks like a gay dork, he got the tattoo to pretend that he was cool but he wasn't.

>> No.15428324

just say your having dental work
or your fathers in the hospital

why are you autists so bad at lying

>> No.15428329

why would I enjoy some retard that cant read my posts and claiming im female and said incel giving me yous. if anything im concerned at your lack of reading skills (read my posts again no mention of incel in them til you kept saying I said it) and calling someone a girl based on made up reasons in your head is hilarious also. confirmed for shit posting queer

>> No.15428346

Dentist appointment

>> No.15428347

>being that salty
Don't trap enjoy being called girls?

>> No.15428377

dont people normally know how to read and understand it?

>> No.15428580

So... lie?

>> No.15428584

Stop being a cuck.

>> No.15428585

yes this guy takes it up the butt

>> No.15428593

She cute

>> No.15428617

You can still get sick anon you're not superman, have a family emergency that turns out to be a false alarm, have a doctors appointment for that ache you mentioned a week ago, get creative but mundanely believable.

>> No.15429040

This is cope

>> No.15429075

this is shitposting

>> No.15429085


>> No.15429108

How does that faggot get that turbo thot?

>> No.15429114

Holy shit I would fuck that qt back to OBLIVION FUCKING HELL AAAAAAAAARRRRG I'M SO HORNY

>> No.15429131

vaginas are gay

>> No.15429151

Yes retard. Always lie to everyone. First rule of business

>> No.15429520

Lie to everyone?

>> No.15429538
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why even live

>> No.15429549
File: 3.51 MB, 3120x4160, 20190217_181632_DRO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamn—to have a girl THIS into a fundamental of procreation
>wanted to ask a girl who looks a lot like this if she wanted to get a cup of coffee
>only place to ask her this was at work, which was awkward as fuck
>did it anyway in TWO different approaches (and on separate occasions) after her first answer seemed uncertain, so as to live without regret
if there is regret to be had at all from this, it's either that i'm terribly unattractive, or that girls these days think that an invitation to talk over coffee to get to know each-other means "i want immediate, commitment-free access to sexual favours from you in return for the same from me".
in all likelihood, she was young, and doesn't WANT to make a commitment, regardless of what she thinks of me.
it's been awhile; perhaps i'll write her a song, or illustrate something nice for her.

>> No.15429555

Because we don't have time to sit on our lazy ass all day fucking away.

>> No.15429583
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>> No.15429593

>still shit posting

>> No.15429868

vagina is good

>> No.15429882

Lol who the fuck cares. My old co-workers were congratulating me on getting the job I have now. Autism level 1000

>> No.15429899

u just fuck 5 min and girls need to be fucked 30 min

>> No.15429930

>stripping naked and assaulting boyfriend because he didn't want sex
That's a weird way of saying "attempted rape"
I know pussy thirsty faggots here won't care but if the roles were reversed, this shit would be all over the media

>> No.15430069

it's almost as if men aren't the same as women