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15427084 No.15427084 [Reply] [Original]

How much BSV do I need to get a qt pajeeta gf?

>> No.15427090

just be white, they love being bleached

>> No.15427094

i don't want to imagine the smell but she's hot

>> No.15427483

They generally don’t smell much

>> No.15427751


>> No.15427757

>how much bitcoin super vishnu for this cunt

>> No.15427760

Pussy smells like curry, their ass smells like a street.

>> No.15427764

Wow....throw race out the window.....she is legit beautiful.Much better than all the western e thot whores.

>> No.15427766

You clearly are a virgin

>> No.15427789

Said the virgin

>> No.15427795

The trad photo on the left is so much better

>> No.15427798

Far less than what you would need to purchase the indoor plumbing that would allow her father to sell her to you.

>> No.15427809

most pussy smells like the things she eats. girls that love fish... oh boy.

>> No.15427810

Have sex or shoot up another mall, incel

>> No.15427811

Dont deflect, virgin

>> No.15427817

oh and my personal favorite asparagus makes it smell like burnt rubber.

>> No.15427818

No Pajeets are hot

I dated a pajeet model and she was hairy as fuck. Disgusting subhumans. Never again

>> No.15427850

Wrong...western femi nazis are the subhumans.

>> No.15427977

That may be due to condoms and lack of lube anon

>> No.15428539

> that number of brown ids in this thread
I thik we broke every record

>> No.15428548

Yeah. That is one hot pajeeta goddamn. Never thought I'd say that in my life

>> No.15428555

well that's due to her not shaving, ain't it hombre
yeah these bitches grow hair like a fucking chimp, but everything can be shaved

>> No.15428717


>> No.15428892
File: 154 KB, 820x836, 831-8318812_view-samegoogleiqdbsaucenao-based-pepe-in-a-tuxedo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have to shave every fucking day in order to come close to a pale white shaving once a week

Fuck niggers
Fuck chinks
Fuck kikes
Fuck pajeets
And most importantly

Fuck jannies

>> No.15429160

Name OP? Going to offer one link

>> No.15429581

i hear this dumb pol meme everywhere i go now. apparently none of you have ever tried dating outside of your race as a white man. it's not cool to be white anymore in case you haven't noticed. literally no one wants to be white. in fact being white prettt much eliminates you from all the social programs and ensures your resume is thrown into the trash at any HR office.

>> No.15429610

The hottest woman I’ve ever fucked is an indian parents, aus born girl. If you are in Melbourne you can fuck her. Her name is Queenie

>> No.15429748

Poojeetas are so fucking easy. Just be white. That is literally it. T dated fair skin model tier, Oxford poojeeta student and had the darkies running after me as well generally.
Can you imagine being born as an Indian man though lmao.

>> No.15429756

its true tho, they know subconsciously that the genes of white people are superior

>> No.15430029


>> No.15430064

holy fuck
Is this what happens when Aryans rejoin n*rdick genetics??

>> No.15430083

FUCK I need to BLEACH a qt pajeeta now

>> No.15430245

In Pajeet standards she's considered 8/10. Not white enough.

>> No.15430355

Indians are programmed from birth to admire light colored skin and that goes way back before colonialism. It is ingrained in their caste system.

>> No.15430973
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>> No.15431006

Maybe you are just an even more autistic fag than most of /pol/

>> No.15431019

i'm dating a brown girl who loves white boys. have sex or seethe harder incel

>> No.15431460

You can literally buy a child in India for under $500. I mean genuine slave ownership. Your choice, stick the kid in an industrial environment as labor, or in a brothel as a wet hole to fuck, or whatever.

Well, maybe not *you* personally if you're not a shitskin with clan and caste ties there, but Indians in general can. And do.

Just wash them a few times and then put them on a bland western diet for a few weeks. The odor will disappear, usually.

They can be. Most aren't.