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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 175 KB, 750x777, 541A9ACB-2E3C-4DCA-9F55-2EEF358924C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15425835 No.15425835 [Reply] [Original]

Are people on drugs?

>> No.15425857

>Literally .40 six months ago

>> No.15425860

zoom out

>> No.15425861

Just closed my short from $2.4. Thank you for your service, marine!

>> No.15425869

Whales trying to scare people

>> No.15425876

it's going back to 20c, you do know that, right?

>> No.15425885

I just sold 11 links because i had to buy medicine for my bedridden father, please forgive me sempai

>> No.15425907

>buying a coin which has 65% of the supply in 2 wallets

Imagine being this dumb.

>> No.15425916

May I ask why you think this is the bottom ? When we have literally seen with our own eyes, shitcoin after shitcoin, go from like 10 dollars down to 10 cents and lose 99% of their value?

>> No.15425929

pick one retard. first real target to retest is $1.2 and if it breaks below that its unironically over for thos shitcoin. enjoy holding those heavy bags

>> No.15426570

its over boyos

>> No.15426582
File: 18 KB, 800x450, 1562600269880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your tokens goddamn devs are constantly dumping on you. how do you not get what that means, lol

>> No.15426593


>> No.15426596

Right now Link’s price is going to mimic BTC. If BTC, corrects, everyone will buy link before the conferences for fomo.

>> No.15426624

this. a company will buy its own stocks if and when they have faith in the product. LINK is doing the opposite. what does that tell you? simply, that chainlink is ded.

>> No.15426625

Theyre selling so that they can hire more employees and keep this project moving

>> No.15426634

I'm a linker but this is the most retarded thing I've ever heard

>> No.15426644

It's vaporware without any real world usage, dumping after a speculative pump, retards.

>> No.15426658

Companies sell of stocks all the time after a massive start up.

>> No.15426660
File: 96 KB, 423x539, 1551337119808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they need millions over millions for monthly wages
if they believed in the project themselves OR EVEN EXPECTED A SCAM TO RISE MUCH HIGHER (!), they would wait with the dumping and only cash out as little as humanely possible.
they aren't, however - they are cashing out millions over millions. are you trying to tell me they have hundreds of devs? no? then that means they either expect the price to dump mid-term or they know much, much more than you.

>> No.15426664
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>> No.15426675

Actually you're probably right. I already sold off this shit at like 3 dollars. I'm new to this shit

>> No.15426684

Chainlink isn't a start up they don't actually produce anything and nobody actually uses it

>> No.15426701

>they either expect the price to dump mid-term or they know much, much more than you.
two things:

1. the team cant solve the staking/repuatation system so there's literally no viable network. no network, no oracles; no oracles, no business.

2. SEC is after them. this bit of news will hit the public in the next couple weeks. this is why sergay had a 3-day web3 event and didnt announce a single fucking thing. he's shit scared now, knows he's being watched very closely.

>> No.15426707

They were working for peanuts for years. They were probably taking our lots of debt to keep moving. September will determine if Chainlink is worth anything. If he keeps dumping, and doesn’t have any relevant announcements? Even I’ll sell at that point. Chainlink is big. It has a great chance to head towards $100 in the next 20 months.

>> No.15426718

You don’t start off with the biggest piece of news. You save that for last. September will tell us everything we need to know

>> No.15426725

Yeah I'm sure they spiraled into debt writing 5 lines of code

>> No.15426740

anon going sicko mode

>> No.15426750

>SEC is after them

Yeah probably because they're an ICO scam based out the Caymen Islands that are scamming and misleading investors. This is pretty much part and parcel of running a shit token scam.

>> No.15426755

Link dumps much harder than bitcoin because it is still much more inflated and overpriced right now

>> No.15426767

ari juels was always the brains, and he has his own oracle coming out. he probably solved the staking problem where sergay and the others at chainlink couldnt.

also, the staking problem was always the thing that actually had to be solved; it was the central issue. yet LINK hasnt made a single inch in solving it. that in and of itself should tell you everything of where this shit show is headed.

>> No.15426787

alts are dead until a year after the halving that's why. This will continue for some time because of all the tokens sergey put into the market

>> No.15426801

Chainlink's resistance levels to watch for:
- 17k sats
- 13k sats
Although we could retrace back to 20.5k sats.

>> No.15426840

So they sell from the development fund and not their personal stock and thats them cashing out? If they were exit scamming why not sell the 35million and just exit scam for real?

>> No.15426852

You can't just dump 65% of the total supply instantly. The best way to cash out is via a bot who sells small amounts constantly.

>> No.15426868

you can simply start the project with unreasonably high """"development"""" funds to keep it inconspicuous, as many ICOs do.
they do not need millions of dollars per month for running costs, therefore they are (at least partly) cashing out.
factor into this that they know more than you about the project - what cooperations probably will or will not happen, how likely it is to solve technical problems etc. - and even them not clinging onto every single token becomes worrysome.

>> No.15426871

This is logical for a holder, BUT to them, they have only sold approx. 1% of their development allocation. They sold as many Link as necessary to recoup the $32 million of the ICO

>> No.15426893

Yeah, but I’m fucked until September. If he announces something? Great, we are back in business. I’m not selling at a lose. I’m waiting for the fat lady to sing. If there are no new announcements next month and he keeps selling it is very clearly over.

>> No.15426903

What is the value of the link they have sold?

>> No.15426918



>> No.15426925

if you are fine with losing what you have invested, then i guess you can just watch it burn. i have experienced every possible swing myself, and nothing hurts as much as selling way too early, so i get not wanting to cut your losses.
never personally touched chainlink though and it always looked like a scam to me.

>> No.15426927

About $30-40mm

>> No.15426932

>Why is everyone selling the bottom???
Because they don't think its the bottom yet.
Why else would they be selling???

>> No.15426938

Normies and nulinkers

>> No.15426943

I wonder what the next fud will be

>> No.15426946

30% of that is taxed. If Chainlink is based in California, they get about half (state taxes and insane prices of doing business in SV).

Let’s see if they quit dumping or announce something in September.

>> No.15426947

Because Chainlink is collapsing.
Look at the trendline, this is like day 60 of a constant linear downtrend.
The bottom is FAR from in on this.

>> No.15426959

Exactly this of Bitcoin was still above 10m I'd be worried. Link will pump back up hold strong.

>> No.15426962

>could have sold at $2.6
>fell for the memes
>here we are
Oh boy

>> No.15427129

Yeah they need atleast 180 million dollars kek

>> No.15427133

Too many normies on the board. You know this would happen.

>> No.15427170

> ITT panic at the discord

>> No.15427222

Nobody is selling, the volume is so pathetic, it smells like dolphines with low confidence trying to paint the tape

>> No.15427240

>trying to paint the tape
It's only Sergey who can do that.

>> No.15427245

Descending price and volume is bearish as it gets.

>> No.15427247


>> No.15427259

yet rekt

>> No.15427260
File: 117 KB, 404x644, Chart .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this chart. This is amazon. I am sure there are a lot of people who sold and regretted it afterwarts. Therefore I am keeping my stack. Sometimes you have to take a risk.
BTW it's only money (there are more important things).

>> No.15427267

Kek, bring it on. If you are serious, dump it for real, if you can. Post eth address, tx to cex and caps of shorts, and don't come with those laughable 100K dumps little dolphines

>> No.15427268

oversold on the weekly

>> No.15427281

>comparing the largest corporation in the world to a scammy premined erc20 token

Keep spamming those 1000 eoy memes

>> No.15427294

I beleive the memes
1000 WEI EOY

>> No.15427296

He's comparing price action to price action.

>> No.15427298

End of the day I rather lose a couple thousand by not selling rather than millions if I do

>> No.15427498

Imagine being this autistic

>> No.15427509

>Fuck with boring fuders the whole day with calling out their spam
>They resolve to call u too
This is the most laughable dolphin OP ever. You guys are boring

>> No.15427511

That is not what I wrote. Link might be a bust, there are probably very few persons who know this right now. (Hopefully not the development team :-))

However the current decline in price is not a sure sign for a bust. That'S what I wanted to say by showing this chart.

>> No.15427515

buahahaha the absolute STATE

>> No.15427549

Hello Radoslav. How is summer in Bulgaria?

>> No.15427681

But it clearly isn't a bot.

>> No.15427703

No. Descending price and increasing volume is.

>> No.15427714


Epstein yourself

>> No.15427737
File: 28 KB, 804x145, Screen Shot 2019-07-18 at 11.32.29 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hhaha i sold my stack hahah at 2.70

and none of you did hahah

>> No.15427761
File: 15 KB, 251x242, 1565880788365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, millionaire right here

>> No.15427770


>> No.15427782

Holy shit you fucking made it dude congrats

>> No.15427785
File: 28 KB, 136x279, Screen Shot 2019-06-23 at 5.56.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more than you i bet.

remeber this only BTC matters

>> No.15427981

neato photo you found on the web... unless we see those fat stacks in the wallets it just looks like a larp and a poor one at that. kek 300k is rich. sure if you goto /biz/ which is a tiny pond of poor hobos and a few people with money

>> No.15428554

Hope he gets better soon anon

>> No.15428573

That's good Intel, where did you read that? How do you see that info?

>> No.15428578

Just because the price is going down doesn't mean people are selling. It's just BTC going down causing everything to go down.

>> No.15428648


:^) buying your bags at 0.10 sweetie
Prefer BTC but a little trinket, a memoir, of the old days at this board would be fun to own.

>> No.15428676




>> No.15428687

1 dollar end of week

>> No.15428700

It's crashing because I finally found an automated trading strategy that works.

>> No.15428725

>more than you i bet
Your cope is even cute, hehe

>> No.15428978

Google partnership was fake. Link has no value. Team dumping their 65% weekly. Link is a textbook scam

>> No.15429009

why do I keep hearing the partnership is fake today, did something happen?

>> No.15429035






>> No.15429080

>1000 eoy

>> No.15429086

>Are people on drugs?
me too

>> No.15429091

Holy shit I wish I was you
Man you are the smartest

>> No.15429121

This board is so fucking shit. All you faggots want to do is spam Link fud or shill Link. Ive over doubled my sats in 12 months long term hodling Link and it was fucking painless. If I browsed /biz/ every day Id have probably sold or snapped from all the obvious shilling and newfaggotry.

>> No.15429168

LOL this desperate shill

>> No.15429184

Fuck off Pajeet. Im tired of /biz/ being the designated shitting board. Funny how flags were once longed for but now people freak the fuck out when flags are brought up.

>> No.15429209

Go ask mom for more tendies, autist. Good luck choking on 0eoy shitcoin.

>> No.15429218

the circulating supply increased meaning the team is dumping on the hodlers. prepare for a slow bleed while they exit scam
>this time it will be different
It won't be.

>> No.15429242

>dumping on the hodlers
>exit scam
You're an idiot

>> No.15429245

>implying Bezos isn't selling the tippy-top

>> No.15429251

Every fucking time you shills give the same boring crass responses to people who actually made money on altcoins. Get out of the discord shilling and actually make some money instead of wasting your time fudding coins for free on the internet.

>> No.15429261

taking the larp too far

>> No.15429268

I remember just a week ago this was the worst shit fud on this board, but now it's kinda realistic lol

>> No.15429274
File: 7 KB, 231x219, 38B8090C-6F0A-42E8-98A0-CDE707E34D05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure are a lot of salty fags who missed out on the link pump itt

>> No.15429279

You fud coins for free on the internet. Don't care if you don't like hearing that. In fact, you're practically entertaining me as Im killing time, for free.

>> No.15429281

I don't know what you mean, but "selling assets" is a normal way to fund your operations.

>> No.15429293

thats not the bottom senpai

>> No.15429297

Time is money, you know that Amazon needed 10 years to reach their former ATH? Someone who bought years later was better off than the bagholders from dotcom who could've made more money by sticking to the S&P500.

>> No.15429305

But you really sound stupid.

>> No.15429307

Thanks just lowered my 48 cent buy orders. Buying at 27 cents

>> No.15429311

Yawn. Get better material.

>> No.15429386


>> No.15429394


>> No.15429400

For free you reply to my posts

>> No.15429422

Yeah and I get to laugh at paid shills like you

>> No.15429431

Im sure you're laughing sweetie. You have accomplished nothing.

>> No.15429467

>You have accomplished nothing

>> No.15429478

Imagine seething this much. This is a LINK board faggot deal with it.

>> No.15429486

Coping with my positive gains alright. See you in 6 months when you are not a dollar richer but telling me Link is going below 5 bucks.

>> No.15429507

Meant for

>> No.15429531
File: 162 KB, 840x641, 53-538216_apu-pepe-thumbs-up-png-download-transparent-png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finally some non-braindead "no-linker FUDDers" ITT

Thanks fren

>> No.15429571

>it always looked like a scam to me
I never imagined anyone actually believed that, fucking lmao.

>> No.15429648

buy high sell low

>> No.15429660

How did you not know that?

>> No.15429750

>positive gains
>must dream of a scenario where shitcoin will surpass ATH

You totally fooled me with this one bro. Sure it ain't you quickly swapping to cellphone. At least now you can circlejerk with yourself.

>> No.15429752

Bottom is 0.17

>> No.15429775
File: 6 KB, 250x236, Ron Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XBT is in a descending triangle. Expect a bounce off 9040.

>> No.15429788
File: 120 KB, 1540x739, 0 0 Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it wrong. Everything I said in the previous post but now with pic related

>> No.15429796

Im already in the positive you coping pajeet. Unlike you I don't waste my time with discord shilling groups.

>> No.15429803

ERC shitcoins don’t have a bottom. This is what you get for not investing in real PoW coins. The bottom for a PoW coin is the cost of the electricity. ERC shitcoin can be printed for next to nothing in 5 minutes, there is no ‘bottom’ when the team own 65% of the supply.

>> No.15429818

>Buy bitcoin at $4k
>Triple my money and cash out at $12k
>Put everything at $3 LINK
>Down 60%
Why am i so retarded. Should've just transferred everything to my bank account and be done with it fml

>> No.15429825

you fucking retard the personal stack will be untouched to avoid exit scam claims. the development stack IS the exit scam stack. 350M * $2-$4 and you think they need any more fuck you money? holy shit you people are fucking braindead

>> No.15429826

You need to learn TA.

>> No.15429887

You sound pretty angry for someone doing so well. Cope harder.

>> No.15429898

You were greedy and did not sell at 4. Now suffer.

>> No.15430037

it was at 4$ for one whole night

>> No.15430047



>> No.15430230


>> No.15430295
File: 109 KB, 640x797, A4E29CF9-F4B7-461B-9930-2632B8D6601C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biggest wallet is 35% second biggest is 6%

>> No.15430336

Steve Jobs sold most of his Apple stock in 1997 right after he came back as CEO.

>> No.15430340

>a company will buy its own stocks if and when they have faith in the product. LINK is doing the opposite.
pffffhahahaha you dumbass

>> No.15430478

Fortune 500 companies maybe. Startups have to sell equity or in this case tokens in order to fund operations in the beginning. Why does everyone on this board think running a company out of Silicon Valley is free? Oh right, you're all teenagers and neets.

>> No.15430494


>> No.15430581

chainlink is done, dont miss out on the new waves checkout COTI and HOLO

>> No.15430707


>> No.15430816

Amazon's valuation is absurd, and he knows this. He just got paid an amount for his company which the company won't actually EVER be worth based on the business they do. The forward P/E is fucking 54.

Chainlink, on the other hand, does zero business and is still worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Selling "stock" worth $0 for $2 each is not the same as selling stock worth $34 for $1800 each.

>> No.15430829

>Selling "stock" worth $0 for $2 each is not the same as selling stock worth $34 for $1800 each.
Of course it is.

>> No.15430910

Exactly :)

So now you understand why referencing Amazon as a company with "faith in the product" selling stock was a bad comparison point. Bezos clearly has no faith in the valuation of Amazon, same as Sergey has no faith in the valuation of Chainlink.

>> No.15430936

Amazon is one of the biggest, most successful companies ever.
And they sell massive amounts of stock to secure funding.

In the case of the 2.8 billion USD worth of Amazon stock in my link, to secure funding for non-Amazon-related activities.

Start coping.

>> No.15430970

>Bezos clearly has no faith in the valuation of Amazon
lmao, Bezos normally sells about 1 billion worth of Amazon stock every year to cover various expenses.

That's literally what assets like stocks are for.

>> No.15431387

>TA on crypto
>Not being autistic
Pick one

>> No.15431478

I’ll be buying 1000 linkies once it hits .10

>> No.15431492

sold 5000 links to all in on COTI

>> No.15431619

Just closed my short too. Will reopen again if it continues to dump.

>> No.15431683
File: 161 KB, 1215x1029, 1562617537524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The price has gone down. I must sell.

>> No.15432354

You don't need to apologise for this anon. You will be rewarded for your good hearted sacrifice.