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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15422801 No.15422801 [Reply] [Original]

>Want to quit my job
>Mom won't let me unless I start paying rent or move out
>she will only support me if I am working a full-time wagie job

>> No.15422817

Go to school fulltime and work a part time, maybe she'll let you do that

>> No.15422824
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Good job mom!

>> No.15423014

I don't want to be a schoolcuck though. At least you make money as a wagie, but i don't want either.

bad job mom

>> No.15423052

Save some money, stake some ALGO and now you have passive income to pay rent and you can quit your job.

>> No.15423075

trust me kid theres more ways to make money than being a wagie how about you look into that?

also a lot of wagie jobs arent so bad, many get senjoyment from their work

basically having to work isnt an issue, the issue is finding something you actually want to do and if possible even makes you a decent buck

>> No.15423083

just lie lmao

>> No.15423113

>trust me kid theres more ways to make money than being a wagie how about you look into that?

I have and there don't seem to be a lot unless you already have capital, skills and experience/connections in some industry. And if it's something that doesn't require all that it's either illegal or probably earns below minimum wage.

>> No.15423146

Why do you need her support when you already work full time?

>> No.15423173

To save money

>> No.15423181

then surely since your mom's been supporting you you've had ample time to save money... right anon?

>> No.15423198

Yes I have a fair bit (almost 100k cad) but it's not enough to live off of.

>> No.15423423

You will never "save" enough to live off of because you will need to invest that money or keep working.

>> No.15423487

You better invest in some promising crypto project like Telecoin and wait till the right time and soon enough it is going to reach atleast 10x.

>> No.15423514

Well the money is invested but it's definitely not enough

>> No.15423527
File: 64 KB, 700x706, pepe sweat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me?

I really, really want to quit now that Vanilla WoW is out and the queue times are 4 hours for Wageslaves like ourselves.

>I also need money to spend on my girlfriend
>tfw I can no longer afford the NEET life

>> No.15423681

then build skills, make connections

its not easy but at least try

either that or a shit job you hate 4 lyfe

>> No.15423975

>Live at home for free
>Ability to save basically your entire income

Fuck off.

>> No.15424209

This board is absolutely pathetic

It makes /r9k/ look conventional

>> No.15424521

Yes it's definitely better than most people but it still sucks anon. Whatgood is just working and saving all your life?