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File: 38 KB, 898x450, CZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15415844 No.15415844 [Reply] [Original]

CZ is well aware that the gaming industry has grown dramatically in recent years, partially because the world of video games is keeping up with the latest technological advances and even tries to get ahead of them. As such, it couldn’t bypass the blockchain. They are bascially already using virtual currencies.

The eSports industry is booming, and it is only a matter of time before ecosystems couple cryptocurrency payment systems and decentralized models automatically converting your fiat currencies for cryptocurrencies.

- Cocos blockchain
- Chiliz
- Ultra
- Enjin

>> No.15415860

Based, this chink is playing 5d chess

>> No.15415877


Ubisoft is considering using Blockchain in for microtransactions in their games.

>> No.15415885
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-Binance Launchpad
CZ says the various Launchpad model they have experimented with work differently for different regions, is a tough balance between the two and will continue to adjust
Believe the current model is logical and sensible...always open to suggestions...
looking to shorten the listing time between the IEO's and listing times so other exchanges can't snipe listings before they're live on Binance.com or Binance.org
What and when is the next launchpad IEO? In final discussions, more news to come…
Perlin is above IEO price, so CZ thinks that it’s ok atm. Not realistic for all launchpad projects to go 5x/10x in a day. CZ says DYOR
Binance looks for strong projects that will grow well in the long term…
Sounds like Binance will be doing more gaming IEO’s in the short term

>> No.15415901

I think one reason could be that people are trying to avoid reality because its getting worse. New platforms, like Steam, Origin, uplay etc make gaming and buying games easier than many years ago. This combination makes gaming to the future sector for entertainment also. Using blockchain with it can basically safe up your accounts way better than a server somewhere in the US.

>> No.15415913

Tron is basically the Blockchain for games as there are already so many gambling applications build on top of it. Great example would be WINK providing a platform for decentralized gambling apps.

There is utility in here that drives up token value through the necessary use of TRX tokens or WINK tokens

>> No.15415918
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Cocos is a scam. CZ is 80% tokenholder or something
WINK , did x3-4 i like the tron betting stuff justing will pump it later
chiliz: well they raised 70 million they deserve to go rekt with their big mouth and do nothing.
Ultra: Very low market supply i see a lot of potential in this one
Enjin: I like their wallet but marketcap pretty big.

>> No.15415946
File: 207 KB, 920x900, Fuck steam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The interface sucks. Getting into parties, sending friend requests and messaging friends is convoluted as fuck.You cant play the games that you OWN without being online. Outside of Team fortress 2-which is over a decade old at this point- it doesnt have much to offer. Portal? If i wanted to use my brain, i wouldnt be playing a video game. Real fuckin fun.Left 4 Dead is a zombie game. Fuck zombies at this point. Half life is a boring game that is only praised for it's revolutionary mechanics, when it came out. There is also no excuse for digital games to cost the same as physical ones. And dont get me started on old ass games that still cost 20 that you can get in the bargain bin at gamestop for ,like, 5 funky ass dollas.

>> No.15415955

and yet all these tokens are shit for investors because they are payment tokens.

>> No.15415979
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do explain why gaming needs a censorship resistance database.

>> No.15415984

I also think that we need something simple. A new platform which is basically just showing you the games to buy, ability to invite people and thats it. Steam more became to a promotion platform than a gaming platform. I think from the list above only Enjin and Ultra i see as potential blockchain platform.

>> No.15416009

You should cross out everything on that list expect WINK and Ultra. Justin knows his shit, with WINK providing a platform for decentralized gambling apps, while Ultra building a platform where people can resell their games. I’m very hyped about both projects, especially Ultra with their new solutions to both developers and gamers.

>> No.15416036

can even one person explain why anything gaming related should be done with a blockchain instead of centralized servers. where the fuck is the advantage?

>> No.15416037
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There are alot of game blockchain stuff but desu i dont believe the choyna chinks, it is big moon or big scam, no middlestuff

I went to the gamescom and spoke with the ultra team, they young but has big ambitions
they want to be much cheaper then for example steam.

>> No.15416052

In my opinion censorship resistance makes it truely a free platform for anyone to post anything on that blockchain. The problem is that most networks that are very populair among dApps like Tron and EOS have shown to be complient with governement and have the ability to censor games that do not meet their standarts.

>> No.15416064

Only gaming projects usually dont do very well. We had unikoin which has investors like Ashton Kutcher. Gimli scammed, Droxne cancelled, just to name a few.

But you do make a solid case.


Anons i'm starting a private telegram for people to discuss the market and opportunities. Im keeping it private to keep the quality high and usually i dont ask so many people to join, but this rare thread seems to have multiple well read people. Id be happy to have you join, drop your telegram if youre interested.

>> No.15416076
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>Ultra wants to be cheaper than ex. Steam

Not really anon. Ultra is offering new solutions to both developers and gamers. One example is that on their platform, you can buy games but also sell your games. And I’m talking about games you’ve already played.

Easy example:
>Anon buys The Witcher 3
>Plays a few weeks
>Bored doesn’t like it anymore
>Sells the game on Ultra
>Buys new game to play

With Ultra you can sell your games after being done with them, instead of just letting the game rot in your account

>> No.15416095 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15416109

Anon I rather not paste my TG on 4chan, how about we leave a burner email? We’ll forward the TG link to interested and serious people.

>> No.15416127



Sounds good.

>> No.15416145

Origin is the platform owned by EA. It was pretty terrible at launch, although it’s improved a great deal since then. Honestly, this platform would probably be in pretty good shape at this point if it wasn’t tainted by the toxic reputation of its parent company.

There’s also Uplay, but I’m hesitant to call that a platform. It’s more like an industry-wide joke. It has more in common with Games for Windows Live than with the other platforms. It’s attached to all Ubisoft PC games, even if you buy them on another service. Documenting all of the problems with Uplay would fill a whole column, but the short version is that it has almost nothing to offer the end user aside from hassles and the invasion of privacy.

The problem that all of these platforms face is that the network effect is working against them. Even if another platform has better prices and service, most people will stick with Steam because they already have a Steam account and their friends are already on the service. Because of this, publishers tend to prioritize Steam releases and ignore the rest. This makes Steam’s position even stronger. Even if someone tries an alternate service, they’ll be starting with an empty game library and an empty friends list. That increases the chance that they won’t engage with the software and they’ll continue to do all their shopping on Steam. Even if another service is objectively better, it will still have trouble attracting new users because of the pressure exerted by the network effect.

>> No.15416152

This creates an almost insurmountable hurdle for new platforms. They can’t get games because they don’t have users, and they can’t get users because they don’t have games. Some of the big platform holders like EA and Ubisoft are also games publishers, which means they don’t want to cooperate with each other by offering to sell their rivals’ games. This dooms them to having small libraries, which further strengthens Steam’s position. The second-tier platforms all compete with each other without really impacting Steam’s overwhelming market dominance.

>> No.15416157

Then buy Nimiq.
>easy decentralized integration in websites with a JS
>OASIS: atomic swap between real fiat and crypto

>> No.15416189

Alright sure, drop your mail

>> No.15416193

The normal way how companies work is according to business strategies. Its not about gaming anymore on those big ones. Create a good platform, make profits with initial idea (selling games), get bigger, introduce more stuff, become a company with focus on profit and not good reputation anymore.

>> No.15416234

The ones from the list i bought recently are ENJ and ULTRA. Those are the ones which at least know how to explain what they are trying to build. ENJ is pretty big already, so lets see about whats going on with the rest.

>> No.15416252

And I also want to add that it is important as i explained before to search for project which have not the intention to be a business. Important is to find teams with legit CEOs which have a vision in their mind. The CEOs also need to be developer or gamer and not like EA which are just studied people who never played a game in their life yet.

>> No.15416305


Please send me one too.

>> No.15416409

Ultra has some crazy token utility

All purchases of games, virtual items and services within the ultra ecosystem requires the use of their UOS tokens. This includes features such as loyalty programs, advertisements, trading of digital goods and so on. All transactions are completed on the blockchain with their tokens which will cause a constant demand for Ultra token as the ecosystem grows.

They'll also accept traditional forms of payment such as Paypal and credit cards. Fiat currency enters the system and is converted to UOS on the backend. They do this by purchasing UOS from token holders on the **open market** and then send it to a smart contract to complete the intended transaction for the user.

Constant demand for the utility token that keeps growing as more and more developers and users are joining the ecosysystem. Isn't this was Binance did with BNB? Create demand by offering services only in BNB and look what it did to the price

>> No.15416414

espeially wink.org

>> No.15416436

How is the revenue for devs building on steam compared to competitors?

>> No.15416440

>Even if another service is objectively better, it will still have trouble attracting new users because of the pressure exerted by the network effect.
I don't doubt that the network effect is that powerful however the fact that each new service is worse than steam just makes it so people become even less likely to try the next service that comes along after and the more of these services that come out the more fatigue sets in. People don't want to reach the point where they have to juggle 10 usernames and 10 passwords to play some videogames especially when each new service is worse than the last. Bethesda made one of these services and they inadvertently doxxed their customers who used their support system.

>> No.15416450

Devs are unironically selling their soul to get on steam. Steam doesn't do shit while still taking 30% cut.

>> No.15416469

it is not needed i agree
you are describing a payment token, not a utility one.

>> No.15416475

I wouldn't say steam does nothing, if developers were to manage everything that steam does for them now it would cost them a lot of money upfront, not to mention it would cost them time as well.

>> No.15416480

People need to adopt an amoral stance when it comes to letting other people speak and publish. It is NECESSARY to have complete freedom of speech, however exercising it in certain ways (i.e. illegal file sharing) is clearly immoral.

>> No.15416499

The blockchain offers discernible proof of provenance of specific virtual items. Moreover, the digital tokens from blockchains add huge payment benefits like >>15416409 example. This can especially be useful for eSports, creating native in-game tokens and driving seamless transactions on decentralized exchanges.

>> No.15416501

il will be interesting what gaming blockchain companies will do.

Ultra wants to be the new steam, as we all know steam is very expensive and i buy my keys somewhere else and not on steam because they need to run a business.
With a big middle party out of it this will give alot of possibilties . If ultra can make the platform i will use it if its cheaper then steam ofcourse.

wink i also like , i did some gambling on it just to test it out. But gambling stays gambling its a total different market.

>> No.15416502

The gaming industry, is a dying industry. Anybody who plays video games know there hasn't been a good release in months. 8-10 years ago I couldn't get enough money to buy all the cool games that were coming out. Now theres nothing. All of the biggest gaming companies (with the exception of Nintendo) have been losing hundreds of millions each year. Blizzard and EA stocks are down 50% with no real light the end of the tunnel. Blockchain pairing with a dying industry, will not save it from also dying

>> No.15416528

>The gaming industry, is a dying industry
when it comes to the quality of games yes. when it comes to the performance of big publishers, indeed. however overall it is a rising star, we shouldn't let our creativity be restricted by corporate boomer planning.

>> No.15416529

say that to epic games and fortnite bitch.
100 million dollar prize pool this summer. More tournaments. Billions in profits yearly.
This industry is not dying, quite the opposite.

>> No.15416530

Based and smartfag

>> No.15416551

Small indies won't get the number of people needed to really support a large movement in blockchain. Even most of the indies out there aren't that great

>> No.15416557

there is the option to found associations and generate collective funds

>> No.15416567

Perlin flopped i think, a 1.5x aint gonna inspire fomo on listing, which means less likely to even hit roi on listing next ieo

>> No.15416574

That is one example out of the hundreds of games that got released this year. Are you really so delusional you think that normies would buy-into this whole crypto thing? Not only that but theres quite literally no incentive for the dev's of fortnite to use cryptos. They only way they'd use cryptos is if they were already mature enough to be considered stable, and news flash none of them are

>> No.15416607


>> No.15416641

Did 4x on xFutures anon

>> No.15416674

no it didnt, the cheapest possible $0.08 slice might have done 3x but it didnt go higher than 25cents

most xFutures people got rekt, which is good because it's likely a scam waiting to happen "staking" (they're 99.99999% using your eth and hoping to make in back before the community withdraws)

>> No.15416681

I want to invest in streaming platforms or up and coming streamers where I can take a % of winnings per year etc.

>> No.15416703

perlin team sold their tokens OTC
and seed got tokens for 4 cent and not 6 cent lol
but not sure how binance didnt saw it but who cares

>> No.15416942
File: 659 KB, 2400x2400, Ultra graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon check out Ultra. Their ecosystem is designed in a way that developers are incentivized to keep a portion of their revenue within the ecosystem.

For example, all developers can directly decide how much of their revenue should be distributed to the publisher and to influencers who create additional sales of the game by advertising it for them.

Instead of having to wait for up to 60 days like traditional platforms, developers get paid with UOS tokens instantly on every sale and can directly reinvest their profit at times when it’s needed the most.

The same concepts that apply to other actors in the ecosystem also apply to influencers. They have the opportunity to get rewarded from each sale of a game they promote, and they are incentivized not to cash out their entire compensation.

Instead, influencers have the ability to build their communities and increase their reach by rewarding them. Some of these activities might include actions like buying a valuable item and organizing a giveaway, organizing a tournament with UOS as a reward, rewarding unique community activities or staking their tokens for profit.

>> No.15416951


>> No.15416974
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Reminds me me the music festival.
Had some crazy nsfw experiences there. Free love

>> No.15417080

Such small and outdated thinking

>> No.15417151

Send one over here pls

>> No.15417158

Our first taste of blockchain gaming involved either card games, breeding digital cats, or digital casinos with games of chance benefiting from a lack of centralized control. But game producers are now taking big and ambitious steps into the realms of multiverses and MMOs.

>>15415979 The advantages of decentralization and asset provenance start to become key when one starts expanding the gaming sector into world creation where no one actor can shape the rules.

>> No.15417164

oh yes you can play pretty much offline tetris at best with this world changing 15 tps technology, fucking kek crypto is just cringy now

>> No.15417188

Whenever blockchain technology is applied to a new sector or industry, you have every right to question if it is a gimmicky use of the technology or an essential step in the right direction. Predominantly, in the gaming space, it is the decentralization and crypto Incentivisation that is currently leading the way as an argument for its advancement.

One could then argue that, because it is all just a game, the need for decentralization is not that key as centralized control of a game makes it easier to run and control. However, with how the gaming ecosystem is heading, as a serious sport, past time, and source of entertainment, the idea that people should bow to the whims of game creators is fleeting.

People are now more serious about their games and gaming life than ever, and the fact that the industry makes over $100 billion in a year indicates the importance of the ecosystem. It would be dismissive to say that blockchain is wasted on the gaming space, and it would be foolhardy not to pursue growing the industry with this burgeoning technology.

>> No.15417201

Enjin's team are a bunch of retards. Premise of the coin is good but I feel like it will only go so far

>> No.15417213

That is just ETH network which is currently not scalable enough to handle the needs games have on the network.

There are better blockchains better suited for games like TRON or EOS. Cocos blockchain and Ultra blockchain are new players but are also very interesting to look at because they are basically purely build for game developers and users

>> No.15417286

Good thread op I never even once have thought about this

WINK gives me a moon feel should I grab me some bags op

>> No.15417324

Ultra recently visited Gamescom to meet with 60 partners to discuss ecosystem integration. They are actively onboarding ecosystem partners right as we speak

>> No.15417346

Enjin team are retards haha,

But yes looking at facts , it is possible with gaming blockchain that there will be more real adaption in the market!

>> No.15417429


Unless someone wants to make a game about extreme hardcore porn, organ or drug trafficking using blockchain is absolutely stupid.

fucking lol no

>> No.15417464

Thanks nigger.

>> No.15417536

Imagine all weapon owners and statistics being stored on the blockchain. So when I use in-game currency to buy a new sword called Orcslayer, I can know for certain every single warrior who has ever swung the sword and every monster it has ever killed.

>> No.15417561


>> No.15417729

can someone explain how that works with tokens to buy games or gamble? I don't understand I only hold some BTC

>> No.15417801

Or all the STD-riddled dicks your roastie girlfriend sucked. Truly groundbreaking technology.

>> No.15417957

Ultra wants to introduce something really cool called crafting. You can “fuse” UOS tokens within their NFTs to guarantee an inherent value, which is at least the value of the fused UOS tokens. At any time, the owner of this NFT can “break” the NFT to get its contained UOS tokens back.

Fusing UOS to an NFT guarantees a floor price for us players, it also guarantees that developers will generate more revenue in the second hand market; When developers believe they have items that will be traded a lot, they have an incentive to create those items and lock UOS tokens in then because they will receive a sales revenue share every time this item is resold in game or on item trading platforms.

Reminds me of CSGO selling my AWP Medusa skin for around $750 when I stopped playing.

>> No.15418001

Yes yes the 5 year projection for Fortnite is very strong.

>> No.15418080


PUBG is best , fuck fortnite

>> No.15418100

xrp you fucking morons
....WINK really...cocos...chiliz LLMFFAOOOO

>> No.15418128

Very cool that Ultra is trying something with even in-game items. Imagine really owning your ex. CS:GO skins. Right now you can be so fucked over by Steam, by just one click, you’re banned and your items are lost forever. Very excited to see how Ultra will perform!

>> No.15418264

steam has a monopoly, they are doing very great but someone should attack them also.
I hope a new player can make movements .

>> No.15418442

These are developers who don’t agree with Steam’s heavy 30% revenue share or desire to have more control over their user-base.

Game developers outside of Steam are shit in delivering a fully-fledged user experience on their custom platforms.

Like this anon pointed out >>15416145

Someone like Ultra is really cool because it would also challenge Steam to provide better services instead of sitting on it's ass doing nothing and asking for money

>> No.15418476
File: 24 KB, 300x169, ultragoooooooood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man i have like fucking 200 games on steam and i even would like to get them deleted and with ULTRA i would be able to sell them and clean up my shit. Even gifting the games i would do. Please Ultra be successful!!!

>> No.15418918

>You cant play the games that you OWN without being online.
Kek, fake news

>> No.15418933
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God please gave us another "steam". I don want to hang around on this fucking scamplatform everyday. The idea of Ultra is damn good already.

>> No.15419209

Played so many shitty games I couldn't refund because steam wouldn't allow refunds after you played the game for longer than 2 hours. After that you're stuck with this shity software never seeing another light of day. At least let me sell it to another cuck who didn't figure it out yet.

>> No.15419243


Because shills wouldn’t be able to shill the latest scam coin and run off with all the n00bs money if we didnt have gaming on a blockchain

>> No.15419260
File: 31 KB, 504x336, mgslaughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show me some blockchain based games that people would actually play.

>> No.15419381

where to buy UOS good sirs?

>> No.15419576
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COINGECKO, u see it is on ethfinex or bitfinex. The team said they are in talk with some top tier exchanges, you can ask hem yourself on the events

>> No.15419840
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>> No.15419886

He doesn’t necessarily mean block-chain based games, he could mean games that have a built-in barter system based in crypto.

>> No.15419971

- loom , retard

>> No.15420170

$14,000,000 is chump change. Not even up to snuff with a single Indian casino.
where are they?

>> No.15420306

Harmony ONE will distrupt the gaming segment
with bbq and puzzle

>> No.15420310

>show me some blockchain based games that people would actually play.
>>15419840 shows volume of TRX gambling volume
>>15420170 says 14m is not enough?????

Current state of biz

>> No.15420499

I think CZ has it right, or he will make it right with his money

>> No.15420728
File: 41 KB, 666x374, A833E185-C4B2-4567-9AFF-F92D9B394852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steam sucks. Ultra has way better incentives

>> No.15420790

“One of the main feature of Ultra is the patented technology behind the scenes, which comes from years of experience in the gaming industry”

Shut up and take my money alright

>> No.15420793

steam developer here ama

>> No.15420859

fine, you should go all in TRX
I won't.

>> No.15420912

Not even suggesting you should or I'm getting in TRX kek

>> No.15420923

Is steam really taking 30% cut of revenues?

>> No.15421330

What does Steam provide developers? And is it true Steam is giving more advertisement priority towards AAA titles instead of fairly distributing it?

>> No.15421361


What's the easiest way to buy estrogen?

>> No.15421685

What is wrong with payments token? Ultra will be converting USD to UOS when users deposit on the ecosystem. Doesn't that drive price up?

>> No.15421754
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apple is even worse i think

they all got a big platform so they stealling money of the devs of the games etc. all stelaing money, i buy games cheap somewhere else and activate keys on steam etc. but if if there is a good alternative and cheaper i might use it

>> No.15421919

Apple store, play store, steam or any other place is croocked asf and are doing absolutely nothing yet earning so much money. There needs to be more competition in this space so consumers and devs alike will be in a better spot instead of getting raped by these big corporations

>> No.15421953

Kill yourself and hope you respawn as a lady, you cockroach.

>> No.15421972

why even bring up this degenerate penny slot bullshit?

>> No.15421985
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Yeah some upcoming at the moment, Ultra is giving developers 21% more earnings thats sounds awesome. Also users of Ultra platform can earn tokens this is making me horny.

>> No.15422088

>They do this by purchasing UOS from token holders on the **open market**
*heavy breathing* basically buy back tokens with other people's money

>> No.15422094
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Loaded up biz tyvm

>> No.15422119

21% is a lot. No jews in team I guess. So generous KEK

>> No.15422653

I fucking love this thread. No pajeets and normal talking about good projects. I love Ultra also. Was speaking with the team on the gamescom. Hot shit they are planning.

>> No.15422783

Cocos blockchain is doing some really cool shit as well as Ultra. I think both can do what the other one is doing so it's more on the network effect. Would be really cool if they could partner up and together make a better product for game developers and gamers.

>> No.15422853

CZ is 80% holder of all tokens KEKEKEK
mass manipulation.

>> No.15422867

I swear this chink is like the golden idol of every scammy shitcoin that exists. Always using screencaps of his tweets and shit to prove how awesome their shitcoin is.

>> No.15423076


haha but desu he made crypto alive again, without him we might be in a worse situation.

>> No.15423545

Just /V/ gamers posting on biz kek

>> No.15423568
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I've been loading up on wink for the past month or 2 and compounding daily. Its pretty dope desu. Im up 41% over 28 days on my amount of WIN. just buy more with your drops
If anyone wants in on some gambling, the sports betting is dope: https://www.wink.. org/?r =checkit

>> No.15423609

Lmao this didn’t happen. Who the fuck cares about bnb

>> No.15423704

> chiliz: well they raised 70 million
Anon..they bought Ngubu. The money is gone.

>> No.15423979

Chiliz is a failed Binance lab project with zero chance getting on Binance

>> No.15424052

Does he mean vidya or "gaming" as traditionally used - gambling.

>> No.15424191

Steam is a market hegemon. It’s large enough that it can use its power to influence the industry in which it operates. It controls so much of the market that it can set prices and dictate terms, and other companies have relatively little bargaining power. Steam is not a monopoly, but it’s large enough that it has a lot of the powers that make monopolies scary and problematic. You can argue about whether or not you think that’s a cause for concern, but hopefully, we can move on from debates over what makes something a monopoly.

>> No.15424200

The digital distribution formula is simple. The platform needs to make it easy to buy games, it needs to offer the user convenient access to those games, and it needs to keep them up to date. Sometimes a platform will have some bonus features, like voice chat or multiplayer matchmaking, but that’s the business in broad strokes. Over the years, a lot of companies have made their own clients and tried to face off against Steam, with varying degrees of success.

>> No.15424336
File: 80 KB, 640x360, 0_immvdoD_HvvMbawX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can anyone hope to enter the market at this point and compete with Steam?
As it turns out, the new challenger might go crypto, project Ultra.

Ultra is currently not a games publisher, but it plans to take 5% of profits and reserve it for 2 years to fund exclusive games that use its blockchain and NFTs capabilities. It already has signed large commercial partnerships, including publishers of some of the world’s best-known games and distribution partners with large global audiences. The protocol and platform have been built and will be launched in open beta in October 2019. The beta will be tested, and necessary improvements and features will be added over time. The construction of the UOS ecosystem is fairly complex but is meant to be in a work in a way that increasing usage of the platform equals an increase in token price.

>> No.15424508

You can argue that steam has a de facto monopoly. However it's not like they really tried to achieve it, nor did they bully any competitors out of the marketplace, (like how epic is trying to with exclusives). Steam simply made the lambo of gaming platforms.
>text and voice
>large marketplace
>marketplace for hats
>massive sales
and there are probably more. Now compare this to 2 recent competitors Bethesda and Epic. Bethesda literally doxxed their customers who were using support CC's fucking everything. And Epic literally didn't have a shopping cart. That's like trying to make a Ford Focus to compete with a lambo, but then you forget to put wheels on it. Steam isn't cornering the market there is just no valid competition (GOG is an exception though done right they do face the economic moat of network pull). But short of GOG every competitor literally couldn't even do step one right which is build a functional fucking marketplace.

>> No.15424536

i'll skip using your reference. blows my mind the amount I gotta remove from links people post. like we dont see you trying to slip that in and get free money off us. one of those just because someone throws you the ball doesnt mean you have to catch it.

>> No.15424595

>You can argue that steam has a de facto monopoly.
>Steam is not a monopoly

>> No.15424605

CZ is so full of shit.

>> No.15424615

He is a cunning businessman
There is a reason why he became the fastest billionaire to date

>> No.15424686
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>He doesn't know about X.

>> No.15424942
File: 33 KB, 1600x528, ultra ann.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't more people getting into Ultra? Basically explaining Ultra will be next big thing disrupting $140bn USD gaming industry using blockchain technology to allow anyone to build and operate their own game distribution platform or virtual goods trading service. In doing so, it challenges the current monopoly held by industry heavyweights Steam, Google, and Apple. This will unlock new opportunities and create value for all the actors involved. The team consists of all-star executives and prominent advisors with experience at companies as Google, Unity, Microsoft, Apple, Dell, Ubisoft, AMD and others. I did my research and it seems Ultra is a very successful startup aggressively expanding here in the US and also Asia. They're official partners with the largest game distributor in China, esports teams, gaming companies, game distributors and streamers.

>> No.15424953

- Developers earn +21% more sales revenue with an instant payout
- Ultra provides developers with the unique flexibility of a custom-built platform without the need to invest millions of dollars and years of research, development, and maintenance.
- Blockchain makes it possible to process nano-payments instantly, proof of ownership, transaction transparency and a myriad of other features that allow Ultra to provide more control and better deals to developers while also bringing exciting innovations and financial incentives to players
- Powering referral bonuses, digital goods, rewards programs and more
- Players can immediately play games within minutes of purchase using their software.
- Players earn Ultra coins by participating in beta tests, watching ads, curating games and more.
- Players can access third-party game services such as tournaments, item-trading, and more.
- Play exclusive AAA content only available on Ultra.
- Better community building tools.
- Resell second-hand digital games.
- Earn Ultra Coins through their three level referral program

>> No.15424977

picked up some cheap enjin around 600 sats, I didn't forget about that Samsung pump

>> No.15425862

I want in to the private TG group please.


>> No.15426471

Ultra has the same capabilities and so much more for MAINSTREAM (not blockchain) game publishers.

>> No.15426507

>>Ubisoft and Microsoft involvement.
Take my money KEK. Needs volume though

>> No.15426562

Is this the one listed on Bitfinex? UOS is the ticker right?

>> No.15426756

yea they launched there, volume is still shitty but I heard they’ll be using Blockcloud’s MM

>> No.15426808

The interface sucks

>> No.15426944

Though, I reckon that prior a financial crash. Most of these Cryptocurrencies will take hit. Cryptocurrencies that are primarily to be used as a form financial transactions/payments will likely succeed in the coming years. I'm looking at Algorand and Reserve here. For those that wanna preserve wealth, stick to BTC (E-Gold)

>> No.15427123
File: 24 KB, 640x640, FLETAlogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it comes to blockchain gaming, FLETA can consider themselves part of this also - I hear they're looking at getting onto the Binance Launchpad.

>> No.15427303

way to prove you know nothing about chz, its not even a labs project moron

>> No.15427376

How else here having FUN

>> No.15427457

Add me to the group, telegram name is @thesilent1

>> No.15427477

Add me too @moneymaker666

>> No.15427588
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Don’t you mean Ultra?

>> No.15427802

gaming sure will be big, i mean all sorts of segments focusing on it even tho its not even their core business... so anyway about the ULTRA UOS i like it, but why not in future all those famous titles and game devs why wouldnt they just run their blockchains, coins, platforms etc .. or smthin like EPIC or if Activision blizzard made their own, steam will be cucked, origin dies, uplay will consolidate etc

>> No.15427944

I'm having Telecoin it's about to belisted on Binance said many and waiting for my 10x

>> No.15428274

Epic is really cool right now and much more developer-friendly in comparison to steam due to the fact that they only take around 10% of revenue instead of 30%

>> No.15428280

I was always taught
low cap = large roi
and other way around

>> No.15428672

Discord in my opinion is a serious centralized competitor to steam. They already have the same amount of people using the service as Steam

>> No.15428748

not really, while Ultra is a DIRECT competitor

>> No.15428795

while KFC is sub competitor for all niggers>>15428672

>> No.15429106

Discord unironically has 130M users? They are centralized? I get what Ultra is doing but looking at what Steam and Discord both are doing looks to me more like a comparison.

Ultra is taking on the decentralized gaming ecosystem and that would start out first as a niche but if they play their cards good they can get a lot of market share from centralized players

>> No.15429219

Sub is not, popeyes is. And I thought Ultra was a music festival where you could get easy pussy. This made made me look into the gaming platform

>> No.15429441
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>> No.15429562

Fun sucks ass compared to WIN

>> No.15429634

also instant deposit like UOS?

>> No.15429714

Two implementstions I see are esports betting and player ownership of virtual items or progress.

With smart contracts executing on genuine match results, you can imagine how the CSGO betting scene would massively improve for players and valve not having to be involved.

I think blockchain secured player ownership of their items or characters could bring back the interest in MMO style games. Part of what killed the genre were shutdowns of popular games, destroying the illusion that player progress was permanent or actually mattered.

>> No.15429794

Sell my games? Hell no.

>> No.15429817

Steams spent like the last decade building tools for developers to use in gamedev and marketing... You wouldn't know that unless you're a developer

>> No.15429835
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God I hate this fucking Chink scam artist...

>> No.15429866

Gaming definitely is the most exciting industry right now for Blockchain. Atleast that's how I think about it. 2020 will be big for Blockchain Gaming. I'm sure!