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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15413081 No.15413081 [Reply] [Original]

Do you people actually like your jobs?

>> No.15413120

> 100k
> code for half the day, browse crypto the other half
> lunch break and walks to the park
> snacks/coffee

it's not too bad

>> No.15413175

> 200k
> code for the whole day
> lunch break and walks to the park
> snacks/coffee

it's not too bad

>> No.15413187
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>free rent
>unlimited snacks and weed whenever

>> No.15413189

I like my job but hate working in general. I would like to quit despite having a, by all measurable accounts, excellent job.

>> No.15413200

> 80k
> send 2 hours worth of emails
> trade crypto for the rest of the day
> "manager"

>> No.15413206

> 700k
> code for none of the day
> lunch break at McDonald's and walks to the park
> snacks/coffee
>post fake partnerships on Twitter

it's not too bad

>> No.15413224

Big 4 CPA. Obviously not.

>> No.15413236

>traveling welder
>50 hr week average


>> No.15413248


>> No.15413394


>> No.15413411

I'd obviously like to be my own man but it's not bad. My grandfather had to work sun up to sun down on his farm to have the standard of living I have now. All I have to do is just look at a computer all day and press buttons in an air conditioned room.

>> No.15413633
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I'm really happy with mine. I have good benefits and make an obscene amount of money as a young single guy so I'm able to gamble a lot of money away investing. Feels good man.

>> No.15413650
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>no software devs make 100k a year, ever

>> No.15413667
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mfw $220k/yr work from home master race

>> No.15413776
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>145k sftw engr
>chill team into animu/vidya like me
>no dress code
>wfh whenever you want

>> No.15413830

I feel like I'm my department the higher up the manager food chain you are the more useless you become

Our big boss does a lot. But everyone between him and the rest of us seem to spend their time obfuscating and making sure to squash anyone below them who might streamline things or do their job for cheaper

>> No.15414440

> <100k
> code for a quarter of the day, fill out change review forms for three quarters
> lunch break and walks to meetings in other buildings
> free fruit, but just once piece

What can I say about my time spent at work that hasn't already been said about Belle Knox's vagina? Beat up and worn out.

>> No.15414447

I only make 40k but I do like it

I still have a negative net worth feelsbad

>> No.15414458

>30k eurobucks
>studied communication design for this shit

Hate every fucking second of it and think about suicide constantly.

I know some java and c++ aswell as the front end shut like css html and shit, what should I side study to get a dev job friends?

>> No.15414477
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is learning to code a meme? I think I'm going to stay at my current job for another year to save and pay off debt but if I learn python or some shit will I actually become employable in the 80k range?

keep in mind I know literally nothing about coding

>> No.15414499
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>job as analyst
>focus on implementing/improving processes
>need to get rid of the majority of manual processes for streamlining

sitting cubicles away from people who could potentially be automated out of their job directly from your job is an odd feeling

>> No.15414565

Why the FUCK do you need to be in crypto with a six-figure income? You could literally invest in stonks or index funds and make it in a few years. Regardless of whether Bitcoin goes to 1k or 100k.

>> No.15414577

>help big brand assholes buy millions of dollars / day ad campaigns
>$100k + equity
>cozy perks
>not demanding
>work like 5 hours a day
>no important meetings or assholes breathing down my throat. don’t actually interface with clients often.
>almost too cozy
>kinda sad cuz I’ve got this young primal burning desire to do dope shit and this is kinda a repetitive cozy job that has me locked up
>entrepreneur at heart
what do

>> No.15414584

Men the larp in this thread

>> No.15414586

Diversification is good, anon

>> No.15414602

yes goy stocks will go up forever goy you cannot lose!

dont forget to report all of your taxes (we already have them prepared but just want to see if you'll give us more than you need to) !

>> No.15414639

I landlord, it's ok. Make my own schedule, but sometimes get calls from tenants at shit times. Even had a call while I was on vacation once. Better than having a boss.

>> No.15414654

I never had a job, I'm 25

>> No.15414661

>Telcom industry

anyone i befriend at work ends up quitting. i mostly work with shithead boomers and there are no attractive women in this office. that said, the benefits are great and the stock has been outperforming like a motherfucker. things could be worse i guess.

>> No.15414672

You have to pay taxes in crypto too. Doesn't matter if it takes 10 years, the IRS will literally come after you if you used ID for any kind of transactions.

>> No.15414897
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> 0K
> lunch break and walks to the park
> snacks/coffee

it's not too bad

>> No.15415094
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Wagecuck here.
I work for best buy part time and wait tables on the weekends and sell lsd on the side.

>Best Buy $11/hr
>Server $50-100 a night
>Buy $6 a tab, sell for $15 a tab

I gotta figure something else out before I kms

>> No.15415121

Mate what the fuck are you saying how new are you

>> No.15415125

I feel like the only person here with a mediocre job making $16/hr around here. Literally everywhere I go it's bachelor's degree this or 5 years experience that. How the fuck do you escape the mediocre job cycle?

Moreover, what % of these posts are LARPs?

>> No.15415141

Either go to school, get promoted, or get lucky. Most likely some combination of all three.

>> No.15415217

FAANG software dev. The $ is juicy but the work culture is why I stay. People fight to earn trust, keep promises, call out bullshit and say “no” without social pressure, and never pretend to understand things if they’re confused. Useless meetings get cut short and people who find ways to get things done are rewarded.

It is so great. But not for someone who wants to coast.

>> No.15415220
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>gas station attendant
>45-50k kangaroo dollars depending on overtime for the year
>customers are pretty chill, mostly tradesmen
>gotten the cold 3 times this year
>bogans can be annoying as fuck
eh, its not too bad a job honestly. shame you need to earn 70k at least before you start getting any real savings to pile up on a single income, plus nobody will give me a loan without a full time contract and my job is casual.
>crypto is doing shit atm too

>> No.15415296
File: 53 KB, 800x450, 36F261FC-B83A-45A0-8A52-C373758CC3AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Temp staffing agent
>micromanaging neurotic fuck for a boss
>job constantly hanging in the balance
>not enough time to take a shit at work
>dealing with 400 niggers every god-damn mother-fucking shit-eating piss-drinking ass-fucking fart-sniffing bitch-punching cum-guzzling day

It’s not too bad

>> No.15415306
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>40k€ in savings
> 14 k in cash
> 15 k in dividends stonks
> 3k in gold
> 3k in crypto
and >3k in p2p lending around 12% interest a year
> passive income this year around 1k€

no rent , no food cost and living with parents with 25yo
gonna do this at least until the very moment i save 100k€ and then find a gf to breed her

>> No.15415339

6 months of daily coding or practicing CS fundamentals will get you far. Don’t be a full stack/boot camp monkey otherwise you’ll be placed out of a job months after you get it. Learn C/C++ because it’s extremely important to understand computer architecture and memory management also assembly language is a bitch to learn. Once you feel confident in your C and C++ you’re free to move onto higher level languages such as python etc. all it takes is dedication. Take those 6 months and go MONK mode and work on your CS skills, mind, body, and finances (be prepared to wagecuck). Before you start applying to jobs, take an extra month or 2 to do leetcode challenge problems. I promise you’ll be way ahead and more knowledgeable than most people applying. Also managers will see how much hard work you’ve put in and will be likely to offer you a job. Everyone loves an honest hard worker.

>> No.15415361

i'm a graphic designer, also do a bit of light animation for some projects. the pay is pretty fucking bad though i am just starting out full-time. that being said i love it minus dealing with our retarded fucking marketing department.

>> No.15415412
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> 500 GBP (As long as I clean out my piss bottles and cum jugs)
> play CS:source for half the day, post on 4chan for the other
>order pizza for lunch or mommy makes me tendies
>take regular fap breaks

It's not so bad.

>> No.15415685
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>3rd world country
>500, yes fucking 500 not 500k
>8 hrs code for a stupid expedia-like website
>no lunch or snacks free

any idea which company is welcome with remote work?

>> No.15415695

Hi sir gay

>> No.15415697 [DELETED] 


>> No.15415701


>> No.15415906

>$220-250 a month
>51 hours a week 6/1
>car insurance

[spoler]thank you russia very cool[/spoler]

>> No.15415915

I'm so poor I can't even make a proper spoiler

>> No.15415947

500/month is what neetbux will get you in the UK if you're disabled. try fucking living here on that much. soon by the way to be reduced to 300.

>> No.15416101

are those posts all larps?

im studying accounting and finance, what can i expect?

>> No.15416126

>Average income in city is $30k
>Engineer in furniture frame factory
>Work hard and efficiently as possible so I can go home after 7 and a half hours
>I burn out after then anyway
>Have to deal with too many customers and they're always trying to add more
>Just want to get laid off and enjoy the NEET life for as long as I can before blowing my brains out

I'm so over wageslaving
Why should I even have to work for a society that won't let me have a gf

>> No.15416134


>> No.15416163

Peter principle, the higher up you get thr more incompetent you become.

>> No.15416249

>I do basically everything at a large resort on night shift
>Maintenance, laundry, shuttling employees, security, housekeeping, etc.
>Spend half my time working, half my time slacking off depending on how busy we are
>Botched another suicide attempt last week so you can guess how much I like it

I just want out

>> No.15416386

How many hours a day? I wage 10+ hours a day

>> No.15416394

Sergey plz dont say truth

>> No.15416426
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I literally make gold.

CBD biz is niceeeee.

>> No.15416487

Been thinking about getting into this with a coworker. We were thinking of growing flower to start out and moving to oil extraction as well as the business grows. Any advice?

>> No.15416508

Probably more profitable to start a white label and sell cbd products. Too man big boys like my lab in the game now. Unless you have a few mil to throw down.

Whitelabel is easy 10x roi

>> No.15416542
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>12k euro a year
> army
> only pro is free health care when you finally break your body

Thi... This is fine guise..

>> No.15416560

It is a meme. If everyone would be able to code, than why are coders starting at 120 IQ, and up to 50% CS students drop out? It's because you need to be already inteligent to do it. And take into consideration, that CS degree barely touches, what you'll need to know as a programmer. If programming is not your hobby, you will never make it in this field.

>> No.15416669

Same. How many years you got in?

>> No.15416766

Somewhat, but not that much, but it's okay, I invest all my money into index funds

>> No.15416779
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>90k+commission and promotion/stock option every 6 months+3% pay increase yearly to maintain cpi
>work 5-7 days a week
>tons of free time in the middle of the day tho
>get to go home whenever I please while on the clock as long as above certain quota
>golf and tennis with the boss and collegues free of charge
breddy gud

>> No.15416830

>Reminder that programming is a mentally intensive job, requiring YEARS of full dedication by sitting in front of a computer on end, and even then you will be outshined by younger, smarter kids sooner than you realize.

>Anybody making 100k lives in high cost of living city, where everything is marked up 100% and there are enough additional hidden fees to make your head spin.

That being said, anyone who's had capital support for the past 25+ Years is living like an Egyptian king.

>> No.15416949

Put you're LSD profits into a stablecoin and deposit into compound, nexo, or celsius and make 6-%10 annual.

Ez clap

>> No.15416975

I work in retail because I cant get an IT job because I lack proper math degrees (I have dyscalculia).

I finished as a network technician, but I was unlucky with my appointed apprenticeship (I had to be some sort of IT support at a school), and I couldn't find an IT job that didn't require all these math degrees.

I hate my life. I finished with 16 A's, every computer subject I aced, but I can't find a fucking job because I can't do advanced math.

I wageslave as a parttime desk clerk, its so humiliating. I live on breadcrumbs.

>> No.15417008

>and even then you will be outshined by younger, smarter kids sooner than you realize.
I don't necessarily think this is true, experience matters.
However, they will be eager to work longer hours than you. After all the shit I've seen, I can't throw any more weekends into the black hole projects any more.

I can relate to this.
Good pay, flexible hours, all the work is pretty easy but repetitive.
I really can't complain, but in two years when my equity finishes vesting I'll be out of there quick.

>> No.15417617
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Listen to spotify for 70% of the day.
Long walks.
Most co workers are white (currently estonians).
No HR women.
What women there are are cock hungry backpacker sluts.
Based coworkers are mostly white fellas who hate mudslimes.
Diversity is one based maori bro who was hired because he's a good drill operator.

Its pretty comfy and beats being in an office.

>> No.15417650
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>12€ an hour student job
>flexible hours
>insane pressure to deliver, but complete autonomy over my own software project
>no code review
>no unit tests
>can basically do what the fuck I want and walk in and out like I own the place

It's a piss poor salary, but I wouldn't want to trade those freedoms for twice my rate. Once I finally finish college my company is going to make me an actual employee. Once that happens, I'm going to miss all those freedoms I have right now. I also live like 3 minutes away on bicycle.

8/10. Pretty good. Aside from the fact that I am 24 years old and stuck in undergrad hell.

>> No.15417712

No needs for deep math knowledge bud in most cases. I make very good money working as a JS developer

>> No.15418238

Lost it

>> No.15418425

>it's not too bad
Is this really what you want from your life?

>> No.15418440

Yeah cant complain. 60-70k a year depending upon how lazy I am and how much shit I feel like selling. Service writer at a car dealership so, I get the fortune of listening to faggots cry about stupid shit a lot like, failing state inspection for wiper blades etc but overall, other than whiney faggots - its not bad at all.

>> No.15418642

You work on an oil rig? How the fuck are you meeting backpacker sluts on the job lol

>> No.15419044

swimming blubbernauts, lost at sea. slim by the time they drift that far. plus will do anything for a sandwich and arrive washed.

>> No.15419073

What I don't like is driving like an hour and a half to get to work, traffic is hell in third world shitholes, but I'm moving to Norway soon.

>> No.15419133

What is the alternative? Don't say being a NEET because the guilt of leeching off others to survive feels worse than working does.

>> No.15419154

And that's why you don't trade. You mine and don't care if it's not profitable. You fucking hoard anonymous coins and HODL long time.