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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15412638 No.15412638 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck it, how do I get into Chainlink?

>> No.15412913

Well, I guess I'll GOOGLE it then....

>> No.15412925

>download coinbase
>pump your life savings into LINK
>complain on /biz/ about being financially ruined


>> No.15412931

Yeah you do that retard

>> No.15412949

I don't know if you should even bother buying it at this point in time. Shit is weird right now.
You can't deposit usd in most exchanges. You would have to go on "coinbase pro" and deposit the usd there (they take like a fucking week to have the money deposited). Binance was good, but the u.s. is filled with mother fucking retards so now we won't be able to use binance anymore and they will launch a u.s. version which I assume will have more expensive fees because that's how the u.s. works. Take and take from people. Bunch of fucking thiefs don't want you to get ahead in life. There's bittrex. Bithumb too I guess. Fuck..

>> No.15412983

Googling stuff can be quite daunting you know. Even though that's the dumbest thing to say since we literally have the engine gateway to most human knowledge at our disposal yet it's too "boring" or "intimidating" to use

>> No.15413008

I see. I see. Well, thanks for the info, m80. I might get me hands of like a hundred LINKs though just in case /biz/ is right

Don't worry i'm not dumb enough to dump everything into one investment

>> No.15413021

Here's a little thank you

>> No.15413148
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>> No.15414301

Suck sirgoys dick lmao