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1536053 No.1536053 [Reply] [Original]

im a socially awkward neet loser retard who doesnt know how to do anything

all i want in my life is $20,000 a year income ive never been able to make any money

i want to live in a small apartment by myself thats my entire hopes and dreams to get away from being dependent on my parents

im 22 and ive been homeless and a neet for 8 years

how do i make even 15k a year? is that asking too much? its basically poverty level. i could live off of that though . its all ive ever wanted in my life just that basic small amount to live by myself

i dont want to be a 9-5 fast food wagie! or walmart wagie! please help

i cant physically handle the stress of having to wake up at a set time and go talk to people outside . u might not understand this but i really cant live like that . when u are forced to get up in the morning even on the days u dont want to. i cant do it it makes me want to kill myself more than i already do

>> No.1536062

Cause you put so much effort in


>> No.1536064
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Just to clarify, you are lazy and uneducated and you want to know how to make money without putting in any effort?

>> No.1536066


>he doesn't want to be another man's slave so he must be lazy!

>> No.1536067

its not that i dont want to put any effort i just want to be happy

and the idea of a constant 9-5 every week every day every year of your life and it never ending and getting peaceful neet time to your own?

that sounds like hell

i cant do that i just need a small amount of money
not hand my life over to slavery

>> No.1536070

No he is lazy because he won't put in any effort to reach the level that he wants to

>> No.1536071

Working 9-5 IS hell but unless you have rich parents you will need to do it for at least the short-term so you can build up capital to invest in something more fulfilling.

>> No.1536073

Who gets dressed before they take a shit?

>> No.1536074

Sounds he doesn't want to do anything at all

Just find some secret code to never work again that falls from the sky

>I don't want to work minimum wage
>I don't have any skills, education or experience
>I don't know anything
>I've been a neet for 8 years

>I want to make money doing nothing!
Lol good luck

>> No.1536075


like what........ if ur working your job at mc wage cuck and basically just paying off your bills

you might be saving a little bit of money but its like.......... honestly going to get you nowhere

and youll just be even more sad

getting a job like that to me isnt really getting anything because its a huge trade off you work 5 days a week for 8 hours....... there goes 90% of your life doing something u dont want

>> No.1536077


Neetbux, maybe?

>> No.1536080

Well are you doing what you want now?

Are you happy as a NEET?

Wake up buttercup, there's nothing free in this life. You can't always do everything you want

>> No.1536083

ill be happy as a neet with independence and freedom and money to do what i want in my own place

thats my dream

im not asking for a big house and a pool and a boat and a nice car

i want the shittiest bottom of the barrel

i dont care i just want to escape and be on my own because living with other people who dont want you, doesnt work.

a lot of conflict

trading 90% of my day at being a slave though is just as bad

so theres a dilemma

life is shit

im already trying to get neetbux for 5 years now

still have a lawyer on the case

>> No.1536094

Why don't you just get a job you fuck

You're clearly unhappy as a NEET. Maybe if you got a job you'd make some friends, msybe get a girlfriend and have some motivation.

You talk about all this "doing what I want" "muh freedom".

But lets look at the facts.

you say you've been a NEET for years.
What have you done over these years?

You have 8 hrs of sleep, 16 hours of freetime per day.
what do you do every day?

Surely you must have learned SOME sort of skill, right?

You're probsbly really smart in a few areas right?

Spill the beans, what have you done with your time as a free man, not bound by the slavery of work?

>> No.1536099

Look buddy, you know why you are an entitled lazy sack of shit? It's because the shittiest bottom of the barrel is very far down below from what you want.

>> No.1536101

Unless you have capital or someone to lend you capital, wagecuck for a few months and save money, then use the money to start a business

>> No.1536105

Starting a business is harder than "wagecucking".

He'll never cut it. He just wants free money with no effort

>> No.1536107

>Surely you must have learned SOME sort of skill, right?
I learned how to cum without being full hard.

>> No.1536110

>Why don't you just get a job you fuck

because its permanent

when u get a job ur saying ok im going to wake up every day at 6 am for the next 40 years ...... thats a terrible deal

you dont see it like that but thats how i see it

i cant just tag on a job like its no big deal

it doesnt matter how many "skills" i have, i still cant make money

without going through the whole professional process

its a nightmare , you act like its so easy and you just "pick up a skill and start making money" no it doesnt work that way

thats why i asked if 15k a year was too much to ask for?

i feel like thats way below the average of 53,000$ per year in the united states

>> No.1536117

>average of 53,000$ per year in the united states

And you guys feel like killing yourselves with such an average? Wow... I literally make $8k a year in a 9-5. Yes, it sucks so freaking much.

>> No.1536119

Foreign fags need to stop complaining about their low wages while ignoring their super low costs of living.

>> No.1536124

Watch some motivational videos, take a year or two to learn programming, apply to Google, work a few hours with super cool perks, ???, profit

>> No.1536125


>super low costs of living.

Sorry. no.. Not at all. I can barely but anything for me that isn't related to basic needs.

>> No.1536129

So your basic needs are met? Don't know why you're complaining then.

>> No.1536130

simply knowing how to program doesnt earn you money

they want people with degrees and experience and specialty technology that i wouldnt bother ever looking into

they dont hire a high school drop out who claims he knows how to program

>> No.1536131


If by basic needs we are talking about food, then yes.

>> No.1536133

>nothing in this life is free
>you have to work hard to live if you wasn't born rich
>work and hate your life like me
I was forced into this life in a shit country and after 20 years I realized that I don't want to work shit jobs dealing with assholes for 30+ years living like a slave to save money. (I worked 2+ years like that)
>oh just kill yourself
Ok, I think I will
>Oh, NO! Suicide is a temporary solution to a permanent problem
>Here, take these pills! Now that you're sedated will you just shut up and go back to being a slave?

>> No.1536134

I'm a hard worker but I'm probably fucking stupid when it comes to business decisions. I know I can wagecuck and save like Jew for a while to make my own business, but how do I not be a total failure and blow my investments, putting me back to square one?

>> No.1536136

:( sorry bro i feel for you

>> No.1536137

>>Oh, NO! Suicide is a temporary solution to a permanent problem

More like a permanent solution to a permanent problem.

>> No.1536141

So then what do you want?

You're not even doing anything with all your freetime.

You've been a neet for years dude. Describe your average day. What do you do for 16 hours a day????

>> No.1536142

Dude, you can make money just doing front-end 'programming' nowadays, I mean, do you want to die being a low-life scum or take matter into your own hands and AT LEAST try something before you die and go into nothingness?

>> No.1536153

i go on 4chan all day long and youtube

because its futile to try to make money for me

i can sit here for 10 hours thinking about how to make money and i never come up with anything

> you can make money just doing front-end 'programming' nowadays

no you cant

where are these magic people giving money away to do basic programming

it doesnt exist its all outsourced or some guy with 40 years experience gobbles it up

>> No.1536154

Okay so let's sum this all up.

>Hello guys, I have no skills, no money, no experience, no education, no work ethic, I don't want to work a job, I can't do anything but I want money

Wtf answer are you expecting?


I'm done replying to this thread and I recommend everyone do the same, too many of these /r9k/ neets have come here for "advice". They don't want help.

He's going to make an excuse no matter what you tell him unless you literally wire him money.

>Start a business maybe?
>No I can't!

>Get a job?
>No I don't want to wagecuck!

>Maybe learn a skill such as programming?
>No! Too hard they only hire [made up EXAGGERATION]

Why even bother. You're going to be a neet firevere, kys or get used to it. The problem is your attitude

>> No.1536155
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Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.

>> No.1536156

>it's futile to make money for me

Looks like you're set.

Why make the thread then if you know it's futile?

>> No.1536159

>Front-end programming
and how do you want to make money from that?
Good luck competing with pajeets on fiverr

>> No.1536163


and thats why life sucks

and im just saying hey this sucks

making money is futile

because i cant do it

not that i dont want money

>> No.1536167

Yeah it does suck

Are you going to adapt to it or just let your only life pass you by, you lazy faggot? I know I said I wouldn't reply but fuck people like you make me mad.

You HAVE ONE LIFE. And you waste it refusing to improve.

I mean man. You talk about all this freetime but then you spend it on 4chan and YouTube. You're not even making use of it to accomplish your goals or anything

>> No.1536174

i dont know what to do i really dont

it seems like the economy is a very tight box thats already been fitted and the world goes on and nobody really spends any money on anything besides the large corporations

you cant improve yourself

you can only be a slave which is a stagnant death trap for eternity, i dont feel like youre getting anywhere when you accept the wagie life

>> No.1536182

start with a job, loser

>> No.1536183

But you are

You're gaining experience and building funds to start a business, retire or whatever else.

>You can't improve yourself

Why can I improve myself then, and so can almost everyone around you? Are you a special snowflake?

The fact is you don't want to. You're lazy. You've had 16 hours x 52 x however many years of neet to learn skills.

You could've used the internet to learn any skill in the world but you chose not to

>> No.1536185

I mean x 365

If you were a neet for 5 years you had almost 30,000 hours of freetime. What did you do with it?

achieved any goals?

>> No.1536187

you dont get what im saying
i could be a fucking expert in 50 things it doesnt automatically mean im making money.

you have to interact with people and theres a marketing element

and you have to find customers some how

and you have to have money to start a business

and you say "start a business" or "learn a skill" but you never say WHAT THAT ACTUALLY MEANS.

What are you talking about? give me a road map on how to turn a profit.

i seriously dont know how to do it

i could be a guy who juggles on an elephant while jumping off a 300 ft diving board and does a barrel roll when i land

doesnt mean im turning a profit

>> No.1536188

Why do you keep saying how impossible it is to make money, and how you need to go through "the professional process" There is literally millions of people who make good money, and millions of people who have jobs they enjoy, and don't have to wake up at 6am. Get a job as an overnight security guard, or Late night shelf stacker, or be a waiter, you are literally pissing your life away without any attempt at making something of yourself.

8 Years a NEET and you haven't even read books, learnt to program, or gained any knowledge. I hope you are a troll because if not you are the definition of Human Waste.

>> No.1536189

I'm trying to earn money online for a year now

I've tried amazon affiliate program
I made a review website about a product
made only around $100

made a micro niche website
made $0

made a porn tumblr blog advertising porn sites and made ~$200

mfw only scamming people who want to make money online is profitable on longer terms

>> No.1536194

>Get a job as an overnight security guard, or Late night shelf stacker, or be a waiter, you are literally pissing your life away

and thats not pissing my life away?

i have to go be a fucking waitor or stock shelves for hours upon hours to finally get to enjoy something

its not worth it to dedicate MOST of your waking hours on this stupid shit it voids the freedom that i truly want

in my own home, not having to wake up and be somewhere because some guy told me to

>> No.1536196


People like you make me laugh. You'll come down to two choices. Either you'll get over your fear and be forced to work and communicate with those around you or you will die of starvation or cold. At some point your natural instinct will kick in when you get to the final, worst moment of your life and you'll either force yourself to get better or die. It's the same thing with hardcore drug addicts.

>> No.1536199


Sorry, meant to quote >>1536187

>> No.1536201

Ever tried Google?

You can learn all that, and you learn it by trying different things until one works.

>You have to interact with people
Yeah no shit what's your point

Just go to /r9k/ dude I'm sure they'll appreciate you

Why cant you see that youre a lazy piece of shit that doesn't want to do anything and doesn't deserve to earn money?



YOU JUST CONSUME, you're a worthless burden on everyone, especially your family

>> No.1536204


you havnt told me what to do yet

instead you provide invisible guidelines and then blame me when i dont know what you mean

>> No.1536210

It gives you purpose you fuck-up, something to wake up and do, You could get the same from learning a hobby or a skill but you refuse to do that too because you are worthless.

We aren't your fucking guardian angel or your mentor, no one is gonna do tell you exactly what to do. Figure it out for yourself with the hoards of information available to you, no one wants to spoon feed you.

Learn how to live your own life, it's called the Human Experience and literally everyone else in the world does it.

>> No.1536215

Wtf do u want?

Do you want me to somehow make a lifemap and schedule for you? Do you want me to live your life for you?

Figure out on your fucking own

>> No.1536216

well i havnt figured out the human experience im still trying to figure it out

i cant fathom how most the population works 40 hours a week

they must be EXTREMELY BORED PEOPLE if they can find "purpose" in that type of pointless dispensable wage cuckery

they can hire someone the next day if you die lmao

>> No.1536217

>doesn't deserve to earn money
Have you looked around lately? This world is a bad joke

>> No.1536220

This "person" doesn't want to do a single thing

How is that different from you though?

You spend over 40 hours a week on 4chan and youtube. You don't even get paid for it. That's way more boring than any job

At least at McDonald's you'd make friends and work with hot teenage girls

>> No.1536226

>Wtf do u want?

i explained it in my op
i want an apartment and be a neet inside of it

with still enough money for food and toilet paper and basic things

way below average income

>At least at McDonald's you'd make friends and work with hot teenage girls

i live in a city with like 75% mexicans and niggers and the whites are old people

theres no "hot teenage girls" america is a 3rd world country now

>That's way more boring than any job

im saying the idea that a job is a "way to find purpose" is only for the most idiotic retards i can imagine

theyre not meaningful or purposeful objectively

thats a way for wage cucks to trick themselves into accepting their existence

and they think that all you can do is watch tv if you have a day off

theyre really bored people they dont know what to do with themselves.

ive seen them scramble around the house cleaning things that are already clean because they have a day off of work they dont know what to do when theyre not at work

its sad.. i dont want to be degraded to that

>> No.1536228
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>he actually thinks he can escape the slave class

>> No.1536234

You want those things, so does everyone.

But you forgot to mention what you're willing to do for them. Care to fill me in on that so I can offer better advice?

>> No.1536237

doesnt matter what im willing to do

id probably jump off a cliff and try to land so i only break an arm or 2

but that doesnt mean someone is going to put the money into my pocket

>what you're willing to do for them

you dont simply do a set number of tasks and then you GET IT.

no its a perpetual offering of slavery that youre offering me.

you dont work for a year at mcdonalds and then go FUCK YES I GET TO BE A NEET NOW . nope , you buried your grave the day you signed up

if you quit your job , you lose your house, you lose everything and you end up on the street

>> No.1536238
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>its sad.. i dont want to be degraded to that
Yet you're a socially awkward neet loser retard who is apparently homeless even though he's posting on the internet.

>> No.1536239

>Accept their existence

And how are you fighting it lol

What's your alternative?

>> No.1536241

When I worked I hated everyone in the office, so I can understand OP
But they were all at least 10 years older than me and gossip idiots, so I guess they ruined office jobs for me
Sometimes I still dream about working there... then I wake up, calm down and love my NEET life.. is it PTSD?
I'd love to keep living like this if I could make only ~$300 online without human interaction /and without scamming people like me/

>> No.1536244

i said i was homeless several times in the past

im not homeless anymore because i caught a disease and i would have died without being in a home so my mom took me back in

>> No.1536248

How does it not matter

You wrote what you want, but what is it that you're willing to do in exchange? Or do you just want someone else to work and give you these things?

What is the point of this thread.

Do you want help or not?

>> No.1536253

>but what is it that you're willing to do in exchange?

re read the post

if there was a set number of tasks that i could do on a bulletin board that could get me those things i would do them

but the reality is, you only have those things SO LONG as you are in that damn mcdonalds day in and day out

as soon as you want out, you lose everything

so there is no "what youre willing to do"

its more like a never ending duty

>> No.1536255

>Mom took me back in

So I take is your mom is a "wagecuck"?

Have you ever told your mom how you feel about work, as you have in this thread?

How would you like it if your mom embraced your worldview and stopped being a wagecuck and told you to fuck off because she doesn't want to slave all day to support a grown man?

>> No.1536258

Yes you do. So what is your point?

What answer are you looking for? A secret? You answer your own questions. Either kill yourself or go back to being homeless. No other option

>> No.1536261

>How would you like it if your mom embraced your worldview and stopped being a wagecuck and told you to fuck off because she doesn't want to slave all day to support a grown man?

she already did that to me and practically killed me

so i would feel pretty shit and probably dead in a few days if she did that again because im dependent on medical supplies to live

>So I take is your mom is a "wagecuck"?

yes, shes a miserable fat nasty women
like a wicked witch , especially when she gets home from work you can tell her stress levels are highest

its nasty what wage cucking will do to a person

>> No.1536264

And yet you're dependent on her to survive

Maybe you need wagecucks afterall?

>> No.1536267

Not OP but I've talked about my feelings with my mom
She said that she doesn't suffer in a job like that, in fact she enjoys working with her co-workers
She asked me to see a psychiatrist and I did a few times, even took pills but it didn't work

>> No.1536271

>because im dependent on medical supplies to live


>> No.1536272

Okay well maybe if you neet for another 10 years you'll finally get money for free

I mean that's how it works, right?

>> No.1536274

no im not... its the way this economic system mankind has created is set up which causes these problems
and the way of the city life with "jobs" which used to mean slavery

were supposed to be born on family farms where youre guaranteed work to make a living from the fruits of your own labor

not this fucking cluster fuck where they throw you out onto the street and try to get some rich guy to give you money and justify your existence to them

>> No.1536277

not in my country
no NEETbux for me

>> No.1536280

What is your basis for us to "supposed to be born" a certain way? Because you said so?

Also would you even be willing to work on a farm? That's harder than mcdonalds

Also farms do exist. You can work at one next week if you wanted, but the work is hard

>> No.1536281

Sell your butthole on Backpage.
Inb4 suck cock: OP is too lazy to suck cocks.

>> No.1536283

because thats how it worked for thousands upon thousands of years. people worked on farms

and no i cant work on a farm in the manner that im talking about because first of all the hire immigrants from other countries....

and secondly it would basically be another form of wage cucking

because its still owned by one big head of show at the top

instead of directly reaping your own profits

>> No.1536285

At least you wouldn't have to smile at cows while they shout your head off for some cold french fries

>> No.1536287

you'll find any excuse wont you?

>I can't do that they only hire people with degrees!

>I can't do that they only hire immigrants!

They hire anyone willing to work you lazy fuck. I bet you haven't even tried.

I know multiple people who worked on farms and they weren't immigrants.

>Instead of reaping your own profits
The only way to do that is to start a business, which you don't want to do.

>> No.1536290


if there was a situation where it was like you get payed for what you pick ... i would do that

that makes sense to me

but i have a feeling its more harsh normies who say you have to get X done by today and if you dont then ur fired. thats a stressful terrible fast paced environment

I DONT WANT A WAGE. i want exactly what i earn i dont care how long it takes i would pick the oranges for 20 hours a day but its about the FREEDOM of being able to say . i want to stop right now. i want to go home and lay down

but harsh normies have all this weird regulation and set ups where they force you to stress yourself out because of TIME.

most jobs are WAGE JOBS they are on your NECK for not MOVING FASTER like a slave.

no i want to work for 40 hours straight but at the pace of a snail because my arms dont feel good today

they dont respect the human cycle. they force you to become a robot.

i would fucking love to pick fruit for a living, they got machines doing it now though. why do they need me?

why do they need me when they can pay paco 2$ a day? theres infinite numbers of pacos in the world

>> No.1536297

Stop whacking it to porn, your body will naturally attempt to seek out mates and better yourself.

>> No.1536303

im already on no fap
but when ur this much of a loser and dont have any sources of outreach to anything

like no friends from the past or shit like that

you end up just going crazy once you crack and then binge fapping/ binge eating food/ or some people drink alcohol or whatever they do to basically numb themselves

no fap until inevitably you go back into the cycle.

because i got nothing to do

>> No.1536309

I've tried nofap too
It works for a week, increased clarity of mind, more energy
But when you don't channel that energy into something creative you will end up feeling worse

>> No.1536310

>trading 90% of my day at being a slave though is just as bad

I think you mean 50%. If you work 8 hours, and sleep 8 hours, you will have 8 hours of free time a day.

>> No.1536312

>because its permanent

No it's not you can literally quit the day you're hired if you want

>> No.1536315

>No it's not you can literally quit the day you're hired if you want

which would effectively do nothing
jobs are permanent

>> No.1536317

Pretty sure Google wouldn't hire him. You could get a decent job somewhere though with some computer skills (IT doesn't take too much skill right?)

>> No.1536319

you can do home health aide
40 hours for the class (in virginia)
then you just show up at some elderly person's home and help them with their daily life (it's not glamorous, and a bit boring sometimes, but it's not very stressful unless you're dealing with someone with alzheimer's or with serious impairments (like no bowel controls))
I mean it's pretty easy. if you can make your own bed, pop food in the microwave, shop for food, and sweep, you're good to go (for the easy cases at least)

>> No.1536323

Right >>1536211

>> No.1536324


if you add the commute/preparation for work that's at least another hour

>> No.1536325

free time isnt "free time" when you had to wake up at 6:30 your whole mood was ruined

its already late at night and your tired as fuck when you get home

and you have all that free time to look forward to doing it again the next day

>> No.1536327

and lying awake in the bed thinking about how you hate your job is another few hours

>> No.1536332
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Move to Holland and get serious bux. I get like 25-30k a year if u add it all up.

>> No.1536333

that sounds pretty ok but im pretty sure the nursing market would be overly saturated with females and women who went to college for nursing

it would be very very awkward imo too tho
i got nothing to do with old people

>> No.1536335

Does holland accept immigrants who offer the country nothing these days?

>> No.1536336

>you can only be a slave which is a stagnant death trap for eternity, i dont feel like youre getting anywhere when you accept the wagie life

Do you feel like you're getting somewhere now? Are you really free when you're wasting your life away on YouTube and 4chan?

Sure work can suck but if you do it you can gain independence (which is pretty satisfying), you can make friends, and you can actually do cool shit in your free time because you'll have money. Plus when you're forced to work you might find your brain compensates and you'll have more energy overall to do things with your life (in my experience).

You keep talking about how much the wage life sucks but how is your current life any better?

One final thing: maybe you're just super depressed or have severe ADHD in which case you should probably see a psychiatrist/therapist which might help you get your life together.

>> No.1536340

Jesuschrist, I'd earn that much in 7 years with my last full time job
Can I move to Holland from another EU country and get benefits there?
What should I do? Play the autism card?
Or just stand in the line of immigrants from middle east pretend that I'm from Shittistan?

>> No.1536341

>What should I do? Play the autism card?
Yes, it worked for me
>Or just stand in the line of immigrants from middle east pretend that I'm from Shittistan?
I suppose you can just literally walk here and jsut throw away ur passport. Nobody can send u back if they dont know where ur from.

>> No.1536342

>but how is your current life any better?

the fact that i dont have to worry about having to wake up again and again and again and be somewhere when i dont want to be

i want to pick when i want to work

do you know any employers that allow you to come and go?

>> No.1536347

>its not worth it to dedicate MOST of your waking hours on this stupid shit

Seriously, don't put it in all caps if it's false. 8 hours a day is only half of your waking hours if you sleep 8 hours, and most people sleep even less so most of your time would be free.

And that's if you choose to work 8 hours a day. With your standards you might be able to get the income you want just working part time (and 4 hours a day is nothing really)

>> No.1536349

>8 hours a day is only half of your waking hours

pffft. no.

if you are working an 8 hour day you might as well count the day vanished

ur lying to yourself otherwise

>> No.1536351

>its not worth it to dedicate MOST of your waking hours on this stupid shit

Not all of them have shitty boring jobs. Lots of them found good ones through education or entrepreneurship.

>> No.1536358

my country doesn't let in illegal immigrants to protect the EU
I can't get welfare or free mental health support for my depression and severe anxiety
If I go to McDonalds I can work for $2.7/hour
I don't want to give up, but don't know what to do

>> No.1536359

>i live in a city with like 75% mexicans and niggers and the whites are old people

Then move racist coward

theres no "hot teenage girls" america is a 3rd world country now

Dumbass. It's only a third world country if you're too lazy to work.

>im saying the idea that a job is a "way to find purpose" is only for the most idiotic retards i can imagine
>theyre not meaningful or purposeful objectively

Oh but browsing 4chan and YouTube is?

>> No.1536364

>when you don't channel that energy into something creative you will end up feeling worse
Am I missing something here? That pushes you to do something creative. Sounds like a positive to me.

>> No.1536367

Oh shit, you can make really good friends with old rich people and they might include you in their inheritance. Thanks anon, I just might do this!

>> No.1536368

>OP refuses to work
>wants to get money for doing nothing
Literal scum you are OP. Please hang yourself

>> No.1536369

youve got farm life all wrong neetbro. i was just like you until i dragged myself into the boonies and forced myself to do these shitty manual labour farm jobs and its nothing like youd imagine.
>tfw skinny pasty weak 5'5" manlet with no skills
>force myself to keep going and not give up
>surrounded by chinks, tfw bosses like you more even if youre slower for not being a soulless yellow orc
>get /fit/ while being paid
>piecerate not wage so you can work as fast or slow as you want (actually harder because it requires you to self-motivate)
>nobody gives a fuck if youre a loser you make more friends one year than in 10
>git gud with nipponess, take holiday overseas at end of every season (max 3 months) and still have tonnes of cash
>tfw started with NOTHING and now have expensive wardrobe, own truck, fit body with 11/10 qt3.14 to travel the world with every few weeks. funded entirely by picking fruit.

git gud neetbro you have no idea how good dat lyf be

>> No.1536373

Try Uber.

>> No.1536374
File: 955 KB, 1920x1080, 1432337354217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I feel like there's going to be more threads like this in the future?

The NEET problem appears to be growing in the west and is starting to mirror Japan. Eventually, people are going to want to do the absolute minimum, forego things like dating and marriage, and just live alone in squalor.

What the fuck happened to cause all of this?

>> No.1536375

How is 8 hours nothing? Are you really is dumb?

>> No.1536378

The question is, how do we capitalize on the ever-growing neet population? They're not rich but some of them are bound to spend what money they do have on stupid shit.

>> No.1536381

none of that was coherent

you just said shitty manual labour farm jobs sucks and then you said how good it was in your green text

what are you saying?

i dont have a car that is newer than 2006 so they denied me

>> No.1536382
File: 40 KB, 300x373, 1461657217431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>tfw started with NOTHING and now have expensive wardrobe, own truck, fit body with 11/10 qt3.14 to travel the world with every few weeks. funded entirely by picking fruit.
>git gud neetbro you have no idea how good dat lyf be

>> No.1536383

No it isn't

4chan doesn't reflect real life. I didn't even know NEETs existed until 4chan

>> No.1536390

>forego things like dating and marriage, and just live alone in squalor.

its not that we want to be alone and live a shitty life its that ive never even had the bare minimum before....

i dont desire that of course i would want more but i atleast want the bare minimum in my life

>What the fuck happened to cause all of this?

lack of economic opportunity
its that simple

>> No.1536396

Just start a company bro its easy

>> No.1536398

So how do other people in your country survive?

Surely most people work, right?

>> No.1536403

theres like a 58% workforce participation rate

rest are neets, old people on Social security, single moms , blacks , people living in house with many people

all kinds of fucked up situations now a days

>> No.1536410

What country?

Are you really worse than 58% of people?

>> No.1536412
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united states

>> No.1536417

cant wait until Obama is done and we can get trump in here to cut off money to faggots like this OP so they can just starve to death and finally fuck off

>> No.1536419

Huh that's weird

Im in the United States too and I've had no problem finding a job in highschool and then college and I'm currently making $80k/year gross.

Are you sure you've tried your hardest?

Oh by the way in which field are you looking for jobs in? what's your degree in?

>> No.1536422

doesnt matter what you got

1 in 2 americans make less than 30k


>> No.1536423

Get a job to pay for school to become a programmer then. See how this works?

>> No.1536427

>get a job
>get a job

i thought we already went through this

no im not waking up at 6:30 every day for the rest of my life to work tons of hours only to lose my house the second i dont feel like showing up anymore

read the freaking thread

>> No.1536432

Maybe because they're retards?

Over 70% of the adult population is overweight. Who cares? They're dumbfucks

Klol then.

Do you enjoy being a neet? Do you like having no friends and no sex?

Because you're going to be doing this for a long long time :)

>> No.1536457

work closing shifts at a bigbox sales store, in the US we have best buy, I'm not sure what it is in the UK, its easy as shit to work 5 hours a day for a business that doesn't REALLY care what your sales numbers are as long as you just show up and give an effort, for that matter that's how most jobs are so

>> No.1536464

what if i dont want to work tomorrow lets say its a thursday, what do i do then?

i cant do shit because theyll fire me and get somebody else

this is the psychological shit that gets to me

what if i dont want to work on hour 3 i just want the pay for the 3 hours and i want to leave early

i have to keep moving my body moving for 2 hours because of the will of another person

not my own will

and they threaten to fire you

... i cant operate as a human being like that

>> No.1536466

Okay then learn to enjoy living with your mom.

Have you ever had sex? Do you have a single friend?

>> No.1536470

>Have you ever had sex?
Why do you use sex as a metric to judge a man's value? Are you a woman?

>> No.1536471

>Okay then learn to enjoy living with your mom.

kinda hard when ur not welcome

>Have you ever had sex? Do you have a single friend?

no, no

>> No.1536480

you ask somebody to trade shifts, otherwise if its your will to make money you will show up for your 10$ an hour so you can afford 400 every other week (part time, full time expect 600-700+ but less time off) and achieve your dreams
you shouldn't be able to dream if you cant achieve

>> No.1536481

I'm not using it as a metric I'm just asking.

>As a metric

Mostly because every healthy adult enjoys sex

>Not welcome

Well then you're going to have to get a job

>> No.1536482

lol I'm guessing he uses it because it's the second most important instinct we have and motivates all of our actions. the failure to achieve sexually will cause so many psychological problems it's not even funny.

>> No.1536486

>Mostly because every healthy adult enjoys sex
So you could have asked him if he enjoyed sex. Which would probably have been a yes.

I have an instinct to bash in your skull but I dont. Why? Because we are above animals. Control your instincts or they control you you uncultured swine.

>> No.1536488

no i dont mean a shift change i mean like

i abruptly in the middle of working i want to go home for some reason i need that freedom as a human being to not have to continue through my misery

without being threatened of being fired

or just not go on some days

its the psychological element like YOU HAVE TO BEEEEE THEREEEEEEEE

no man i like having a chaotic sleeping patterns

i wanna go to work when i feel energized and i want to work on my own will not on a set time thursday 8 - 2 friday 5-10

or whatever bullshit schedule they give you

i dont like it , im not a robot drone enough for modern society

>> No.1536495

>Control your basic biological urge to procreate

I don't think it's voluntary for you nor him

So are you just going to keep making excuses?

Look you have four options.

A) remain a NEET
B) get a job and then try to get promoted or advance to make like 30-40k/yr as a manager
C) Kill yourself - end the suffering
D) start a business

No more excuses. Choose your fate

>I'm not a drone I can't blahblahblah


>> No.1536499

This thread is stupid.

I'm in the same position but with £100,000 in savings, about 50/50 split from inheritance and from wagecucking for three years. Even with that, I can't figure out a way to survive. Loans are easy to get but opportunities to make a profit are not. OP lacks even this advantage and does not have a hope in hell.

OP is absolutely right about wagecucking btw. If you do the maths it sounds like you have 16 hours a day of your own time. But this was not the case in reality - I only really had the hours from 1900-2200 to myself because of all the commute time and prep time and needing extra sleep due to the exhaustion from the (seemingly mandatory) extreme stress levels of work.

>> No.1536500

thanks for your input bro

>> No.1536506

Does your hand not work ???

>> No.1536512

What input? He literally just agreed with you. And didn't give you any actionable advice

Answer my above post

>> No.1536514

A hand feels nothing like a vagina

>> No.1536515

This thread was a nice bait OP. Im surprised it hooked as many people as it did.

Honestly you need to move to Alaska or some off the grid area of the world and build a log cabin and live under your own means because you're not going to find happiness in modern society. /thread

>> No.1536516

believe me ive contemplated all your solutions
many many times

NEETdom is a consequence of not having a forseeable better alternative

nobody wants to live in their parents basement but thats a consequence and where people are at in a less than ideal temporary state

>> No.1536517
File: 135 KB, 507x568, 1416049860181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just hold out for 10 more years anon, basic income is coming. Pretty soon automation and mass unemployment will force the state to tax the capitalists their fair share and distribute it to the people, then we will all receive free money from the government to NEET it up and enjoy the little time on this Earth we have. Some reading material for you:


Godspeed OP

>> No.1536526

Let's go hardcore:
I want my basic income in Bitcoin

>> No.1536527

i prefer negative income tax


because regular basic income means that even rich people and millionaires and billionaires would receive their monthly "basic income " check in the mail

it should be only poor people

>> No.1536531

You're going to have to choose.

You can fix being a neet by getting a job at McDonald's and go from there. You can go to college, or join the army. But you have to choose

Why should people be rewarded for not contributing?

Why would anyone work then? How would society function?

>> No.1536534

There are no job opportunities for people who don't want to take the first step to employment. Listen man, you have to get a job at a fast food place, or doing construction, or in wal mart of some bullshit first. You go to your next employer, and tell them you were working there as a assistant manager, and you left because their were not opportunities for advancement. Then you cruise into the place as a assistant manager, then just sort of show up when they ask you to, but don't go the extra mile, and work in the afternoon. That's about as good as things will get for the likes of you.

>> No.1536535


Op answer a few questions for me.

-What are you trying to accomplish?
-What are you doing to accomplish that?
-Is what you do daily getting you closer to your goal?

>> No.1536537

Right, a hand feels better. You litterally cannot deny this

>> No.1536539

hey op, you consider joining the memeitary?

ive heard lots of things, but if you make friends early and easily supposedly it's a good time if you don't mind running a few hundred million miles every day.

in most militaries they'll test you and determine what you're good at, then measure that up with what they need them put you to work

at least this is how it is in the us, dunno if you're an europoor.

>> No.1536540

For the same reason most people work full time, even though they only need to work part time to sustain themselves and there are many people out there unemployed who can't find even part time work: because the average normalfag is fucking greedy. Wagecucks will continue to piss their life away to pay for luxuries, people above wageslaving will be happy with what they've got, freeing up their share of work for those who want to overwork themselves to death. Everybody wins

>> No.1536542

>will get for the likes of you.

that was an awfully smug statement

are you like a high class elite or something with a monacle and top hat


>recommends the army

>literally back breaking slavery being woken up by crazy sergeants screaming at you to do pushups boot camp style the worst form of cuckoldry on the planet worst than any job


>> No.1536543

Well it depends on what you want to do, and how much money you need to save up. Super short version is to start small, play it safe, and close to the belt until you get some confidence up. Then when you feel like you know what your doing, bite into it full swing, quit your job, and take it on.

>> No.1536545


Part-time jobs are always dead-end and pay far worse hourly rates. I would consider it if not for that fact.

>> No.1536547

also the idea is that the robots will be doing most the work

so for every machine, you got like a handful of neets who can live on negative income tax money

so you wont need half as much work

also these poor people receiving money can still work too if they want even more

>> No.1536550


I think that all that will happen is a bunch of meaningless, pointless jobs will be created for the people put out of work by automation. The elite benefit by having a population of broken (as in, how you would break a horse) individuals.

>> No.1536551

Don't try to make money online unless your exceptional, or smooth talking. There is enough competition out there to make it hard to get anywhere. Just build some confidence, and get a real job.

(A real job is something that makes you money.)

>> No.1536552

Feels worse desu

How many times have you had sex? A hand is nothing compared

>> No.1536553

Makes sense. I just want something that has a potential to go big-time with the cash, but I don't want it to be completely soul-crushing or rocket science.

>> No.1536556

Are you just going to make excuses for anything recommended?

So far you've turned down everything.

>Working is for cucks
>Military is backbreaking
>Starting a business is impossible
>Going to college is a meme

Are you settled on being a neet now?

>> No.1536557

thats basically how it already is

they care more about your social skills than anything

working isnt working anymore its a popularity contest

but what happens when you have no social skills you end up with massive numbers of neets

i hate these fucks who smooth talk their way through life theyre all social all the time talking to everyone and never shut their mouth

fucking normies

>> No.1536558

What's wrong with being a normie?

Isn't it more likely you're the problem rather than everyone else?
Try /r9k/ you have zero self awareness

>> No.1536560

going to college and working is the same ultimatum

college is even more deeply infused into wage cuckery for life because youre solidifying your existance into 9-5 40 hours till youre 67

right? isnt that what a college degree is essentially announcing?

>> No.1536561

Yes, unicucks are but aspiring wagecucks. If i could go back in time i would tell myself to drop out of high school and never go to the ponzi scheme that is college.

>> No.1536565
File: 463 KB, 1800x2320, neckbeardchallenge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do some volunteer work. You'll learn some skills, feel better about yourself, and they will give you a reference so that you may be able to get a job that pays a little more than minimum wage.

>> No.1536569


Everything is being a cuck.

Everyone on earth is a cuck except for you.

The only non-cucks are based NEETs who have no friends, no gf, and their mom can't stand them. Well done you've done what we all dream for.

Spending your entire life on 4chan and mindlessly browsing the internet is the true non-cuck way. Good job, real neet master races live suicidally depressed lives never reproducing until they die and no one even comes to their funeral.

Everyone else is a cuck except for you

>> No.1536572

i wasnt bragging saying my life is good

im sure theres some rich kid who inherited a lot of money and is a full time neet

thats the only non cuck in the world imo

>> No.1536573

Yeah because college graduates don't make more than just people with a highschool degree... wait

Lol@this board

>> No.1536574

Except that rich kids often are depressed because they have a lot of things but they never built their character

>> No.1536576

Where can I exchange my character for money?
Oh.. so that's what a job is

>> No.1536577

Why do you even speak to me, slave?

>> No.1536578

wage cucks dont have very good character either last time i checked

theyre pretty angry all the time and pissed because they think black people on welfare are taking all their money

they despise the homeless and say GET A JOB.

they have the worst character of all

>> No.1536579

But homeless are scum

Why wouldn't you despise them?

>> No.1536580

because Jesus Christ said that at the end of the world hes going to judge you based on how you treated the least of these

the sheeps and the goats

Jesus Christ didnt tell you to inform them about getting jobs he said to feed the hungry and the sick and the poor

>> No.1536583

Oh... you're that shitposter that was posting about "Coping" and how everyone dies even though they're rich or some shit?

Good to know this thread is at least b8 and someone like this doesn't actually exist

>> No.1536589

no im not that other person

and yes i actually do exist


>> No.1536592

Fuck, it's a slow board. I'm gonna roll.

>> No.1536593

So what conclusions have you made from this thread?

How will you change your life?

>> No.1536594

Jesus christ, is this what going on /r9k/ is like?
If you don't want to be a part of society, leave it. Have all the freedom you want in the woods.

>> No.1536595

the one guy who said he worked picking fruit on a farm and funded his entire livelihood with a nice truck motivated me

i might try to escape into the boondoggles to do something as such

>> No.1536606

I won't go in detail or help because I don't like helping stupid people or wasting my time with them, but I'll give you a little secret. Keep it between us. If you're not OP stop reading right now as this is super confidential.

This ideal fantasy NEET safe haven only exists in your imagination. Once you get to a point of any success, say a millionaire, you will never want to retire or just sit at home doing nothing. You'll always want to work. And people that made it there have that mindset, which is probably why they're successful. It's better anyways. You like being a NEET because you have a lot of issues to work out.

Basically, your fantasy world doesn't exist. I know from experience. Used to be hardcore NEET and became successful. I hate not working or doing anything. I tried retirement for a bit just to see if I'd change my mind and I felt terrible. So, I'll be working until I die. Same reason why Jerry Seinfeld works even though he's a billionaire. NEETs just don't understand.

>> No.1536608

You will want to kill yourself within a few hours m8

Your standard issue wagecuck thrives from self inflicting pain, sado masochists one might say.

We are cut from a completely different cloth and we will always hate it, no matter how "motivated" you are at the start.

Tl:dr join the autismbux masterracr

Shitposted from my iphone 6s

>> No.1536614

cuz u like doing what u do
not everyone has that choice

we got mcjobs and mcwalmarts to look forwards to

is that something you want to do till you die lmao no not 20 minutes worth

>Tl:dr join the autismbux masterracr

im tryin m8 im tryin
takes a long process

>> No.1536619

I recommended the military as a whole, anon, not the army specifically, you dumb ghru

if you honestly think the air force has fmj-style boot camp you'd be in for the surprise of your life because it's pretty much a boyscout camping trip

>> No.1536620

become a butt slut cam whore, trick yourself out online weekly and pull about 1500 USD monthly by jacking off/taking dildos in the ass/wearing make up and girly clothing on webcam.

boom, there's 18000 USD annually. you might even make more when you're older since an old man dressing up as a butt slut is even rarer, thus more niche, thus higher demand and therefore will represent an increase in how much you can charge.

enjoy your dream life, champ.

>> No.1536623

might as well become a pilot
why join the air force


>> No.1536627

At least you know you are unemployable with your attitude. I do think your attitude towards jobs is abhorrent. Your view of farming and what's natural is warped as well. Most people for millennia lived poor, rough, demanding lives. They pooped in fields drank unfiltered water without antibiotics and modern medicine that apparently keeps you alive. Congrats your world of peaceful farming you'd be dead. Everyone who has called you lazy is correct. The lifestyle you want is dependent on taking from other people while thinking what they do is beneath you. Or something you could achieve if you get a good paying job and invest the extra money and live way below yours means for several years and live off of interest. With your work ethic you won't get a good job. I hope you get over yourself and realize that work can be good for you. I don't hate my job. I enjoy it most of the time. It is very stimulating and I work more then 40 hours at it. I work everyday until the job is done because I want to. I make a good salary that supports myself, wife, kids 2 cars and vacations. You might think of me as a wage cuck but I go sleep happy and I am proud to provide for my family. Are you proud of what you do? Are you happy? I am and I hope you are too.

>> No.1536629


You're not supposed to work at McDonald's your whole life you low expectation having motherfucker. It's temporary employment until you move on with your life. It's not a career path you dingleberry. If you're working your whole life at McDonald's or if you think that's all there is to life then it's your fault you're a loser. You didn't do anything in your life and this is the consequence.

I know someone that's in this position. Fucked around in High School, until he dropped out... Might as well have dropped out in 2nd grade as Chris Rock says. Didn't even try for his GED. Is doing nothing in his life... Autistic NEET and he just sits at home complaining and he used to work at some fast food place until he got fired... And his life is exactly how it's supposed to be. A lot of people learn this the hard way, but a lot of "poor" people are poor because of themselves. There's very few actual poor people. That's why you never see rich people donating to these retards because they know something other people don't. I can give you more examples if you so please.

>> No.1536636

Stop responding to this guy

He's too retarded to have a modicum of self awareness

>> No.1536638

thats what they all say
just take this fast food job youll move up eventually :] good goyim

btw in the 1950s you could work as a burgerflipper at a fast food joint and make a living and pay for a house a car a stay at home wife and kids

why is it so different now

i think you have too high expectations of most people

>> No.1536641
File: 32 KB, 640x400, IMG_0608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you might think of me as a wage cuck
Well not only that but also a literal cuck considering you got married

>> No.1536643

>but I go sleep happy

go to sleep happy in anticipation of doing it all again the next day and you cant escape

>> No.1536644

>Uses r9k memes
>Uses pol memes
>is neet

K e k

>> No.1536645

>go to sleep happy in anticipation of doing it all again the next day and you cant escape

How's that different from you though?

You'll be on 4chan again in your moms basement the next day and can't escape

>> No.1536646

>Jesus christ, is this what going on /r9k/ is like?
It's worse, this thread is just about being a pathetic neet who hates his life but views getting a job with extreme disdain. Most of /r9k/ is this mixed with vitriolic anger about women.

>> No.1536648

actually i can go to any website i want
i dont have to go to 4chan or i can do something else

if u have a duty at work you cant say no id rather do X

you dont have whats the worddddddd self autonomy ?

>> No.1536652

Learn a skill like programming (i.e app development), writing, or become an artist.

You want to do something with minimal human interaction and those are your best bets.
You get to make your own hours and the only thing you have to deal with are deadlines.

To be honest though you sound like a twat.
You seem to think you're above society when in reality you're a leech.

You reject working for a wage yet you've done nothing to cultivate a skill that would allow you to be without one.

If you can't take this advice then just fuck off to the woods and live the naturalist lifestyle clearly modern society isn't for you.

>> No.1536654

Yeah but you can't leave your house

You can't make any friends

You can't buy things you like

>> No.1536660

Seems like this nu male got triggerd by all the muh soggy knee on r9k

>> No.1536662

how do you know im not a master programmer

having a skill doesnt mean MONEY

you have to be a social diva to prosper in this world or be a indian willing to work for 3 pennies a day

because i have no desire to do those things

i dont really want normy friends theyre all normies and engage in normyism
would probably judge me for who i am

i could if i wanted to

nothing preventing me from going to a walk in the park

wheras when youre at work you cant leave even if you wanted to

>> No.1536669

Why is being a normie bad tho

I like my job btw

>> No.1536676

normies have wicked and evil beliefs and practices

mostly to cope with their high stress life that is caused by wage cucking

they will drown their life out with alcohol or like beat their wife or something to take out their anger

>> No.1536677

>how do you know im not a master programmer
Because you type like a god damn retard

>having a skill doesnt mean MONEY
>you have to be a social diva to prosper in this world or be a indian willing to work for 3 pennies a day
Yes it does, people need shit done so they pay people money to get that shit done.
If you're truely a master at your skill people don't give a fuck what kind of person you are, results matter more than platitudes.

>> No.1536678

$20K isn't enough to live on, at least not if you have a car.

There's no hope for you. An Hero before it gets any worse. Either that, or murder someone and be sentenced to life in prison.

>> No.1536683

>Yes it does, people need shit done so they pay people money to get that shit done.

oh ya? where are these magical beings?

most people in this world are like you and me

looking for a job

the rich dont need to hire anybody they already got their stacks

nobody gives a fuck if you have a "skill" since nobody is giving money away

you might as well program on the street corner with a hat for tips

>> No.1536684

Anyone who knows a way to make $15k a year while literally doing nothing probably isn't willing to give away their secret.

>> No.1536689

>Most people are unemployed

Do you really believe this

>> No.1536690

>$20K isn't enough to live on

for me it is i did the math already

its 1660$ a month that gives me like 700$ for the rent , 105 + 20 for my car insurnace plus gas

then that leaves me with like 600 for food and shit

its fucking epic for me

>> No.1536694

How old are you dude

You write like a teenager

>> No.1536696

Yes I can escape. My house has equity I work in a niche industry and can relocate if I want to. I also have 3 weeks vacation that I can use. I can also quit sell my house buy something cash and live off of welfare because I have 2 kids. I don't want to do those things but unlike you I do have options. Go to work, get a different job, start my own business,go to school and have sex with a woman and two little kids who are happy to see me. I do very similar things at work but there is still variety. You can walk in a park that's great. I can drive to Disney with my annual pass for an hour if I want too. I realistically have more options then you. Your life can get better.

>> No.1536699

>oh ya? where are these magical beings?
most people in this world are like you and me
looking for a job
Funny I see ads posted for programmers and system admin on job sites all the time.
>the rich dont need to hire anybody they already got their stacks
They hire people because they have stacks of cash and they don't want to have to do the jobs they need done themselves?

>nobody gives a fuck if you have a "skill" since nobody is giving money away
Yes no one gives money away, people expect you to give up your time in exchange for money.

>you might as well program on the street corner with a hat for tips
As a "master programmer" you should give that a go, i'd probably throw you a quarter as I walk by.

>> No.1536705

shitty in the sense of its reputation. the works actually not that shitty, ag people just rag on about how hard their jobs are to keep faggots like you out. especially since its entry level and relatively high pay. get worked mark

>> No.1536712

>how do you know im not a master programmer
Well, are you?

>> No.1536717

>tfw same as op but nobody will hire someone who's never had a job in their life 4 years after high school

Kinda shitty society expects you to give your due, but doesn't actually have any infrastructure for this very thing

>> No.1536719

>ads posted for programmers and system admin on job sites all the time.

this was already debunked itt
having requiring 40+ requisite technologies and 20 years experience for front end basic programming work

ya those ads, those arent for people like me.

>> No.1536725


Which ads ask for that? Did you even look at any

>> No.1536726

not to mention when you see one of those ads, its more than likely having hundreds if not thousands of applicants

you look at it like its an abundant job renaissancegoing on, but i see the reality of the drought

and theyre nit picking for the utmost qualified amongst thousands

>> No.1536729

Not true, I was in a similar situation and was able to find work in security. I went out and got a security guard license then applied to a couple of agencies, Securitas and us security, had a job within the week. While I was working security I went to EMT school then moved over to that.

>> No.1536732


There ya go, 1000s of freelance development jobs for you. Some even only require PHP which should be no problem for you master programmer.

>> No.1536733

>for you

no those are for pajeet

>> No.1536736

So you just set yourself up for failure by talking yourself into how you have no chance?

>> No.1536737

Well many of those jobs pay several hundreds of dollars which will go to pajeet instead of you because you wanted to jerk off into a sock for the day.

>> No.1536740


btw you dont even understand how flimsy this shit is

lets say you did get a freelance job magically

shit almost never goes through

or youre sitting there working on the damn thing for 6 months without being payed

cuz its unrealistic or they want it changed or this or that

nobody really makes it

its all how do i say it,, gimicks?

>> No.1536741

Have you done anything itt besides make excuses?

Everything is for normies and pajeets isn't it

Literally every subtle suggestion itt you've shot down. EVERYTHING

>> No.1536743

Have you ever did it?

Are you speaking from experience?

Do you do anything except complain

>> No.1536744

I can only assume he's trolling at this point
>>1536740 Genuinely made me laugh

>> No.1536747


its not a real source of income its really not

can i really be an expert in all those hundreds of technologies ?

lets say i was just an expert php guy ok i made the 35 bucks for helping out this retard on this website

now what

now i have to go searching for another one? and compete with thousands

it doesnt work guys

>> No.1536749

Yeah I guess you're right better to be a neet then

>> No.1536755


>> No.1536758

What r u gonna do when your mom dies? Suicide?

>> No.1536762

Yes it does, it fits what you want. You work when you want to, there are thousands of other free lancers, but there are also thousands of jobs needed to be done, market's not that over saturated yet.

>> No.1536766

i havnt thought about it cuz im not living in the future like all these wage cucks obsessed with saving for their retirement in 40 years

>not that over saturated yet.

its 2016 m8

if it was 2002 id be like sure

>> No.1536776

Alright OP since you don't want to work a wage or freelance how about selling blood plasma or being part of pharmaceutical trials?

Heck you're still pretty young, can probably sell off a kidney for some easy cash.

>> No.1536779

I'm looking at a free lance site, and there's jobs posted a month ago that haven't been taken yet, they're also not difficult jobs, mostly front-end.

>> No.1536780

whys everything got to be a sacrifice why cant there be like a beneficial uplifting situation where everyone is happy

you always have to give your kidney away in a sense its as if merely existing is a crime

but no i dont want to destroy my body further

>> No.1536785

Dude waking up and going to work is fucking awesome.
If you ever had a job you loved it is very fun!

>> No.1536792

Alright then like I said earlier, fuck off to the woods and become a survivalist.
No social interaction or bills to worry about.

>whys everything got to be a sacrifice why cant there be like a beneficial uplifting situation where everyone is happy
If you want the benefits of society then you have to contribute to society this ain't rocket science.

>> No.1536794

>contribute to society

i tried to contribute they didnt want me

i would go pick up trash off the street for a living to "help out " your society but nobody is paying, nobody is hiring for that.

the government really needs to guarantee people like me a job.

but they just teach you how to get a job in the private market and they dont actually give you a job

>> No.1536801


then you will stay poor

have you ever had a GF?

you know girls like guys with cars....you cant have a car without a job....just stay home and jerk off little loser!

>> No.1536805

>have you ever had a GF?
>just stay home and jerk off little loser!

haha you sound like those 13 year old bullys


>> No.1536807
File: 268 KB, 1333x2000, CkdRzgRUkAAcVfC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you are on the same tier as crackheads and single moms....you deserve to get made fun of, you are a fucking bum!

do you honestly think you deserve any respect? you deserve ridicule and abuse.

>> No.1536812
File: 250 KB, 448x441, fasteb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wahhh wahhhh i cant do what I want because I have to give 8 hours to the man! that leaves me with only 16 hours!

i need a 24 full hours to jerk off and refresh 4chan and twitter pages

i make fun of people who can do whatever they want when they are one working but i am stuck at home jerking and refreshing and playing 3 year old consoles games because your gtx 750 you got for xmas years ago when you were still a teen isn't good enough anymore

your a loser anon, a stupid faggot loser and i really want a moderator to shut this thread down because there is nothing biz about it..next i expect you to post your paypal.me to stay begging for money because you are such a stupid poser faggot

>> No.1536815

>i tried to contribute they didnt want me
No you didn't

>i would go pick up trash off the street for a living to "help out " your society but nobody is paying, nobody is hiring for that.
Waste management is a multibillion dollar industy

>the government really needs to guarantee
people like me a job.
Work at the post office or join the military plenty of government jobs

>but they just teach you how to get a job in the private market and they dont actually give you a job
You just don't want to work as you've said multiple times in this thread.

>> No.1536818
File: 1.08 MB, 1174x939, RickyV4_Standard_1174x939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm going beat you to the punch, you bum goof


if anybody is gonna get money in this thread its me for telling you to go fuck yourself....dont even bother helping dumbass losers like this

i bet people couldn't even send you money anyways because you are so destitute that you have no drivers license, no bank account, no way to accept it

dont waste no more effort on this piece of dog shit

>> No.1536820


neetfags btfo

>> No.1536823

sigh ... you still dont get it

youre telling me to become a slave where you do a set procedure every day underneath a huge corporation

i just want to pick up trash on your streets but nobody wants to pay me for it

and then you tell me i dont want to contribute?

yes i do... youre not letting me

>> No.1536825

IDK where you live, but $700 won't rent you a closet in most places, especially not if you have to pay utilities.

>> No.1536830

ok then 1000$ for the rent

i know for a fact i can get a 1 br apartment for 1000 everything included

>> No.1536832


dude, you dont have a job....you are going to be leaving with the roaches in a 1 bedroom flat for 500...be real with yourself

>> No.1536835

thats fine i was just saying that it IS possible to live on 20k and possibly 15k where i live

and he said no it wasnt. but i did the math and it is possible

>> No.1536860

Where do you live? State/Country?

Why cant you wake up at a certain time? Can you explain exactly why thats difficult. If its because you stay up at night playing games or watching youtube then maybe you should stop it. I have a good solution for how you can do this very easily but first you have to answer my questions.

>> No.1536887

its the whole atmosphere dude
they can threaten to fire you
they have control of your bed time
you have to talk to people

its such a large barrier there with all these exterior things that have nothing to do with actually working

the bed time issue is a huge issue for me no im not going to stop doing what i enjoy

i have a chaotic sleeping pattern i would like to maintain

go to sleep when tired. not at 8:30 pm.

when my body shuts off naturally it might be at 4 am it might be at 1 pm

>> No.1536890

Have you tried going inna wood? you know, live that self sufficient farmer life you ohh so dream of?

>> No.1536895

theres no woods by me
and you would get thrown out by the rangers after a couple days when you got spotted

and especially if you tried to plow down some trees on government land you might go to prison

and unfortunetely i never had a father who taught me how to survive in nature and build a log cabin and what have you

>> No.1536896

you said you spend your life on youtube, just watch survival videos, and if you do get caught so what? you either just walk back in, and if you end in prison, well it's basically neet life with gay action

>> No.1536899

so youre telling me to go to jail and get butt raped as your ultimatum

might as well just made a simple post "kill yourself" like they always say

>> No.1536901

what are you going to do when your parents and dead and no one can support you, and the homeless shelter says its lights out at 11?
....their gonna start telling you what to do, dude..

>> No.1536903

better to ask what if you don't get caught? could you be able to survive without society's protection?

>> No.1536905

So you basically cant function on a schedule?
Have you tried anxiety medication?

Playing video games all night is called being a manchild. Put that shit away for one month and try to find a job.
Also to sleep earlier just drink nyquil then wake up in the morning very rested and ready for work.

>> No.1536906

i didnt go to the homeless shelter when i was homeless

i fucking died on the side of the road

uhhh no but thats not the point

were supposed to be raised with the land and knowledge and wealth inhereited from our ancestors for generations to be able to have the family farm and guaranteed work and stability

you dont just randomly go recreate the wheel in one day on your own in the fucking woods it doesnt work like that

>> No.1536908

>Have you tried anxiety medication?
> just drink nyquil

you sound like a crack dealer
no im not flooding my brain with poison

i know thats how most normies cope with their existance but i have integrity towards my body

>> No.1536910

Man these excuses just keep getting better

>> No.1536911

So how is constantly staying up and playing video games better for your body?

Im starting to think you are an elaborate troll. If not then why not just pick up cans from trash cans you can do that at anytime of the day?

>> No.1536913

yes playing a video game is a lot healthier than drinking nyquil you idiot

this is prime example of normy logic

>why not just pick up cans

because thats less than 2$ an hour if you were to recycle cans you found

>> No.1536914

come on, even if you didn't learn from your parent doesn't mean that knowledge is inaccessible. you can learn any skill with acces to technologie, whch you have

>> No.1536920

>you can learn any skill
>the world is your canvas
>its all magic just do it

its literally impossible to survive in the woods you would die because it takes months before you get a crop yield to begin with

>> No.1536924

So you absolutely cant stop playing video games to sleep for work? Literally impossible? Why is your dad not around? Do you visit r9k?
Does anyone in your family have mental issues or is it just you?

>> No.1536927

ha! plenty of people manage it, just look at third world country, and i've survived in woods for 1 and a half month for fun fishing and hunting small game

>> No.1536934

i dont even really play video games that much anymore
its not like a video game addiction or anything

its the idea of having to get up and be somewhere at a set time which i cant harmonize in my brain

>Why is your dad not around? Do you visit r9k?
Does anyone in your family have mental issues or is it just you?

he does his own thing i dont talk to him a lot, yes sometimes, mainly just me

most wild animals are extinct hunter gatherer doesnt really exist anymore

>> No.1536939

you are really pushing it friend, extinct? really? take a look at this fellow will you, it's an easier alternative http://imgur.com/gallery/7Lsjz

>> No.1536940

>its the idea of having to get up and be somewhere at a set time which i cant harmonize in my brain

Then show up early. Makes you look even better.

Thats a shame about your dad. Quit browsing /r9k/.

So whats your background? What can you do?

>> No.1536945

>i cant do it it makes me want to kill myself more than i already do
Treat your depression or kill yourself. It's your choice. After this, you will want to do something.

>> No.1536947


cool story bro

thats just not the life i want though im not an outdoorsman to say the least

i fucking hate the sea and the ocean and the boating fuck all that

>Then show up early

and then sit in the lobby for 2 hours

GREAT be bored out of my fucking mind not getting payed

>So whats your background? What can you do?

nothing i already explained that

high school drop out neet since then

>> No.1536951

You miserable little creature. I'm so glad I'm not like you anymore, spouting platitudes about how man is supposed to live to justify my weakness and apathy.

I make eleven dollars an hour stocking the shelves at a retail store, for five hours a day, four and soon five days a week. and I have a blast trying to outdo myself every day - because I enjoy seeing myself grow and make progress. My desire for vidya has fallen because I feel I have more to gain gettin gbetter at my job and being merry with a great team who share plenty of my interests - and even if they didn't I could probably learn and gain from theirs.

You've hypnotized yourself into thinking making your own life with your own time and effort isn't worth it - that it's beneath you. You're happy with scraps when you could make your own cake and in time master making them without needing a boss to feed you.

Thank you for being a grim reminder of the dreadful existence I suffered for over a year because I was scared and lazy.

>> No.1536953

>people are still responding to this troll


>> No.1536955

alright, then I'm sorry but you're trying to break the law of conservation, you are not willing to produce for yourself and you don't want to self sacrifice for goods. until you realize that you can't break the first law of nature there is no solution

>> No.1536959

ehhh m8 ur simply on the other side of the coin now and now you think you have the right to criticize neets

i like the people who are wage cucks but admit how shit it is and say how they wish they were a NEET again

i like those people better

>> No.1536962

You can bring a book and read for 2 hours?
Are you planning on benefits to survive? How fat are you? Serious question.

>> No.1536969

>you are not willing to produce for yourself and you don't want to self sacrifice for goods

i dont even know what that means
youre not living in the same world as me

youre the one breaking the law of thermodynamics when you think you can just magically "produce " something from the sky

no i need farmland to be able to PRODUCE

ya im planning on getting neet bux eventually

thats my only way out it seems even though it wont even be enough to live

>How fat are you?

i weight 115 lbs im skinny as fuck

>> No.1536978

that's the opposite of what I said, it means that you have to sacrifice something of your own to get something else, whether it be time, sanity or sweat.
you're trying to find a solution that dosen't exist, one where you don't put something in but expect something to come out.

>> No.1536980

I've been a NEET and it fucking sucks

>No schedule to your day
>No money for anything
>No gf
>No friends
>Parents always mad you're leeching and not contributing
>No progression in life, just permanent stagnation

It just sucks

>> No.1536985

ok for how many days do you want me to sweat?

500? 1000? no you want me to keep on sweating every second of every day my entire life and the second i quit you take my house from me underneath my feet

you dont actually reward people. you keep them in perpetual misery to have those things.

if there was just a certain amount of sweat and time i could put in to get something i would

but its not like that.

most people like 95%+ dont actually own their houses

ya but if you think about it those things have nothing to do with being a neet

its all artificial

you could if you had a bunch of money saved be a rich neet and mitigate all those problems if you wanted

being a neet is still objectively better

>> No.1536991

How am I suppose to save up money to be a neet without working hard as fuck?

And besides, when you get into it the last thing you want to do is do nothing. It's boring as fuck, I like to get moving and do things

>> No.1536995

>being a neet is still objectively better
Yes clearly, you seem like a prime example of happiness and health.

>> No.1536996

>I like to get moving and do things

do you really need some guy to tell you what to do though?

you can get moving and "do things" as a neet

>How am I suppose to save up money to be a neet without working hard as fuck?

it was a hypothetical scenario

or lets say you inherited a bunch of money

you would obviously rather be a neet than go work for 11$ an hour at walmart stocking shelves

why is it that everyone looks forward towards their retirement so much?

because thats basically freedom

freedom from working

anything that you can do working you can do as a neet, but you get the choice to do it

>> No.1536998

that's how it is and as always been, even for the old farmers. As long as you're not feeding yourself (like I suggested), as long as you're not building you're own house, as long as you're not 100% self sufficient you will have to work to pay someone to do it for you. because you are not entitled to another man's sweat

>> No.1537007

no you wont because the idea behind the family farm is that you have some profitability there to where you can pay someone when you need a little help in a area you know nothing about

you dont have to do everything by yourself

also communities and neighbors

>and as always been

i disagree i dont think it was always like this a lot more people used to own their property than now

nobody owns their property its all debt slaves to the banks

>> No.1537010

If being a NEET is so happy...

Why has EVERY SINGLE neet that I've encountered been terribly depressed and doing nothing with his life? I have never seen a neet who was happy

/r9k/ is filled with NEETs and yet they make threads all the time "How to get a job" "Mental illness threads", "I'm tired of this life guys, waiting for my helium tank to arrive"

>> No.1537016

you are grasping at straws, all those argument are anecdotes and "what ifs". you need to stop focusing on what was and what could go wrong, that's you're problem. you need to realize that yes maybe you were dealt a bad hand in relation to time frame and family but whining about not being born a rich kid on a family farm won't make you one

>> No.1537017

i never said its so happy
and were all incredibly happy people

lmao i never said that

because these people are neets because they failed in society they dont have a choice

theres rich neets trust funders and theres neets who are living on welfare right now who are living the dream they have money and they have freedom

those people i am jealous of
thats the ultimate form of life

but ya it sucks to be one of the neets who is just a failure of life and cant do anything

but that has nothing to do with NEET

neet is a symptom

>> No.1537020

also communities are more accessible than ever, the old days weren't happy sunshine like you seem to believe it's mostly people people dying in the winters

>> No.1537030

don't have a choice? you are completely insane, you immediately find the worst possible outcome of a situation and assume that it the only possible outcome, when bums have turned they're life around everywhere

>> No.1537033

>i weight 115 lbs im skinny as fuck
So this is considered healthy?

>> No.1537036

ok and everybody is in a transitional state nobody wants to be sad and alone in their parents basement

but its a legitimate dilemma when you question whether being a wage cuck at walmart is going to provide you with a happier life than just sitting playing video games for a lot of these people

its not like completely obvious

they enjoy their free time more than the benefit of "contributing to society"

>> No.1537040

so welfare?

>> No.1537042

I can agree with that second sentence, but you are not in that situation, you're not getting neetbucks, you're living with your mom until you get better or she just dumps you on the pavement, im trying to tell you that in the near future you'll have to do something or you'll die

>> No.1537048

probably die anyways through chronic stress from working

stress is a killer

i might as well go buddhist mode and try to just ease my way through life with no possessions and eating almost nothing and conserving energy through meditation

>> No.1537057

you could do that, that's the first time you said something positive, so you could sell all your belonging and go to south east Asia, in those country a few hundred buck can last you a year

>> No.1537062

dont have any belongings worth shit im on a hp laptop from 2009

cant even afford the plane ticket and im dependent on medical care in the United states im insulin dependent type 1 diabetes i cant even go live inawoods if i wanted to i was lying. if i was outside of civilization without insulin for 24 hours i would be dead

>> No.1537071

well thats a tough position, honestly if I was you i'd either do 2 things

1. wagecuck with a dream, thats how i did it, worked shitty job until I could afford my first camera, then became a weeding photographer, then comfy 80k travelling photographer

or 2. gather enough money to just go somewhere nice, even if you die in a month you'll accomplish something great and die with a smile

>> No.1537072

Have you considered therapy? You sound like you have some problems.

The trick to work is to find something you enjoy doing, if you are able

>> No.1537075

trade crypto and memestock

>> No.1537089


Wtf? How do you snowball a fucking wedding photog business? Idgi

>> No.1537090

>tfw I live in a giant house thats like the house from Fight Club
>tfw on autismbux so I don't do shit, ever
>tfw have Interent, phone, power, water, and get my food delivered online
>tfw my house literally over-looks a misty mountain and is large enough to echo
>tfw my house has two fire places
>tfw I have tank water and solar and have 6 months worth of Soylent
>tfw my house has a float tank and a steam shower

Maybe I should start a monastery for NEETs. The only issue is that its not in Amerifat and most of you would need to become illegal immigrants to stay here but I could easily house and feed you in my NEET den and we could become comfy together, sempai.

Then maybe we could come up with a passive income source to keep it going so that when da gubbamint come kick us off da bux we have a backup plan. But I mostly have that covered already, anony.

>Feels comfy man
>Fuck the wagecucks in this thread
>Herrr durr, get a job, durrrr
>lol faggts

>> No.1537092

I was making around 25k posting adds on kijiji and craigslist, most importantly talking to people at the weedings so you make more connections and opportunity, thats how I got the second job, but I still want to hear what you think of those two options

>> No.1537106


What country? Maybe we can all get gay married for citizenship

>> No.1537119

Australia but honestly, who gives a fuck if you're not a citizen? It's not like you need to tell anyone where you're going and if you're a NEET no one will ever find out.

My NEET den is going to be great. We'll fill the whole house with comfy blankets and post vlogs on 4chan to troll the wage cucks and we'll be happy doing it because we'll know that we finally made it.

The cuck life ain't for everyone

>> No.1537122

and what if the autismo coins stop pumping in one day?

>> No.1537130

Eh, I'm not really concerned about money. I do ok at investing and have plenty of other things to fall back on.

>> No.1537131

>The cuck life ain't for everyone

You didn't choose the neet life
The neet lyfe chose you

BTW I'm thinking of getting one of those gangsta tattoos which is like a semicircle of words in gothic lettering around my stomach, and it says NEET 4 LYFE

>> No.1537137

thats good, I just wonder if neets ever realize that they're supply line would be cut if there is any kind of crisis

>> No.1537162

>ill be happy as a neet with independence and freedom and money to do what i want in my own place
You can't receive "money to do what you want" if you don't work, OK?

>> No.1537173

I support you anon

It's mostly a childish naivety where people live in a fantasy world until its too late. Even as a comfy NEET I try make sure I have a plan B because autismbux is precarious

>> No.1537177

Most legit plan in this thread, desu. If OP is young enough people will pay a premium for his pristine boi pucci.

Man, I want to make a harem of stinky NEETs and whore them out to wage cucks.

>feels good mane

>> No.1537179

You bought a computer and internet access, right?

>> No.1537204

tl; dr

* OP has standards and doesn't want to work a shit job.
* Wage cucks don't understand that not everyone wants to grind shit-tier jobs for the myopic social benefits they provide.
* This may be hard to understand when you're driven by the need to be like everyone else but most NEETs I've noticed do their own thing even if other people consider them a loser for doing it.

OP does however make some ridiculous conclusions about the job market whereby he assumes that some jobs are so hard to get that they're not worth trying for. I agree with the wage cucks in this thread who suggested programming but where they go wrong is in suggesting that becoming a developer will be easy. It will not be. I worked as a developer myself and its not something that a depressed NEET could ever do. If you look at Maslow's hierarchy of needs you need to be at the very top in terms of fulfillment to be able to learn anything that complicated and given how specialized the IT industry is today OP would drown before he made any progress.

I don't agree that OP is lazy. It sounds like he would be willing to work if it wasn't so obviously stacked against him. The truth is our economy is fucked compared to how the baby boomers had it. 3 times salary to buy a house compared to 10 times today -- hence significantly lower cost of living and more savings (most rent today); A job market that was so good they literally had to bring migrants over to fill the work. That kind of thing would be an economic miracle today so I understand OP's frustration. It can be hard to live in a society when you have to get cucked this hard. But the solution in my humble opinion is globalization.

With globalization you can turn all those hours spent inside learning the most in-demand and specialized skills possible so you will never have to work a cucking job in your life. But you do have to put some effort in it if you want to benefit from the global economy OP and I don't know if you're emotionally capable.

>> No.1537208

You also have no clue how to get hired for a remote job in IT. I could post a guide if you're not going to be a negative faggot. The way to get a good-tier job in IT isn't the same as what Pajeet is doing. It's quite different.

>> No.1537260

Did OP kill themselves yet?
Fucking waste of sperm

>> No.1537282

Please post the guide!
Not only OP looking at your posts
I'd like to learn programming but everytime I start it after a few days I get overwhelmed by the amount of information and discouraged by other programmers saying you need to learn for years and build your own projects before you get to an entry level.

>> No.1537313

I also desire the guide. Hopefully I can get a remote job, also hopefully with little interaction with people.
>Overwhelmed by the amount of information and discouraged by other programmers
Holy fuck I know that feeling. My plan was to write some smartphone apps and hopefully start my own business or something, or at least make a few mildly successful ones to buy some time until I can. Problem is I have zero experience programming and I downloaded Unity, Love2D and Android SDK and I have zero clue what I'm supposed to be doing with any of this shit.
>tfw I'm basically in the same position as OP
>tfw I'm still better off because I have drive and a goal, all I need is a plan.
Feels good. It's too bad my superiority is probably undeserved, since OP is probably just trolling and wasting people's time.

>> No.1537350

I know, right?
I just want a safe plan on how to make a little money online
Well, maybe a little more than I did with useless micro niche sites

>mfw I know a guy who make thousands a month for advertising fake binary options robots
>he just make fake videos and fake payment proofs
>he make $250 when an idiot NEET deposit $500 into this trap

I could easily copy him, but I feel sick only thinking about it

>> No.1537365

Lol why this thread is not returning to the top when bumping?

>> No.1537412

How many neets are you planning on supporting?

>> No.1537436

Not possible in my country
>so you can't come out of your house... work from home
>Ok, I'd love to! How?
>dunno lel

only motivation for me is feeling bad for my mom having a 20+ years old NEET son
but I feel sorry for myself more having to work shit jobs in a shit country to live like a slave
is it too late to abort me?

>> No.1537441

So your not planning on supporting neets in your mansion?

Yes its too late to abort you. How about you just work? Who knows maybe you will like it? If not take some anti depressants and learn to like it? What do you have to lose you already worthless.

>> No.1537456
File: 45 KB, 500x375, 18401047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

? I'm not that anon. I have a room big enough to barely fit a small bed and a desk. (And I live in a post-soviet ghetto, pic related)

>How about you just work? Who knows maybe you will like it?
I just came back from grocery shopping and I was literally shaking
I'm giving up, I took antidepressants years ago but they made me suicidal

I'll stop posting to /biz/ now and try to find a solution for my anxiety
I just thought if I could earn a little money I would have confidence... I guess it starts the other way around

>> No.1537488
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I feel the same, except I have higher standards of living, which is why I've chosen to invest in lottery tickets

>> No.1537514

Are you Russian?

You cant be this dramatic.

>> No.1537531

I will start off by accepting 4 - 5 NEETs into my comfy home. I will then wash these NEETs and take care of them because thats what NEETs do for each other. It will be super comfy, sempai. Lots of NEETs in pajamas sitting in front of the fire place while it rains on the wagecucks outside.

Also, I'll write that remote job guide tomorrow. A lot of people have asked me for this before but I keep getting distracted.

>> No.1537535
File: 655 KB, 1019x1285, leech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I make eleven dollars an hour stocking the shelves at a retail store, for five hours a day, four and soon five days a week. and I have a blast trying to outdo myself every day - because I enjoy seeing myself grow and make progress
Kek slaves are so deluded

>> No.1537540

No, I live in Eastern Europe

>You cant be this dramatic.
You never hear of anxiety? I would love to live like a normie

>> No.1537542

What if you dont get a long with other NEETs? Or they refuse to shower or do basic hyegene things?

I Oh ok, I have anxiety also I just take lexapro and Im fine. Why not just go see a doctor?

>> No.1537544

That's ok. They can shut themselves in one of the rooms and I can message them on Steam to see if they're okay.

>> No.1537547

What happens if they are angry Neets though like bipolar. Where one day they argue with you for no reason and slap your computer?

>> No.1537549

They get stripped in front of the other NEETs and lose their privileges. We have the right to be comfy so anyone who violates that becomes the group fleshlight.

>> No.1537560

I took Cipralex for months which is the same as Lexapro
Just got worse so I stopped taking pills
From time to time I take a Xanax when I have to go to the city to do something

>> No.1537565

Have you tried just not being paranoid?
Literally nobody is going to hurt you just relax.

>> No.1537579

What a fool I was not to think of it before!

>> No.1537616

you say that but you'll become even worst then a wagecuk, you'll be a neet mother, slaving around bringing tendies to your neet babies

>> No.1537631

I mostly just order take away so we'll just eat out a lot and get the wagies to cook for us. Maybe I'll even hire a wage cuck to come and clean the house while we sit around in pajamas playing games and watching animu

>feels good man

>> No.1537632

same thing, you'll be giving your own money to pay for service for your neet child, you'll be a proxy cuck

>> No.1537639

It's not my money. I couldn't care less what happens to it. Topkek.

When you're given money to do nothing it kind of loses its value, desu. Especially since I just have to wait a few weeks and my account is replenished. It's no biggie, plenty of time when you're a NEET.

Btw, I am sitting around naked on my couch watching anime without a care in the world. I even have time to reply to every comment people make to me since my time is unlimited.

Does that make you angry wagie?

>> No.1537649

I told you i'm a traveling photographer, im being payed to visit the most beautiful landscape on earth, so the fact that I have to wake up at 10 tomorrow to go climb a canadian mountain dosen't bother me, It's actually fun. Some cuck jobs are terrible I agree but only retard stay stuck in those for more than a year.

also it's sunday so i'm naked on the couch too

>> No.1537653

sounds comfy. I traveled a lot before retiring to my NEET manner.

>also it's sunday so i'm naked on the couch too


>> No.1537659

I just wanted to say that not all jobs are horrible, and with the large income you can fuel your hobbies and shit.

and no you ain't seing my dick

>> No.1537666

Stop cucking me

>> No.1537670

stop cucking yourself, you can go out and find some cocks, you have all the time in the world anyway

>> No.1537671

You're the only one for me, wagie.

How did you get a job as a traveling photographer? I imagine plenty of cucks would kill for that, desu

>> No.1537674

meet someone at a weeding that own a big video game company, I asked if they were interested in photogrammetry, he didn't know what it was so I did a quick pitch and he got interested. next thing I knew he wanted me to work for him doing just that

>> No.1537677
File: 50 KB, 499x499, 1413689698924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weeding that own a big video game company
>Its another "look at this amazing job I got through nepotism" episode

>> No.1537678

Nice. Sounds like you got pretti lucky desu but I've had similar insane things happen

Wage is getting drunk maybe?

>> No.1537682

I was a weeding photographer, I had no relation to the guy, and yes, you'll find the best jobs by talking with strangers, not sending you curriculum to the mcemperor

>> No.1537685

and yeah, i'll admit that there was a lot of luck, but i'm a talkative guy and all the contacts i've made have been just chatting on buses and planes

>> No.1537690

Dude, a skype call literally change my life before. There's no way I can be that confident in real life though

>> No.1537692

>Dude, a skype call literally change my life before
What happened?

>> No.1537696

hey that can always be improved, start small at hobbies gathering or in waiting line, (as long as your presentable, very important)
people like talking even if they don't show it. and when you fail just laugh and walk off who cares

>> No.1537723 [DELETED] 

I managed to call a CEO at a company who had just accepted tens of millions in outside VC investment. I was hired for six figures the next day and flown around the world to be a professional cuck. All my living expenses were paid for, I stayed in a luxury hotel, and the company turned out to be amazing. They're actually doing really well right now. Wish I could say more but anon exists for a reason.

Since then I've made a lot more money, learned more about business, startups, and tech. Had my pick of jobs but want to stay a NEET for a while longer. I'm leaving a lot out obviously but I'm a firm believer that the right contact can change everything.

>> No.1537730

Why did you go neet then?

>> No.1537734


so you haven't been a neet all your life, you've still worked enough to get money and assets, and the situation you're in could be qualified as early retirement or change of direction. Do you think you could have achieved some dreams and your live in your current situation if it wasant for that job?

>> No.1537735

Startups are stressful. I still feel like I'm burned out and its been like over a year since I left.

>> No.1537743

I could have still retired early even without the job since I currently just leech government benefits. The difference is because I own my own home there's a lot more security. I would not like to be renting in this economy :/

>> No.1537752

owning your own house means you're pretty much set, since house payment is the most expensive part of a life. that's what makes your different from op, you're just retired or taking a break

my current job means I don't really get to stay in one place but at one point i'll buy a little comfy house in a mountain area for cheap

>> No.1537762

Do you get tired of traveling?

>> No.1537763


>> No.1537776


this is exactly what I do, as you can see it gets pretty exicting, and since my boss is never on site I don't exactly have much pressure as long as I deliver

So I don't really get bored

>> No.1537982

What position did you have? How the fek did u get that contact anyway?

>> No.1537999

I did some things I regret today. How do I stop making fucking terrible, retarded decisions.

>> No.1538155

would be better if we knew that retarded decision

>> No.1538399

wassup > im a neet too m8 self employed

>> No.1538401

yiuh, i checked maself befo i rekt maself m8, just do something just do it

>> No.1539019

this guy is like the new google excuse generating AI