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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1535836 No.1535836 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /biz/. What do I need to learn in order to be able to design and run various websites (News, magazine, entertainment etc)? Will HTML and CSS be enough? Would I need to learn anything else?

My long term plan is to build a system to bring me passive income so I'd not have to go to work, be able to travel around and be kind of a digital nomad.

>> No.1535846

affiliates make the most money

>> No.1535887

I did it, but I had a full time salaried job that I worked at (120k/yr web developer). I worked there for a few years and told them I wanted to work remotely, so I bought and lived in an RV for a while but it got kind of depressing spending half my time in Walmart parking lots and national forests. It was a good deal tho and once in a lifetime opportunity, I think that lifestyle is romanticized tho

>> No.1535938


I don't necessarily have to travel all the time. I just want to manage to have a steady income that requires little efford or work by my side. I want to create the system, work hard in the first years, hire people, enjoy my passive income and check if everything is fine. 1-2 hours a day. I rather spend my time expanding my business than work to earn money.

So, what would you recommend a web developer wanna-be to educate himself on? I was planning on starting with HTML and then CSS. Then what would you suggest?

>> No.1536160


Yeah those are a good start. Then JavaScript then a server side language, maybe PHP. Stay away from node.js that shit is a dumpster fire. I dunno. I've been doing it since I was 15 and it's a hard job, I used to love it but it's lost it's sheen (27 now). Web development mostly sucks nowadays since it's a bunch of wannabes and nothing is engineered well and there is so much dumb type around the newest shiniest tools. Some are good but most are trash. I think there will be an over supply of engineers, I see tons of them coming out of bootcamps, but most of them are shit tier and there are some really good ones in the mix. Make sure you love it because I know some people in it for the money only and they are miserable.

Good luck not trying to work as much.
Most of the easily automated low hanging fruit has been done already.
I think anything worthwhile will take a lot of sustained effort. The newest frontiers are AI but that's more academic hard tech.

>> No.1536211

dont worry, web is easy this days
you only nee to know about these technologies

a server-side language
how to talk to a database (SQL)
The concept of a virtual machine
Vagrant with a pre-built image (Laravel Homestead)
Version control (Git)
A branching/merging process (Git Flow)
Node.js (for running Gulp)
/etc/hosts file (or Dnsmasq)
CSS pre-processors (Bootstrap was already using Less, I am using Sass)
CSS concatenation
JavaScript concatenation
Image sprites
A server-side framework (Laravel)
Framework-specific command line utilities for creating template files, running pre-load optimizations, database commands, etc.
Security (SQL injection, XSS, CSRF, etc.)
Templating syntax (Laravel uses one called Blade)
A client-side framework (jQuery, Bootstrap, Angular, etc.)
PHP Composer
PHP Packages
Database migrations (database schema defined in code)
Database seeding
Faker (for creating dummy data)
Unit testing
Memcached (or other key/value caches)
Capistrano (or another deployment process)

and then you wonder why those guys earn 240k a year.

>> No.1536221


Exactly why web dev is soul crushing. You are expected to know all of it nowadays no less

>> No.1536222

I come from a desktop developer background (WPF / WinForms apps), and getting into ASP.NET MVC is ridicoulsy overcomplicated , everything feels barely working together and chopped as fuck, I still wonder why every kid is drooling over the latest shitty scripting server side language they find when the current state of web is such a fucking mess as stated in my previous post.

>> No.1536257

you gave me hope for two seconds

>> No.1536450


how long would it take for a HTML/CSS/SQL acolyte to go through that list line by line, make projects of them and post to a github?

Or, how many of those would you need to have demonstrated on a github to land a job/gigs?

>> No.1536544


most of that list is operating system, framework, tools, and ecosystem stuff and not really code, just important pieces if you are going to have a full understanding of web dev nowadays, to talk the talk if you will

>> No.1536650

What the fuck are you talking about, to make a good website you only need html, css, php and maybe mysql. It depends on the functionality of the site, you don't need any more than that for eshops etc.

>> No.1536848


I offered to build a website/eshop for a local antique store

I read most devs would charge no less than 1k for an estore, I thought about using a WP plugin but I want to build it out myself or at least patch it together from open source...

Is it worth it to do pro-bono jobs for a portfolio or am I just screwing myself by doing free jobs?

>> No.1536858

You need a portfolio regardless to let people know what your capable of.

The fact that you're doing it for an actual business looks better than the bullshit mock-ups I see a lot of people running around with.

>> No.1536859

Why even bother to learn when can outsource to the Philippines for cheap as fuck? Let people work for you while you spend your time learning thimgs such as my post.

>> No.1536897


I'd feel more comfortable outsourcing tasks when I have at least basic experience to tell if the hackneyed code I get from fiver is good enough to sell under my name

>> No.1537274

Where do I search for cheap devs from there? How much do they charge?

>> No.1537295

If not programming then what do you suggest me to learn? Mostly anything can be outsourced is hard on the competition.

>> No.1538053


project management, make a website that says shit like "we'll make you a fucking parallax, responsive site with as secure e-store! We also do SEO and shit!"

Fiverr, odesk, etc, freelance sites where you can auction off your busy work to the lowest bidder.

>> No.1538780
