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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 3 KB, 225x225, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15329893 No.15329893 [Reply] [Original]

So let me get this straight...

BAT is one of the only coins that actually has a use case. The dev is the creator of Javascript. Fucking Javascript. Prices are sinfully cheap.

Imagine not having a fat stack of this

>> No.15329901


>> No.15329908

Except they've already started deplatforming bad goys.

>> No.15329918

If was BAT was a coin, I'd MAYBE invest.. But it's not.
It's a stupid money grab token. Move on

>> No.15329922

BAT and Brave are good projects but there’s literally no reason for this coin to go above $1. The whole ecosystem would fall apart.

>> No.15329940

to be completely frank vanilla javascript is shit

>> No.15329984

It will unironically never succeed because the CEO was outed as homophobic. Good luck getting it on a platform like YouTube

>> No.15330407

people historically vote against homosexual deviants. It happened with Prop 8 in CA. The most liberal state in the union.

>> No.15330451

trump and pence are homophobes though

>> No.15330493

Wrong. Trump is busy plowing a powerbottom rn.

>> No.15330638


>> No.15330955
File: 123 KB, 1175x1045, screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trezor/Ledger wallet integration + in browser wallet progress looking good.

>> No.15331075

part of me believes what's going on is the whole:

1)"the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent" but another part of me thinks that

2)this fucking coin is a pile of shit that will have 0 use case in 6 years once bitcoin/ethereum increase their scaling capabilities to the point that people would rather just be paid in BTC/ETH and this fucking coin goes to 0 while Brendan and Peter Thiel laugh holding hands to the bank (Peter is gay and Brendan was a competitive ballet dancer yet is homophobic LMAO HAHAHAHAHA WHAT A GAYLORD) where Brave gains 30% browser market share. And don't say "muuhhhhhh Brave NEEDS BAT to succeed" no it doesn't you are retarded, they will drop bat, they aren't invested in it, they just created it out of thin air and are doling it out in return for REAL things.

So which is it?

>> No.15331134
File: 192 KB, 841x750, bat JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


BAT is a weird one. Everyone can unanimously agree that Brave is at least "good", and shitcoiners everywhere are extremely jealous of BAT's use in the Brave ecosystem.

Ask literally any coin holder and they fucking wish their coin/token had the backing of a privacy-based browser headed by Brendan Eich. That's actually the #1 complaint with BAT; is that it's not useful because BTC and ETH could have done the same thing (which not only has been disproven, but also admits the usefulness/utility of BAT)

That all being said, Brave/BAT team has come out time and time again about how the price of the token doesn't matter. They aren't advertising for the Token, they're not making partnerships for the sake of the price of the token, they're not doing literally ANYTHING to pump or dump the token. BAT's entire infrastructure is based around utility and use in the Brave ecosystem. BAT will only increase in price due to masses of people or advertisers deciding they want to buy it (for whatever reason). So TLDR; it may never moon because it's not highly marketed vaporware.

>> No.15331268

>That's actually the #1 complaint with BAT; is that it's not useful because BTC and ETH could have done the same thing (which not only has been disproven, but also admits the usefulness/utility of BAT)
Short term yes, longer term no. They needed to "raise" money (create out of thin air), have everything centralized to have 0 fees for the bat grants/early stage browser ads (like what we get now for closing the ads that pop up), and have private txs with ZK-snarks. In 5 years all three of these will be taken care of with better block chain tech. So where will this token be by then? Couldn't they have just made an ETH-backed token that would have had the exact same functionality but without the ico?

>> No.15331322

>)this fucking coin is a pile of shit that will have 0 use case in 6 years once bitcoin/ethereum increase their scaling capabilities

Stopped reading there. They will both always be slow clunky pieces of shit.

>> No.15331361

as a fiat on-ramp for John J Normie that has no interest in being responsible for managing their own private keys? While still giving techies/nerds the ability to move browser based earnings to non-custodial wallets? Brave is positioning itself for being the defacto option for anyone interested in crypto or participating in web3 projects with all the wallet integration they've been doing.

you get paid regardless if you open/close the notification at the moment btw.

>> No.15331363

So let me get this straight..
>Coin is given away for free, unironically
>You think it's top five
>You think it will ever stop dumping
>You think normies will ever use anything other than Chrome

best kek all night

>> No.15331367

i get that but alts will never recover. you'll be lucky to see BAT at 30 cents again.

>> No.15331392

bitcoin was given to pajeets for solving captchas. literally 1 BTC per captcha.

>> No.15331484
File: 761 KB, 800x843, BAT3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Short term yes, longer term no

Nah. When I said "it's been disproven", I mean every. possible. point you can throw at me has been disproven time and time again. You went with the "they needed to raise money out of thin air angle," which is probably top 3 in the arguments against BAT. The thing is, they literally did not need to raise money out of thin air, as there are thousands of ways of doing this in Silicon Valley via VCs and angel investors, it's laughably retarded to think that Brendan Eich needed to resort to shitcoin funding to jumpstart his latest project.

You're a fucking cretin if you think BAT was strictly for funding. But anyways, besides that point, if Brave were to go with one of the top 2, it would have presented 2 obvious and incurable issues, namely:

1) no UGP (this is literally BAT that is given away and is not spent by Brave, so no, it's not "free money"); and
2) the psychology of (Brave's currency) being used to support content creators never would have been possible with BTC or ETH. First of all, strictly logistically, it wouldn't have been possible with BTC (sorry old man), but also psychologically NOBODY WANTS TO FUCKING GIVE AWAY FREE BITCOIN RETARD (it's current year). With ETH, the psychological point applies to a lesser extent as well.

>> No.15331500

Even if the brave platform succeeds, why should the price go up?

>> No.15331549
File: 38 KB, 600x375, come on now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've said it before but it's so disingenuously hilarious to see ETH and BTC maximalists rabidly post "why didn't you just use muh coin?"; implying that literally 10% of them would contribute their holdings to any single content creator in the world.

It's a fucking joke and a straight up falsehood. Brave's ecosystem is almost built around being able to donate to any content creator you enjoy because you're EARNING the currency from having advertisements toggled "on". Good fucking luck getting ETH or BTC holders to do that. Not happening.

>> No.15332119

Brave is Chrome though.

>> No.15332378

not accumulating at these prices is hating money