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1532738 No.1532738 [Reply] [Original]

post your must watch /biz movies

mine are
>The Big Short,
>Wolf of Wall Street,
>Margin Call

>> No.1532889

>The Big Short


>> No.1532892

Those movies all sucked.

>> No.1533025

There will be blood

>> No.1533031


>> No.1533507

Fucking your then motherfuckers

>> No.1534056
File: 99 KB, 500x200, greed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wall Street. Greed is good.

>> No.1534071
File: 140 KB, 354x378, 1469546942638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Boiler Room

>> No.1534084

The Social Network

>> No.1534085

Waffle street, seriously. Good biz movie

>> No.1534100

Michael Clayton

>> No.1534129

The godfather
Still business
Just... organized business

>> No.1534139

Fuck you, contrarian kneejerker

>> No.1534230


>> No.1534369


I've been watching all these /biz/ suggested movies recently and have enjoyed almost all of them. I even been hunting through the archives for more suggestions but yeah, Nightcrawler was pretty unique.

There Will be Blood was also a very nice watch. Well shot and acted.

>> No.1534385

The books are worse.

>> No.1534389
File: 20 KB, 250x375, 416Gidpo-oL._UX250_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is a cuck who cries when things don't go his way.

>> No.1534404

It's not a bad movie, just follows the typical hollywood propaganda.

The Book includes all the different aspects of the '08 crash and i would recommend the book over the movie any day.

And while it's a decent movie, it does piss me off... Like how they just so conveniently left out the government legislation and the impact that had

>> No.1534438


>> No.1534772


It's great until the last 5 minutes, but you can just turn the movie off when it starts talking about how nothing changed in the regulatory environment.

>> No.1534879

>implying the ones who lobbied for that legislation weren't the financial markets themselves

>> No.1534919

>implying we can never place some blame on the government

>> No.1534928

>>The Big Short,
jew made movie designed to deflect blame of the 2008 market crash away from jews.

they even had that innocent jew working in the firm and showed him working at a random shop sweeping the floor later on.

they tried to blame the banks and make the real estate kikes look innocent.