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15323348 No.15323348 [Reply] [Original]

full remote faggot here. I havent heard from my boss in weeks. havent showered in days. barely leave the house except for groceries and occasional walks. this shit seriously sucks, I feel like doing solitary confinement. barely working and nobody seems to care, I believe they have forgotten about me. but the payments keep coming in and sooner or later they will remember theyre paying me money and actually wanna see some results. I have no idea what Im even supposed to do at this point, just keep pinging my superiors with occasional emails and progress reports while I shitpost on 4chins and watch shit on youtube. I wish I was back in the office wagecucking along my frens desu this shit sucks.
also AMAA

>> No.15323389

Im so starved for human contact I tried to chat up the mailman today and keep taking out the trash in hope I meet some neighbours to talk to. according to NEETs Im living the dream but this feels like pure hell I just want back in my wage cage

>> No.15323399
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same here. Nobody will let me do any work. They delegate things I used to do to new people. I'm an hourly guy and I'll probably always be. I wonder how long it would take for someone to find my body

>> No.15323409

how do we escape this nightmare anon?

>> No.15323410

Same here. It helps to have a dog.

>> No.15323422

Jesus whats wrong with you? Theres people who would kill to escape there wage cage and you can work from home and DONT EVEN WORK and whine about it? Go to the fucking gym, get a skill, learn to paint. Do all the things I constantly day dream i could be doing instead of bitching when you have something good.

>> No.15323434

if you don't already have friends/family/hobbies outside of the house before you start working remote, then yeah, it's just like solitary confinement. I have those things though, so it's pretty fucking awesome for me.
I'm efficient as fuck too, so I can spend half my day playing apex or riding my bike to the beach, then come back and put in 2-3 solid hours of work and everyone is still happy with my productivity. get good faggo

>> No.15323435

been working from home for 8 years, fucking love it. No one cares what I do as long as I work is done by end of the night. Make shaving kids way less of a pain in the ass.

>> No.15323436

you're a loser. I've worked remote for 4 years now. I love it. I can do chores, work on my veggie garden, feed my pets, go grocery shopping on lunch. I've never made friends from work. all my friends I've met by getting out there. leaving the house. going to a bar, a festival, clubs, school. never from work. work friends are retarded, it's hard to find one that matches what you like, the talk is always superficial and meaningless.
go out and make some friends. and take a shower every morning you fucking dirt bag. you're disgusting.

>> No.15323451

Fuck you. I'd love to work from home. Human contact is a meme.

>> No.15323450

>Make shaving kids way less of a pain in the ass.
anon... that's... that's a disturbing hobby you have

>> No.15323461

What do you guys do and how can I do it.

>> No.15323479

Wanna be frens?

>> No.15323491

You went to bars alone?

>> No.15323504

this desu, I start wagecucking from home in 2 weeks and that's my plan

>> No.15323514

Its your fault you are too much of an npc brainlett to make something meaningful out of your life. I would kill to have a well paying work from home job. Life is full of unfunny little ironies like that.

>> No.15323515

don't you fucking question my lifestyle
medical records coding/billing

>> No.15323522

>Wanna be frens?
yes please! I am absolutely desperate and will befriend anyone. had a conversation with the 90 year old granny the other day and it was so soothing to hear her voice but eventually she had to go.
>you're a loser.
no shit
>going to a bar, a festival, clubs, school
I live out in the boonies. population 2,500 and theres like two bars hear where the local alcoholic farmers hang out. even if I was any good at making friends then it would still be hard in this place. at least I got poker night with some frens at the weekend but I dont even know how Im supposed to make it through the week. fuck.

>> No.15323526

This. I work at a fucking dairy in Florida sweating my ass off all day covered in shit and piss. I would work for $9 an hour at home if I could, the hundreds of dollars less i would make wouldnt come close to the amount of happiness and time to actually work on things i enjoy from my home. I would probably drink and smoke way less as well, because that's what I have to do to go back to work everyday.

>> No.15323531

This! Instead of complaining like fucking faggots tell us what you do. God I so wish I could get wagebucks without having to deal with anyone.

>> No.15323541

>I work at a fucking dairy in Florida sweating my ass off all day covered in shit and piss
that unironically sounds like heaven compared to being stuck in my apartment by myself 24/7.

>> No.15323544

You should become a discord tranny

>> No.15323553

I'm desperately looking for a remote job. Can I have yours?

>> No.15323554

>she had to go
Where did she “go” fren?

>> No.15323556

Hi from Russia

>> No.15323571

lol I mean the granny living next door. Im not talking to imaginary people. not yet at least.

>> No.15323576

You wouldnt last a week. Imagine being completely drenched in sweat, shit, piss, oil, and grease at 6 in the morning and still having 9 hours left of work. You are a retard if that's what heaven is like to you.

>> No.15323579

WFH is great. But you have to be proactive. Get your nose in projects that don't involve you. Help everyone.

Working in an office is only cool for like a month.

You're regret on-site life when you have kids.

>> No.15323581

no I'm busy now

>> No.15323607

anon I used to work at the airport hauling luggage in scorching heat, snow and rainstorms. but at least I was around people and got some exercise. It was much better than this work from home shit even though I make tons more money with less work. I just want a comfy job among frens where I can make some decent money but all the well paying shit has you staring at a screen all day fml

>> No.15323608

The only enjoyable thing is banging out tiny Guatemalans with my big ol white wang, and access to decent Mexican food. Other than that, I've probably knocked off 20 years of my life in the past 5.

>> No.15323620

>You're regret on-site life when you have kids.
I guess thats true but Im single and living alone PLUS working from home is pure hell. Im actually trying to get transferred to the HQ so I only have to do 2 more months of solitary confinement hopefully. Im not even sure how Im gonna make it through that time. but yeah if I had wife and kids I would rpobably go back to remote. heck if I had a gf I would knock her up just to have some company

>> No.15323646

>you have to be proactive
im gonna volunteer at the local dog shelter but its gonna take 4 weeks until I can get started
heck I even wanna go to a coworking space 20 minutes from here just to get out of the house. this shit is ridiculous I have to spend money, time and effort just to simulate an office environment fuck this shit. I wanna go back to my wage cage so I can go home after work and be actually happy I dont have to talk to anyone. you wagecucks have no idea what hell awaits you in a remote working position.

>> No.15323650

>anon I used to work at the airport hauling luggage in scorching heat, snow and rainstorms
Dude, how does that compare to working at a dairy in Fl? I think your problem is more yourself than the job or the conditions. Seriously, get off your fatass and do some pushups and get a gf and it sounds like your problems are over.

>> No.15323651

you just need frens anon
but you find them everywhere no need to have a work

>> No.15323665

I stare at a fucking screen all day anyway the only difference is i have to deal with a much of brain dead annoying fuck faces constantly. Human contact is overrated as fuck.

>> No.15323666
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Do you have any hobbies at least?
Well good because im all friended out

>> No.15323668

>do some pushups
already did some this morning. only makes me feel even more like prison desu
>get a gf
oh yeah Im just gonna head over to the gf store and get me a nice gf. good call anon.

>> No.15323689

>Do you have any hobbies at least?
umm not really I like to read and do Yoga thats pretty much it. but why do I need hobbies I just wanna go back to the wage cage and do my work and be around people. I dont wanna pick up some retarded pottery class or whatever I have no interest in anything outside of my work really. heading over to my weed guy tonight just so I can talk to somebody I dont even wanna get high but screw it I need some cmopany. he'll probably kick me out after a couple of hours God my life is really pathetic.

>> No.15323700

go for a walk every morning and do some exercise. Then (fap,) take a shower and get to work. Then when you're done do something you like. Then at night go out if you want to see people.
How hard is this ?

>> No.15323703

I havent made any frens since high school and I still hang out with those dudes but they live like 20 minutes away. how do you make frens when youre some aging retard living in the middle of nowhere?

>> No.15323708
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>Make shaving kids way less of a pain in the ass.

>> No.15323713

Gimmi your job anon and ill get you hired at my wage cage.

>> No.15323720

>Then at night go out
go where dude? theres like two bars in town and I dont even drink. holy shit Im so ronery

>> No.15323741

the irony is I used to be like you faggots I wanted to work from home get away from people. I spent years teaching myself shit, weaseled my way into the corporate world and actually make good money. but Im absolutely miserable, please frens dont fall for the work from home meme.

>> No.15323748

You fucking idiot you are so lucky, i have to work on a god dam office and deal with so many idiots and themn i have to get home to deal with my nagging wife and her mother i wiuld kill just to have your life, being alone and mind your own business is great, apreciate what you have once its gone you will miss your loneliness and privacy like crazy

>> No.15323762

This is the dumbest thing I've read in years.

Go on vacation and bring a laptop. The wife and I go to dumb places, like the Smokey mountains, and just chill in a cabin for a week.

You are begging to be locked in a cubicle. Makes zero sense.

>> No.15323775

Fuck you you fucking spoiled sodomite.

>> No.15323783

Nah anon, trust me you have it good. You'd get tired of shitty flirting with 40 years old roasties and boring corporate types. The thing is, since everyone wagecucks you got to find a way to find similar people who don't wagecuck. Either get some /biz/ roommates, move to a college town with qts, talk to milfs at the grocery store or join somewhere with people with common interests

>> No.15323801

Go hunting, learn to cook, take the chance to learn some skills. Garden if you want. Growing your own food is a great conversation starter.

>> No.15323814

grass is always greener anon Ive been doing this for seven years and I cant take it anymore. Im not larping btw everything I said here is the truth. I would love to be around retarded coworkers and get pissed off at their shennanigans you have no idea how good you have it.
>Go on vacation and bring a laptop
and be alone in a different location? fuck that might as well flush my money down the toilet. at least you got a waifu anon if I had waifu here it would probably be different but being a work from home single living faggot is pure hell.

>> No.15323819

He could do a million things but it looks like he want to be forced to do things.

>> No.15323832

this finally somebody gets it. Im sick and tired of managing myself and putting in effort to simulate a working environment. I want somebody to tell me what to do and structure my day. all these responsibilities are too much I need somebody to boss me around and bully me. femanons please apply ITT

>> No.15323846

Remote worker here. I work a 4x10 and draw over my work hours as well, use my commission money to buy better equipment (currently using a 24-inch cintiq, bought it earlier this year) and invest it in crypto/stocks.

It’s not quite NEET-tier, but it really is the next best thing. I don’t have to deal with dumb 80IQ coworkers and their stupid office drama. I live in a city, so if I’m feeling lonely, generally a quick walk outside will fix that.

The only person I really see at my work is my actual boss. He is an absolute bro. We sometimes chat on discord play vydia over the weekend.

I would literally kms before working with people in person. Never again. I am so sick of the office Stacy's and sensors who are incapable of finding value in their life.

If you are working in an office, apply to every fucking remote job you can find. Even if you barely qualify or fall slightly under, just do it. Get a remote job before you blow your brains out.

>> No.15323849

He is not a independent guy he unironically needs an alpha

>> No.15323885

how are you guys reading me so correctly its spooky. Im a low T beta type and need somebody to attach myself to. like some bossy woman who bullies me and tells me what to do that would be ideal.

>> No.15323886

sounds like you lack testosterone breh

>> No.15323903

Do you need a noose kek

>> No.15323908

Question for all you WFH faggots: what all business software / conferencing apps / corporate services otherwise does your company use to help enable their WFH workers?

I just had an idea, I’d love to get into the business of helping businesses go remote. I’m guessing there’s a lot of challenges like tracking wtf employees are working on (for expenses & shit), along with the obvious video/chat apps for meetings or whatever.

See e.g. Slack for example.

>> No.15323911

Have sex OP you fucking incel loser.

You don't have to fight traffic to and from work, probably the most high stress thing in modern society. Not putting all those miles on your car. Can eat good food from home instead of going out and eating shit every day with your fatass coworkers. Sleep in, stay up later. Do your chores throughout the day during work so when you get off at 5 or 6 you actually have free time to do what you want rather than spending it all cutting grass or doing laundry and cleaning and other bullshit.

The problem is you don't have any friends or a girlfriend, not working from home. I hope you have to start going into the office every day so you realize how good you had it.

>> No.15323919
File: 84 KB, 1839x834, minecraft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work from home running my Minecraft server and it's great

>> No.15323944

To the people complaining about working at home: Get some hobbies and stop being a typical NPC sensor.

You can use this time to learn how to draw, write, program, wood-sculpting, basically whatever the fuck you want. If you’re not really the creative type, you can study for certs and pick up a new skill set.

Make a point to actually do something over the weekend. Check out local events and network with people. See if you can make any new friends. If you’re the turbo-autist type, unironically see if there’s any local D&D meetup groups as you will be with your own kind.

>> No.15323951

i've worked from home for years and love it. its your personal decision to live in filth.

>> No.15323957

>being this much of a grass is greener ignorant retard
>not an NPC

>> No.15323962

What remote jobs are there even that dont require some sort of coding or base knowledge of the position?

>> No.15323963

>I would probably drink and smoke way less as well, because that's what I have to do to go back to work everyday.
Nah, you would do exactly what you do now, minus the work.

>> No.15323985

can I do your job?

>> No.15323989

Customer support and random “office” jobs. Just go on indeed and search for “at home” or “remote worker” and you should find a bunch.

>> No.15323993

Are you me? Literally exactly the same experience.

>> No.15324002

>I would literally kms before working with people in person. Never again.
remote is great as long as you are not an npc.

>> No.15324006

So are you like a conscious NPC? Not trying to be mean, but dude, people here who are not NPCs would not only love to be in your position, many of us would thrive given the opportunity. I probably have cancer from my job that I hate, but my options are limited because I live in a town like you. The gf store is literally the bar. I'm not talking about a wife, you dont sound like you are ready for a good woman yet or a wife, you need to do what other npc's do. Put your dick in some pussy and release the stress. You like being bossed around, that's fine, have a bitch smash your balls so you can feel real again. But I wouldnt sacrifice your home job to work like a slave with no control over your life. I wish the best man, hope you figure it out.

>> No.15324013

this guy is right tbqh

>> No.15324025

did you think about what you gonna do when nobody play on your server anymore ?

>> No.15324085

Is "working from home" some kind of euphemism for NEET?

>> No.15324165


nah desu it's easier than ever to work from home (naturally). I even work for a crypto related company. The pay isn't as good as an in-office cuck job but I can also work 50 hours a week no problem with all this extra free time, I also prepare all my own food and eat out much less, no commute, plus i'm on the computer all day so in my free time i don't feel the need to refresh /biz/ compulsively (jk i still do that but if i didn't i would have unlimited free time)

It's pretty dope. Trying to code in my spare time so I can eventually get a remote job that actually pays well. Then i'll be big dick swinging.

>> No.15324218

Jesus Christ. Make an OkCupid account and find someone.

Hit the gym.

You're a mess if you want to go back to a cubicle.

>> No.15324261

Seriously, I wish I could work from home.

I have friends, a girlfriend, hobbies, my life is overall in good shape, but I hate going to a workplace and dealing with coworkers so fucking much.

I'm begging anyone in this thread with information on how to work from home or just make money with an online job to help me, I don't even care if it means making minimum or even part-time wage.

>> No.15324266
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>> No.15324313

Get a hobby, I’d kill to be in your position because I’d do what I do now as a meet and make music, also what do you do and how do you get started cause that’s the big goal

>> No.15324329

OP go to coworking spaces

>> No.15324341

software dev. I've been building out this application that's been growing nonstop since the beginning and am one of two guys who understands the big picture so I'm pretty much irreplaceable in my role. I wonder sometimes just how much I could get away with if I just stopped checking in.

>> No.15324349
File: 136 KB, 1024x682, 99F3BD4B-1E33-4D45-A118-3A67B030706D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shaving kids
Please tell us more

>> No.15324378

OP is the ideal goyim cattle the Jews believe we all are. I'm positively gobsmacked to find one of you here.

>> No.15324445

lol I mean you guys call me an NPC and goy cattle but at least I had enough agency to maneuver myself into a situation that I now dont like anymore (making a full time living from home).
I work in advertising. I make my emplyoers so much money they couldnt care less where I work from or how many hours I work. I posted how-to threads here a couple of times on biz and people told me Im a scammer and to kms so I dont really share useful info anymore because its pearls before swine IMO. like this anon >>15324341 stated its not realyl that complicated in theory. you find a skill thats in-demand, you train yourself to become really good at it and then you make yourself indispensable to your clients/employers.

>> No.15324465

like if you fags wanna work from home so badly why dont you go for it? it took me years to figure this shit out but its doable. but Im telling you its not all that great and Ive come to hate it. I am absolutely miserable. my biggest fear is that it is indeed me and when I do go back to the office I will still be unhappy. but at least I could talk to people and shit.

>> No.15324489

I call you a goy cattle not because you're unskilled or even unintelligent, but because you're apparently completely unable to be happy without being herded into a box of other people, and unable to be social unless a superior forces the issue. And, I do work from home.

>> No.15324510

>I call you a goy cattle not because you're unskilled or even unintelligent, but because you're apparently completely unable to be happy without being herded into a box of other people, and unable to be social unless a superior forces the issue
ok you kinda have a point there.

>> No.15324553

I'll be your fren. Also, what do you do and how do I get into it? What is pay like?

>> No.15324567

>falling for this bait thread

>> No.15324580

It's an easy problem to solve, at least: Just go out and do stuff.

>> No.15324609

also working from home. you're currently 100% a loser.

>> No.15324612

This, I've done it and it's miserable. Now I work in a small office. My boss texted me today which is my Saturday for help with something and ended it with 'Thanks, now hit the gym.' I love the relationships I have at work.

>> No.15324630

What the fuck? Dude if you work remotely you'll never miss a gym session in your life unless you're that lazy. You'll save money on food and transit. You'll automatically be healthier if you take a walk, stretch or some other shit you couldn't do in an office. Post meeting fap breaks much?
You'll never get #metoo'd working from home unless you full on send out dick pics on Skype.

Remote working is a fucking godsend. I basically tinder college girls and lift with the flexibility I have. I've literally gotten my dick sucked giving a PowerPoint presentation to clients and I got fucking promoted doing it.

This is the plus side of working in IT with pajeets and nippons.

>> No.15324651

> Muh 8 hours away from home makes it impossible to hit the gym
Biggest fucking cope ever.

>> No.15324663


These are all your own problems.

I work remote - I take advantage of it. Last year I spent 2 months working from various countries. Had the time of my life.

>> No.15324673

It's 1000x easier to put in decent time at the gym when the next place you have to be is your own fucking home. It's the closest thing you'll get to dedicated a significant portion of your life to fitness without actually being a paid athlete.

>> No.15324677

I'm in favor of a ruling class. Only cause I rule.

>> No.15324680

I'm pretty sure this is what everyone has been saying. The reason everyone is saying you have it good is because we are herded into our work camps with people we dont like making shit money, while you are sitting in you pajamas at your house smelling like farts crying about how shitty it is you are an incel with all the ability to not be and free time to actually think and do things. I have 3 hours after work to do what I need. Most working people have maybe 2 hours to just relax a day when they arent sleeping. If you have kids and a wife and actually take care of them, you have none.

>> No.15324682
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>> No.15324688

What do you do and how do I learn?

>> No.15324692

JIRA and slack is all you need.

>> No.15324710

Kek, hello fellow consultant.
I know what you mean, at least I can blast music while pretending to be important alligning company logos on powerpoint. I lift in the early mornings, that keeps me sane.

>> No.15324713

I've had good luck looking on LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and angellist

>> No.15324715

I work from home full time too but I have a young child and a fiancè who is a stay at home mother so I don't feel alone, it's wonderful in fact. Don't know why you'd work at home if you didn't have family there though, you'd miss the bants.

>> No.15324740

It's all fucking cope bro, it really isn't hard to fit an hour of lifting in and people will invent any excuse possible to not do so. As I said in a post above yours I did the remote working thing and honestly it made me lazier. Having to be at work is the basis of a schedule for me.
> Have to be at the office at x time
> So I'll get up at y time
> So i can also do z, a, and b before work
> then when I get home do c
Fatties will be fatties whether they work from home or not. They could live inside of a gym, and still find a reason they can't commit. Ultimately remote or in the office work is a to each their own decision.

>> No.15324750

I'm a business analyst. My clients are all old women who hate meetings just as much as I do so we all work remotely save for maybe a biweekly in person meeting. I make 80k

>> No.15324764

Well for the already self motivated (me) living 10 minutes from my gym and working from home has been a huge plus for my gains and overall wellbeing

>> No.15324777
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>Caught the fever, ears are stuffed, throat is burned up
>Call up boss for request to work remote because of coughs and shit, she approves
>Work 8 hours on my Acer Predator Z35P 35 inch while watching 5 movies simultaneously
>Get the groceries and go to local toko during lunch with bicycle
>Completely focused and get up to date with my work, not distracted by workspace BS or drama, only receive 3 phone calls
>MFW I actually wanted to call in sick

I might actually do this again.

>> No.15324808

you're not supposed to remote work from your home but from some exotic place under the palm tree stupid


>> No.15324814
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>save for maybe a biweekly in person meeting
see thats not full remote I can go weeks without even having a phone call with my bosses. not as much fun as it sounds.
I think ideal setup would be an office close by and I can come and go as I please. which is pretty much what Im looking forward to in about 2 months hopefully. I cant wait to leave this solitary confinement behind and if the office gets too much I can always do my shit from home. like I said my bosses dont give a fuck where and how I do what I do as long as I make them money. fwiw I just went outside and had a little chat with the gardener tending the grounds here thats how desperate I am for hooman contact. feeling a little bit better about myself now might even take a shower today.
thanks fren. advertising, brute forced my way into the industry, making 75k this year.

>> No.15324815

Exactly, to each their own, personally I thrive on external pressure. I live a 10 minute jog from the gym. It's not hard for me to wake up hit the gym and make it back home in time to get ready for work after oats.

>> No.15324820

Based and careerpilled

>> No.15324822

Ive been through all these memes fren I spent over 2 years bumming around SEA, banged whores and all that shit. I just got depressed and homesick. a lot of these biz memes arent all what theyre cracked up to be thats what Im trying to tell you faggots.

>> No.15324839

btw for all you fags asking how you can do remote work: my first gig was at an online marketing agency one day the internet crashed. I told my boss I can work from home and just never went back into the office. so if youre really desperate just check with your boss if he will let you work from home. I bet a lot of you fags have never even thought about simply asking for that have you.

>> No.15324840

Get a load of this fag bragging.

>> No.15324848

WFH reallly really sucks
you feel so paranoid about not putting in enough work that you actually work more hours from home because of the occasional breaks here and there

>> No.15324853

This sounds like a dream
Dont you have friends for social interaction?

>> No.15324869

How do I become a business analyst?

>> No.15324885

yeah Im totes bragging about being a pathetic empty shell of a human being that harasses his neighbours for a shred of human contact. living the dream here bro.
yeah this Im in constant paranoia that somebody will call me up and demand to see wha the fuck Ive been doing the last 2-3 weeks. I think I end up working way more than my inhouse partners who can gauge their bosses mood on a daily basis.

>> No.15324886

>Ive been through all these memes fren I spent over 2 years bumming around SEA
shit i'm gonna do like 5 months next year and only because i'm on limited funds, really waiting forward to it. Now I hope I don't get tired of it like you.
But if you have money to spare you can always start your own company and hire someone.

>> No.15324888

If you can't handle the isolation, then sign up for a coworking space.
If you can't do that, then go to a coffee shop.

>> No.15324898

that's my ideal too desu. being able to work from home when I want, but also having an office to go to a couple times a week. best of both worlds.

>> No.15324901

Tips for how to get where you are? I want to WFH to work on other projects.

>> No.15324906

are the sales from subscriptions? How do you make money with a game server?

>> No.15324941

This is why you need to live in a city where there are signs of life all around you. You will go crazy in the suburbs

>> No.15324964

Learn how to use PowerPoint and ask obvious questions, or read some of these https://thebadoc.com/f/10-books-that-have-impacted-my-business-analyst-career

>> No.15324996

You will anon, you will. Eventually sex just becomes meaningless because you realize the girl you're fucking could get hit by a bus on her way home and you wouldn't give a shit. Unironically passionate sex with someone you actually love is the only long term sustainable form of making it.

>> No.15324997

Thanks. This what you do as well?

>> No.15325034

I did, I'm more a Change Manager now, so I just make stuff happen but it's not as boring as being a straight up PM or BA. A good BA just needs emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills really, if you can bond with people and explain stuff in a simple way it's pretty easy desu. Sometimes I wonder why it's an actual job but corporate environments are full of robots, so you have to squeeze stuff out of them or sometimes act as a bit of a negotiator.

>> No.15325059

my advice would be you find some skill thats in demand and where companies have trouble finding good talent. then you start in house for a while, make yourself unfireable and negotiate to work remote. thats probably the easiest route to do it. you also need some leverage so if you know your numbers and you know youre making your boss millions a year then you can hold that over his head. it also helps to go into industries where remote is pretty common like digital advertising, IT, that kinda thing. also not trying to be a dick here but /biz/ is the last place you should go for serious advice. you have google, specialized forums, real life events etc etc. all much better sources of information than a right wing mongolian frog breeding forum
I mean go for it dude but just take a look at all the long term expats theyre all miserable fucks. that alone should tell you that banging poor rice farmers daughters is not really a gateway to happiness. having a bangcation in thailand as a young man is almost a rite of passage though so why not. just dont make it a permanent lifestyle IMO.

>> No.15325075

Do you have a discord or throwaway where I could pick your brain more? I'm personable and easily blend in with normies.

>> No.15325085

Just start going to the gym or enroll in a martial arts class. Been doing muay thai lately its hella fun. Go to the library and read, anything anon. FFS there's plenty to do.

>> No.15325095

I know this place can be a shithole but sometimes you find some gems. I'm almost 28 and feel like I've wasted my life and that I'll never make it and I want to change that so I don't kms and upset my gf and family

>> No.15325105

I was like that when I first started living alone. It fucked me up for a while. Actually it led me to quitting my job and going fully remote, because the feeling of going from isolated to surrounded by people was far worse than just letting yourself be isolated.

However, you do get used to it. The mental illness is still there but you are able to detach from it and just let it be, even when it's painful or fearful. You learn to recognize the symptoms, and they're no longer a surprise to you.
One thing I did that made it more sustainable was I started going on runs regularly. Even if you're not interacting with people, just seeing them outside helps, and the endorphin release is great.

I will say that people are meant to be in the vicinity of each other 24/7. Being in a room by yourself for longer than 48 hours is unnatural and it will always be a struggle.

Take this opportunity to lift weights.

>> No.15325132

Go on then, CrystalKen@protonmail.com

Going to gym and stuff now but pick away and I'll get back to you.

>> No.15325217

>good BA just needs emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills really, if you can bond with people and explain stuff in a simple way it's pretty easy desu. Sometimes I wonder why it's an actual job but corporate environments are full of robots, so you have to squeeze stuff out of them or sometimes act as a bit of a negotiator.

Mate you throw around emotional intelligence like it's just some whatever thing but you and I both know that the autism pajeet epidemic is only getting worse.

>> No.15325270

Thanks mate. Likely won't be until late tonight or tomorrow, back to waging and no phones on the roof

>> No.15325320

Which means if you have it and it comes naturally, doing something like a BA role is easy. It's mostly acting as a translator between business robots who can't think outside of their day jobs and geeks with big headphones on all day.

>> No.15325395

Smoke some pot
Watch American Dad
Drink 2 beers
Watch Archer
Jack off
Smoke some weed put some dip in
Push ups
Learn a new skill

Do your job

>> No.15325675

The worst part about waging is these fucking coworkers. I work with my bosses son and this kid has "quit" in a fit of autistic anger 3 times since iv started here(1 year). His one job is to pick up the slack and help everyone if they fall behind but all he does is constantly bitch about how "if we did it my way instead of daddy s we wouldn't have these issues".

>> No.15325711

wtf she had to "go" is a codeword, you fool shouldve beaten that ancient pussy

>> No.15325814

I can I have your job, or how can I have a job like yours.

>> No.15325886

Hay, OP add me on discord. I'd like to learning how to get my start advertising so I can work remote. In exchange I'll teach you everything I've learned from Technical Analysis margin trading and my technique. I'm really good at it too, I can invite you to my home discord and show you a history of my trades in the analysis channel.

>> No.15325919

Where do you find remote jobs? It seems like everyone online works from home but I don't think I've ever met anyone in real life who does, and never see postings for remote jobs.

In Canada here so maybe it's different? I have an IT and administration background. Also, inb4 'hurrr reddit spacing'...fuck off

>> No.15326044

I dropped out of university and got depresed and lived a NEET lifestyle, I just got back on my feet and plan to go back next year.

I live in a country where the min wage is $5 per day and I recently got a remote job that requires no degree for 8.50 an hour, I'm making more than my friends who graduated university kek.

I realized working from home is definitely the way to go for me, I'm going to keep working current job part time, study computer science and then try to get a remote dev job in the US while living in my shit country, pretty comfy :)

>> No.15326272

Age? I'm 25 and want to go back but I feel like a massive oldfag

>> No.15326330
File: 63 KB, 640x640, 14582392_1816987831891326_4470780171649024000_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no. people who need constant human contact are crazy

>> No.15326344

Most of us bizlets already isolate by default... when we don't even need to leave the house, our brains turn into a bad neighborhood. At least, it did for me

>> No.15326895

Almost 24.
It's better to be 28 with a degree than 28 without one, you only feel old because you compare yourself to other people.

>> No.15326931


>> No.15327293

I wouldn't be so quick to judge if you have never worked remotely before. I understand OP perspective although I do sense a lack of motivation for OP to help himself. I work remotely as well and it was great for the first two years but I also started feeling some of the similar feelings OP felt. Granted, unlike OP I always went to the gym but its not enough. You have to realize no one is going to help you but yourself. Even if you go back to working in a office you may start to feel the same. You have to force yourself to meet people. Go on dating apps and real dates, learn a new skill/hobby and go to meetups for it, also if you play sports you can join programs where they single person sign ups so the sport you are playing is a bunch of randos put together on a team which helps create new relationships. Your issue is you arent trying hard enough to fix your self. Stop waiting for some one else to come help you and just do what it takes to help yourself no matter how outside your comfort zone that may be.

>> No.15327333

Lul I'm 28 and going back for my bachelors. I'm fugged

>> No.15327723

The state of the human condition
>Cry about being wageslave.
>Set free.
>Cry about free.
>Desire to wageslave.
What do?

>> No.15327792


You need self discipline and make an active effort for seeking human socialization outside your job.

It ain't a walk in the park but with due care it's a good arrangement. Don't blow it man.

>> No.15328056

Where I can find remote job listings?

>> No.15328107


That's also a good arrangement and it happens to be my current one.

>> No.15328136

This is wonderful anon.

>> No.15328307

how many times do we need to have this thread
once again
it all comes down to your intelligence
low IQ individuals (100ish and below) only need primal needs answered. they're content with food, sleep, porn/sex. they can be at home with minimal socialisation
medium IQ individuals (110-130) need some higher purpose, but aren't capable of self-determination. most of 4chan is in that range, and for these people it's critical to be part of a structure
high IQ individuals (150+) need the freedom to pursue their interests, which are endless and exist internally. depending on said interests, these people might end up socializing or they might end up living like hermits and not minding it one bit

>> No.15328359

>I'm getting paid to do nothing THIS IS HELL
Fuck off

>> No.15328906

I work full remote and don't even live in my country anymore, the world is my oyster and I have more freedom than almost anyone else in human history, it's great

>> No.15329108

What is this filtering? Nigger?

>> No.15329119

peak SLAVE morality

>> No.15329120

Apparently Belarc helps you do NSA shit over a network like that, but I only used it to find out my computer's product key because Microsoft fucking hides it on you for some reason.

>> No.15329129

That sounds like paradise

>> No.15329196


do you ever stop bragging

>> No.15329320

How does dairy work give you access to amerindian puss

>> No.15329496

i cant help myself

>> No.15329513

I don't think some people, even guys on 4chan, understand how bad loneliness can get. It fucks with your head. There was a period of time where I would get upset when cars that had been on the highway near me for a while would take an exit.

>> No.15329872


Please, do us all a favor and shut the fuck up for two minutes about it.