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15320292 No.15320292 [Reply] [Original]

Gods Unchained is a new free to play tradable card game built on the Ethereum blockchain currently in closed beta.

You get 1 free Legendary Card, 2 free Epic Cards and 12 Rare Cards when you download the game. You can sell them later for ETH in a couple of months. You also get free card packs when you win games and play in weekly tournaments. You also get raffle tickets for a chance to win a $63,000 mythic card.

There is a $1,600,000 world championship tournament early next year and normies will buy your cards to play in it.

You need a beta link to get in, feel free to use mine: https://godsunchained.com?beta-key=ktPKCgNnET

I've been playing for a few days now. Mostly against noobs. I win almost every game.

>> No.15320390

Reminder: you can sell raffle tokens by winning and earn ETH on

Here's a beta key if you need one

>> No.15320505

Didn't use your referrals.

>> No.15320974

imagine wasting your life playing an imaginary trading card game on an imaginary internet ponzi generating platform run by an autistic russian

>> No.15321037

Looks cool but I can't afford to play a game like this now. I haven't used Ethereum in a long time either. are the fees still bloated?

>> No.15321082

Quickly glancing trough the site. It's still in beta and already peddling cards with pretty insane valuations. The game has no history and now real reason to be valueing its product that much. Does every fucking developer think every person in crypto is fucking rich throwing money around like its nothing or something?

If the game had some history, and a regular playerbase then I'd be more interested in buying some cards and start playing. Or maybe if they're new and everyone's in love with it, then it'd be interesting because atleast there's some liquidity to buy/sell but this comes across to me like some dev thinks he found a get-rich-quick-scheme.

>> No.15321093

it's free, you can even earn ETH by winning and sell your raffle token, see

You'll find a lot of noobs if you have experience with Hearthstone. I just play zoo druid and got 70-80% win rate

Here's a beta key if you want to try out

>> No.15321114

How much eth for transactions should I have? I don't have much eth left and I don't really got money to buy more.

>> No.15321131

The highly praised game director Chris Clay from Magic The Gathering Arena recently joined this game.

If that's not bullish for this game I don't know what is.

You won't need ETH to start. It's free to just try it out.

Might need to buy packs with ETH if you want to climb the rank but it's fun just with free decks.

>> No.15321162

ok I'm signed up. I'll play a game.

>> No.15321189

Gods Unchained is a new competitive trading card game backed by Coinbase and led by the former Director of Magic the Gathering: Arena. The cards are real world tradable in an open economy, remember their stats and history, and you'll be able to play for keeps and earn valuable cards. Gods Unchained is free to play and currently in beta. You need to be invited to get in, but if you're interested in trying it you're welcome to use my beta key! https://godsunchained.com?beta-key=WjnmmLPwvB

>> No.15321286

>Quickly glancing trough the site. It's still in beta and already peddling cards with pretty insane valuations. The game has no history and now real reason to be valueing its product that much. Does every fucking developer think every person in crypto is fucking rich throwing money around like its nothing or something?
>If the game had some history, and a regular playerbase then I'd be more interested in buying some cards and start playing. Or maybe if they're new and everyone's in love with it, then it'd be interesting because atleast there's some liquidity to buy/sell but this comes across to me like some dev thinks he found a get-rich-quick-scheme

OP here. You don't need to buy cards. You get 3 free card packs when you download the game. You are guaranteed to get 1 legend, 2 epics, lots of rares and commons. This is more than enough to create a deck that wins 80% of the time. As you win you get more free card packs. When the game launches you can sell these cards. I've also gotten 1 diamond shiny, 4 golden shiny and a bunch of shadow shiny cards. If the game gets popular they might be worth alot of eth. The 1.6m tournament might get normies to play it.

I won 3 rare packs from playing in the weekend tournament. There is a tournament every weekend. You can win a shiny legend pack, 5 legend card packs.

Also when you win games you win 100 raffle tickets. you can sell these for eth now or win prizes in the raffle. top prize is a $63k mythic card.

I made $20,000 from $500 from cryptokitties. I got in before the normies got in and pumped prices. This was during the bull run though.

You need a beta link to get in, feel free to use mine: https://godsunchained.com?beta-key=ktPKCgNnET

>> No.15321367

Ok its pretty fun. I won the first game I played. I didn't really know what the fuck I was doing at first but ok its pretty straightforward. I was down to 9 health he still had 27. And I killed him. What a fucking idiot.

>> No.15321467

Use my signup link to get free cards https://godsunchained.com?beta-key=uhVLbaZttT

>> No.15321469

What's that replace cards at the beginning? What exactly does that do/mean?

>> No.15321549

you can choose to put 1 ore more cards back in your deck so you draw other cards at the beginning.
eg if you would draw a 7 mana card it's most of the time smart to replace it to get a lower mana card

>> No.15321580

ah ok thanks makes sense

>> No.15321581

I just followed the whole process just to discover that the game isn't even playable still

>> No.15321715

how so? Just use a betakey, get a metamask, register an account and link with your metamask then you can download the game client.
Don't forget to update the game when you first install it.

A Betakey: https://godsunchained.com?beta-key=PUAmOPWBnH

>> No.15321818

how do you play this game? My opponents keep having tons of cards and mana and I have nothing.

>> No.15322139
File: 647 KB, 953x1277, Screenshot_20190814-084526_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you stop putting Blat t lies in the op? It makes the game look way sketchier than it is. It has great fundamentals without you trippling the prize pool.


>> No.15322167

Uhh.. use my ref code and buy lots of packs man..

>> No.15322185

>give out all this free ETH with the promise to pay back even more later once new people sign up
Literal ponzi. And shit game.

>> No.15322206

cheapest booster costs 200 bucks in etherum
free to play

>> No.15322278

Please one of you legends sign up with my invite I will be grateful! https://godsunchained.com?beta-key=kJXuNQlIOe

>> No.15322322

what do you get for shilling?

>> No.15322368

well you need to buy some cards but it's free to play afterwards :^)

>> No.15322390

how can I trade card between my accounts?

>> No.15322412

anon I'm not a shill I'm trolling

>> No.15322433

I looked their cheapest booster is 200 bucks in eth this shit is dead on arrival whoever designed it is stupid

>> No.15322486

anon plz stop you're just wrong. cheapest is .012 eth.

the game is okay but pretty cut and dry atm but it's only in beta...


>> No.15322498
File: 185 KB, 1023x338, Screenshot_20190817-111923_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the most expensive booster... The rare one is like $2 and the best value anyways.

They get %10 of spent ETH and $20 raffle tickets per win.


>> No.15322506

You get the raffle tickets which give you a hydra which is a collectible as well as a chance to go into draw for some items.

>> No.15322505
File: 253 KB, 1044x741, Screenshot_20190817-115058_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20 raffle tickets*

>> No.15322522

Unfortunately these prices are long gone ;( 0.000016 is what we get now. Not worth it anymore.

>> No.15322545

this is why this shit will never succeed on a large scale.

>jus follow all these pain in the ass steps instead of playing literally any other game that just fucking works from the start

>> No.15322549
File: 414 KB, 1080x739, Screenshot_20190820-082715_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say start holding them until closer to the raffle when the people trying to grind the diamond hydra realize it's impossible without buying tickets.

>> No.15322581
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Most people in crypto already have MM installed and you can play without it you just won't get tickets distributed to you until you link a wallet.

>> No.15322597

what are you even talking about. you can buy a pack of 5 cards with a guaranteed rare in it for $2.37 at the moment. so for less than $5 you can get 10 cards, 2 of which is rare. which is on par with other card games.

>> No.15322600

I think you're right... might spike the price up something crazy close to the day.

>> No.15322627
File: 51 KB, 427x640, e9az5g28i8g31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it'll bottom out in a week or two then start to rise up to the day. The referral program brought in a huge glut if people who haven't played enough or been around enough to feel invested yet. They outnumbered the old hats believers who are the buying power right now and they're mostly selling. I think a good number of those people can convert to buyers when fomo sets in. It took a week or two for my earliest referrals to buy any packs, I expect a similar curve for most new players once they feel comfortable that the game is legit and here to stay.


>> No.15322680
File: 277 KB, 1080x1032, Screenshot_20190820-084000_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should also be noted just how successful the weekend tournaments and referral program. Have been at getting actual new players that download the client and put games in.

First weekend had ~400 unique players in the tournament.

Second week had ~700.

Last weekend... Pic related.

>> No.15322737

It's all cosmetic items apart from the one mythic card or not?

>> No.15322835
File: 77 KB, 778x960, hb86oegolfg31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct, all tradeable cosmetics that you can bling out your side of the board with. I really want one of each globe. You get a tradeable hydra for having any tickets and it has more heads depending on how many tickets you have up to 120k for the 7 headed diamond hydra. It's very unlikely anyone is going to manage to grind out 1.2k wins in the next month and collectors will want one.

>> No.15323068
File: 212 KB, 1078x965, Screenshot_20190820-091251_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just so we're all clear this is where OP gets the bogus 1.6mil tournament number, it would be much safer to say ~800k max unless fomo goes crazy. Still big but clarity is important. His claim that you get free tradable cards for signing up are also bullshit, you don't get tradable cards for signing up, you don't even get many of the untradeable core packs unless you play games. Don't use a liar's link


>> No.15323266

This game isn't actually decentralized btw. If the developer calls it quits then that'd be the end of it basically. Only the items you collect are in your wallet. But what good are the items when the game stops running?

It's not a true blockchain game. Just a generic ripoff from heartstone with a marketplace. Nothing decentralized about this.

>> No.15323419

You had me at Autistic Russian.

>> No.15323442
File: 808 KB, 552x945, ebqlhfjzwog31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A true block chain game would cost dollars to play a whole game and take an eternity. That's why pure block chain games are unplayable garbage that require pure autism like crypto kitties.

They could open source the client and store meta data on the block chain to make it more resilient to dev flight risk, but really no tcg that doesn't have active development lives very long. When was the last time you saw someone play wowtcg in a game shop?

>> No.15323549

>But what good are the items when the game stops running?
>but what good are stocks if the company goes out of business, or bonds if a country is reformed, or futures if a product is made illegal, or dividends if the debt is cleared.
you can add an IF to any form of investment, it is decentralized in that the ERC tokens are limited and can be transfered to any wallet on the ethereum blockchain. if the producer did go out of business someone else could remake the game or make a different one and incorporate the tokens. Im not saying to sink your life savings into this game, but physical card games are dying, unless you live in a large city its hard to find a place to even play MTG, pokemon, yugioh, or whatever. hearthstone may have the most players but its laking in technology which is typical of blizzard. a TCG on blockchain is a perfect use case and you have a good opportunity to get in early

>> No.15323599

You sound ignorant
Scarcity ≠ Decentralization. It's a fun game. But it it is not decentralized and you rely on someone else reviving the game and that's a BIG if. Hence it is not decentralized at all.