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File: 164 KB, 540x837, pajeet nakamoto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15320210 No.15320210 [Reply] [Original]

b-bliz buy my cones
>be pajeet
>shit on the streets
>see gaytoshi fakemoto and his bsv scam cashing in millions dorrars
>copy paste
tabula rasa cones coming soon
TOP FUCKING KEK this pajeet is deluded

>> No.15320246

I hope some boomers fall for it

>> No.15320259

>but i will forever be known as satoshi nakamoto

dumbass nobody will believe anyone is Satoshi until:
>genesis block signed
>movement from Satoshi's wallet

the ((real)) satoshi won't ever reveal himself because he'd commit suicide under the close watch of sleeping guards during shift change

>> No.15320267
File: 18 KB, 225x225, grumpy pep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15320307

HEs based. Tabula rasa top 20 eoy

>> No.15320385

Actually, I'm Satoshi Nakamoto, the world is now ready for MY real vision of bitcoin, an ERC20 token called POOSCM, it is comprised of sub values denominated in POOPLETS, I had a white paper, but I had to wipe myself with it.

>> No.15320416

Even fucking Creg is more believable.

>> No.15320420

I'm genuinely surprised that this wasn't about CSW.

>> No.15320447
File: 112 KB, 900x840, 015238092684402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15320485

if anything the Cruzbit dev is Satoshi. buy it.

>> No.15320789

I knew that btc was just another pajeet scam

>> No.15321040

had a good laugh but that pajeet is even more cringe and fake as craig the bsv-clown

>> No.15321389

If even so much as a crumb of Satoshi's coins move forensics will have blackhawks land on his fucking lawn and mag dump through the front door. They will step over the bleeding corpse to seize the PC yank the power cord and leave the scene.

>> No.15321429

we need to shill this hard fellow ranjeeds

>> No.15321737

OMFG, he actually signed as satoshi nakamoto!
He did what even Craig wasn't able to do!
Shieeeet he actually IS satoshi nakamoto
this is unironically huge guys

>> No.15321766

>see gaytoshi fakemoto and his bsv scam cashing in millions dorrars
>copy paste
he is not stupid either