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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15313714 No.15313714 [Reply] [Original]

I have 100% of my net worth in QNT. AMA.

>> No.15314033

why buy only 1 quant?

>> No.15314064

you are gonna be one rich man

>> No.15314256

Explain yourself, what makes you think this is the one.

>> No.15315003

Quant is needed for worldwide enterprise adoption of DLT. It has the connections, the use cases and tokenomics for it.

Nothing else comes close.

>> No.15315017

I have more than 1 Quant.

>> No.15315043

How many tokens say that? They all say they are fucking needed. They are all ERC-20 tokens. That means Ethereum is all you need with smart contracts and Bitcoin is all you need as money.

>> No.15315097

Yeah, but how many can do it?
Look deeper into Quant. You will see what I have seen.

>> No.15315130

Wow your portfolio is a whole $7 congrats

>> No.15315131
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and everything will need chainlink. even quant

>> No.15315165

Quant and ChainLink are brothers through Accord and Oracle. They both need eachother.

>> No.15315275

unironically rich in 2020

>> No.15315298

Have you seen the code?

>> No.15315313

there is no code.

>> No.15315317

Obviously not, it's in private repos.

>> No.15315336

Interesting to see Oracle bring a Blockchain Fintech partner to SIBOS without any code.

You do your thing, I do mine. Good luck partner.

>> No.15315338

you think oracle, sia and axtrading bought into vaporware?

>> No.15315351

Have you used the software? Or even seen a demo? Do you know what specifically it is used for? How much does a license cost?

>> No.15315354

Aaah. The old "have you seen their Code" FUD argument. "Im not gonna invest in this project even though it will do 100x from here because the Code is closed source". Wake up already, not every company discloses their core code

>> No.15315368


>> No.15315422

do your research?
they demo'd on youtube. token economics and business papers are released. do you expect us to spoonfeed you to make you rich?

>> No.15315491
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>another "layered" erc token

>> No.15315541

Explain what you mean by "layered"?
What blockchain the QNT token is issued on is irrelevant for the use case.

>> No.15315570

wat, its only erc20 for currency usage. quant can swap to any other chain. its the layer of all blockchains. not like matic which only operates on ethereum.

>> No.15315585

this, fking biz only care to look 2 secs at something which can change your life

>> No.15315769
File: 122 KB, 398x373, 149238764235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

their whitepaper is full of trash about 7 different shitcoin networks running on top of eth
it plans to link eth shitcoin networks and be some kind of validation layer and an interface
so it's basically going to be a jewish middleman mess that will never work because eth is dead unless it scales

>> No.15315783

and ofc they made a token so they can be rich

>> No.15316268


kek, imagine reading the white paper. I bought QNT in May 2018 and, like, OP, have nearly 100% of my net worth in it (I literally have to borrow money and sell drugs to make cash for food IRL, while being a millionaire (sometimes) in Quant)

>and ofc they made a token so they can be rich

So that WE can be rich, fren.

>> No.15316495

OP literally says AMA so I did. And as usual I got nothing worthwhile in response. The tokenomics are ridiculous. Its not even blockchain, it's closed source subscription software priced in USD. The ICO was a straight cash grab and then they later forced the token into their software even though it adds no value.

>> No.15316523

That must be scary having your life savings tied up in a token that has no real volume so you can't even sell if you want to. No wonder you guys shill so hard on biz.

>> No.15316759

$100 EOY

>> No.15316827

Worst tokenomics ever. There is no actual mainnet just a couple of shallow case uses like access maap store and licensing which you know and I know isn't gonna be worth much.

>> No.15316836

>Shill so hard on /biz/
>1 quant thread

>> No.15317863

Imagine being this stupid.

Quant actually have a product that is needed, a use-case with real traction. That alone is something fucking rare in Crypto. Not only that, but its been proven by large traditionals using their product, SIA, AXTrading, Crowdz.

Now they are co-marketing with Oracle at SIBOS...

Not only do they actually have something that people need/want to use. But they made the token mandatory to using the platform. Thats leagues ahead of every other shitcoin. ICX/RVN/KMD.. none of that shit needs anyone to buy the token, except for the meme gas fees. At least QNT will have Enterprise companies buying tokens. I really dont see why people are so retarded when it comes to this.

Only people buying protocol tokens, like komodo etc. are plebs/speculators. No real clients/developers are buying up the tokens.

Quant has a superior product and superior token use.

>> No.15319198

I'm extremely bullish on Quant. To be completely honest with you, I think the only thing standing in its way of a better ROI is a literal economic recession. And even then, QNT might be a good hedge. Either way, it will continue to be relevant and continue to progress.
It's up a lot lately, but has retraced a bit. I think it could perform well price-wise even without a bull market.
Dont even need to mention what it could do in a bull market.
I mean really, look at the partnerships, clients, use cases, tokenomics. Read the news, explore the telegram where the CEO gives updates. This could really be the next big thing.
I dont know who's going to read this, but give it a shot, do some research. If I had 100% of my crypto net worth in QNT alone, I would feel perfectly fine about it for the next year, 2 years, 3 years, even 5 years. Not even joking. Well okay I'd want a slice of BTC if we're talking that long. But still.
As they say, do your own research. But I wholeheartedly believe in this project. If I had to bet on an alt, this would be my pick. The market cap is an absolute joke for what it is, what it's done, and what it will be. I probably sound like a pajeet hype man shill but this project is crazy, and all you see on biz is people fudding it. It makes no sense.

>> No.15319318

Oh look he can use copy and paste

>> No.15319348

Lol really? Furthest thing from a pasta. Just being honest, QNT is my favorite project. I think it could be a pretty good investment. Not sure about life changing or anything, but it certainly has the potential to be

>> No.15319878

Gartner Cool
AX trading
Oracle Fintech partner

Universal Utility token

Do I need to say more?

>> No.15319901

If it was a cash grab, why burn tokens? They could just have sold them.

I'm scared of how rich I am going to be, not that Quant is going to fail, friend.

>> No.15319917

Yeah, we're going to SIBOS with Oracle as FinTech partners. So far, no other crypto project is.

Once People start seeing through the horribly bad FUD some people post in here, it's going to be mental.

Reddit will even FOMO before 4chan since a few people on here has spread so much dedicated FUD for so long.

Sad to see.

>> No.15319983


there’s nothing ‘deeper’ to see. it’s a shitcoin and you’re a deluded bagholder

>> No.15320013

This is the kind of FUD I am talking about.

I am not deluded, and if I am a bagholder my bags are full of helium.
I'm in profit and not selling.

>> No.15320038

let's say you have a significant bag, where are you going to sell them (consider the fake volume)?

>> No.15320052

I am going to wait. I am a patient person.

>> No.15320084

Quant has more real volume than a lot of Alts on Binance right now lol. At the peak they were pulling $1-1.5m a day on IDEX alone. let alone Bittrex etc.

>> No.15320320

I'm not selling before 1000$ anyway so todays exchanges and volumes are irrelevant. It's a blessed time to pick up more though.

>> No.15320400

Chainlink makes it useless

>> No.15320492

Australian government
AX trading
Pay.uk Uk government

And the list goes on.

Only 14 million supply, all circulating. Team barely owns any token, has to buy back to sell to costumers.

They burned millions of token instead of selling them.

Coinbase and Binance listing.

It’s gonna happen, with or without you pajeets.

>> No.15320500
File: 97 KB, 1920x1080, 8AB11A5D-B9B8-40C5-BDE6-CF46DDEFB3FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink and Quant partnership soon. If you’re smart you buy before, not after

>> No.15320534

This is what I was hinting at.
Nice graphic :)

>> No.15320572

QUANT will drive adoption in the next bull market

>> No.15320575

Quant does not rely on ETH to succeed.
It also links permissioned blockchains such as Corda and JPM.
Even if BTC and ETH crashes, QNT will be needed to interoperate between permissioned chains.

It's not only the best investment that I know of currently, but also a good hedge against all the crypto drama.

If you overlay a QNT chart over a BTC chart you will see that it is basically decoupled already.

Quant doesnt need crypto markets, crypto markets needs Quant. The sooner you realize this and buy, the more money you are going to make from it.

>> No.15321173

This is also pretty exciting:


>> No.15321246

This too


>> No.15321265

Halfway through the white paper right now. Is this a good entry point?

>> No.15321281

Pay.uk moves 13 fucking trillion a year.

Recent AMA talks with Armenian government and HCL, which will biggest thing to happen in crypto

>> No.15321290

What does your dad's dick taste like? Your or your brother's ass?

>> No.15321297

Yup, it's dipped from 15 to 7 ish and bottoming out.

>> No.15321495

Not got to the token economics section yet, can you explain it in your view?

>> No.15321520


No, I'd rather have you have a deep understanding of it.

Read this article:


>> No.15321578



Seriously, seriously imagine suggesting that:

Gartner - Multi-billion dollar research company
SIA - Handles billions of financial transactions
Crowdz - Partnered with Barclays
AX - SEC-registered broker
Oracle - World-renowned tech company that's invited Quant to Sibos

And all the rest haven't been able to spot the supposed deception behind Quant, despite numerous face-to-face technical meetings, while some basement dwelling biz Incel is enlightened with the "truth".

How absolutely fucking top-tier delusional can people be?

>> No.15321706

>buy my token so you can use my apple store

>> No.15321817

Don’t let the pajeets fool you, this thing is gonna blow up.

HCL 137,000+ employees and its customers include 250 of the Fortune 500 and 650 of the Global 2000 companies, It is among the top 20 largest publicly traded companies in India with a market capitalisation of $18.7 billion.

I’m all in before the Chainlink partnership. fuck your shitcoins. Enterprise coins is where it’s at this bullrun.

>> No.15321851

Why have 2 quant?

>> No.15321902

Wasn't QNT like $14? What the fuck happened?

>> No.15322070

I have more than 2 Quant.
No bad news or anything, just profit taking. Which is why it's an extremely good buy still.

>> No.15322073

Same shit as Chainlink, bitcoin dumped and brought everything down.

>> No.15322078

Okay I finally finished the whitepaper, I understood the gereral idea before but that has thouroughly explained the use cases of the project and now I slightly grasp how it works. Although there's no mention of the QNT token at all in the whitepaper. This does make it seem like the token was an afterthought but I'll give that article a read soon.

>> No.15322105

The QNT token is essential to OverLedger. Without it you can't use OverLedger.

>> No.15322145


>> No.15322154

>Wasn't ethereum at 1200 dollars wtf happened
>Wasn't btc at 20,000 dollars wtf happened
>Wasn't CHINLINK at 4 dollars wtf happened
Market movements you mongoloid

>> No.15322157

I believe this can quite easily go to 60-80$. Holdin only 1275 QNT cause I'm confident my other holdings can gain more.. good stuff anyway.

>> No.15322170

1275 QNT will be enough to make it.

Only 14,5M supply.

>> No.15322181

Short list of what we can expect anytime:

Lots of HIGH profiled clients and partners to be revealed.
Binance Chain intergration
Exchange listings (binance dex/cex)
US partners / Office
Traditional Exchanges
New website
More info on SIA / AX
More info UUT
Gateways / stacking / voting by QNT
New Hires
More detailed blog posts by Kayleeann
Accounts filed
Quant Health update
Multisearch explorer with partner update
Threaty contracts info
Mapp store finalized
Hyperledger Quilt

>> No.15322184

So what is your price prediction, selling point? You think selling under 100$ is too soon?

>> No.15322203

You can read about the tokenomics here:


I recommend reading the whole thing.

>> No.15322225

100$ is only 1,4B market cap.

Quant has done what Ripple set out to do and MUCH more. Ripple was valued at 140B mCap last bull run, that's 10 000$ per QNT.

Add to that way better tokenomics, real adoption and the fact that the next bull run will be bigger than the last one.

I used to be a LINK marine, but QNT is undeniably the better Investment. Even 1000 QNT is enough to make it.

>> No.15322286

if you guys had 250k in liquid cash right now what would you do with it?

>> No.15322291

Go all in Quant. Unironically.

>> No.15322362

Haha it’s the other way around mate, trusttag does that from the source what CL intends to do. Quant has so many verticals

>> No.15322389

This is not a ChainLink vs Quant thread.
They will both benefit from eachother.

>> No.15322406

Just about to get into that article. This is a lot of reading to so whilst wageing

>> No.15322417

It's worth it.

>> No.15322552

Check out the blockchain brad interviews.

>> No.15322564

They will partner soon. Both oracle partners.

>> No.15322823

I would love to know what over Utility token that has better tokenomics than QNT:
• 2/3 the total supply of Bitcoin (and unlike Bitcoin don't have to wait for the "halvening" and utlimately until the year 2140 for all tokens to be in circulation, they are all in circulation now
• No inflation, no new tokens minted ever in the future
• Circulating supply will decrease overtime as more tokens are locked up with licenses (therefore decreasing supply of QNT further)
• Has a direct FIAT onramp via the treasury with its own payment processor so enterprises can pay in FIAT and they get converted to QNT. As its their own payment processor all the FIAT amount gets converted to QNT, they don’t have to pay fees to process.
• Is Mandatory to access Overledger, if you don’t have a license your MAPPs won’t be able to connect to the BPI and won’t work.
• QNT is used for consumption fees of using Overledger – so reads / writes creating additional demand
• Minimum amount of QNT is required to be held to enable universal interoperability of tokens across any blockchain (like XRP and XLM except for all tokens across any blockchain) (which the team are actively working on now with banking clients).
• QNT is used to verify and optionally sign / encrypt every transaction that goes through Overledger.
• QNT being used in Overledger gateways to earn revenue for the amount of volume used in hosted gateways
• Connects to 10 blockchains currently – 5 of the most widely used Permissioned blockchains which is what are going to see the most use over the next couple of years (so even though permissioned blockchains don’t have a native token for people to invest in, QNT will still be used to provide interoperability between these blockchains. (and nearly every Forbes 50 blockchain list is using multiple blockchains so going to need interoperability.)

>> No.15322825

Token economics seem decent, if they on board all these huge clients they've been talking to. Is there any news in regards to the partnerships they've announced?

>> No.15322843

Definitely going to buy a small bag of 100 for now btw, I only put it off this lonh because I was pissed it mooned before I could properly research it

>> No.15322857



>> No.15323315

this lmao

>> No.15323610

I believed "Quant is scam" fudders too long until checked myself.. similar to what has happened to many late link buyers. But this is better opportunity than link, this is like buying Chainlink under 10 cents. I have a lot of link too of course..

>> No.15323769

Quant has much more competition than Quant. Quant being closed source is going to limit some of it's adoption. You can do interop many different ways and some will prefer an open source solution. I think them integrating together is great but I think Chainlink has a much higher ceiling than Quant.

>> No.15323800

Wrong. Quant has patents and will literally be the standard for interoperability. No-one does it the way they do it.

LINK and Quant aren't even competitors. They both benefit from eachothers success.

Some may prefer an open source solution, and that's fine. Most enterprises and governments won't, though.

>> No.15323853

Quant and ripple are 2 completely different products. Comparing the two is maximum pajeet.

>> No.15323873

They are, but you can do what XRP sets out to do with Overledger, and more.

Banks will create their own currency (like JPM has) and is going to use Overledger to settle between different stablecoins.

XRP is no longer needed.

>> No.15323940

They do have a different solution but you have many other ways of doing interop such a magic bus approach via John Wolpert, Polkadot, special purpose bridges, etc. I'm just not convinced all that value supposedly from gov't and enterprises will be realized in the token. Maybe so and I'm all for link and quant to work together, but I don't fully trust quant and you have to with the closed source nature of the project.

>> No.15324034

Quant the standard

>> No.15324046

If you visit the above two links, you will realize QNT is scam. Please be careful anon.

>> No.15324090

What exactly does this prove?

>> No.15324105
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I think QNT will do well in the next bull run, but please show me where they've done "MUCH" more than Ripple

>> No.15324197

connecting more banks than ripple without replacing their legacy systems

>> No.15324220

Nothing. It's about the most far reaching fud possible.
So strange people fud quant when they could just buy it.

>> No.15324238

Actually used by banks for one example

>> No.15324304

Idex the best place to buy? Finally selling my eternal ELA bags for something that'll actually move

>> No.15324315

Phone posting so my ids changing

>> No.15324316

Ok just say some more shit without backing up?

>> No.15324347

IDEX or Bittrex.

If you use Overledger, you need QNT. Easy as that.

>> No.15324405

Sorry for your loss.

>> No.15324418

How many to make it?

>> No.15324419

Why have 3 quant?

>> No.15324453

Expulsatory moves made with ZERO communication from team (Colin Paterson no longer part of them team, does this not worry you?); Quant Ltd. is practically a shell company.

>> No.15324456

Depends what your definition of making it is. I currently hold 250 Quant, but I can see this going around $1k next bull run, it'll need a market cap of around $15 billion which I can easily see.

>> No.15324498

I'm up 10x on my first buys.
2x from my last buys.

Haven't sold a single one.

>> No.15324512
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>burn tokens
>he thinks burning tokens will pump up the price.

>> No.15324538

"Expulsatory moves" could you clarify what you mean exactly? I don't see anything that jumps out at me as being bad. Can you tell me specifically where on these pages?

>> No.15324577
File: 10 KB, 574x178, cowboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gilbert is live in the TG now.
This is what you're dealing with.

>> No.15324608

The fucking CTO was terminated, I remember when I picked up a stack of QNT sub $2 simply because I was impressed by Colin.
The lack of communication is worrying as well, no?

>> No.15324668

I literally only started researching it today so I don't know who that is. He was the former CTO and was terminated without any explanation?

>> No.15324685

Yes. No explanation or word from team, just happened in the bacground. He was a HUGE part of team, development and progress wise. It's like being invested in Chainlink and Steve Ellis being terminated - with no communication to make things worse.

>> No.15324702

They used to tout their team on the website, try to find pictures and descriptions of team members on the site now.

>> No.15324719

Love this FUD lol. The team haven't responded because there isn't anything to say? Being removed as director of a secondary company isn't resigning/firing. Its corporate structuring, likely making way for board of directors etc.

>> No.15324770

Full AMA of today:

Q: There were some concerns in another QNT chat there is no SDK and demo avaible
GIL: Yeah we have lots of time wasters booking appointments to have a conference call with us. We qualify them out and only meet with real clients, especially ones who register from their work address. We have lots of fake requests that we don't meet with.

Q: I’m wondering if we have a date for the new website to come out? I feel like we have a lot of stuff “working” but not much solidified...... please correct me if I’m wrong
GIL: I don't understand the concern coming from your questions Xena. Our focus is delivering to 500+ banks 5 days a week on the SIA project each week plus now with 800 institutional clients with AX trading in NY. Website is something we're working on in the background.

Q: As a matter of interest does Sia have to buy quant for each individual bank or is just for a group
GIL: In line with out token utility paper. ALL licenses are paid for by each party, plus ALL transactions that go through Overledger are paid in QNT.

Q: Ok I wasn’t clear that all 500 banks would be actively using Quant...... my mistake
GIL: It's only one of the biggest implementations of blockchain in the world for financial infrastructure and now we're doing the same with 800 institutional clients in capital markets.

Q: how much is a transaction ? an easy one ? :grinning:
GIL:pricing is separated into enterprise version which is for each client and the community version will be released and public by the end of the year.

Q: is there an eta for the dashboard? cant wait to see the extend of overledger
GIL: It's already like and will be a constant evolution of the developer dashboard

Q: Hi Gilbert, when can we expect the accounts to be renewed on the Companies House? Many thanks for taking the effort to answer all these questions!
GIL: Our accountants have finalised this already


>> No.15324774

Colin has not been terminated, we are still looking for evidence of what happened.

>> No.15324784



Q: Was the meeting with SIX Group / Digital Exchange a private meeting?
GIL: Yes, we met at money 2020 in a private meeting.
We also have met with another world known exchange to start using OL for their use cases. We're very encouraged by the adoption of digital assets by traditional regulated exchanges. It's going to put the rest of the cowboy behaviour in immature cryptoexchanges to an end.

Q: Gilbert was the Binance chain integration with Overledger anything to do with their new Venus project? I'm sure they can benefit heavily from the usage of Overledger?
GIL: Our integration of Binance Chain is on track for the end of this month as we promised

GIL: ok have to sign off for the day

>> No.15324859

Okay maybe slightly suspicious but you are clearly just trying to FUD here. They are really under no obligation to share internal working of the company and as the other anon said it could just be restructuring. If that's really the smoking gun evidence that proves this is a scam it is very weak. Anything else you know of?

>> No.15325374

Every fast growing company headcount-wise won't bother updating a team section each time a person come or go. My company removed the team section as well.
If you want to see who is working there just have a look at linkedin

>> No.15325735




>> No.15326048


>> No.15326091


>> No.15326099

Not trying to FUD, I used to hold ~2k qnt. Not a fan of the team workings and tokenomics.

>> No.15326140

Currently hold 5k Quanties. Feels good anons.

>> No.15326154

No-quanter cope.
corporate restructuring =/= firing.
>this shithead doesnot know Colin was elected as a chair for Hyperledger Quilt

>> No.15326167

Quant will reach a valuation in excess of $10,000 within the next few years.

>> No.15326177

What do you not like about the tokenomics?

>> No.15326323

He is way brainlet to understand simple demand and supply.
Newfag get out.

>> No.15326338

Selling shares = contract terminated.
Welcome to /nu-biz/

>> No.15326401

I still remember linkies fudding when Quant joining Oracle startup ecosystem
>Anybody can pay to join kek
>No way Overledger will be used by 430000 global customers of Oracle

Look how the tables have turned. OG linkies still understand the importance of Sibos. It's the pajeet shillers of FTM, ONE that ruined this board.

It's still time to load up. Copy and pasted fud doesn't work on biz anymore. If newfags here still don't understand the importance of PSD2 and Open Banking, they deserve to lose money.

>> No.15326551

Quant has proven to me that /biz/ is fucking retarded
token literally needed to access overledger? BLOATWARE FUCKING SCAM
Literally some of the same partnerships as link? IT NEEEEEEEDS LINK BEND THE KNEEEE
Not open source despite most financial companies preferring closed source solutions(literally anyone in finance in a major company can tell you this)? SCAM I CANT VERIFY THE CODE MYSELF
Quant has made huge partnerships, the faggots here seem to think they're smarter than the people at SIA, Oracle, Swift, Gartner, and HCL
Half of you are bagholders of whatever was shilled here half a year ago. The rest of you hold link which will definitely be successful but fail to realize that link wont be the single and only success of the next bullrun